生理学研究所年報 年報目次へ戻る生理研ホームページへ

発 表 論 文


1) 英文原著論文

  1. Yamagata Y,Jovanovic JN, Czernik AJ, Greengard P & Obata K (2002) Bidirectional changes in synapsin I phosphorylation at MAP kinase-dependent sites by acute neuronal excitationin vivo. J Neurochem 80:835-842.
  2. Jin M, Tanaka S, Sekino Y, Ren Y, Yamazaki H, Kawai-Hirai R, Kojima N & Shirao T (2002) A novel, brain-specific mouse drebrin: cDNA cloning, chromosomal mapping, genomic structure, expression, and functional characterization. Genomics 79:686-692.
  3. Stork O, Ji FY & Obata K (2002) Reduction ofextracellular GABA in the mouse amygdala during and following confrontation with a conditioned fear stimulus. Neurosci Lett 327:138-142.
  4. Stork O, Kojima N, Stork S, Kume N &Obata K (2002) Resistance to alcohol withdrawal-induced behaviour in Fyn transgenic mice and its reversal by ifenprodil. Mol Brain Res 105:126-135.

2) その他

  1. 山肩葉子(2002)神経活動とCa2+/カルモジュリン依存性プロテインキナ-ゼII。蛋白質核酸酵素 47:51-57。
  2. 柳川右千夫,小幡邦彦(2002)GABAトランスポーター(御子柴克彦・清水隆夫 編)バイオサイエンスの新世紀第12巻感覚器官と脳内情報処理 共立出版pp.116-120。
  3. 小幡邦彦(2003)GABA合成酵素(GAD)ノックアウトマウスでみたGADとGABAの作用脳と神経54:1034-1040。



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Morita H, Ogino T, Seo Y, Fujiki N, Tanaka K, Takamata A, Nakamura S, Murakami M (2002) Detection of hypothalamic activation by manganese ion contrasted T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in rats. Neurosci Lett 326: 101-104.
  2. Seo Y, Takamata A, Ogino T, Morita H, Nakamura S, Murakami M (2002) Water permeability of capillaries in the subfornical organs of rats determined by Gd-DTPA2-enhanced1H magnetic resonance imaging. J Physiol 545: 217-228.
  3. Yoshimura K, Fujita-Yoshigaki J, Murakami M, Segawa A (2002) Cyclic AMP has distinct effects from Ca2+ in evoking priming and fusion/exocytosis in parotid amylase secretion. Pflugers Arch 444: 586-596.

2) その他

  1. 大橋正人,吉森 保(2002)エンドソーム:分子とシグナルを選別する変幻自在のオルガネラ。細胞工学(秀潤社)21:866-876



2) その他

  1. Mohri T,Chambers EL, Landowne D(2002)Separate effects of calcium chelator on cytosolic Ca2+and the Ca2+-activated membrane current in sea urchin eggs at fertilization. Zool Sci19(12)pp. 1443
  2. Awaji T, Ogata M, Iwasaki N, Iwamoto, Y. & Miyazaki S (2002.3) Nuclear translocation of SHP and visuali-zationof interaction with HNF-4ain living cells. Jpn J Physiol52 (Suppl) : S54 
  3. Kohchi Z, Hirose K, Shirakawa H, Iino M & Miyazaki S(2002.3) Spatiotemporal dynamics of inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphos-phate in mouse eggs using GFP-PHD probe. Jpn J Physiol 51 (Suppl) : S50 



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Takahashi N, Nemoto T, Kimura R, Tachikawa, A, Miwa A, Okado H, Miyashita Y, Iino M, Kadowaki T, Kasai H (2002) Two-photon excitation imaging of pancreatic islets with various fluorescent probes. Diabetes 51: S25-S28.
  2. Kasai H, Suzuki T, Liu T, Kishimoto T, Takahashi N(2002) Fast and cAMP-sensitive mode of Ca2+-dependent exocytosis inpancreatic βcells.Diabetes51: S19-S24.
  3. Takahashi N, Kishimoto T, Nemoto T, Kadowaki T, Kasai H (2002) Fusion pore dynamics and insulin granule exocytosis in the pancreatic islet.Science 297,1349-1352.
  4. Noda M, Yamashita S, Takahashi N, Eto K, Shen L, Izumi K, Daniel S, Tsubamoto Y, Nemoto T, Iino M, Kasai H, Sharp GW, Kadowaki T (2002) Switch toanaerobic glucose metabolism with NADH accumulation in theb-cell model of mitochondrial diabetes: Characteristics of bHC9 cells deficient in mitochondrial DNA transcription. J Biol. Chem. 277, 41817-26.

2) その他

  1. 河西春郎,根本知己,松崎政紀,早川泰之(2002) 2光子励起法による神経機能研究。生物物理42:91-94。
  2. 河西春郎,松崎政紀,野口 潤,安松信明(2002)中枢神経樹状突起スパインの形態と機能。日本神経精神薬理学雑誌22:159-164。
  3. 高橋倫子(2002)生活習慣病に新しい光で迫る。文部科学省「STジャーナル」11:54-55。



