6. 発達生理学研究系

6.1 認知行動発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Seki K, Kizuka T & Yamada H (2007) Reduction in maximal firing rate of motoneurons after 1-week immobilization of finger muscle in human subjects. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 17:113-120.
  2. Lee PH, Sooksawate T, Yanagawa Y, Isa K, Isa T & Hall WC (2007) Identity of a pathway for saccadic suppression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:6824-6827.
  3. Sakatani T & Isa T (2007) Quantitative analysis of spontaneous saccade-like rapid eye movements in C57BL/6 mice. Neurosci Res 58:324-331.
  4. Sato A, Nishimura Y, Oishi T, Higo N, Murata Y, Onoe H, Saito K, Tsuboi F, Takahashi M, Isa T & Kojima T (2007) Differentially expressed genes among motor and prefrontal areas of macaque neocortex. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 362:665-669.
  5. Nishimura Y, Onoe H, Morichika Y, Tsukada H & Isa T (2007) Activation of parieto-frontal stream during reaching and grasping studied by positron emission tomography in monkeys. Neurosci Res 59:243-250.
  6. Nishimura Y, Onoe T, Morichika Y, Perfiliev S, Tsukada H & Isa T (2007) Time-dependent central compensatory mechanism of finger dexterity after spinal-cord injury. Science 318:1150-1155.
  7. Ikeda T & Hikosaka O (2007) Positive and negative modulation of motor response in primate superior colliculus by reward expectation. J Neurophysiol 98:3163-3170.
  8. Kaneda K, Phongphanphanee P, Katoh T, Isa K, Yanagawa Y, Obata K & Isa T (2008) Regulation of burst activity through pre- and postsynaptic GABAB receptors in mouse superior colliculus. J Neurosci 28:816-827.

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Isa T, Ohki Y, Alstermark B, Pettersson L-G & Sasaki S (2007) Direct and indirect corticomotoneuronal pathways and hand/arm movements. Physiology 22:145-152.
  2. Pettersson L-G, Alstermark B, Blagovechtchenski E, Isa T & Sasaki S (2007) Skilled digit movements in feline and primate--recovery after selective spinal cord lesions. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 189:141-154.
  3. Alstermark B, Isa T, Pettersson L-G & Sasaki S (2007) The C3-C4 propriospinal system in the cat and monkey: a spinal pre-motoneuronal centre for voluntary motor control. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 189:123-140.
  4. Sakatani T & Isa T (2007) Superior colliculus and saccade generation in mice. “Eyes, Retina and Visual System of the Mouse” (Eds. Calupa Leo M, Willliams R), MIT Press (in press).

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 関和彦 (2007) 随意運動の制御におけるシナプス前抑制の役割. “ブレインサイエンスレビュー2006”, クバプロ, 東京, pp 155-178.
  2. 西村幸男, 伊佐正 (2007) 皮質脊髄路損傷後の手指の巧緻運動の機能回復メカニズム --霊長類モデルでの研究--. Brain Nerve 59:511-520.
  3. 伊佐正 (2007) 脳・脊髄損傷後の機能回復に関する研究の動向. “ブレイン・マシン・インタフェース 脳と機械をつなぐ”, 「脳を活かす」研究会編, オーム社, 東京, pp 102-124.

6.2 生体恒常機能発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Wake H, Watanabe M, Moorhouse AJ, Kanematsu T, Horibe S, Matsukawa N, Asai K, Ojika K, Hirata M & Nabekura J (2007) Early changes in KCC2 phosphorylation in response to neuronal stress results in functional downregulation. J Neurosci 27:1642-1650.
  2. Mizokami A, Kanematsu Ti, Ishibashi H, Yamaguchi T, Tanida I, Takenaka K, Nakayama K, Fukami K, Takenawa T, Kominami E, Moss S, Yamamoto T, Nabekura J & Hirata H (2007) Phospholipase C-related inactive protein is involved in trafficking of gamma2 subunit containing GABAA receptor to cell surface. J Neurosci 27:1692-1701.
  3. Kanematsu T, Fujii M, Mizokami A, Kittler JT, Nabekura J, Moss SJ & Hirata M (2007) Phospholipase C-related inactive protein is implicated in the constitutive internalization of GABAA receptors mediated by clathrin and AP2 adaptor complex. J Neurochem 101:898-905.
  4. Munakata M, Watanabe M, Otsuki T, Nakama H, Arima K, Itoh M, Nabekura J, Iinuma K & Tsuchiya S (2007) Altered distribution of KCC2 in cortical dysplasia in patients with intractable epilepsy. Epilepsia 48:837-844.
  5. Nishimaki T, Jang IS, Ishibashi H, Yamaguchi J & Nabekura J (2007) Reduction of metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated heterosynaptic inhibition of developing MNTB-LSO inhibitory synapses. Eur J Neurosci 26:323-330.
  6. Shimada H, Uta D, Nabekura J & Yoshimura M (2007) Involvement of Kv channel subtypes on GABA release in mechanically dissociated neurons from the rat substantia nigra. Brain Res 1141:74-83.
  7. Eto K, Arimura Y, Nabekura J, Noda M & Ishibashi H (2007) The effect of zinc on glycinergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents in rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. Brain Res 1161:11-20.
  8. Takatsuru Y, Iino M, Tanaka K & Ozawa S (2007) Contribution of glutamate transporter GLT-1 to removal of synaptically released glutamate at climbing fiber-Purkinje cell synapses. Neurosci Lett 420:85-89.
  9. Ishibashi H, Jang IS & Nabekura J (2007) High potassium-induced facilitation of glycine release from presynaptic terminals on mechanically dissociated rat spinal dorsal horn neurons in the absence of extracellular calcium. Neuroscience 146:190-201.

