4. 統合生理研究系

4.1 感覚運動調節研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Otsuka Y, Nakato E, Kanazawa S, Yamaguchi MK, Watanabe S & Kakigi R (2007) Neural activation to upright and inverted faces in infants measured by near infrared spectroscopy. Neuroimage 34:399-406.
  2. Ogino Y, Nemoto H, Inui K, Saito S, Kakigi R & Goto F (2007) Inner experience of pain: imagination of pain while viewing images showing painful events forms subjective pain representation in human brain. Cereb Cortex 17:1139-1146.
  3. Gunji A, Ishii R, Chau W, Kakigi R & Pantev C (2007) Rhythmic brain activities related to singing in humans. Neuroimage 34:426-434.
  4. Akatsuka K, Wasaka T, Nakata H, Kida T, Hoshiyama M, Tamura Y & Kakigi R (2007) Objective examination for two-point stimulation using a somatosensory oddball paradigm: an MEG study. Clin Neurophysiol 118:403-411.
  5. Hoshiyama M, Okamoto H & Kakigi R (2007) Priority of repetitive adaptation to mismatch response following un-discriminable auditory stimulation: A magnetoencephalographic study. Eur J Neurosci 25:854-862.
  6. Wang X, Inui K & Kakigi R (2007) Early cortical activities evoked by noxious stimulation in humans. Exp Brain Res 180:481-489.
  7. Miki K, Watanabe S, Honda Y, Nakamura M & Kakigi R (2007) Effects of face contour and features on early occipitotemporal activity when viewing eye movement. Neuroimage 35:1624-1635.
  8. Kida T, Inui K, Wasaka T, Akatsuka K, Tanaka E & Kakigi R (2007) Time-varying cortical activations related to visual-tactile cross-modal links in spatial selective attention. J Neurophysiol 97:3585-3596.
  9. Noguchi Y, Tanabe HC, Sadato N & Kakigi R (2007) Voluntary attention changes the speed of perceptual neural processing. Eur J Neurosci 25:3163-3172.
  10. Akatsuka K, Wasaka T, Nakata H, Kida T & Kakigi R (2007) The effect of stimulus probability on the somatosensory mismatch field. Exp Brain Res 181:607-614.
  11. Honda Y, Watanabe S, Nakamura M, Miki K & Kakigi R (2007) Interhemispheric difference for upright and inverted face perception in humans: an event-related potential study. Brain Topogr 20:31-39.
  12. Okamoto H, Kakigi R, Gunji A & Pantev C (2007) A symmetric lateral inhibitory neural activity in the auditory system: A magnetoencephalographic study. BMC Neuroscience 8:33.
  13. Miyanari A, Kaneoke Y, Noguchi Y, Honda M, Sadato N, Sagara Y & Kakigi R (2007) Human brain activation in response to olfactory stimulation by intravenous administration of odorants. Neurosci Lett 423:6-11.
  14. Tanaka E, Noguchi Y, Kakigi R & Kaneoke Y (2007) Human cortical response to various apparent motion: A Magnetoencephalographic study. Neurosci Res 59:172-182.
  15. Yamamoto T, Katayama Y, Obuchi T, Kano T, Kobayashi K, Oshima H, Fukaya C & Kakigi R (2007) Recording of corticospinal evoked potential for optimum placement of motor cortex stimulation electrodes in the treatment of post-stroke pain. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 47:409-414.
  16. Wasaka T, Kida T, Nakata H, Akatsuka K & Kakigi R (2007) Characteristics of sensori-motor interaction in the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices in humans: an MEG study. Neuroscience 149:446-456.
  17. Noguchi Y, Shimojo S, Kakigi R & Hoshiyama M (2007) Spatial contexts can inhibit a mislocalization of visual stimuli during smooth pursuit. J Vision 7:13, 1-15.
  18. Okamoto H, Stracke H, Ross B, Kakigi R & Pantev C (2007) Left hemispheric dominance during auditory processing in noisy environment. BMC Biol 5:52 (online journal)
  19. Noguchi Y & Kakigi R (2007) Knowledge-based correction of Flash-lag illusion. J Cogn Neurosci (in press).
  20. Hashimoto A, Inui K & Kakigi R (2007) Discrepancy between reaction time and visual evoked magnetic response latency under priming. Neurosci Res (in press).
  21. Altmann CF, Nakata H, Noguchi Y, Inui K, Hoshiyama M, Kaneoke Y & Kakigi R (2007) Temporal dynamics of adaptation to natural sounds in the human auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex (in press).
  22. Edwards L, Inui K, Ring C, Wang X & Kakigi R (2007) Pain-related evoked potentials are modulated across the cardiac cycle. Pain (in press).
  23. Nakato E, Otsuka Y, Kanazawa S, Yamaguchi M, Watanabe S & Kakigi R (2007) When do infants differentiate profile face from frontal face? A near-infrared spectroscopic study. Hum Brain Mapp (in press).
  24. Tamura Y, Matsuhashi M, Lin P, Bai O, Vorbach S, Kakigi R & Hallett M (2007) Impaired intracortical inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex in focal hand dystonia. Mov Disord (in press).
  25. Nakata H, Sakamoto K, Ferretti A, Perrucci MG, Del Gratta C, Kakigi R & Romani GL (2007) Somato-motor inhibitory processing in humans: an event-related functional MRI study. Neuroimage (in press).
  26. Akatsuka K, Noguchi Y, Harada T, Sadato N & Kakigi R (2007) Neural codes for somatosensory two-point discrimination in inferior parietal lobule: An fMRI study. Neuroimage (in press).