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Peti-Peterdi J, Morishima S, Bell PD & Okada Y (2002) Two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging of the living juxtaglomerular apparatus. Am J Physiol 283: F197-F201.
  2. Zhou S-S, Takai A & Okada Y (2002) Regulation of cardiac CFTR Cl-channel activity by a Mg2+-dependent protein phosphatase. Pflugers Arch Eur J Physiol 444: 327-334.
  3. Dutta AK, Okada Y & Sabirov RZ (2002) Regulation of an ATP-conductive large-conductance anion channel and swelling-induced ATP release by arachidonic acid. J Physiol (London) 542: 803-816.
  4. Ando-Akatsuka Y, Abdullaev IF, Lee EL, Okada Y & Sabirov RZ (2002) Down-regulation of volume-sensitive Cl-channels by CFTR is mediated by the second nucleotide-binding domain. Pflugers Arch Eur J Physiol 445: 177-186.
  5. Mori S, Morishima S, Takasaki M & Okada Y (2002) Impaired activity of volume-sensitive anion channel during lactacidosis-induced swelling in neuronally differentiated NG108-15 cells. Brain Res 957: 1-11.
  6. Hara Y, Wakamori M, Ishii M, Maeno E, Nishida M, Yoshida T, Yamada H, Shimizu S, Mori E, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Kurose H, Okada Y, Imoto K & Mori Y (2002)LTRPC2 Ca2+-permeable channel activated by changes in redox status confers susceptibility to cell death. Molecular Cell 9: 163-173.

2) その他

  1. 岡田泰伸,サビロブラブシャン(2002)容積感受性ClチャネルとCFTR。医学のあゆみ201: 1055-1060
  2. 岡田泰伸,サビロブラブシャン,清水貴浩(2002)クロライドチャネルの新しい機能:ATP放出と細胞死誘導。生体の科学53: 323-330
  3. 岡田泰伸(訳者代表)(2002)“医科生理学展望”(原書20版)丸善,東京



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Ishibashi, T., Dupree, J. L., Ikenaka, K., Hirahara, Y., Honke, K., Peles, E., Popko, B., Suzuki, K., Nishino, H. and Baba, H. (2002) A myelin galactolipid, sulfatide, is essential for maintenance of ion channels on myelinated axon but not essential for initial cluster formation. J.Neurosci., 22, 6507-6514
  2. Takebayashi, H., Nabeshima, Y., Yoshida, S., Chisaka, O., Ikenaka, K. and Nabeshima, Y. (2002) The basic helix-loop-helix factor Olig2 is essential for development of motoneuron and oligodendrocyte lineages. Current Biology, 12(13), 1157-1163
  3. Takebayashi, H., Ohtsuki, T., Uchida, T., Kawamoto, S., Okubo K., Ikenaka, K., Takeichi, M., Chisaka, O. and Nabeshima Y. (2002) Non-overlapping expression of Olig3 and Olig2 in the embryonic neural tube. Mec. Dev. 113(2), 169-174
  4. Akahane, M., Kuriyama, S., Ohgushi, H., Akahane, T., Kawamura, K., Watanabe, S., Funakoshi, F., Yoshiji, H., Ikenaka, K. and Takakura Y. (2002) Enhansing and suppressing effects of dexamethasone on transgene expressionin vitro. Intl. J. Mol. Med. 10, 107-112
  5. Baba, H., Hida, H., Kodama, Y., Jung, C-G., Wu, C-Z., Nanmoku, K., Ikenaka, K and Nishino, H. (2002) Efficient gene transfer to neural stem cells by high titer retroviral vectors. in“Catecholamine Research”edited by Nagatsu, et al., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp297-300

2) その他

  1. 中平英子,長谷川明子,池中一裕 (2002)グリア細胞の発生分化 特集グリアの生物科学 神経研究の進歩,医学書院,46(4),489-497
  2. 南木浩二,池中一裕(2002)レトロウィルスを用いた神経機能解析 第4章 新しい技術開発 御子柴克彦,清水孝雄編 日本生化学会編集「感覚器官と脳内情報処理」,共立出版,pp.245-253
  3. 鹿川哲史,竹林浩秀,池中一裕(2002)グリア細胞分化制御の分子基盤 特集 神経幹細胞研究の新展開 分子細胞治療,先端医学社,pp.34-39
  4. 長谷川明子,中平英子,池中一裕(2002)8。グリア細胞の発生分化 第1章 神経発生と神経系のパターン形成 仲村春和,村上富士夫編「脳・神経研究のフロンティア」,実験医学,20(5),羊土社,73-81



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Hara Y, Wakamori M, Ishii M, Maeno E, Nishida M, Yoshida T. Yamada H, Shimizu S, Mori E, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Kurose H, Okada Y, Imoto K, Mori Y (2002) LTRPC2 Ca2+-permeable channel activated by changes in redox status confers susceptibility to cell death. Molecular Cell 9:163-173.
  2. Morii T, Sato S, Hagihara M, Mori Y, Imoto K, Makino K (2002) Structure-based design of a leucine zipper protein with new DNA contacting region. Biochemistry 41:2177-2183.
  3. Morii T, Sugimoto K, Makino K, Otsuka M, Imoto K, Mori Y (2002) A new fluorescent biosensor for inositol trisphosphate. J Am Chem Soc 124:1138-1139.
  4. Matsushita K, Wakamori M, Rhyu I.-J, Arii T, Oda S, Mori Y,Imoto K (2002) Bidirectional alterations in cerebellar synaptic transmission of tottering and rolling Ca2+channel mutant mice. J Neurosci 22:4388-4398.
  5. Proenza C, O'Brien J, Nakai J, Mukherjee S, Allen PD,Beam KG (2002) Identification of a region of RYR1 that participates in allosteric coupling with thea1S(CaV1.1) II-III loop. J Biol Chem 277: 6530-6535.
  6. Kato K, Wakamori M, Mori Y, Imoto K, Kitamura K (2002) Inhibitory effects of cilnidipine on peripheral and brain N-type Ca2+channels expressed in BHK cells. Neuropharmacology 42:1099-1108.
  7. Protasi F, Paolini C, Nakai J, Beam KG, Franzini- Armstrong C,Allen PD (2002) Multiple regions of RyR1 mediate functional and structural interactions witha1S-DHPR in skeletal muscle. Biophys J 83:3230-3244.

