生理学研究所年報 第31巻



1. Color-Related Signals in the Primate Superior Colliculus

Brian J. White(クイーンズ大学)


 Color is important for segmenting objects from backgrounds, which can in turn facilitate visual search in complex scenes. However, brain areas that control overt visual orienting (i.e., saccadic eye movements) are not believed to have access to color (Schiller et al., 1979), despite massive visual corticotectal projections (Lock et al. 2003), which include areas traditionally associated with color processing (e.g., V4). Here, we show the first evidence that neurons from the intermediate layers of the monkey superior colliculus (SC), a critical structure for both overt and covert visual orienting (Fecteau & Munoz, 2006; Ignashchenkova et al., 2004), can respond to pure chromatic stimuli with the same magnitude as a maximum contrast luminance stimulus. In contrast, neurons from the superficial SC layers showed little color response. Crucially, visual onset latencies were approximately 30ms longer for color, implying that luminance and chrominance information reach the SC through distinct pathways, and that the color response cannot be due to residual luminance signals. Furthermore, these differences in visual latency translated directly into differences in saccadic reaction time (SRT) between color and luminance, which closely match SRT differences reported in humans (White et al., 2006). These results demonstrate that the saccadic eye movement system can signal the presence of pure chromatic stimuli only one stage from the brainstem premotor circuitry that drives the eyes.


2. ヒト聴覚野における雑音下の音信号処理
Auditory processing under noisy environments in the human auditory cortex

岡本秀彦(ドイツ ミュンスター大学 生体磁気研究室)


 日常生活において,通常ヒトは様々な必要な音声情報と,不必要な音声情報を同時に受け取っている。しかしながら,我々は簡単に自分に必要な音情報を不必要なものから分離,解析することが可能である。今回,さまざまな周波数特性を持つ雑音を用いて,それらの雑音が,類似または非類似の周波数特性を持つ刺激音にどのような効果をもたらすか,また,注意 (Attention) が,異なった潜時を持つ3つの聴覚誘発磁場成分 (auditory steadystate (25ms), N1m (100ms), sustained-filed (300-700ms)) に,どのような効果をもたらすか,を脳磁図を用いて記録計測した。その結果,注意は聴覚野における神経活動を賦活する (gain effect) だけでなく,その周波数特異性をあげる (sharpening) ことが確認され,また,右半球に比し左半球の神経活動が雑音により抑制されにくい結果が得られた。この結果は左半球が音の系時変化により敏感であることを反映しているものと考えられる。

1. Okamoto H, Stracke H, Draganova R, Pantev C: Hemispheric Asymmetry of Auditory Evoked Fields Elicited by Spectral versus Temporal Stimulus Change. Cereb Cortex. In press
2. Okamoto H, Stracke H, Zwitserlood P, Roberts LE, Pantev C: Frequency-specific modulation of population-level frequency tuning in human auditory cortex. BMC Neurosci. 10: 1, 2009, online journal.
3. Okamoto H, Stracke H, Pantev C: Neuralinteractions within and beyond the critical band elicited by two simultaneously presented narrow band noises: a magnetoencephalographic study. Neuroscience. 151(3): 913-20, 2008
4. Okamoto H, Stracke H, Ross B, Kakigi R, Pantev C: Left hemispheric dominance during auditory processing in a noisy environment. BMC Biol. 2007 Nov 15; 5: 52, online journal. 2007, .
5. Okamoto H, Stracke H, Wolters CH, Schmael F, Pantev C: Attention improves population-level frequency tuning in human auditory cortex. J Neurosci. 27(39): 10383-90, 2007.
6. Okamoto H, Kakigi R, Gunji A, Pantev C: Asymmetric lateral inhibitory neural activity in the auditory system: a magnetoencephalographic study. BMC Neurosci. 8: 33, 2007, online journal.
7. Okamoto H, Kakigi R, Gunji A, Kubo T, Pantev C: The dependence of the auditory evoked N1m decrement on the bandwidth of preceding notch-filtered noise. Eur J Neurosci. 21(7): 1957-61, 2005.


