

Google map containing points of interest for the 39th NIPS International Symposium.


Please check the access page of the Okazaki Conference Center.

There is a map of Okazaki and a local area map.


You can also use the access information pages of NIBB and IMS.




Airport bus


Airport bus schedule from the Central Japan International Airport (Centrair) to Higashi Okazaki station .

Consult the departure times shownin the column labeled “Okazaki Sta.”.

The bus stops at the airport bus stop No.4.






Invited speakers from abroad will stay at the Okazaki New Grand Hotel. The easiest way to get to the hotel from Higashi Okazaki Station is by a taxi (5 min, ~700 yen). Please check the shuttle bus information below.


The following two hotels are not very far from the Okazaki Conference Center:


Okazaki Central Hotel; room rates ¥6,000 - ¥8,000; Google map.


Okazaki New Grand Hotel; room rates  ¥8,000 - ¥10,000; Google map.




Shuttle buses:


Shuttle buses will be provided between the Okazaki New Grand Hotel and the conference center.

The bus will leave the Okazaki New Grand Hotel at 9:00 in the morning.

The return bus will leave the conference center at 21:30 in the evening (18:00 on Nov. 12th).
