生理学研究所年報 年報目次へ戻る生理研ホームページへ


  1. The rostral superior colliculus: What does it control ?
     Michele Basso.(Wisconsin大学医学部生理学教室 assistant professor,Wisconsin 地域霊長類センター)


 Neurons in the rostral superior colliculus of the monkey have been identified as “fixation”neurons due to their tonic activity during attentive fixation and their decrease in activity associated with the generation of large saccades. These neurons however, also have movement fields typically associated with small saccadic eye movements very close to the fovea. Because the locations close to the fovea are important for the guidance of smooth pursuit eye movements, I’ll describe experiments in which we examined the relationship between the activity of the neurons and smooth pursuit eye movement generation. We found that these neurons correlated with smooth pursuit eye movements independent of saccades and are perhaps best viewed as reflecting a position error signal relevant for, but independent of, ongoing behavior. I will also describe experiments in which the neurons in the rostral superior colliculus were inactivated with the GABA agonist, muscimol and activated with electrical microstimulation and the effects on smooth pursuit behavior were measured. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the signal provided by the rostral superior colliculus, rather than signaling a command to keep the eye still or fixate, signal small, parafoveal target locations that can be used to guide either saccades or smooth pursuit eye movements.


  1. A molecular dissection of the node of Ranvier.
     Matthew Neil Rasband.(ニューヨーク州立大学・生化学,細胞生物学)


 Successful electrical signalling in the nervous system depends on the precise subcellular localization of ion channels. To facilitate rapid action potential conduction while minimizing space requirements, vertebrates have developed both myelin and a heterogeneous ion channel localization along axons. Specifically, the myelin sheath creates a high resistance, low capacitance barrier to transverse currents, and is interrupted at regularly spaced sites called nodes of Ranvier where Na+ channels are clustered in very high densities. In contrast, K+ channels are excluded from both the node and the paranode (the region where layers of myelin terminate and form axoglial junctions) but are clustered in adjacent, short5-15 μm zones called the juxtaparanode. As a result, the node of Ranvier represents one of the most highly specialized sites in the nervous system and is an excellent model for studying how channels and other neuronal and membrane proteins are targeted, clustered, and maintained in their appropriate subcellular domains, and for determining how neurons and glia reciprocally interact in subcellular differentiation. We have undertaken an ambitious project, using state of the art techniques in proteomics, monoclonal antibody development, and membrane protein biochemistry to perform a molecular dissection of the node of Ranvier and identify the complex community of proteins involved in node formation and channel clustering and maintentance. This lecture will describe recent results leading to the molecular dissection of the node of Ranvier.


  1. Neural basis of attention to object-tokens
     Mitchell J. Valdes-Sosa.(Director, Cuban Neuroscience Center)


 When one sensory event occupies an observer, accurate perception of a second event is difficult until some time has elapsed. Part of this limitation may reflect the allocation of attention over time, a topic studied through paradigm like the "attentional blink" and "repetition blindness. Here we show that when attention is directed towards an event (a brief change in direction) that transforms one of the illusory surfaces perceived in transparent motion, it is difficult to discriminate a subsequent event affecting the other surface until some time has elapsed This attentional dwell-time lasts about 500 ms. There is no interference between two successive events that transmute the same surface. The two-surface cost was associated with a reduced event related potential, N1 (and in some circumstances P1) component, as well as reduced fMRI activity in early extra-striate visual cortex (near MT/MST and near V4). These results indicate attentional dwell-time corresponds to competitive effects at a pre-perceptual locus in early vision. This difficulty in switching attention rapidly between surfaces is not mediated by spatial mechanisms (2-D or 3-D) or filters based on elementary attributes. The effects are apparently mediated at the level of object-tokens.


  1. 霊長類下部側頭葉における視覚記憶表現:「もの」の形を想い出すこと




  1. 「PKCターゲティング機構の解析」
     酒井規雄 (神戸大学バイオシグナル研究センター 分子薬理分野)


プロテインキナーゼC(PKC)は,細胞内情報伝達系において重要な役割を演ずる蛋白質リン酸化酵素で,様々な細胞の機能調節,機能発現に関与していると考えられている。PKCには,12種類以上のサブタイプが存在することが知られているが,これらサブタイプ間の機能的差異については未だ不明な点が多い。我々は,サブタイプ特異的な機能を検討する目的でPKCのトランスロケーション現象に注目して研究をすすめている。すなわち,PKC-GFP融合蛋白質を各種培養細胞に発現させ,PKCのトランスロケーションを生細胞でリアルタイムに解析することにより,PKCは細胞内の他のコンパートメントに局在を変化させ,そこで標的の蛋白質を認識しシグナルを伝えるという,ターゲティング機構を有することを見いだした。さらに,PKCのターゲティングは,1)刺激特異的,サブタイプ特異的であること,2)PKCがその標的蛋白質をリン酸化するために必須の現象であること,3)PKC の活性化物質としてよく知られているジアシルグリセロール以外の脂質メデイエーター(セラミド,アラキドン酸など)によっても引き起こされること,が明らかになってきた。我々は,PKCターゲティング機構の解明が,PKCの細胞内情報伝達系での役割をさらに明らかにする上で重要な鍵を握ると考え,現在,この実験系を初代培養神経細胞や,トランスジェニックマウスにも応用させ,研究をすすめている。本セミナーでは,最近得られたPKCターゲティングに関する知見を紹介する。

(担当:坪川 宏)

  1. Recovery of voluntary movement in the cat after selective spinal cord lesions.
     Lars-Gunnar Pettersson(Department of Physiology, University of Göteborg, Sweden)


(担当:伊佐 正)


     Ribeiro-da-Silva (Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)


 A transgenic mouse has been developed which over-expressed nerve growth factor (NGF) during postnatal development under the control of a myelin basic protein promoter. The over-expression occurred in myelinating oligodendrocytes located in the white matter of the CNS, from the date of birth to the age of 2 months. These animals displayed ectopic networks of substance P (SP) containing sensory fibres in the white matter in several locations in the CNS, including the white matter of the spinal cord, from postnatal day 5 onwards. The ectopic SP-immunoreactive (IR) fibres occurred in bundles and persisted indefinitely after the age of 4 months, although NGF levels had returned to normal. At the ultrastructural level, the ectopic SP-IR fibres established n erous synapses in the white matter of the spinal cord, preferentially on dendrites that expressed the SP receptor. Interestingly, no differences from control were detected in the SP innervation of the superficial dorsal horn. In behavioural studies, the transgenic mice displayed hyperalgesia, which was reversed by SP receptor and NMDA receptor antagonists. These results indicate that the ectopic fibres were functional and, despite their ectopic location, stillpreferentially innervated neurons expressing the SP receptor.