3. 単一細胞転写産物解析を用いたマーカー遺伝子の検索法



 神経回路内の特定の神経細胞を同定及び操作する上で,細胞に特異的に発現している遺伝子(マーカー遺伝子)の同定は不可欠である。近年ゲノムスケールの遺伝子発現プロファイルに基づいたマーカー遺伝子の検索が多く試みられているが,適用の範囲は限定されている。その主要な理由は,(1) 解析に十分な数の細胞を選択的に単離することができるケースが限られていること,また (2) 得られた遺伝子発現プロファイルから実際に有用なマーカー遺伝子を効率よく選抜する手段がないこと,である。これらの問題は,単一細胞から遺伝子発現プロファイルを同定することができれば同時に解決できる。本セミナーでは,単一細胞転写産物解析法を応用したマーカー遺伝子の検索手法について概説する。具体的には,マウスの内側前庭核(水平前庭動眼反射を制御する脳幹の神経核)の様々な細胞群に対するマーカー遺伝子同定の試みについて紹介する。



4. 生後脳の発達を促すOtx2の作用

杉山清佳 (Harvard Medical School)



5. 脊髄における痛みの抑制メカニズム−スライスパッチ法と
in vivoパッチクランプ法から得られた結果の解釈の相違について



 10年ほど前にスライス標本を用いて痛みの研究を始めた頃は,脊髄後角浅層は痛みを伝える一次求心性線維が密に投射している事から,触覚入力を受ける後角深層とは異なり痛み特異的な層であると考えられていた。従って,脊髄スライスに薬物を投与し,表層細胞に誘起されるEPSCを抑制するものはすべて鎮痛薬である確信していた。ところが,in vivoパッチクランプ法を開発して同じ後角浅層の細胞から記録を行い,皮膚への生理的感覚刺激を加えると,以外にも痛み刺激のみならず非侵害性の触刺激に応答する細胞が多数観察された。

 この事からスライス標本を用いた実験において抑制作用が見られる時に,単純に鎮痛作用があるなどと解釈するのは極めて危険であると感じている。In vivoパッチクランプ法は生理的感覚刺激によって誘起されるシナプス応答をモダリティ別に解析できるため,行動学実験とスライス標本などのvitroの実験系の中間に位置し,病的なモデル動物や遺伝子操作動物でみられる行動の異常の成因を,シナプスレベルの変化として容易に説明できると考えている。本セミナーでは,脊髄における痛みの抑制メカニズムを紹介し,in vivoでパッチクランプ法をやると何かできるかをお話ししたいと思います。


6. フィンランド神経科学セミナー Seminar by Finnish NEURO team



14:00-14:30 所長挨拶,生理研の紹介(南部)

14:30-15:30 NEURO teamの研究紹介 (10min x 6)

・ Prof. Jari Hietanen (University of Tampere)
Socialgaze: How your eyes affect my brain

・ Prof. Mikko Sams (Helsinki University of Technology)
Active hearing

・ Prof. Yuan Ye Ma (CAS Kunming Institute of Zoology)
The different reference frames used in the primate prefrontal cortex

・ Prof. Synnove Carlson, University of Helsinki
Influence of distraction on neuronal activity in the primate prefrontal cortex

・ Prof. Aapo Hyvarinen (University of Helsinki)
Source separation and causal modeling in EEG/MEG data

・ Dr. Veikko Jousmaki (Helsinki University of Technology, Hari lab)
Natural tactile stimulation in magnetoencephalography

15:30-17:00 生理研見学


7. 触覚による物体の認識は,ヒトの脳でどのように処理されているのか?

北田 亮(心理生理研究部門)


 ヒトは手で触れるだけでハサミや腕時計など身近な物体を認識することができます。しかし近年まで触覚の物体の認識に関する能力は見過ごされ,物体の認識を支える脳内メカニズムについてはよく分かっていませんでした。私どもは心理物理学的に得られた知見を手掛かりに,機能的磁気共鳴画像法 (fMRI) を用いて,ヒトの触覚による物体の認識を支える脳内基盤について調べてきました。本セミナーでは今まで得られた研究成果から,物体の物理的な特徴は強度を持つ特徴と空間的な特徴で分散的に処理され,処理された情報は最終的に視覚の腹側皮質視覚路に収束する可能性についてご紹介したいと思います。

1. Ryo Kitada, Ingrid S Johnsrude, Takanori Kochiyama, Susan J. Lederman ‘Functional specialization and convergence in theoccipitotemporal cortex supporting haptic and visual identification of human faces and bodyparts: An fMRI study.’ Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (in press)
2. Ryo Kitada, Tomonori Kito, Daisuke N. Saito, Takanori Kochiyama, Michikazu Matsumura, Norihiro Sadato, Susan J. Lederman ‘Multisensoryactivation of the intraparietal area during the classification ofgrating orientation: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study’ Journal of Neuroscience (2006) vol. 26, 7491-7501.
3. Ryo Kitada, Toshihiro Hashimoto, Takanori Kochiyama, Tomonori Kito, Tomohisa Okada, Michikazu Matsumura, Susan J. Lederman and Norihiro Sadato ‘Tactile estimation of the roughness of gratings yields agraded response in the human brain: an fMRI study’ NeuroImage (2005) vol. 25, 90-100.


