8 脳機能計測・支援センター

8.1 形態情報解析室

A. 英文原著

  1. Murata K, Liu X, Danev R, Jakana J, Schmid MF, King J, Nagayama K, Chiu W (2010) Zernike Phase Contrast Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography for Structure Determination at Nanometer and Sub-Nanometer Resolutions. Structure 18(8):903-12.
  2. Furuya S, Furuya K, Shigemoto R, Sokabe M (2010) Localization of NK1 receptors and roles of substance-P in subepithelial fibroblasts of rat intestinal villi. Cell Tissue Res 342:243-259.
  3. Oda S-I, Lee KJ, Arii T, Imoto K, Hyun BH, Pak IS, Kim H, Rhyu IJ (2010) Differential regulation of Purkinje cell dendritic spines in rolling mouse Nagoya(tgrol/tgrol), P/Q type calcium channel (α1A/CaV2.1) mutant. Anat Cell Biol 43:211-217.

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