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 鍋倉淳一 (2007) 神経回路の発達?子供の脳から大人の脳へ. “子供の脳から大人の脳へ”, NPO法人 脳の世紀推進会議編, クバプロ, 東京, pp 43-68.
  2. 鍋倉淳一 (2007) 発達する脳を光で見てみよう. “爆発する光科学の世界” (立花隆 監修), クバプロ, 東京, pp 195-213.

6.3 生殖・内分泌系発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Fujimoto W, Shiuchi T, Miki T, Minokoshi Y, Takahashi Y, Takeuchi A, Kimura K, Saito M, Iwanaga T & Seino S (2007) Dmbx1 is essential in AgRP action. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:15514-15519.
  2. Nara N, Nakayama Y, Okamoto S, Tamura H, Kiyono M, Muraoka M, Tanaka K, Taya C, Shitara H, Ishii R, Yonekawa H, Minokoshi Y & Hara T (2007) Disruption of CXC motif chemokine ligand-14 in mice ameliorates obesity-induced insulin resistance. J Biol Chem 282:30794-30803.
  3. Arai N, Masuzaki H, Tanaka T, Ishii T, Yasue S, Kobayashi N, Tomita T, Noguchi M, Kusakabe T, Fujikura J, Ebihara K, Hirata M, Hosoda K, Hayashi T, Sawai H, Minokoshi Y & Nakao K (2007) Ceramide and adenosine 5'-monophosphate-activated protein kinase are two novel regulators of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression and activity in cultured preadipocytes. Endocrinology 148:5268-5277.
  4. Kubota N, Yano W, Kubota T, Yamauchi T, Itoh S, Kumagai H, Kozono H, Takamoto I, Okamoto O, Shiuchi T, Suzuki R, Satoh H, Tsuchida A, Moroi M, Sugi K, Noda T, Ebinuma H, Ueta Y, Kondo T, Araki E, Ezaki O, Nagai R, Tobe K, Terauchi Y, Ueki K, Minokoshi Y & Kadowaki T (2007) Adiponectin stimulates AMP-activated protein kinase in the hypothalams and increases food intake. Cell Metabolism 6:1-14.
  5. Tanaka T, Masuzaki H, Yasue S, Ishii T, Arai N, Kobayashi N, Tomita T, Kusakabe T, Noguchi M, Fujikura J, Miyanaga F, Ebihara K, Hirata M, Hosoda K, Shiuchi T, Yamamoto H, Hayashi T, Minokoshi Y & Nakao K (2007) Activation of the central melanocortin system mediates the restoration of skeletal muscle AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylation in mice fed high fat diet. Cell Metabolism 5:395-402.
  6. Miura S, Kawanaka K, Kai Y, Tamura M, Goto M, Shiuchi T, Minokoshi Y & Ezaki O (2007) An increase in murine skeletal muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) mRNA in response to exercise is mediated by beta-adrenergic receptor activation. Endocrinology 148:3441-3448.
  7. Suzuki A, Okamoto S, Lee S, Saito K, Shiuchi T & Minokoshi Y (2007) Leptin stimulates fatty acid oxidation and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha gene expression in mouse C2C12 myoblasts by changing the subcellular localization of the alpha2 form of AMP-activated protein kinase. Mol Cell Biol 27:4317-4327.

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 箕越靖彦 (2007) 摂食代謝調節と肥満 --レプチンによるエネルギー代謝調節機構とその異常--. Adiposcience 4:261-269.
  2. 箕越靖彦 (2007) メタボリックシンドロームはなぜ起こる. 総研大ジャーナル 12:40-45.
  3. 鈴木敦, 箕越靖彦 (2007) AMPキナーゼとエネルギー代謝調節. “解明が進むメタボリックシンドローム” (春日雅人, 伊藤裕, 箕越靖彦 編) 実験医学 25:2298-2305.
  4. 鈴木 敦, 箕越靖彦 (2007) AMPキナーゼによるエネルギー代謝調節作用. “特集 メタボリックシンドローム時代の糖尿病研究の最前線” 医学のあゆみ 220:1099-1104.
  5. 箕越靖彦 (2007) エネルギー燃焼メカニズム. “カラー版 糖尿病学 基礎と臨床” (門脇孝 他 編), 西村書店, 東京, pp 470-474.
  6. 箕越靖彦 (2007). AMPキナーゼ. “カラー版 糖尿病学 基礎と臨床” (門脇孝 他 編), 西村書店, 東京, pp 534-540.