8. (1)Septal neurons in barrel cortex derive their receptive field input from the lemniscal pathway(バレル皮質中隔領域に存在するニューロンは毛帯経路から受容野の情報を受け取る)



 Barrel-related circuits in the somatosensory cortex of rodents process vibrissal information conveyed through the lemniscal pathway. Yet, the origin of vibrissal input to interbarrrel regions (septa) remains an unsettled issue. A recurring proposal that never received conclusive experimental support is that septa-related circuits process paralemniscal inputs conveyed through the posterior group of the thalamus. Here we show that the receptive field of septal cells is independent of paralemniscal inputs, and that septal cells derive their receptive field input from neurons in the dorsal part of the thalamic barreloids. This result provides the missing piece of evidence for a separate pathway of vibrissal information that projects to septal columns of the barrel cortex.



9. Experiencedictates stem cell fate in the adult hippocampus

Alex Dranovsky
(Clinical Psychiatry Division of Integrative Neuroscience Columbia University)


 コロンビア大学のDr. Alex Dranovskyは,海馬neurogenesisとうつ,不安の関係について先駆的な仕事をしたRene Hen Labから最近独立した研究者兼精神科医で,淡路で開かれるCRESTシンポジウム(大隅典子,宮川剛先生オーガナイズ)の演者として来日しました。多数,御来聴下さい。


10. Excitatory/inhibitory balance and rhythmicity in the cortical network

Maria V. Sanchez-Vives (Instituto de Neurociencias (INA) Barcelona, Spain)


 The cerebral cortex generates spontaneous activity in the form of a slow rhythm while maintained in vitro [1]. This activity is organized in alternating up and down states similarly to the cortical activity occurring during anesthesia and slow wave sleep [2]. Different studies of conductance suggest that there is an excitatory / inhibitory balance during up states, although some give a predominant role to inhibition. Previous results from our laboratory suggest that the accumulation of excitatory and inhibitory events at the beginning of up states is remarkably synchronized in the cortex both in vitro and in vivo [3]. The same pattern prevails during the transition from up to down states. The absolute number of detected synaptic events is also compatible with excitation and inhibition being well balanced during up states (Compte et al., Springer, 2009, in press). In this seminar I will also present how the progressive blockade of inhibition affects different properties of up states as well as their propagation rate, in an attempt to understand how inhibition modulates cortical spontaneous activity.

[1] Sanchez-Vives, M.V. and D.A. McCormick, Cellular and network mechanisms of rhythmic recurrent activity in neocortex. Nat Neurosci, 2000. 3(10): p. 1027-34.
[2] Steriade, M., A. Nunez, and F. Amzica, A novel slow (< 1Hz) oscillation of neocortical neurons in vivo: depolarizing and hyperpolarizing components. J Neurosci, 1993. 13(8): p. 3252-65.
[3] Compte, A., Reig, R., Descalzo, V.F., Harvey, M. A., Puccini, G.D., and Sanchez-Vives, M. V. (2008). Spontaneous high-frequency (10-80Hz) oscillations during up states in the cerebral cortex in vitro. J Neurosci 28, 13828-13844.


11. クライオ電子顕微鏡法によるバイオモレキュラーイメージング
(Biomolecular imaging bycryo-electron microscopy)

Kazuyoshi Murata (Department of biochemistry and molecular biology,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA)


 Cryo-electron microscopy is a unique technique to visualize biomolecules in near-natural environments. However, because of the inherent noisy image, the application of this method has so far been restricted to some protein arrays, such as 2-D crystals of transmembrane proteins or helical tubes of proteins. In my seminar, I will introduce two state-of-the-art technologies to overcome this restriction; cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) and Zernike phase contrast cryo-electron microscopy (ZPC-cryoEM). As an example, I will present the infectious process of P-SSP7 phage on Prochlorococcus host cell using cryoET and a structural analysis of epsilon 15 phage at subnanometer resolution using ZPC-cryoEM.