  1. 「目の動き」認知に関与するヒト後頭側頭葉の活動


 仮現運動も含めた視覚性運動の認知には中側頭葉(MT)もしくはV5と呼ばれる部位が関わっている。ヒトを対象としたニューロイメージング的手法(fMRI,PET)を用いた研究によると,動きに感受性のある部位は後頭側頭境界付近に位置しており,ここがヒトのMT/V5 野に相当すると考えられている。
 「目の動き」に対して誘発された成分の活動源は,ヒトのMT/V5野とされる中側頭葉後部に位置推定された。これは我々の研究室で行っている運動視に関する研究と一致した所見であった。また,「背景の模様の動き」に対する活動源も中側頭葉後部に位置推定できたが,その位置は「目の動き」と比較し有意な違いが認められた。この結果は,ヒトのMT/V5野の中に刺激特異性の受容野分布があり,特に「目の動き」に特異的な部位が存在する可能性を示唆している。Watanabe S, Kakigi R, Puce A: Neuroimage 13: 351-363, 2001


  1. SNAREs in pancreatic acinar exocytosis
     Herbert Y. Gaisano(University of Toronto)



  1. ファージミド抗体ライブラリーを用いた新しいプロテオーム解析手法開発の試み




  1. 視覚画像の最適符号化としてのV4野におけるテクスチャー感受性
     花澤明俊 (高次神経性調節研究部門)




  1. 随意運動に伴う皮膚感覚入力の抑制機構
     関 和彦(統合生理研究施設・高次脳機能研究プロジェクト)



  1. The multifunctional role of the vestibular system: from the brain stem to the cortex, and back
     Werner Graf, Lab. Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action, CNRS/College de France, Paris


 Self-motion perception in the so-called "dorsal stream" relays has largely been studied with reference to visual inputs arriving via the lateral geniculate-V1 pathway. However, for higher cortical processing in parieto-temporal regions, a single sensory quality by itself, such as vision, can no longer be of perceptual and behavioral importance, since every displacement of the head in space will stimulate labyrinthine receptors detecting either rotational (semicircular canals) or linear accelerations (otoliths) in addition to the visual, auditory and somatosensory peripheries. Furthermore, multisensory input could be used to disambiguate ambivalent monosensory information. Thus, signals carrying meaningful messages are certain to contain multisensory information, and unequivocal interpretation of self-motion by the nervous system requires converging multisensory information that takes into account rotational and translational displacements of eyes, head and body in three-dimensional space. It also necessitates a comparison of congruent and conflicting input originating from different sensors. We have been trying to understand how sensory inputs leading to movement space perception/representation are combined at the level of single neurons in the primate neocortex, in particular the ventral intraparietal area (VIP). This area is located in the fundus of the intraparietal sulcus neighboring the medial and lateral intraparietal areas (MIP and LIP, respectively). Its neurons respond selectively to the direction and speed of moving visual stimuli, and many of these also have direction- selective tactile sensitivity. VIP has been defined as the principal projection area from the medial temporal area (MT) and the medial superior temporal area (MST), and thus can be considered as intimately related to self-motion detection and analysis. We found indeed, that many neurons in VIP also have vestibular responses. Anatomically and functionally, the motion areas in the parieto-temporal regions are situated at an intermediate stage between lower-level motion analysis and motor output, and are involved in multisensory integration and perceptual and motor decision-stage operations. Vestibular input comes from all cortical areas that are considered "vestibular", notably the parieto-insular vestibular cortex (PIVC), and areas 3a and 2v. VIP also receives input from the frontal eye fields(FEFs), and in turn also projects there, and to the superior colliculus. In addition, there is a direct projection from the FEFs to neurons in the central mesencephalic reticular formation in the neighborhood of the oculomotor nuclei. These neurons, in turn project to oculomotor motor neurons, notably abducens motoneurons. This newly discovered link thus constitutes one additional sensory-motor processing loop involved in spatial orientation, self- motion perception and compensatory eye movements. We propose that the eye movement system may be organized in several layered processing loops, each of which is involved in different functional contexts, such as orientation, goal- directed movements, saccade generation, reflex movements, motor learning, etc.

(担当:森 茂美)

  1. Activity-dependent bidirectional plasticity of active synaptic integration in hippocampal pyramidal cells
     Dominique Debanne.


 Integration of synaptic excitation to generate an action potential (EPSP-Spike coupling or E-S coupling) determines neuronal message. Bi- directional synaptic plasticity is well established in the hippocampus but whether active synaptic integration expresses bidirectional changes remains unclear. We show here that in the area CA1 long-term synaptic depression is associated with a NMDA receptor-dependent depression of E- S coupling. E-S depression is input specific and is still expressed in the presence of GABAA and GABAB receptor antagonists. However, our preliminary data show that E-S depression is not expressed in the presence of T-type Ca2+ channel blockers. In single neurons, E-S depression is observed without change of postsynaptic passive properties. We conclude that a decrease in intrinsic excitability via a down regulation of T-type current underlies E-S depression and is synergic to glutamatergic long-term depressio

(担当:伊佐 正,坪川 宏)

  1. Dendritic coincidence detection and the induction of synaptic plasticity
     Michael Hausser (Department of Physiology, University College London)


 We describe a mechanism for coincidence detection mediated by the interaction between backpropagating action potentials and EPSPs in neocortical pyramidal neurons. At distal dendritic locations, appropriately timed EPSPs or oscillations could increase the amplitude of backpropagating action potentials by three- to fourfold. This amplification was greatest when action potentials occurred at the peak of EPSPs or dendritic oscillations and could lead to somatic burst firing. The increase in amplitude required sodium channel activation but not potassium channel inactivation. The temporal characteristics of this amplification are similar to those required for changes in synaptic strength, suggesting that this mechanism may be involved in the induction of synaptic plasticity.