2) その他

  1. Mori Y, Inoue R, Ishii M, Hara Y, Imoto K (2002) Dissecting recetpor-mediated Ca2+influx pathways:TRP channels and their native counterparts. Jpn J Pharmacol 87:245-252.
  2. 井本 敬二,松下かおり(2002)電位依存性Na+チャネル・Ca2+チャネルと神経疾患。医学のあゆみ201:1128-1132
  3. 中井淳一,大倉正道(2002) GFPを用いた蛍光カルシウムプローブG-CaMPの開発。比較生理生化学19:135-145



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Kawasaki T, Bekku Y, Suto F, Kitsukawa T, Taniguchi M, Nagatsu I, Nagatsu T, Itoh K, Yagi T, Fujisawa H (2002) Requirement of neuropilin 1-mediated Sema3A signals in patterning of the sympathetic nervous system. Development 129: 671-680.
  2. Maekawa M, Toyama Y, Yasuda M, Yagi T, Yuasa S(2002)Fyn Tyrosine Kinase in Sertoli Cells Is Involved in Mouse Spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 66: 211-221.
  3. Osada T, Kusakabe H, Akutsu H, Yagi T, Yanagimachi R (2002) Adult murine neurons: their chromatine and chromosome changes and failure to support embryonic development as revealed by nuclear transfer. Cytogenet. Genome Res 97: 7-12.
  4. Hironaka N, Yagi T, Niki H (2002) Light-potentiation of acoustic startle response (ASR) and monoamine efflux related to fearfulness in Fyn-deficient mice. Molecular Brain Research 98: 102-110
  5. Sasaki Y, Cheng C, Uchida Y, Nakajima O, Ohshima T, Yagi T, Taniguchi M, Nakayama T, Kishida R, Kudo Y, Ohno S, Nakamura F, Goshima Y (2002) Fyn and Cdk5 Mediate Semaphorin-3A Signaling, Which is Involved in Regulation of Dendrite Orientation in Cerebral Cortex. Neuron 35: 907-920.
  6. Kanda H, Igaki T, Kanuka H, Yagi T, Miura M (2002) Wengen, a member of the Drosophila TNF receptor superfamily, is required for Eiger signaling. J. Biol. Chem 277:28372-28375.
  7. Yasuda K, Nagafuku M, Shima T, Okada M, Yagi T, Yamada T, Minami Y, Kato A, Tani-Ichi S, HamaokaT, Kosugi A (2002) Cutting edge: Fyn is essential fortyrosinase phosphorylation of Csk-binding protein/ phosphoprotein associated with glycolipid-enriched microdomains in lipid rafts in resting T cells. J. Immunol. 169:2813-2817
  8. Mizushima H, Zho CJ, Dohi K, Horai R, Asano M, Iwakura Y, Hirabayashi T, Arata S, Nakajo S, Takaki A, Ohtaki H, Shioda S (2002) Reduced postischemic apoptosis in the hippocampus of mice deficient in interleukin-1. J. Comp. Neurol 448:203-216.
  9. Masuda Y, Nishida A, Hori K, Hirabayashi T, Kajimoto S, Nakajo S, Kondo M, Asaka M, Nakaya K (2002)b-Hydroxyisovalerylshikonin induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells by inhibiting the activity of a polo-like kinase 1(PLK1) . oncogene 22: 1012-1023

2) その他

  1. 八木 健(2002)生命の知恵 多様性をもたらす無駄 科学。72: 323-329。
  2. 武藤哲司,八木 健(2002)脳機能形成メカニズムに関与する多様化した接着分子群-シナプスに存在する接着分子の多様性と分子間相互作用について-。脳の科学 24:747-754。
  3. Yagi T, Tada M, Tanaka Y, Senzaki K, Hirayama T,Hamada S, SuginoH(2002)Diversity of the cadherin- related neuronal receptor family in the nervous system. International Congress Series 1246: 127-1。



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Sugihara H, Murakami I, Shenoy KV, Andersen RA & Komatsu H (2002) Response of MSTd neurons to simulated 3D-orientation of rotating planes. J Neurophysiol 87:273-285.
  2. Onishi A, Koike S, Ida-Hosonuma M, Imai H, Shichida Y, Takenaka O, Hanazawa A, Komatsu H, Mikami A, Goto S, Suryobroto B, Farajallah A, Varavudhi P, Eakavhibata C, Kitahara K & Yamamori T (2002) Variations in long- and middle-wavelength-sensitive opsin gene loci in crab-eating monkeys. Vision Res 42:281-292.
  3. Tani T, Yokoi I, Ito M, Tanaka S & Komatsu H (2003) Functional organization of the cat visual cortex in relation to the representation of uniform surface. J Neurophysiol89:1112-1125.

2) その他

  1. Komatsu H, Kinoshita M & Murakami I (2002) Neural responses in the primary visual cortex of the monkey during perceptual filling-in at the blind spot. Neurosci Res 44:231-236.
  2. 小松英彦(2002)視覚における脳内表現。脳の情報表現(銅谷賢治,伊藤浩之他編)pp. 25-41,朝倉書店,東京



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Matsui T, Kuze B, Matsuyama K, Mori S (in press) Locomotor driving signals descending from cerebellar and mesencephalic regions in the cat. J Neurophysiol.
  2. Okumura T, Dobolyi A, Matsuyama K, Mori F, Mori S (in press) 5-HT innervation of output neurons and cholinergic interneurons in the cat neostriatum. J Comp Neurol. 
  3. Tachibana A, Mori F, Boliek, C A, Nakajima K, Takasu C, Mori S (2003) Acquisition of operant-trained bipedal locomotion in Juvenile Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata): A longitudinal study. Motor Control 7: 388-410.