 クライオ電子電子顕微鏡法は,生物分子を自然に近い環境で可視化する唯一の方法である。しかし,本来ノイズの多い像しか得られないことから,これまでこの方法の応用例は,膜貫通タンパク質の二次元結晶やタンパク質のらせん状結晶などの特殊な試料に限られてきた。本セミナーでは,この問題を打開する最新の二つの方法,クライオ電子線トモグラフィー法 (cryoET),ゼルニケ位相コントラストクライオ電子顕微鏡法 (ZPC-cryoEM) を使った研究例を紹介する。

1. cryoETを使ったファージP-SSP7の宿主細胞Prochlorococcosへの感染過程。

2. ZPCcryoEMを使ったepsilon 15ファージのサブナノメーター分解能の構造解析。


12. Towards an integrated model of Basal Ganglia

V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy
(Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India)
(Amari Unit, RIKEN Brain Science Institute)


 Basal ganglia (BG) constitute a network of 7 deep brain nuclei involved in a variety of crucial brain functions including: action selection, action gating, reward based learning, motor preparation, timing etc. In spite of the immense amount of data available today, researchers continue to wonder how such a small deep brain circuit performs such a bewildering range of functions. Computational models of BG have focused on individual functions and fail to give an integrative picture of BG function. A major breakthrough in our understanding of BG function is perhaps the insight that activities of mesencephalic dopaminergic cells represent some form of ‘reward’ to the organism. This insight enabled application of tools from ‘reinforcement learning’ (RL), a branch of machine learning, in the study of BG function. Of the key pathways that constitute the BG circuit - the Direct and the Indirect Pathways - the function of the latter pathway has been given a variable and tentative interpretation. Exploration, a key RL mechanism, is shown to have a cortical substrate but no counterpart in BG circuit has been found. We hypothesize that the STN-GPe part of BG is the Explorer and show using simulations, how such an assumption completes the picture. Presenting a series of models describing how BG is involved in control of spatial navigation, reaching, handwriting, saccade generation etc., we outline an approach towards development of an integrated computational model of Basal Ganglia.



13. 大脳皮質視覚野における特異的神経結合とその発達





14. Zernike Phase Contrast Cryo-EM at Subnanometer Resolution

Wah Chiu (National Center for Macromolecular Imaging, Baylor College of Medicine)


 A Zernike phase contrast (ZPC) electron microscope was used to image the known structures of purple membrane 2-D crystal and e15 phage particles. The reconstructions of these two specimens show the feasibility of resolving long alpha helices of the protein subunits at subnanometer resolutions. The ZPC single particle images of e15 phage particles allows us to obtain a higher resolution structure with lesser number of particles than that determined with conventional images. In a cryo-electron tomography study, post-tomographic averaging of subtomograms from a single tilt series of ice embedded e15 phages yields a density map at a resolution better than that with conventional images. These results demonstrate the potential advantages of this novel imaging modality for molecular and cellular structure research.


15. IBROの活動に関する紹介と脳内時計に関するお話

Marina Bentivoglio (University of Verona, Verona, Italy; IBRO)


 国際脳研究機構IBROのSecretary Generalを務めておられますイタリア・Verona大学のMarina Bentivoglio教授が生理研を訪問されますので,セミナーをお願いしました。


 The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) and worldwide neuroscience The presentation will briefly highlight the activities of IBRO, the world federation of neuroscience societies, associations, groups (www.ibro.info). IBRO, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1961 (at the birth of the modern era of the “neurosciences”) to facilitate communication among neuroscientists worldwide and to promote scientific exchanges and training in brain research. Since the mid-1990s IBRO has concentrated efforts and resources on the promotion of the neurosciences (and especially thetraining and networking of young investigators) worldwide, with a special focus on disadvantaged countries of the world. Main IBRO programs will be presented and discussed. Brain clocks, inflammation and ageing Life flows over time, the fourth dimension of life, which shapes our days, months and years, and clocks tick in the brain to measure time. In mammals, biological rhythms are controlled by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) ofthe anterior hypothalamus which function as a master biological clock. The SCN thus governs the sleep-wake cycle, as well as of endogenous rhythms in behavioral, hormonal and immune functions. Other neural cell groups act as “switches” of biological functions. For example, orexin-containingneurons in the dorsolateral hypothalamus play a key role in wake regulation and are involved in circuits underlying the transition from sleep to wake. Despite the wealth of knowledge accumulated in the last years on the regulation of the SCN and brain “switches”, the effect exerted by inflammatory signalling on these cell groups has been relatively neglected, though itcan be implicated in diverse pathological and physiological conditions. Paradigmatic is, in this context, a severe neuroinflammatory condition represented by African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness. This neglected parasitic disease, which is fatal if uncured, is hallmarked in humans by alterations of the sleep-wake cycle. Findings which implicate a dysregulation of brain clock/s in experimental models of this disease will be discussed. On the other hand, in the context of physiologicalconditions, a number of data in the last years have pointed out that normal aging is hallmarked by low-grade chronic inflammatory activity, with increased production of proinflammatory cytokines peripherally and in the brain and decreased anti-inflammatory mediators. A puzzling aspect of aging is represented by the frequent dysregulation of endogenous biological rhythms, and especially of the sleep/wake cycle, and data will be presented on aging-related changes of brain clock/s. The talk will thus delineate an itinerary of research focusing on neural-immune interactions in the brain timing machinery.