  1. Mechanisms of distance-dependent synaptic scaling in hippocampal neurons
     Dr. Jeffery Magee (Neuroscience Center, Louisiana State University Medical Center, U.S.A)


 Synaptic input is widely distributed along complex dendritic trees, which would result in a location dependence of synaptic input unless counterbalanced by some other factors. We have recently observed that a progressive 3-fold increase in the conductance of unitary excitatory synapses with distance from the soma is able to accomplish this counterbalancing. We are now investigating the underlying mechanisms of this novel distance-dependent synaptic scaling. Using rapid glutamate application to outside-out patches we have determined that the amount of AMPA and NMDA receptors present at distant synapses increases two to three fold across the range of input. There does not appear to be any alteration in receptor modulation or subunit expression. We hypothesis that a greater number of larger area synapses as well as synapses with multiple release sites are present in the distant regions of the apical arborization.
 Reference: Magee and Cook, Nature Neuroscience 3: 895-903 (2000)


  1. Firing rates and patterns in hippocampal pyramidal cells in vivo
     Gyorgy Buzsaki(Center for Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, U.S.A)


 Cortical pyramidal cells fire single spikes and complex spike bursts. I will discuss the conditions in the intact brain that 1) may affect the threshold of spikes, 2) regulate firing rates and 3) determine the incidence of complex spikes.
 Understanding the conditions that influence the initiation of action potentials in single neurons is an important step in determining the way information is process by neural networks. We have investigated the properties of action potential thresholds suing in vivo intracellular methods. We have found a large variability in the threshold voltage of spontaneously occurring action potentials. We have identified two separate factors that contribute to this variation in threshold: 1) fast rates of membrane potential change prior to the action potential are associated with more hyperpolarized threshold (increased excitability) and 2) the occurrence of other action potentials in the 1 s prior to any given action potential is associated with more depolarized threshold (decreased excitability). We suggest that prior action potentials course sodium channel inactivation that recovers with approximately a 1-s time constant and thus depresses action potential threshold during this period.
 Pyramidal neurons fire not only single spikes but also bursts of spikes. However, the conditions necessary for burst induction are not known. CA1 pyramidal cell burst activity was examined in behaving rats. The fraction of bursts was not reliably higher in place field centers, but rather in places where discharge frequency was 6-7 Hz (theta oscillation frequency). Burst probability was lower, and bursts were shorter, after recent spiking activity than after prolonged periods of silence (100ms-1s). Burst initiation probability and burst length were correlated with extracellular spike amplitude and with intracellular action potential rising slope. We suggest that bursts may function as "conditional synchrony detectors", signaling strong afferent synchrony after neuronal silence, and that single spikes triggered by a weak input may suppress the later induction of a burst by a strong input. This mechanism may provide a stabilizing mechanism and limit the excitability increase brought about by synaptic potentHow are the firing rate changes brought about? In a familiar environment, the discharge frequency of simultaneously recorded individual CA1 pyramidal neurons and the co-activation of cell pairs remain highly correlated across sleep-wake-sleep sequences. However, both measures were affected when new sets of neurons were activated in a novel environment. Nevertheless, the grand mean firing rate of the whole pyramidal cell population remained constant across behavioral states and testing conditions. The findings suggest that long-term firing patterns of single cells can be modified by experience. We hypothesize that increased firing rates of recently used neurons are associated with a concomitant decrease in the discharge activity of the remaining population, leaving the mean excitability of the hippocampal network unaltered.

(担当:坪川宏 , 川口泰雄)

  1. The role of the olivocerebellar system in the control of timing and amplitude of movements
     Dr.Chris I. De Zeeu (Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)


 The olivocerebellar system is organised in separate modules. Each module controls the timing and amplitude of particular movement components about a particular axis in space. Dynamic regulation of electrotonic coupling between inferior olivary neurons, which provide the climbing fibers to Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex, has been proposed as one of the major mechanisms underlying the control of the timing of movements, while the induction of long term depression (LTD) at the parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapse is probably one of the major mechanisms underlying adaptation of the amplitude of movements. We have created and/or tested several mouse mutants in which the induction of cerebellar LTD or the electrotonic coupling between olivary neurons are disturbed. Both cellular mechanisms will be discussed and related to their roles in the control of movement.


  1. Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: Why is it a Hot in Neuroscience?
     Professor Toshio Narahashi(Department of Molecular Pharmacology
     and Biological Chemistry, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago)


 Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nnAChRs) have become an extremely hot subject of investigations in neuroscience during the past several years. This is because their significance in the physiology, pharmacology, toxicology and pathophysiology of the brain is increasingly recognized. They are ubiquitously distributed in the brain, modulate the release of many neurotransmitters, are the target sites of therapeutic drugs and newer insecticides, and are related to several neurological disorders. Our most recent studies of nnAChRs as related to Alzheimer's drugs and alcohol will be presented.


  1. 痛み刺激受容の分子機構




  1. 長期記憶の分子機構の解析:海馬歯状回のLTPをモデルとして


 1つ目は,代謝型グルタミン酸受容体の足場タンパク質であるvesl/homファミリー遺伝子群の同定と,その遺伝子の一つ,活動依存的遺伝子発現を示すVesl-1S/homer- 1aに着目しての,synaptic tag現象の分子レベルでの検証でした。Synaptic tag現象はFreyとMorris (1997)により,海馬スライスのCA1 LTP実験の電気生理学的解析結果を元に提唱された仮説で,「印象的な出来事と一緒に日常的な出来事までが長い間記憶に残る」といった現象の細胞レベルのモデルと考えられている現象です。この検証の結果,synaptic tag現象がVesl-1Sの免疫陽性反応の変化としても観察されることを明らかにし,synaptic tag現象が分子生物学的に解析可能であることを見出しました。



     Francois Lachapelle (INSERM)


 Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common cause of neurological deficit in the young adult in Europe and USA. The cause of this multifactorial inflammatory demyelinating disease is presently unknown. However, the loss of myelin and of healthy axons are believed to be responsible for the irreversible damages. Myelin repair occurs in MS, however, the potential for remyelination decreases with the progression of the disease and the age of the patient. Although the causal agent which triggers the disease has not been identified yet, finding ways to promote remyelination would be benefitial for the patients and would improve their quality of life. Strategies for myelin repair can be based on substitutive engraftment of myelin-forming cells or activation of spontaneous remyelination. Among different candidates for myelin repair, the adult CNS contains stem-like cells localized in discrete areas I.E the subventricular zone. These cells generate neurons and astrocytes in normal conditions and in response to traumativ or neuronal injury.
 In order to evaluate their potential to generate myelin-forming oligodendrocytes in vivo, fragments of the structure were dissected out of the brain of 6 months old normalmouseand transplanted into the brain of MBP-defective newborn shiverer mice. Without treatment few cells survived and were able to synthetise MBP+ myelin in the host brain. In order to try to promote oligodendrogenesis from this structure donors received then one unique intraperitoneal injection of 5ng/g of living weight of EGF and FGF-2 two growth factors known to promote proliferation in this area and PDGFAA whose receptors is expressed by the PSA-NAM- positive cells present in the structure . Afterward, their SVZ was dissected and processed for transplantation in the newborn shiverer mouse host brain 24 to 72 h. after treatment. The study evidenced that the 3 factors favored the survival of grafted cells. A 6 fold increase in the number of grafted brains containing MBP+ myelin was observed with EGF and a 16fold with PDGF and FGF-2 compared to vehicle-injected controls used as donors. Tumorisation was observed with EGF but neither with PDGF nor FGF In addition, the effect of FGF-2 was maximum after 48h. and still present after 72h. Such effect was only observed when rostral part of the SVZ was used for transplantation, but neither with the caudal part of the structure nor with striatal fragments deprived of the wall of the lateral ventricle. Analysis of the dynamic of the cell population was performed by combining BrdU labeling for proliferation with growth factor treatment: When animals received BrdU (1mg/ g) 2h. before growth factor or vehicle injection (tracing study), most of the BrdU positive cells present in the SVZ and the rostral migratory stream were PSA-NCAM+ cells. PDGF and FGF treatment induced a twofold increase of the population of PSA/BrdU cells in both structure. When animals received BrdU 48h. after treatment (proliferation study) and were sacrificed 2 hours latter, PDGF induced a twofold and FGF-2 a threefold increase in the total number of BrdU+ and BrdU+/PSA-NCAM+proliferating cells in SVZ and RMS. In addition many BrdU+ cells could be observed in the corpus callosum migrating toward the cortex. But in contrasts with the previous conditions, most of the BrdU+ cells were PSA-NCAM ,suggesting that the proliferating effect of both growth factors was linked with an effect on SVZ cells differentiation. Immunocharacterization of the dissociated cell population obtained from SVZ fragments to be grafted evidenced that PDGF and FGF promote a 50% increase of PSA-NCAM+ (40.2% and 45.2% respectively vs 27.3)and PSA- NCAM+/nestin+ cells (16.3% and 15.4% vs 10.5%)over their respective controls. Moreover the growth factors promoted a 3fold increase of the TuJ1+neuroblasts (15.9%for PDGF, 16.2% for FGF vs 5.5%) PDGF had no effect, but FGF-2 lead to a 4.5 fold increase of the GD3+ population (0.9% and 2.17% vs0.79%). In addition both factors increased the proportion of 04 cells(10.25% and12.6% vs 6.23%). In contrasts, nestin+ GFAP+ and GalC+ cell populations were not modified. In order to determine whether these cells could also remyelinate, fragments of MBP- LacZ tg mice were engrafted in the SVZ of normal mice remoted from an LPC-induced demyelination of the corpus callosum. The study evidenced that FGF-2 treatment strongly increased the participation of grafted cells to remyelination. These results suggest that SVZ cells could participate in myelin repair in the adult providing that they could be conveniently primed. In addition, they suggest that a convenient window of cell activation rather than a continuous exposure would favour generation of differentiating cells able to participate in the process of remyelination.

(担当:池中 一裕)

  1. レドックスセンサーとしてのGタンパク質


 活性酸素種(Reactive Oxygen Species; ROS)は,細胞内の蛋白質,脂質,核酸などを非特異的に酸化し,生理機能の障害を引き起こします。心筋においても,虚血・再灌流や炎症時のサイトカイン刺激によって過剰なROSが生成され,細胞死や心肥大を引き起こすことが知られています。その一方で最近,ROSが特定の蛋白質を酸化し機能修飾を与えることで細胞内情報伝達経路を活性化し,正常時の機能発現にも関与することが明らかにされていきています。私はこれまで東京大学大学院薬学系研究科の長尾拓研究室で黒瀬等助教授の指導の下,酸化ストレスが引き起こす情報伝達の活性化メカニズムおよびその生理的意義について研究してきました。
 ROSで活性化される情報伝達経路の一つであるMAP kinase (ERK)は,細胞の増殖・分化といった機能応答に重要であることが知られています。私は,ラット新生仔心室筋の初代培養細胞を用いて酸化ストレスによるERK活性化のメカニズムを調べた結果,受容体と共役する三量体Gタンパク質がROSの標的分子となることを見出しました。受容体と共役する三量体Gタンパク質はGs, Gi, Gq, G12の4つのグループに分類されます。このうちGiファミリー(Gi, Go)のαサブユニットが直接活性酸素により修飾され,その結果Gタンパク質がαサブユニットとβγサブユニットに解離し,遊離したβγサブユニットがERKやAktを活性化することを見出しました。活性酸素によるGタンパク質の直接的な活性化とそれに引き続くERKの活性化は,低酸素・再酸素化刺激においてもみられたことから,心筋の虚血・再灌流などの病態時においてもこの経路が活性化されると示唆されます。また,AktやERKは生存因子として知られていることから,このメカニズムは酸化ストレスに適応するための保護シグナルとして働く可能性が今後は,心筋細胞で明らかにした知見が普遍的なメカニズムであるかどうか他の細胞(主に神経細胞)を用いて明らかにしていこうと考えています。また,Gタンパク質によってERKだけでなく形質膜上に存在するchannelも活性制御を受けることから,現在は酸化ストレスで活性化されるCa2+channelの活性化機構にGi/oを介した経路が関与するかどうかについて検討を行っています。セミナーでは,これらの解析結果について紹介させていただきますので,ご意見,ご質問等お待ちしています。