2) その他

  1. 森茂美(2002)脳の巧みさと立つ・歩く仕組み。科学 72: 344-352
  2. 南部篤(2002)大脳基底核の機能-パーキンソン病理解のために。臨床リハ11: 1095-1101
  3. Mori S, Nakajima K, Mori F (2003) Fastigial nucleus as a center for control and integration of posture and locomotion: Parallel control of multiple motor segments. In Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of Posture and movement.Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier, Amsterdam 143:341-351.
  4. Nakajima K, Mori F, Okumura T, Tachibana A, Takasu C, Mori M, Mori S (2003) Comparison of characteristics between quadrupedal and bipedal locomotion in a single Japanese monkey (M. fuscata): kinematic analyses. In Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of Posture and movement.Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier, Amsterdam 143:183-190.
  5. Mori F, Nakajima K, Tachibana A, Takasu C, Mori M, Tsujimoto T, Tsukada H, Mori S (2003) Reactive and anticipatory control of posture and bipedal locomotion in a nonhuman primate. In Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of Posture and movement.Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier, Amsterdam 143:191-198.



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Nakahara K, Hayashi T, Konishi S & Miyashita Y (2002) Functional MRI of macaque monkeys performing a cognitive set-shifting task. Science 295:1532-1536.
  2. Kikyo H, Ohki K & Miyashita Y (2002) Neural correlates for "feeling-of-knowing": an fMRI parametric analysis. Neuron 36:177-186.
  3. Konishi S, Hayashi T, Uchida I, Kikyo H, Takahashi E & Miyashita Y (2002) Hemispheric asymmetry in human lateral frontal cortex during cognitive set shifting. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:7803-7808.
  4. Hasegawa I & Miyashita Y (2002) Making categories: expert neurons look into key features. Nature neuroscience 5:90-91.
  5. Konishi S, Uchida I, Okuaki T, Machida T, Shirouzu I & Miyashita Y (2002) Neural correlates of recency judgment. J Neurosci 22:9549-9555.
  6. Homae F, Hashimoto R, Nakajima K, Miyashita Y & Sakai K L (2002) From perception to sentence comprehension: the convergence of auditory and visual information of language in the left inferior frontal cortex. NeuroImage 16:883-900.
  7. Tokuyama W, Okuno H, Hashimoto T, Li X Y &Miyashita Y (2002) Selectivezif268 mRNA induction inthe perirhinal cortex macaque of monkeys during formation of visual pair-association memory. J Neurochem 81:60-70.



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Kulik A, Nakadate K, Nyiri G, Notomi T, Malitschek B, Bettler B & Shigemoto R (2002) Distinct localization of GABAB receptors relative to synaptic sites in the rat cerebellum and ventrobasal thalamus. Eur J Neurosci 15: 291-307.
  2. Lopez-Bendito G, Shigemoto R, Fairen A & Lujan R (2002) Differential distribution of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors during rat cortical development. Cereb Cortex 12:625-638.
  3. Millan C, Lujan R, Shigemoto R & Sanchez-Prieto J (2002) The Inhibition of glutamate release by metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 affects both [Ca2+] C and camp. J Biol Chem 277:14092-14101.
  4. Dalezios Y, Lujan R, Shigemoto R, Roberts J.D.B & Somogyi P (2002) Enrichment of mGluR7a in the presynaptic active zones of GABAergic and non-GABAergic terminals on interneurons in the rat somatosensory cortex. Cereb Cortex 12:961-974.
  5. Kitano J, Kimura K, Yamazaki Y, Soda T, Shigemoto R, Nakajima Y & Nakanishi S (2002) Tamalin, a PDZ domain-containing protein, links a protein complex formation of group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor cytohesins. J Neurosci 22: 1280-1289.
  6. Lopez-Bendito G, Shigemoto R, Kulik A, Paulsen O, Fairen A & Lujan R (2002) Expression and distribution of metabotropic GABA receptor subtypes GABABR1 and GABABR2 during rat neocortical development. Eur J Neurosci 15: 1766-1778.
  7. Losonczy A, Zhang L, Shigemoto R, Somogyi P & Nusser Z (2002) Cell type dependence and variability in the short-term plasticity of EPSCs in identified mouse hippocampal interneurones. J. Physiol 542(1): 193-210.
  8. Millan C, Lujan R, Shigemoto R & Sanchez-Prieto J (2002) Subtype-specific expression of groupIII metabotropic glutamate receptors and Ca2+-channels in single nerve terminals. J Biol Chem 277: 47796-47803.
  9. Lorincz A, Notomi T, Tamas G, Shigemoto R & Nusser Z (2002) Polarized and compartment-dependent distribution on HCN1 in pyramidal cell dendrites. Nat Neurosci 5:1185-1193.
  10. Momiyama T (2002) Parallel decrease in the(-conotoxin sensitive transmission and dopamine-induced inhibition at the striatal synapse ofdeveloping rats. J Physiol (Lond) 546:483-490.

