生理学研究所年報 第29巻
 各種シンポジウム 年報目次へ戻る生理研ホームページへ



 第38回生理研コンファレンス・総研大国際シンポジウム「シナプスにおける機能分子のストックとフロー」は,2008年3月17日−19日の3日間に,自然科学研究機構・岡崎コンファレンスセンターにおいて開催された。シナプス機能分子の動態は現在,最先端の光学顕微鏡的方法でリアルタイムに一分子が観察できるようになっている一方,電子顕微鏡レベルでは分子数のカウントが可能になってきている。これにより今まで未知であった機能分子のダイナミックな調節について,多くの新しい事実が次々と報告されている。その中でも,パイオニア的存在の研究者達(Antoine Triller博士 (Ecole Normale Superier),Daniel Choquet博士 (Bordeaux Univ., France),柳田敏雄博士(大阪大学),楠見明弘博士(京都大学),Stephan Sigrist博士 (Universität Würzburg Germany),河西春郎博士(東京大学))や電気生理学的,形態学的方法でシナプスの実体に迫る研究をされている一線の研究者達にご参加頂き,最新の成果を発表していただいた。日本の若き神経科学研究者や院生達も加わり,活発な質疑応答が交わされた。総数百名ほどの参加があり,非常に有意義なシンポジウムであった。



17th March 2008
Yasunobu Okada (NIPS) Greeting from Director General of NIPS

Chairman: Ryuichi Shigemoto

Toshio Yanagida (Osaka University)
Single Molecule Nano-Imaging: Fluctuation and Function of Life
Stephan Sigrist (Universitäô Wurzburg)
Shedding light on the assembly of active zone structure and function

Chairman: Peter Somogyi

Yoshiyuki Kubota (NIPS)
Dendritic dimensions and synapse distribution of cortical nonpyramidal cells
Michael Häusser (University College London)
Traveling waves in cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetric synaptic connections between Purkinje cells

Chairman: Yoshiyuki Kubota

Akihiro Kusumi (Kyoto University)
Single-molecule imaging of raft-based signal transduction in living cells: a system of digital signal transduction?
Gina Sosinsky (University of California, San Diego)
What multiscale imaging of connexins and pannexins tells us about the structure and dynamics of gap junctions.

18th March 2008
Chairman: Daniel Choquet

Toshiya Manabe (University of Tokyo)
The role of tyrosine phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor in synaptic plasticity and higher brain functions
Yoko Yamagata (NIPS)
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in structural remodeling of dendritic spines
Antoine Triller (Ecole Normale Supéòieure)
Receptor diffusion and homeostatic regulation at inhibitory synapses

Chairman: Haruo Kasai

Daniel Choquet (Universite Bordeaux)
New functions for AMPAR mobility in fast synaptic transmission
Masaki Fukata (NIPS)
Novel regulators of AMPA receptor function

Chairman: Antoine Triller

Ryuichi Shigemoto (NIPS)
AMPA receptors in synaptic and extrasynaptic membrane after LTP and LTD
Yasunori Hayashi (RIKEN-MIT)
Transport of postsynaptic proteins after LTP induction
Haruo Kasai (University of Tokyo)
Stock and flow of actin fibers in the dendrites

19th March 2008
Chairman: Michael Häusser

Mitsutoshi Setou (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
Mass Microscopic Analysis of Scrapper Mutant Mice
Nigel Emptage (University of Oxford)
Back-propagating action potentials modulate late-endosome to lysosome fusion via direct coupling between CaV1.2 and syntaxin 1A

Chairman: Yasunori Hayashi

YMasahiko Watanabe (Hokkaido University)
Glutamate transporters provide a 'winner-takes-more' strategy to activity-dependent synapse refinement
Peter Somogyi (University of Oxford)
Timing and spacing GABA action in the hippocampal neuronal network