  1. サル前頭眼野の電気刺激による滑動性眼球運動のゲイン変化


(担当:伊佐 正)

     Anthony T.Campagnoni.(Neuropsychiatric Institute UCLA School of Medicine)


 The myelin basic protein gene encodes two sets of products: the classic myelin basic proteins (expressed by myelin forming cells) and another family of proteins, called the golli proteins, which are expressed in neurons, oligodendrocytes and cells in the immune system. We prepared a transgenic mouse using the golli promoter of the myelin basic protein gene to target HSV thymidine kinase to cortical preplate neurons. Dams were injected at E11.5 and E12.5 with gancyclovir to ablate a portion of the subplate neurons. This resulted in the formation of a major post- natal cortical lesion, leading to hydrocephaly and death by P24-27. During embryonic development subplate neurons became relatively more dispersed than normal in the ablated mice. By E18, the cortex was clearly delaminated as assessed by cresyl violet staini immunostaining with a number of markers. By E18 reduced neuronal density within the cortex was evident in the ablated animals. Neurofilament staining indicated some misdirection of fibers by P1, as evidenced by an accumulation of fibers in the cingulated region of the cortex. Also, golli staining revealed substantial loss of fibers within the cortex and cortical-thalamo fibers coursing through the striatum by this age. After birth, animals became hydrocephalic, with ventricles enlarging and the cortex becoming increasingly thinner with age. While TUNEL labeling showed some increased cell death in the cortex at E18.5and P1, there was substantially increased cell death in the VZ and SVZ, as well as the striatum, which continued after birth. BrdU labeling at E13 and E15 clearly show impaired migration of neurons from the ventricular zone of the ablated mice into the intermediate zone and cortical plate. Immunocytochemical staining for radial glia alone and in combination with BrdU indicate reduced density of radial glia and truncated/disrupted fibers which probably contribute to the impaired migration of neurons out of the VZ. The increased cell death observed in the VZ may be due to the inability of cells to exit the VZ. Thus, the lowered cortical neuronal density and delamination in the ablated mice probably results from impaired neuronal migration from the SVZ & VZ. The data indicate that ablation of a percentage of preplate neurons is sufficient to cause severe developmental abnormalities in the cortex involving the radial glia as well as the subplate.

(担当:池中 一裕)

  1. Voltage-gated sodium channelopaties: new molecular mechanisms
     Mohamed Chahine(Laval Hospital, Quebec, Canada)




  1. 膜電位依存性Na+チャネル特異性を持つグラヤノトキシン(GTX)を用いて機能−構造相関問題にどこまで迫れるのか?


 グラヤノトキシンGTXの主要な生理・薬理学的特性は1)Na+チャネルの活性化曲線を過分極(約50 mV)方向に移動させる,2)不活性化過程が取り除かれることである。この特性を利用しこのチャネルのゲート機構を解明する色々な試みを行った結果について報告した。特に,GTXはNa+チャネルの開状態のみを認識して結合し,閉状態からのみ解離することが明らかとなった。また,種々の点変異Na+チャネルや,骨格筋型Na+チャネルと心筋型Na+チャネルの種々のキメラを作成し,それらに対するGTXの影響を調べた結果,GTXの結合部位及びその性質も明らかとなりはじめている。


  1. The Power of Electron Microscpy and Crystallography to Solve the Structure of Membrane-bound Factor VIII and the Actin-bound Arp 2/3 Complex.
     Svetla Stoilova-McPhie


 膜蛋白質(チャネル,リセプター)の2次元結晶化法とその電子顕微鏡観察による“構造と機能”解析を専門としているSvetla Stoilova-McPhie博士に,血小板による血液凝固にかかわる分子機構を構造生物学の見地から解説していただいた。


  1. Calyx of Held シナプスにおける放出可能なシナプス小胞プールの枯渇と補充


 放出可能なシナプス小胞プールの枯渇と補充は,短期シナプス可塑性,たとえばシナプス抑圧などに関与すると考えられている。最近,高頻度の刺激によるシナプス前終末へのCa流入によって,シナプス抑圧からの回復が早くなるとの報告がなされたが(Dittman and Regehr, 1998; Stevens and Wesseling, 1998; Wang and Kaczmarek, 1998),そのメカニズムに関しては見解が一致していない(Wu and Borst, 1999)。この問題に関して,calyx of Held を標本として用い,シナプス前後部からの同時記録をすることで検討をおこなった。EPSCから脱畳み込み法を用いて伝達物質放出率を推定した結果,伝達物質放出確率は一様ではなく,高確率で放出される(時定数 3 ms)が補充されるのに数秒を要する小胞群と,低確率で放出され(時定数 20 ms)ただちに(200 ms以内)補充される小胞群に分離されることがわかった。さらに,高確率で放出される小胞の補充に,Ca/calmodulin が関与していることがわかった。Ca/calmodulin 依存性の小胞の補充は,低確率で放出される小胞の補充とともに高頻度刺激に対する持続的なシナプス伝達を保証しているものと考えられる。


