生理学研究所年報 年報目次へ戻る生理研ホームページへ




生体システム研究部門は,これまで歩行運動の中枢制御機構について研究を進めてきた。平成14年3月に森 茂美教授が定年退官した後も,森 大志,橘 篤導らを中心に継続して研究が行われてきている。11月に南部 篤が東京都神経科学総合研究所から着任し,大脳皮質−大脳基底核連関による随意運動の制御機構の解明という,新たな研究テーマを立ち上げた。このことにより,当研究部門は,大脳皮質,大脳基底核,小脳,脳幹などを中心に,手指を精緻に動かすような随意性の高い運動から,歩行や咀嚼のように半ば自動化されたものまで,幅広い運動の脳内機構について,包括的に明らかにするというテーマで研究することとなった。南部が着任早々,喜多 均教授(テネシー大学医学部)が日本学術振興会の外国人招へい研究者として当研究部門での共同研究を開始し,結果的に研究室の立ち上げが加速された。



南部 篤,喜多 均(テネシー大学医学部)
橘 吉寿(大阪大学大学院歯学研究科,東京都神経科学総合研究所)




森 大志,中陦克己(近畿大学),橘 篤導,高須千慈子
塚田秀夫(浜松ホトニクス(株)),森 茂美(生理研名誉教授)




森 大志,中陦克己(近畿大学),南部 篤,
稲瀬正彦(近畿大学),森 茂美(生理研名誉教授)




森 大志,中陦克己(近畿大学),森 茂美(生理研名誉教授)




橘 篤導,森 大志,高須千慈子,森 茂美(生理研名誉教授)









Yuji Naya, Masatoshi Yoshida
 Soichi Nagao, Yasushi Miyashita

The macaque inferotemporal (IT) cortex, which serves as the storehouse of visual long-term memory, consists of two distinct but mutually interconnected areas: area TE (TE) and area 36 (A36). In the present study, we tested whether memory encoding is put forward at this stage, i.e., whether association between the representations of different but semantically-linked objects proceeds forward from TE to A36. To address this question, we trained monkeys in a pair-association memory (PA) task, after which single-unit activities were recorded from TE and A36 during PA trials. Neurons in both areas showed stimulus-selective cue responses (347 in TE, 76 in A36;‘cue-selective neurons’) that provided, at the population level, mnemonic linkage between the paired associates. The percentage of neurons whose responses to the paired associates were significantly (P < 0.01) correlated at the single-neuron level (‘pair-coding neuron’) dramatically increased from TE (4.9 % of the cue-selective neurons) to A36 (33 %). The pair-coding neurons in A36 were further separable into Type1 (68 %) and Type2 (32 %) based on their initial transient responses after cue stimulus presentation. Type1 neurons, but not Type2 neurons, began to encode association between paired stimuli as soon as they exhibited stimulus selectivity. Thus, the representation of long-term memory encoded by Type1 neurons in A36 is likely substantiated without feedback input from other higher centers. Therefore, we conclude that association between the representations of the paired associates proceeds forward at this critical step within IT cortex, suggesting selective convergence onto a single A36 neuron from two TE neurons that encode separate visual objects.



Masatoshi Yoshida, Yuji Naya
 Soichi Nagao, Yasushi Miyashita

A number of studies have shown that the perirhinal (PRh) cortex, which is part of the medial temporal lobe memory system, plays an important role in declarative long-term memory. The PRh cortex contains neurons that represent visual long-term memory. The aim of the present study is tocharacterize the anatomical organization of forwardprojections that mediate information flow from visual area TE to memory neurons in the PRh cortex. In monkeys performing a visual pair-association memory task, we conducted an extensive mapping of neuronal responses in anteroventral area TE (TEav) and area 36 (A36) of the PRh cortex. Then, three retrograde tracers were separately injected into A36 and the distribution of retrograde labels in TEav was analyzed. We focused on the degree of divergent projections from TEav to memory neurons in A36, because the highly divergent nature of these forward fiber projections has been implicated in memory function. We found that the degree of divergent projection to memory neurons in A36 was smaller from the TEav neurons selective to learned pictures than from the nonselective TEav neurons. This result demonstrates that the anatomical difference (the divergence) correlates with the physiological difference (selectivity of TEav neurons to the learned pictures). Because the physiological difference is attributed to whether or not the projections are involved in information transmission required for memory neurons in A36, it can be speculated that the reduced divergent projection resulted from acquisition of visual long-term memory, possibly through retraction of the projecting axon collaterals.