2) その他

  1. Momiyama T (2002) Role of presynaptic dopamine D2-like receptors in midbrain dopaminergic system. "Catecholamine research: from molecular insights to clinical medicine" (Eds. Nagatsu T, Nabeshima T, McCarthy R & Goldstein D), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 183-186.
  2. 籾山俊彦(2002)中枢シナプス伝達を制御するカルシウムチャネル。日本薬理学雑誌 119: 235-240



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Hanakawa T, Honda M, Sawamoto N, Okada T, Yonekura Y, Fukuyama H & Shibasaki H (2002) The Role of rostral Brodmann area 6 in mental-operation tasks: an integrative neuroimaging approach. Cereb Cortex 12:1157-1170.
  2. Iidaka T, Okada T, Murata T, Omori M, Kosaka H, Sadato N & Yonekura Y (2002) Age-related differences in the medial temporal lobe responses to emotional faces as revealed by fMRI. Hippocampus 12:352-362.
  3. Kanosue K, Sadato N, Okada T, Yoda T, Nakai S, Yoshida K, Hosono T, Nagashima K, Yagishita T, Inoue O, Kobayashi K & Yonekura Y (2002) Brain activation during whole body cooling in humans studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosci Lett 329:157-160.
  4. Kitagawa Y, Nishizawa S, Sano K, Sadato N, Maruta Y, Ogasawara T, Nakamura M & Yonekura Y (2002) Whole-body F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in patients with head and neck cancer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 93:202-207.
  5. Kosaka H, Omori M, Murata T, Iidaka T, Yamada H, Okada T, Takahashi T, Sadato N, Itoh H, Yonekura Y & Wada Y (2002) Differential amygdala response during facial recognition in patients with schizophrenia: an fMRI study. Schizophr Res 57:87-95.
  6. Matsuo K, Kato C, Ozawa F, Takehara Y, Isoda H, Isogai S, Moriya T, Sakahara H, Okada T & Nakai T (2002) Manipulo-spatial processing of ideographhic characters in left-handers: observation in fMRI. Magn Reson Med Sci 1:21-26.
  7. Muramoto S, Uematsu H, Kimura H, Ishimori Y, Sadato N, Oyama N, Matsuda T, Kawamura Y, Yonekura Y, Okada K & Itoh H (2002) Differentiation of prostate cancer from benign prostate hypertrophy using dual-echo dynamic contrast MR imaging. Eur J Radiol 44:52-58.
  8. Muramoto S, Uematsu H, Sadato N, Tsuchida T,Matsuda T, Hatabu H, Yonekura Y & Itoh H (2002)H-2(15)0 positron emission tomography validation of semiquantitative prostate blood flow determined by double-echo dynamic MRI: A preliminary study. J Comput Assist Tomogr 26:510-514.
  9. Naito E, Kochiyama T, Kitada R, Nakamura S, Matsumura M, Yonekura Y & Sadato N (2002) Internally simulated movement sensations during motor imagery activate cortical motor areas and the cerebellum. J Neurosci 22:3683-3691.
  10. Nakamura K, Honda M, Hirano S, Oga T, Sawamoto N, Hanakawa T, Inoue H, Ito J, Matsuda T, Fukuyama H & Shibasaki H (2002) Modulation of the visual word retrieval system in writing: a functional MRI study on the Japanese orthographies. J Cogn Neurosci 14:104-115.
  11. Oga T, Honda M, Toma K, Murase N, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Sawamoto N, Nagamine T, Konishi J, Fukuyama H, Kaji R & Shibasaki H (2002) Abnormal cortical mechanisms of voluntary muscle relaxation in patients with writer's cramp: an fMRI study. Brain 125:895-903.
  12. Oohashi T, Kawai N, Honda M, Nakamura S, Morimoto M, Nishina E & Maekawa T (2002) Electroencephalographic measurement of possession trance in the field. Clin Neurophysiol 113:435-445.
  13. Oyama N, Akino H, Kanamaru H, Suzuki Y, Muramoto S, Yonekura Y, Sadato N, Yamamoto K & Okada K (2002)11C-acetate PET imaging of prostate cancer. J Nucl Med 43:181-186.
  14. Sadato N, Okada T, Honda M & Yonekura Y (2002) Critical period for cross-modal plasticity in blind humans: a functional MRI study. Neuroimage 16:389-400.
  15. Sawamoto N, Honda M, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H & Shibasaki H (2002) Cognitive slowing in Parkinson's disease: a behavioral evaluation independent of motor slowing. J Neurosci 22:5198-5203.
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2) その他

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1) 英文原著論文

  1. Ko SBH, Naruse S, Kitagawa M, Ishiguro H, Furuya S, Mizuno N, Wang Y, Yoshikawa T, Suzuki A, Shimano S & Hayakawa T (2002) Aquaporins in rat pancreatic interlobular ducts. Am J Physiol 282: G324-G331.
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2) その他

  1. 古家園子,古家喜四夫,(2002)小腸絨毛上皮下線維芽細胞におけるCa2+波伝播とATP放出のメカニズム。Acta Anatomica Nipponica,77:Suppl. 30.
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1) 英文原著論文

  1. Ohno-Shosaku T, Shosaku J, Tsubokawa H & Kano M(2002) Cooperative endocannabinoid production by neuronal depolarization and group I metabotropic glutamate receptor activation. Eur J Neurosci 15:953-961.
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  4. Takagi S, Obata K & Tsubokawa H (2002) GABAergic input contributes to activity-dependent change in cell volume in the hippocampal CA1 region. Neurosci Res 44:315-324.