  1. 大脳皮質非錐体細胞の神経終末のシナプス構造




  1. 免疫系アダプター分子DAP12の欠損マウスの解析:痴呆と骨嚢胞を伴う稀な劣性遺伝病Nasu-Hakolaとの関連について


 Nasu-Hokola病は1970年代初頭に日本とフィンランドで独立に報告された,100万人に2人程度の発症率を示す稀な劣性遺伝病であり,患者は骨嚢胞形成とともに進行性の精神異常を来し,ついには若年性痴呆を必発して死に至る。この原因遺伝子は最近,免疫系で見い出されていたシグナルアダプターDAP(DNAX Activating Protein)12であることが報告された。しかしながらこれまでDAP12欠損マウスで中枢神経系の異常は報告されていない。我々は独自に作製したDAP12欠損マウスの行動解析を行ったところ,精神分裂病患者において観察される感覚運動ゲート異常を見い出した。さらに脳切片の免疫組織染色および電顕解析により,視床中心性にミエリン低形成とシナプスの形態異常が観察された。さらに視床でのミエリン形成にはオリゴデンドロサイトでのDAP12の発現が必要であることが示唆された。したがってDAP12欠損マウスは精神分裂病の発症機構,および痴呆に至るプロセスを分子と細胞レベルで解析できる絶好のモデルになると思われる。


  1. 小胞体ストレス特異的なアポトーシス経路




  1. MRI Visualization of Neuronal Connections in the Macaque Monkey.
     K.S. Saleem. (Washington University School of Medicine, Louis, USA)


 To date neuroanatomical connections have been mainly examined by means of degeneration methods and tracing techniques. Such studies require fixed processed tissue for the data analysis, and therefore they cannot be applied on the live animal. In the present study, we examined the neuronal connections in-vivo, particularly the output connections of striatum, and connections of the early visual pathways using MRI visible contrast agent that is transported anterogradely through the axon, and subsequently trans-synaptically. The axonal transport of the contrast agent was monitored using a 4.7T Biospec (Bruker, Inc) NMR scanner. Successful tracking of such in-vivo connection will be of paramount importance for guiding electrophysiological experiments in the alert, trained monkeys. The detailed projection patterns observed in MRI will be discussed.


  1. 心不全の進展における心筋細胞アポトーシス
     金井 恵理(京都大学医学部内科)


 ラット心筋培養細胞にcAMP刺激(48時間)するとアポトーシス死が促進されることが明らかとなり,その経路にはAキナーゼの関与が証明された。これらはβアドレナリン刺激でのアポトーシス誘導のメカニズムの一つを形成しているものと考えられた。一方,心不全モデルラットではLectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1(LOX1)が発現することが明らかとなった。心筋培養細胞でもエンドセリン1やノルアドレナリン刺激でLOX1の発現が見られた。また,LOX1の強制発現によって心筋細胞はアポトーシス死を示すことも示された。この経路にはH2O2やp38の関与する証拠も得られた。これは心不全下でのアポトーシス誘導のメカニズムの一部を証明するものと考えられた。


  1. Recent advances in studies of experience- and learning-induced cortical plasticity
     Michael M. Merzenich(Coleman Laboratory, Departments of Otolaryngology
     and Physiology, Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience, University
     of California at San Francisco & Scientific Learning Corporation, Berkeley)


 Results of recent experiments directed toward understanding learning-induced cortical plasticity shall be summarized.Our research focus has been on a) the documentation of changes in distributed cortical responses induced by experience and learning, b) the modulation of plasticity as a function of behavioral context, c) similarities and differences between pre-critical period and post-critical period plasticity, d) experimental and theoretical studies of the progressive self-organization of forebrain representational systems; e)catastrophic developmental progressions attributable to brain plasticity mechanisms and accounting for catastrophic neurological and psychological "illness", and f) the contributions of plasticity-induced change progressions to variation in human performance abilities. These studies have led to the development of novel strategies for improving human performance capacities, principally applied to impaired child populations.

(担当:伊佐 正,山森哲雄)

  1. Characterization of neocortical neuronal types by single RT-PCR.
     Bertrand Lambolez (CNRS Laboratoire de Neurobiologie)


 We have used single cell RT-PCR after patch-clamp to investigate neocortical cell-type diversity at the electrophysiological, molecular and morphological levels. Among neocortical interneurons, we have extensively characterized a VIPergic population which shows distinctive physiological molecular and morphological features. Their definition as a distinct interneuron subtype is further substantiated by their specific integration of different neurotransmitter pathways. The relevance of defining neuronal types will be discussed with respect to possible specific functions in the neocortical circuitry.


  1. Analyse de la Societe Francaise et de son dynamisme, tentee pour une recherche d'une plus grande originalite scientifique Japonaise
    (Analysis of French society and its dynamism, attempted for a research of greater scientific originality in Japan)

     Shigeru TSUJI(Departement de Cytologie, Institut des Neurosciences, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie,
     75005-Paris, France ; Laboratory for Neural Architecture, Brain Science Institute, )


Histoire du contact entre Japon et l'Occident et de
la place de la France dans cette histoire
Histoire et Geographie de la France
Organisation de l'Etat en France
Societe Francaise tournee vers l'exterieur
L'esprit francais
Le Siecle des Lumieres (Enlightenment) et la
Revolution Francaise
Religion en France
Individualisme Francais
Travail en France
Conflits en France
Education en France
Vision equilibree de laFrance sur le Japon et son
message culturel Conclusion

(担当:尾崎 毅)

  1. Expression, function and phosphorylation of TRPC proteins in human Platelets
     Kalwant S. Authi (Centre for Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine King's College London)