Poster session 18th March 2008

Developmental shrinkage of Ca2+ domain size at the calyx of Held presynaptic terminal
Yukihiro Nakamura1, David DiGregorio2, Tomoyuki Takahashi1,3
1:Doshisha University, 2:Universite Paris 5, 3:Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Mechanism of synaptic modulation induced by presynaptic membrane potential
Tetsuya Hori and Tomoyuki Takahashi
Doshisha University
Physiological role of GABAB receptor at inhibitory synapses in developing LSO neurons
Takuya Nishimaki,1,2 Il-Sung Jang,1,2,3 Koji Ohno,4 and Junichi Nabekura1,2,5
1:National Institute for Physiological Sciences, 2: Sokendai, 3:Kyungpook National University, 4:Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 5: CREST
The structural interplay between the plasma membrane and cytoskeletons in neural systems: a deep-etch EM research
Nobuhiro Morone
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
Direct observation of ice-embedded cyanobacteria by using high voltage electron microscope equipped with Zernike phase plate.
Koji Nitta1, Hideki Shigematsu1, Radostin Danev1, Youn-Jong Kim2, Kuniaki Nagayama1
1: Okazaki Inst. Integ. Biosci., 2: Korea Basic Sci. Inst.
Structural analysis of recombinant rat TRPV4 using cryo-transmission electron microscope equipped with Zernike phase plate.
Hideki Shigematsu1, Takaaki Sokabe2, Makoto Tominaga2,3, Kuniaki Nagayama1,3
1: Okazaki Inst. Integ. Biosci., 2: Okazaki Inst. Integ. Biosci., 3: The Grad. Univ. Adv. Studies
Analysis of cytoskeletal organization in retinal axons using a phase-contrast transmission electron microscopy.
Takafumi Shintani1, Koji Nitta2, Kuniaki Nagayama2, Masaharu Noda1
1:National Institute for Basic Biology, 2:Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience
“Glutamatergic” hippocampal mossy fiber terminals in young rodents do not release GABA
Uchigashima, M1, Fukaya, M1, Watanabe, M1, and Kamiya, H.2
Departments of Anatomy1 and Neurobiology2, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
Spine-type Specific Recruitment of Newly Synthesized AMPA Receptors with Learning
Naoki Matsuo1,2, Mark Mayford1
1:The Scripps Research Institute, 2:Fujita Health University
Left-Right Asymmetry of Hippocampal Pyramidal Cell Synapses
Yoshiaki Shinohara1, Hajime Hirase2, Nobuyuki Yamazaki3, Masahiko Watanabe4 Makoto Itakura5, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa3, Masami Takahashi5, Ryuichi Shigemoto1, 6
1:National Institute for Physiological Science, 2:RIKEN, BSI, 3:Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine, 4:Hokkaido University, 5:Mitsubushi Kagaku Institute of Life Sciences, 6:SORST
Input-specific intrasynaptic arrangement of the ionotropic glutamate receptors and its influence on properties of postsynaptic response
Yugo Fukazawa1, Etsuko Tarusawa1, Ko MatsuiI1 and Ryuichi Shigemoto1,2
1:National Institute for Physiological Sciences, 2:SORST
Resting Microglia Directly Monitor Synapses in vivo and Determine the Fate of Ischemic Terminals
Wake, Hiroaki., Moorhouse, Andrew., Jinno, Shozo.,
Kohsaka, Shinichi., & Nabekura, Junichi
National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Identification of the epilepsy-related LGI1 multiprotein complex
Yuko Fukata1,2, Atsushi Watanabe3, Tsuyoshi Iwanaga1 & Masaki Fukata1,2,*
1: National Institute for Physiological Sciences, 2:PRESTO, JST,
3: National Institute for Longevity Sciences
Activity-Dependent Regulation of the PSD-95 Palmitoylating Enzyme
Jun Noritake1, Yuko Fukata1,2, Yoshiharu Matsuura4,
Takao Hamakubo3, and Masaki Fukata1,2
1:National Institute for Physiological Sciences, 2:PRESTO,
3:RCAST, The University of Tokyo, 4: Osaka University
The stress of mother-separation cause significant effects for development of dendritic spines in layer V pyramidal neuron in motor cortex
Yusuke Takatsuru, Junichi Nabekura
National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Neural progenitors cross the domain boundary (intermixing) in the ventricular zone and adjust transcription factor code and fate determination to those of the new environment
Katsuhiko Ono1,2,7, Keisuke Watanabe1,2,6,7, Hirohide Takebayashi1,2,7, Noritaka Masahira1,3, Kazuyo Ikeda1,4, Takaki Miyata5, Kazuhiro Ikenaka1,2
National Institute for Physiological Sciences
1, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, 2, Sokendai, 3, Kochi Medical School, 4, Kagawa University School of Medicine, 5, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 6, Kumamoto University, 7, Equal contribution to this work


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