2) その他

  1. 坪川 宏(2002)スライスパッチ法と光学イメージング法を用いた海馬CA1野錐体細胞の虚血後病態の解析."虚血性神経細胞死の分子機構とその制御"(川合 述史 編),クバプロ,東京 p89。



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Endo T, Isa T (2002) Postsynaptic and presynaptic GABABreceptor-mediated inhibition in rat superficial superior colliculus neurons.Neurosci Lett322: 126-136.
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2) その他

  1. Isa T, Sasaki S (2002) Brainstem control of head movements during orientation; organization of the premotor circuits.Progress in Neurobiology, 66: 205-241.
  2. Alstermark B, Isa T (2002) Premotoneuronal and direct corticomotoneuronal control in the cat and macaque monkey. InMovement and Sensation(eds. Gandevia S, Proske U),Adv Exp Med Biol.508:281-297.
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1) 英文原著論文

  1. Tran TD, Inui K, Hoshiyama M, Lam K, Kakigi R. (2002) Conduction velocity of the spinothalamic tract following CO2 laser stimulation of C-fibers in humans. Pain 95 : 125-131.
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  5. Inui K, Tran, TD, Qiu Y, Hoshiyama M, Kakigi R (2002) Pain-related magnetic fields evoked by intra-epidermal electrical stimulation in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology 113 : 298-304.
  6. Fujioka T, Kakigi R , Gunji A, Takeshima Y(2002)The auditory evoked magnetic fields to very high frequency tones. Neuroscience 112 : 367-381.
  7. Watanabe S, Miki K, Kakigi R (2002) Gaze direction affects face perception in humans.Neuroscience Letters.325 : 163-166.
  8. Okusa T, Kakigi R (2002) Structure of visual evoked magnetic field during sleep in humans.Neuroscience Letters.328 : 113-116.
  9. Yamasaki H, Laber SK, McCarthy G. (2002) Dissociable prefrontal brain systems for attention and emotion.Proceedings of national Academy of Sciences,USA.99 (17):11447-11451.
  10. Hoshiyama M, Kakigi R (2002) New concept for the recovery function of short-latency somatosensory evoked cortical potentials following median nerve stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 113 : 535-541.
  11. Qiu Y, Inui K, Wang X, Tran TD, Kakigi R (2002) Effects of attention, distraction and sleep on CO(2) laser evoked potentials related to C-fibers in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology 113 : 1579-1585.
  12. Maruyama K, Kaneoke Y, Watanabe K, Kakigi R (2002) Human cortical responses to coherent and incoherent motion as measured by magnetoencephalography. Neuroscience Research 44 : 195-205.
  13. Nakamura M, Kaneoke Y, Watanabe K, Kakigi R (2002) Visual information process in Williams syndrome : intact motion detection accompanied by typical visuospatial dysfunctions. European Journal of Neuroscience 16 : 1810-1818.

2) その他

  1. Kakigi R, Watanabe S, Tran TD,Inui K, Lam K,Qiu Y, Wang X, Yamasaki H, Hoshiyama M (2002) Neurophysiologic assessment of pain. Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology54:151-155.
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  3. Fujilka T, Trainor LJ,Ross B,Kakigi R,Pantev,C. (2002)Cortical representarion of pitch contour and interval changes of melodies. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 65-67.
  4. Tran TD,Inui K,Hoshiyama M,Lam K,Qiu Y,Kakigi R (2002) Simultaneous activation of primary and secondary somatosensory cortices following CO2 laser stimulation of C-fibers in humans. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 409-411.
  5. Inui K, Tran TD, Y.Qiu,.X.Wang,Hoshiyama M,Kakigi R. (2002) Cortical responses to intra-epidermal electricalstimulation in humans. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 415-417.
  6. Gunji A,Levy D,Ishii R,Kakigi R,Pantive C. (2002.8.10-14)The voice-specific process revealed by neuromagnetic responses. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 68-70.
  7. Okamoto H,Ishii R,Ross B,Curlia-Guy E,Nedzelski JM,Kubo T,Kakigi R,Pantive C. (2002.8.10-14)A new stimulation paradigm for the investigation of auditory habituation effects. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 98-100.
  8. Fujioka T,Okamoto H,Takeshima Y,Kakigi R,Ross B,Pantev C. (2002) Cortical representation of pitch and timber of the missing fundamental of complex sounds. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 62-64.
  9. Miki K,Watanabe S,Kakigi R,Puce A. (2002) Magnetoencephalographic study on occupitotemporal activity elicited by veiwing mouth movements. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 478-480.
  10. Bundo M,Nakamura A,Yamada T Horibe K Washimi Y,Kachi T,Kawatsu S,Kato T,Ito K,Kaneoke Y,Kakigi R. (2002) Characteristics of signal transmission to bilateral MT+ areas on viewing a visual motion stimulus within one visual hemifield. Proceedings of the 13th InternationalConference on Biomagnetism(BIOMAG2002)460-462.
  11. Wang.X, Inui K, Qiu.Y, Hoshiyama M, Tran DT, Kakigi R (2002) Multiple-source analysis of Pain-related somatosensory evoked magnetic fields in humans. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002) 418-420.
  12. Kakigi R,Tran TD,Inui K,Hoshiyama M,Lam K,Qiu Y. (2002) Cerebral activation by the signals ascendingthrough unmyelinated C-fibers in humans:A magnetoencephagraphic study. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2002)
  13. 宝珠山稔,柿木隆介(2002)正中神経刺激による短潜時体性感覚誘発脳磁界と脳電位の対応 臨床脳波44(2)91-96。
  14. 柿木隆介,Tran Diep Tuan,秋云海,王暁宏,乾幸二,宝珠山稔(2002)末梢神経C線維を選択的に刺激して得られる大脳誘発電位30(1) : 45-54.
  15. 金桶吉起(2002) 運動視と視覚誘発脳磁界 臨床脳波44(4): 213-217。
  16. 大草知裕,柿木隆介(2002)  脳磁図を用いた高次視覚認識機構の研究 視覚的手がかりに依存しない図形知覚に関する脳磁場 脳と精神の医学13(1):11-19.
  17. 柿木隆介,渡邊昌子,三木研作(2002) 人間が顔を認知するメカニズム science journal KAGAKU科学72 (3) : 295-301。
  18. 乾幸二,Tran Diep Tuan,秋云海,王暁宏,柿木隆介(2002) 表皮内電気刺激法による痛覚関連誘発脳電位と脳磁場 臨床脳波44(5 ):284-290。
  19. 柿木隆介,渡邉昌子(2002)脳磁図を用いたヒト高次脳機能の研究:特に「言語認知」と「顔認知」について Innervision 17(8): 27-27。
  20. 丸山幸一,金桶吉起,渡邉一功,柿木隆介(2002) ランダムドット運動による誘発脳磁場 臨床脳波 44(8): 502-506。
  21. 柿木隆介(2002)痛みの認知機構 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 20(10):1137-1139。
  22. 柿木隆介,Tran Diep Tuan,秋云海,王暁宏,乾幸二,宝珠山稔(2002)末梢神経C線維を選択的に刺激して得られる大脳誘発反応 末梢神経 Peripheral Nerve 13(1): 57-61。
  23. 渡邉昌子,柿木隆介(2002)脳磁図を用いたヒト脳機能の研究:特に顔認知機構について。大脳皮質感覚領野"神経科学の基礎と臨床X":31-46。
  24. 柿木隆介(2002)痛みの認知機構-脳波と脳磁図所見を中心として-:痛みと臨床7  2(3):108-111。
  25. 柿木隆介(2002)痛覚認知機能の生理学的研究 日本麻酔科学会第49回大会。Journal of Anesthesia vol.16 Supplement 2002。