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Kakigi R, Inui K, Hoshiyama M, Watanabe S, Naka D, Miki K, Yamasaki Y, Tran DT, Qiu Y & Wang X (2007) Magnetoencephalography in assessment of pain in humans. “Encyclopedia of Pain” (Eds. Schmidt RF, Willis WD), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 1090-1094.
  2. Kakigi R, Wang X, Inui K & Qiu Y (2007) Modulation of Pain-Related cortical activity by sleep and attention. “Sleep and Pain” (Eds. Lavigne Gillers, Sessle J. Barry, Choiniere Manon, Soja J. Peter), IASP PRESS, pp 175 -187.

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 乾幸二 (2007) 脳磁場計測を用いた研究 --感覚情報の階層的処理--.神経内科 66:559-564.
  2. 柿木隆介,渡邉昌子,三木研作,本多結城子,寳珠山稔,中村みほ,大塚由美子,仲渡江美,山口真美 (2007) 脳と脳磁図を用いた顔認知機構の解明. 神経心理学23:31-40.
  3. 柿木隆介 (2007) クイックペインとスローペインの脳内メカニズム. 神経内科 67:397-403.
  4. 荻野祐一, 斉藤繁, 後藤文夫, 乾幸二, 柿木隆介 (2007) 痛みの内的体験. 神経内科 67:416-419.
  5. 柿木隆介 (2007) 痛みは脳でどのようにして認知されるか. 医学のあゆみ 223:717-722.
  6. 柿木隆介 (2007) 乳児の顔認識における脳内活動の発達. 日本顔学会誌7:3-9.
  7. 荻野祐一,根本英徳,斉藤繁,後藤文夫,乾幸二,柿木隆介 (2007) 痛みの内的体験?心で痛みを感じる仕組み. 臨床脳波 49:424-427.
  8. 赤塚康介, 柿木隆介 (2007) 二点識別に関連する脳機能の解明. 臨床脳波 49:745-749.
  9. 柿木隆介 (2007) 2006世界脳週間の講演より 脳は不思議がいっぱい, (編集:NPO法人 脳の世紀推進会議) , クバプロ, 東京, pp 39-97.
  10. 柿木隆介 (2007) 第4章生体電気・磁気で体内の機能をみる.第5節 脳磁図 (MEG) で何が分かるか.“非侵襲・可視化技術ハンドブック -ナノ・バイオ・医療から情報システムまで” (小川誠二・上野照剛 監修), エヌ・ティー・エス, pp 438-453.
  11. 柿木隆介 (2007) 各種ニューロイメージング手法を用いたヒトの脳内痛覚認知機構の解明. “ブレイン・デコーディング” (「脳を活かす」研究会 編) , オーム社, 東京, pp 24-41.

4.2 生体システム研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Kita H, Chiken S, Tachibana Y & Nambu A (2007) Serotonin modulates pallidal neuronal activity in the awake monkey. J Neurosci 27:75-83.
  2. Lu X, Miyachi S, Ito Y, Nambu A &Takada M (2007) Topographic distribution of output neurons in cerebellar nuclei and cortex to somatotopic map of primary motor cortex. Eur J Neurosci 25:2374-2382.
  3. Tachibana Y, Kita H, Chiken S, Takada M & Nambu A (2007) Motor cortical control of internal pallidal activity through glutamatergic and GABAergic inputs in awake monkeys. Eur J Neurosci (in press).

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Nambu A (2007) Globus Pallidus internal segment. “GABA and the Basal Ganglia: From Molecules to Systems” Prog Brain Res 160 (Eds. Tepper JM, Abercrombie ED, Bolam JP), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp135-150.
  2. Nambu A (2007) Basal ganglia: physiological circuits. “New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience” (Ed. Squire L), Elsevier, New York (in press).

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 南部篤 (2007) 大脳基底核をめぐる6つの問題. “Annual Review神経”, 中外医学社, 東京, pp 15-26.
  2. 南部篤 (2007) 脳の損傷・病態モデルによる研究:パーキンソン病を中心に. “ブレイン・マシン・インターフェース:脳と機械をつな”, オーム社, pp 126-138.
  3. 南部篤 (2007) 大脳基底核の神経回路から大脳基底核疾患の病態を理解する. “神経変性疾患のサイエンス”, 南山堂, 東京, pp 156-169.