16. 合同セミナー

Takuma Mori and Edward Callaway, Nelson Spruston, Dan Nicholson, Yael Katz,
Vilas Menon, Jason Hardie, Jackie Schiller, Masanori Murayama



部門公開セミナー            13:30-14:20

 Glycoprotein-deficient rabies virus vector

 Takuma Mori and Edward Callaway
 Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, U.S.A.

 We have developed recombinant rabies viruses that can express various transgenes and are therefore useful for linking together cell types, connectivity, and function. By introducing the coding sequence for other genes (than GFP) into the genome of the glycoprotein-deleted rabies virus, we have created additional vectors with further utility. New recombinant rabies viruses include one encoding an epitope-tagged red fluorescent protein mCherry-myc (SAD-delta; G-mCherry-myc), and another encoding the troponin C based calcium biosensor TN-XL (SAD-delta; G-TN-XL). Both viruses can be used as described previously for GFP expressing virus, to label specific types of projection neurons. The SAD-&Delta; G-mCherry-myc virus has the additional advantage that it can be used in combination with GFP expressing transgenic mice or viral vectors. The SAD-delta; G-TN-XL virus can be used not only to visualize the morphology of neurons as finely as with SAD-delta; G-GFP, but it would also allow optical monitoring of the activity of specific projection neurons or interconnected populations. These new rabies viral vectors will therefore enable us to understand morphological and physiological aspects of neural circuits at a finer scale.

所長招聘セミナー            14:20-15:20


 Nelson Spruston, Dan Nicholson, Yael Katz, Vilas Menon, Jason Hardie
Dept. Neurobiology & Physiology, Northwestern University, Evanston, U.S.A

 Excitatory synapses contact the dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons at a variety of locations. We have used a combination of patch-clamp recording in hippocampal slices, serial-section electron microscopy, and immunogold localization of AMPA and NMDA receptors to study the properties of these synapses in different dendritic domains of CA1 neurons. We have also used computational modeling to develop testable predictions concerning how inputs onto these dendritic domains are integrated and converted to output (action potential firing in the axon) and used patch-clamp recording to understand the mechanisms responsible for dendritic integration and plasticity in these neurons. This lecture will describe the results of several studies that have led to a working model of synaptic integration and plasticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Specifically, we will present evidence that synaptic specializations and voltage-gated channels in CA1 dendrites are critical for ensuring that synapses on disparate dendritic domains can contribute to output via the axon and that some combinations of inputs are particularly effective for driving action potential firing or synaptic plasticity in these neurons.

Coffee break            15:20-15:40

所長招聘セミナー            15:40-16:40

 Dendritic processing in neocortical pyramidal neurons

 Jackie Schiller
 Dept. of Physiology, Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Israel

 The layer-5 pyramidal neuron receives information from all cortical layers through its elaborated dendritic arborization and conveys the main output of the cortical hemisphere. Understanding the way this neuron is integrating its vast synaptic inputs is fundamental to understanding sensory-motor processing in the cortex. More than 80% of synapses contact the fine dendrites of the tree. In the past decade direct patch-clamp recordings were routinely performed from thicker portions of the dendritic tree. In this talk I will present data from our direct recordings in the fine dendrites of the tree. The integrative properties and plasticity rules will be presented with special emphasis on the importance of NMDA spikes.