 血小板凝集の過程において,細胞内Ca2+濃度上昇は血小板の活性化に必須である。細胞内Ca2+濃度上昇は,IP3受容体を介した小胞からのCa放出とこれに連動した細胞外からのCa2+流入によって引き起こされる。Transient receptor potential channel (TRPC)は,受容体作動性カチオンチャネルとして最近同定され,形質膜越えのCa2+流入に関わるチャネルの分子実体として考えられている。本セミナーでは,ヒト血小板に発現するTRPC1およびTRPC6の機能解析を中心に,血小板におけるCa2+動員の分子メカニズムについて紹介する。また,これまで不明であったTRPC活性化の抑制機構についても述べる。
 Ca2+elevation is an important component of platelet activation. Conversely elevation of the cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP (by PGI2 and NO, respectively) serves to inhibit cell function with inhibition of Ca2+elevation an identified mechanism. Ca2+ entry mechanisms are still not fully understood. Whilst the Ca2+ release channel of intracellular stores i.e. the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) is well established, the identity of the entry channel is still unknown. Recently transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins that are known to mostly code for non-selective cation channels have been suggested as candidates. In mammalian systems these have been subdivided into three main families namely the short or TRPC family, the long or TRPM family and the vanilloid receptor like or TRPV family. To date 7 family members of mammalian TRPC genes have been identified with over-expression studies suggesting that most code for non-selective cation channels. This study was designed to examine the expressioSerine/threonine phosphorylation was investigated in [32P] labelled platelets. Protein phosphorylation was analysed by autoradiography. When platelets were stimulated with thrombin (T, 2U/ml) there was an increase in the phosphorylation of pleckstrin but immunoprecipitated TRPC1 or TRPC6 was not phosphorylated. When the cells were incubated with BIMPS (an agent that activates cAMP-PK) platelets did not aggregate and analysis of lysates shows increased phosphorylation of the phosphoprotein VASP. This was also apparent when platelets are stimulated with 8-pCPT-cGMP (a cGMP-PK activator). Immunoprecipitation of TRPC1 after either incubation showed increased phosphorylation of associated proteins of molecular size 250, 120, 85 and 70 kDa. However a 100 kDa phosphoprotein was not observed. This suggested that TRPC1 was associated with substrates of cAMP-and cGMP-PKs of sizes 250, 120, 85 and 70 kDa. When immunoprecipitation was carried out with the anti-TRPC6 antibody, 2 promineThis work is supported by the British Heart Foundation.

(担当:西田基宏,森 泰生)

  1. 情動と呼吸




  1. Topic 1: US Primate Research Centers: Mission and Organization Topic 2: BrainInfo: a Neuroanatomically Based Source of Information about the Brain
     Douglas M. Bowden(Psychiatry & BehavioralScience)


 Douglas Bowden博士は神経科学者であると同時に米国シアトルのWashington Regional Primate Research Centerにおいて長年Directorを努めてこられた方です。今回,筑波での講演の後,生理研に立ち寄っていただける事になりました。以下2つの話題でのお話をお願いしてあります。
 Topic1: US Primate Research Centers: Mission and Organization
 Topic 2: BrainInfo: a Neuroanatomically Based Source of Information about the Brain
 同博士が進めている"Brain Info"プロジェクトについてお話いただきます。"Brain Info"はサルの脳神経の神経解剖学的に関する総合的な情報を提供するweb ベースのシステムです。

(担当:関 和彦)

  1. CNR分子群の脳における分子機能解析


 脳には莫大に多様化した細胞が存在し,それぞれの細胞が高度に組織化され神経回路を形成し機能している。シナプスは神経回路のつなぎ目であり,神経回路の形成・維持・再編成の基盤となる。神経回路を分子レベルで理解するには,シナプスの分子メカニズムを理解することが必要となる。シナプスに存在する非受容体型チロシンリン酸化酵素Fynは多様な膜貫通型分子と複合体を形成することによりシナプスで多様な情報伝達を行っていることが想定されている。当研究室において,Fynと結合する分子の検索から,マウス脳で発現し,シナプスに多様化して存在していることが明らかにされた新規カドヘリン型受容体(CNRs : cadherin-related neuronal receptors)が単離された。CNRsは神経回路の複雑さ,多様さを分子の多様性の観点から理解できる可能性を示している。また,興味深いことに,CNRはゲノム構造の解析より,免疫系での多様化に関わる免疫グロブリンやT細胞受容体と類似の構造をとっており,クラススイッチ様の発現産物も同定されている。これらの観点から,CNR発現にはDNA組換え等の特殊な発現系が予想されている。さらに,マウス大脳皮質層構造形成過程において,CNRsがReelinの多重受容体として機能していることが明らかとなり,CNRが神経細胞の配置から神経回路形成に関与していることが示唆された。


  1. Visual perception at the time of saccadic eye movements
     Choongkil Lee (Seoul National Univ.)


 It is widely assumed that successful vision integrates the information regarding eye movements as well as retinal input. In accordance with this, neurophysiological studies have documented modulation of neural activity in the visual cortex by an extraretinal source coupled to saccadic eye movements in the cat, monkey, and human, and psychophysical studies on human have reported modulation of spatial vision at the time of saccades. Understanding the mechanisms and strategies by which this extraretinal input is integratged is critical to a complete understanding of vision beyond understanding how a representation of external world is accurately but passively formed from the retinal input. In this talk, I would like to present a recent finding that visual motion perception is systematically modulated by an extraretinal eye movement signal, and discuss on-going experiments to further study the related mechanisms.
 Reference J Park, J Lee, & C Lee. (2001) Non-veridical visual motionperceptionimmediatelyaftersaccades.Vision Research, 41:3751-3761.


  1. 「ドーパミンによる運動機能制御の分子細胞生物学」


 ドーパミン神経伝達は,運動,情動,報酬などの重要な高次脳機能を媒介する。中脳腹側領域に存在するドーパミンニューロンは,線条体,側坐核,前頭葉皮質に投射し,複数の標的ニューロンの活動を促進性あるいは抑制性に制御する。一方,ドーパミンニューロンには,多くの領域から種々の神経伝達物質を含有する線維が入力する。ドーパミンの生理的な役割は周知の事実であるが,この神経伝達物質が一連の行動課題の中でどのように脳機能を調節しているのかについては十分に解明されていない。我々のグループはこの問題に着目し,ドーパミン標的領域における神経回路の機能制御と外来入力に依存するドーパミンニューロンの活動調節について,特にマウス遺伝子操作の技術を用いて分子細胞レベルからの研究を進めている。ドーパミンの標的領域の代表である線条体には,2種類の中型有棘細胞(線条体−黒質ニューロンと線条体−淡蒼球ニューロン)とアセチルコリンあるいはGABAを含有する無有棘介在細胞が存在する。これらの細胞はいずれもドーパミンに反応し,それぞれの活動は促進性あるいは抑制性に制御される。ドーパミンに依存する運動制御の生理機構を理解するためには,線条体の局所回路におけるドーパミン作用の分子細胞機構の解明が必須である。我々は,イムノトキシン細胞標的法を用いてドーパミンD2受容体を含有する線条体ニューロンを除去し,種々の行動および解剖学的な解析から,線条体−淡蒼球ニューロンは自発運動には抑制的に,ドーパミン誘導性の運動には促進的に働き,ドーパミン刺激の程度に依存して大脳基底核機能を二方向性に制御することを見出した。また,このニューロンはドーパミン刺激時において線条体−黒質ニューロンの十分な活性化を介して運動促進に関与する可能性を示唆した。ドーパミンニューロンの活動調節の仕組みを明らかにするためには,この機能に重要な役割を持つ因子の同定が必要である。我々は,Cre-loxP システムを用いてドーパミンニューロンに特異的な遺伝子ターゲティング系を確立し,本ニューロンに発現する転写因子やシグナル伝達分子の生理機能について検討した。また,ドーパミンニューロンの生理的特性を解析するために,このニューロンをドーパミンによる運動機能制御の分子細胞生物学GFPでラベルしたトランスジェニックマウスを作製し,ドーパミンニューロンの発生過程におけるGFPの特徴的な発現機構を見出した。