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Okada T, Katsuyama Y, Ono F & Okamura Y (2002) The development of three identified motor neurons in ascidian embryo. Dev Biol 244:278-92.
  2. Katsuyama Y, Matsumoto J, Okada T, Ohtsuka Y, Cheng L, Okado H & Okamura Y (2002) Regulation of synaptotagmin gene expression during ascidian embryogenesis. Dev Biol 244:293-304.
  3. Ebihara T, Komiya Y, Izumi-Nakaseko H, Adachi-Akahane S, Okabe S & Okamura Y (2002) Coexpression of a Cav1.2 protein lacking an N-terminusand the first domain specifically suppresses L-type calcium channel activity. FEBS Lett 529:203-207.
  4. Nakajo K, Katsuyama Y, Ono F, Ohtsuka Y, & Okamura Y (2002) Identification, functional characterization and developmental expression of the ascidian Kv4-class potassium channel. Neurosci Res45:59-70.

2) その他

  1. 岡村康司,(2002)電位依存性Na+チャネル(分子と機能の多様性に関する知見)医学のあゆみ201:971-976



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Hara Y, Wakamori M, Ishii M, Maeno E, Nishida M, Yoshida T, Yamada H, Shimizu S, Mori E, Kudoh J, Shimizu N, Kurose H, Okada Y, Imoto K & Mori Y (2002) LTRPC2 Ca2+-permeable channel activated by changes in redox status confers susceptibility to cell death. Mol Cell 9: 163-173.
  2. Yasuda M, Shimizu S, Ohhinata K, Naito S, Tokuyama S, Mori Y, Kiuchi Y & Yamamoto T (2002) The differential roles of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin in polymorphonuclear leukocyte-induced angiogenesis. Am J Physiol (Cell Physiol) 282: C917-925.
  3. Morii T, Sugimoto K, Makino K, Otsuka M, Imoto K & Mori Y (2002) A new fluoresent biosensor for inositol trisphosphate. J Am Chem Soc 124: 1138-1139.
  4. Nishida M, Schey KL, Takagahara S, Kontani K, Katada T, Urano Y, Nagano T, Nagao T & Kurose H (2002) Activation mechanism of Giand Goby reactive oxygen species. J Biol Chem 277: 9036-9042.
  5. Nishida M, Takagahara S, Maruyama Y, Sugimoto Y, Nagao T & Kurose H (2002) Gβγcounteracts Gαqsignaling uponα1-adrenergic receptor stimulation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 291: 995-1000.
  6. Morii T, Sato S, Hagihara M, Mori Y, Imoto K & Makino K (2002) Structure-based design of a leucine zipper protein with new DNA contacting region. Biochemistry 41: 2177-2183.
  7. Mori Y, Wakamori M, Miyakawa T, Hermosura M, Hara Y, Nishida M, Hirose K, Mizushima A, Okada T, Kurosaki M, Mori E, Gotoh K, Fleig A, Penner R, Iino M & Kurosaki T (2002) TRP1 regulates capacitative Ca2+entry and Ca2+release from endoplasmic reticulum in B lymphocytes. J Exp Med 195: 673-681.
  8. Dos Santos RG, Van Renterghem C, Martin-Moutot N, Mansuel P, Sampieri F, Diniz C, Mori Y, De Lima M-E & Seagar M (2002) Phoneutria nigriventer IIA toxin blocks the Cav2 family of calcium channels and interacts with conotoxin binding sites. J Biol Chem 277: 13856-13862.
  9. Kato K, Wakamori M, Mori Y, Imoto K & Kitamura K (2002) Inhibitory effects of cilnidipine on peripheral and brain N-type Ca2+channels expressed in BHK cells. Neuropharmacol 42: 1099-1108.
  10. Cornet V, Bichet D, Sandoz G, Marty I, Brocard J, Bourinet E, Mori Y, Villaz M & De Waard M (2002) Multiple ER retention determinants control the cell surface targeting of voltage-dependent P/Q calcium channels. Eur J Neurosci 16: 883-895.
  11. Arai K, Maruyama Y, Nishida M, Tanabe S, Kozasa T, Mori Y, Nagao T & Kurose H (2003) Endothelin-1- induced MAPK activation and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy are mediated by Gα12and Gα13as well as Gαqand Gβγsubunits. Mol Pharmacol 63(3): 478-488.
  12. Arikkath J, Felix R, Ahern C, Chen CC, Mori Y, Song I,Shin H-S, Coronado R & Campbell KP (2003) Molecular characterization of a two-domain form of the neuronal voltage-gated P/Q-type calcium channela12.1 subunit. FEBS Lett 532(3): 300-308.
  13. Erxleben C, Allegria-Gomez C, Darden, Mori Y, Birnbaumer L &Armstrong DL(2003) Modulation of cardiac CaV2.1 channels by dihydropyridine and phosphatase inhibitor requires Ser-1142 in the domain III pore loop.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA100: 2929-2934.