Kiyoshi Nakahara, Toshihiro Hayashi, Seiki Konishi
(Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo School of Medicine)
Yasushi Miyashita

Functional brain organization of macaque monkeys and humans was directly compared by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Subjects of both species performed a modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test that required behavioral flexibility in the form of cognitive set shifting. Equivalent visual stimuli and task sequence were used for the two species. We found transient activation related to cognitive set shifting in focal regions of prefrontal cortex in both monkeys and humans. These functional homologs were located in cytoarchitectonically equivalent regions in the posterior part of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. This comparative imaging provides insights into the evolution of cognition in primates.



Hideyuki Kikyo, Kenichi Ohki
(Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo, School of Medicine)

The "feeling-of-knowing (FOK)" is a subjective sense of knowing a word before recalling it, and the FOK provides us clues to understanding the mechanisms of humanmetamemorysystems. We investigated neural correlates for the FOK based on the recall-judgment-recognition paradigm. Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging with a parametric analysis was used. We found activations in left dorsolateral, left anterior, bilateral inferior, and medial prefrontal cortices that significantly increased as the FOK became greater, and the activations remained significant even when the potentially confounding factor of the response latency was removed. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the FOK-region in the right inferior frontal gyrus and a subset of the FOK-region in the left inferior frontal gyrus are not recruited for successful recall processes, suggesting their particular role in metamemory processing.



Seiki Konishi, Idai Uchida
(Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo, School of Medicine)
T Okuaki, T Machidda, Ichiro Shirouzu(Radiology, Kanto Medical Center NTT EC)
Yasushi Miyashita

The prefrontal cortex plays a critical role in recollecting the temporal context of past events. The present study employed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and explored the neural correlates of temporal-order retrieval during a recency judgment paradigm. In this paradigm, after study of a list of words presented sequentially, subjects were presented with two of the studied words simultaneously and were asked which of the two words was studied more recently. Two types of such retrieval trials with varied (high and low) levels of demand for temporal-order retrieval were intermixed and compared using event-related fMRI. The intra-paradigm comparison of high versus low demand trials revealed brain regions whose activation was modulated on the basis of demand for temporal-order retrieval. Multiple lateral prefrontal regions including the middle and inferior lateral prefrontal cortex were prominently activated. Activation was also observed in the anterior prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal cortex, regions well documented to be related to memory retrieval in general. The modulation of brain activity in these regions suggests a detailed pathway that is engaged during recency judgment.



Seiki Konishi, Toshihiro Hayashi, Idai Uchida, Hideyuki Kikyo, Emi Takahashi
(Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo, School of Medicine)
Yasushi Miyashita

Functional organization of human cerebral hemispheres isasym-metrically specialized, most typically along a verbal-nonverbal axis. In this event-related functional MRI study, we report another example of the asymmetrical specialization. Set-shifting paradigms derived from the Wisconsin card-sorting test were used, where subjects update one behavior to another on the basis of environmental feedback. The cognitive requirements constituting the paradigms were decomposed into two components according to temporal stages of task events. Double dissociation of the component brain activity was found in the three bilateral pairs of regions in the lateral frontal cortex, the right regions being activated during exposure to negative feedback and the corresponding left regions being activated during updating of behavior, to suggest that both hemispheres contribute to cognitive set shifting but in different ways. The asymmetrical hemispheric specialization within the same paradigms further implies an inter-hemispheric interaction of these task components that achieve a common goal.


Copyright(C) 2003 National Institute for Physiological Sciences