     Sakurai, Takeshi (Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Tsukuba University)


 Behavior in animals is highly influenced by food availability, but pathways by which the brain regulates behavior in response to homeostatic metabolic input from the periphery have remained unclear. Neurons of the hypothalamus that express the neuropeptide orexin have been hypothesized to respond to changes in peripheral metabolism and regulate behavior in response to homeostatic need. We demonstrated that orexin-containing neurons are able to monitor peripherally generated indicators of nutritional state, and are necessary for normal augmentation of arousal in response to fasting. Electrophysiological studies of isolated orexin neurons, which are specifically labeled by expression of green fluorescent protein in orexin/EGFP transgenic mice, revealed that activity of these neurons is inhibited by extracellular glucose and the adipostat leptin, and stimulated by the recently characterized gastrointestinal peptide ghrelin. Behavioral studies of orexin/ataxin-3 transgenic mice, in which orexin neurons are genetically ablated, demonstrated a failure of transgenic mice to increase wakefulness and motor activity during food deprivation compared to wildtype controls. We suggest a model in which reduced food availability alters circulating levels of glucose, leptin, and ghrelin, together leading to increased firing of orexin neurons. Orexin neurons promote wakefulness and locomotor activity to reinforce and support food-seeking behaviors. Simultaneously, orexin neurons activate hypothalamic feeding mechanisms, such as those mediated by neuropeptide Y neurons. Orexin neurons thus provide a unique and critical link between peripheral metabolism and central mechanisms coordinating arousal and food intake.


  1. GFPを用いたカルシウムプローブ


 Green Fluorescent Protein(GFP)は蛍光蛋白質で現在ではマーカーとしてまたレポーター遺伝子として細胞生物学的実験に広く利用されている。最近ではGFPは単なるマーカーにとどまらず機能性分子と結合させることにより,分子プローブとして機能するようなものが製作されるようになった。今回GFPを用いた種々のカルシウムプローブにについて概説するとともに我々が開発したカルシウムプローブG-CaMPについて紹介する。




 Spinal cord injury (SCI) in humans often leads to catastrophic impairment of functional locomotion. Of the approximately 250,000 chronic SCI in the U.S., nearly 50% are considered clinically incomplete i.e., there is some sensory sparing in the lower extremities associated with complete paralysis (ASIA B), non-functional muscle strength (ASIA C) or functional muscle strength (ASIA D) of the lower extremities. ASIA B and C category subjects are usually wheelchair-dependent and if they can ambulate short distances, they do so with considerable sense of effort and fatigue. We recruited a wheelchair-dependent 43 year old ASIA C subject who was 3 years post-cervical SCI, thus a quadriplegic. The intention was to implement a paradigm consisting of Partial Weight Bearing Therapy (PWBT) followed by Epidural Spinal Cord Stimulation(ESCS) of the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord. During PWBT, the subject walked on a treadmill with his body weight partially supported in a harness. PWBT led to improved stereotypic walking patterns but was insufficient for over- ground walking in terms of safety, energy cost, and fatigue. PWBT with ESCS(sensory stimulation) generated immediate improvement in gait rhythm when appropriate stimulus parameters were used. When compared to the non- stimulated condition, over-ground walking was featured by a reduction in time and energy cost of walking, sense of effort and a feeling of“lightness”of the legs. After a few months of training, performance in speed, endurance and metabolic responses (via indirect calorimetry) gradually converged with/without ESCS at a short distance (e.g., 15 m), suggesting a learned response to these conditions. However, at longer distances (e.g., 50-250 m), performance with ESCS was considerably superior.
 Gas exchange data revealed ESCS was associated with an 8-fold-greater exercise-induced fat oxidation rate and reduced dependence of exercising muscle on glycolysis. Most importantly, the subject was able to perform multiple functional tasks within the home and the community with ESCS. We propose that ESCS induced sensory modulation of spinal circuits and augmented the use-dependent plasticity created by PWBT. Further, ESCS apparently elicited greater activation of an oxidative motor unit pool, thereby reducing the subject's sense of effort and energetic cost of walking.

(担当:森 茂美)

※Dr. Richard Herman is the Director of the Clinical Neurobiology and Bioengineering Laboratories at the Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center (GSRMC), Phoenix; Research Professor of Bioengineering, Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe; Research Professor of Pharmacology, Health Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tuscon. His medical specialty is Rehabilitation Medicine. This research is the result of collaboration between GSRMC and ASU.

  1. 「物の形」を見分ける脳の仕組み
     谷藤 学(理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター 認知脳科学研究グループ)


 日常,私達が目にする様々な物体像を,脳はどのようにして捉えているのだろうか。「物を見る」というのは我々にとってありふれた行為のように思われるが,見る角度(視点)や照明方向,部分的な遮蔽などによって様々に様相を変える物体像を他と間違えることなく認識できるためには巧妙な仕組みがあるに違いない。高次視覚の研究の中心は,その仕組みを解き明かすことにある。この問題にアプローチする第一のステップは,物体像が脳の中にどのように表現されているかを明らかにすることであろう。私達のグループは,物体像の脳内表現を明らかにする試みを光計測(Optical Imaging)という新しい手法によって取り組んでいる。


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