2) その他

  1. Montell C, Birnbaumer L, Flokerzi V, Bindels RJ, Bruford EA, Caterina MJ, Clapham DE, Harteneck C, Heller S, Julius D, Mori Y, Penner R, Prawitte D, Scharenberg AM, Schultz G, Shimizu N & Zhu MX (2002) A unified nomenclature for the superfamily of TRP cation channels. Mol Cell 9: 229-231.
  2. Mori Y, Nishida M, Ino M, Yoshinaga T, Niidome T & Sawada K (2002) Mice lacking theα1Bsubunit (CaV2.2) reveals a predominant role of N-type Ca2+channels in the sympathetic regulation of circulatory system. Trends Cardiovasc Med 12: 270-274.
  3. Inoue R & Mori Y (2002) Molecular candidates for capacitative and non-capacitative Ca2+entry in smooth muscle. "Role of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Smooth Muscle." Novartis Foundation Symposium Volume 246 (ed. D. Eisner, Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK) 246, 81-90; discussion 221-227.
  4. Inoue R & Mori Y (2003) New target molecules in the drug control of blood pressure and circulation. Curr Drug Targets 3(1): 59-72.
  5. 井上隆司,伊東祐之,森 泰生(2002)標的蛋白質からみた創薬-急速に拡大するTRP蛋白質ファミリーと新しい創薬の可能性(The TRP proteins, a rapidly expanding Ca2+entry channel family and a new molecular target for drug development)日本臨床60: 18-24
  6. 原 雄二,森 泰生(2002) TRPチャネル。医学のあゆみ (イオンチャネルの最前線)201: 999-103
  7. 森 泰生,吉田卓史,原 雄二(2002)脳における多様な非選択性カチオンチャネル。生体の科学(特集 一価イオンチャネル)53: 316-322
  8. 西田基宏,森 泰生(2002)ナトリウムポンプ分子生物学・免疫学キーワード辞典 第2版 医学書院
  9. 森 泰生,西田基宏(2002)カルシウムチャネル分子生物学・免疫学キーワード辞典 第2版 医学書院
  10. 西田基宏,森 泰生(2002)カルシウムチャネル拮抗剤分子生物学・免疫学キーワード辞典 第2版 医学書院
  11. 原 雄二,森 泰生(2003) TRP:外的環境を感知し,生体の恒常性を維持するイオンチャネルファルマシア



1) 英文原著論文

  1. Danov K, Danev R & Nagayama K (2002) Reconstruction of the electric charge density in thin films from the contrast transfer function measurements. Ultramicroscopy 90: 85-95.
  2. Sugitani S & Nagayama K (2002) Complex Observation in Electron Microscopy. III. Inverse Theory of Observation-scheme Dependent Information Transfer. J Phys Soc Jpn 71: 744-756.
  3. Takano M, Nagayama K & Suyama A (2002) How the all-atom simulation and the ising-based theory reconcile with each other on the helix-coil transition. J Biol Phys 28: 155-161.
  4. Takano M, Nagayama K & Suyama A (2002) Investigating a link between all-atom model simulation and the ising-based theory on the helix-coil transition: Equilibrium statistical mechanics. J Chem Phys 116: 2219-2228.
  5. Danev R, Okawara H, Usuda N, Kametani K & Nagayama K (2002) A novel phase-contrast transmission electron microscopy producing high-contrast topographic images of weak objects. J Biol Phys 28: 627-635.
  6. Uchiyama K, Jokitalo E, Kano F, Murata M, Zhang X, Canas B, Newman R, Rabouille C, Pappin D, Freemont P & Kondo H (2002) VCIP135, a novel essential factor for p97/p47-mediated membrane fusion, is required for Golgi and ER assemblyin vivo. J Cell Biol 159: 855-866.

2) その他

  1. 永山國昭,三井利夫(2002)生物物理講義:蛋白質から分子機械へ。物性研究 77: 655-683
  2. 永山國昭(2002)情報高分子の人為的創出。高分子51: 427
  3. 永山國昭(2002) 50年前の『科学』断章。科学 72: 977-978
  4. 永山國昭(2002) 2002年度ノーベル化学賞−クルト・ヴュートリッヒの人と業績。化学と工業 55: 1336-1339
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1) 英文原著論文

  1. Takahashi T, Sugiura J, Kuniaki Nagayama K(2002)Comparison of all atom, continuum, and linear fitting empirical models for charge screening effect of aqueous medium surrounding a protein molecule.J.Chem.Phys. 116: 8232-8237.

2) その他

  1. 高橋卓也(2002)フェリチン分子への多イオン透過過程におけるエネルギー障壁の計算。Supercomputer Workshop Report2002 1。
  2. 高橋卓也(2002)フェリチン分子への金属イオン蓄積過程における自由エネルギー変化の計算。生体分子ダイナミクス及びプリオン機構研究会・報告書,岡崎国立共同研究機構19。


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