部門公開セミナー            16:40-17:30

 Top-down inputs drive large dendritic activity with animal behavior

 Masanori Murayama
 Institute of Physiology, Bern University, Bern, Switzerland

 Very little is known about dendritic activity in awake animals and even less about its relationship to behavior. Anatomical and physiological studies have shown that top-down inputs, vital to awake behavior, projects to the upper layers of the cortex where it can synapse onto the tuft dendrites of pyramidal neurons. Here, we measured dendritic calcium activity in layer 5 (L5) pyramidal neurons in the sensorimotor cortex of awake and anesthetized rats following sensory stimulation by using a fiberoptics imaging method. Dendrites of L5 pyramidal cells were bolus-loaded with Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 AM. Bi-phasic dendritic responses evoked by hindlimb stimulation were extremely dependent on brain state. In the awake state, there was a prominent slow, delayed response whose integral was ~14 fold larger than in the anesthetized state. These changes were confined to L5 pyramidal dendrites and were not reflected in the activity of layer 2/3 neurons in general. Inacti vating a higher cortical brain area, the supplementary motor area (SMA), with tetrodotoxin suppressed dendritic activity as did transecting the region between the two cortical areas. Conversely, stimulation of the same region resulted in increases in dendritic activity. Anterogradely labeling of L5 neurons with a neural tracer in the SMA showed corticocortical projections to primary sensory area. These physiological and anatomical findings demonstrate the SMA drives the large dendritic activity in sensory area. We conclude that during the awake state, top-down connections control the duration of dendritic activity which is functionally related to behavior.


17. 視床下部−交感神経系による糖代謝調節機構







18. 質感の知覚と可視化 (Envisioning the material world)

James A. Ferwerda (Munsell Color Science Laboratory,
Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology)


 Efforts to understand human vision have largely focused on our abilities to perceive the geometric properties of objects such as shapes, sizes, and distances, and have neglected the perception of materials. However correctly perceiving materials is at least as important as perceiving objects, and human vision allows us to tell if objects are hard or soft, smooth or rough, clean or dirty, fresh or spoiled, and dead or alive. Understanding the perception of material properties is therefore of critical importance in many fields. In this talk I will first show how we have been using image synthesis techniques to develop psychophysical models of material perception that can relate the physical properties of materials to their visual appearances. I will then describe how we have been taking advantage of the limits of material perception to develop new techniques for efficiently rendering complex scenes. Finally I will discuss some recent efforts to develop advanced display systems that allow more realistic visualization of complex objects and materials, and allow hands-on interaction


19. Reinforcement mechanisms in the basal ganglia

Peter Redgrave(Sheffield大学,英国)


 The basal ganglia are one of the fundamental processing units of the brain and have been associated with processes of reinforcement learning. A strong line of supporting evidence comes from the recording of dopamine (DA) neurones in behaving monkeys. Unpredicted, biologically salient events, including reward cause as tereotypic short latency, short duration burst of DA activity the phasic response. A currently dominant hypothesis is that such responses represent reward prediction errors which are used as teaching signals in appetitive learning. However, the comparative response latencies of DA neurones (~100ms) and orienting gaze-shifts (150-200ms) indicates that phasic DA responses are triggered by pre-attentive, pre-saccadic sensory processing. The discovery that subcortical sensory structures like the superior colliculus provide the main, if not exclusive short-latency visual inputs to DA neurones is consistent with this view. Therefore, in natural circumstances it is unlikely that the identity of an unexpected event is known at the time of DA signalling. The limited quality of afferent sensory processing and the precise timing of phasic DA signals, suggests an alternative hypothesis that phasic DA signals may instead reinforce the discovery of sensory events for which the organism is responsible. In cases where the event is caused by the organism, it is proposed that DA-dependent neural plasticity acts to promote the discovery of novel actions.



Florian Lesage (Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire - CNRS,
Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne, France)



 K+ channels regulate neuronal signaling, heart rate, vascular tone, and hormone secretion. They also regulate cell volume and K+ uptake, and control the flow of salt across epithelia. We have identified a particular class of K+ channels, called two-P-domain K+ channels (K2P). They produce background conductances that are a major determinant of resting potential and input resistance, two key components of neuronal excitability. K2P channels are targets of many physiological stimuli, including pH and temperature variations, hypoxia, bioactive lipids, and neurotransmitter modulation. They are also activated by clinically-relevant drugs such as volatile anesthetics and neuroprotective agents. K2P channels interact with trafficking, addressing and scaffolding proteins. The identification of such proteins provides useful information on the cellular and molecular context in which these channels act.

・ J Neurosci (2009) 29: 2528-2533
・ J Neurosci (2008) 28: 8545-8552
・ Cell (2007) 130: 563-569
・ EMBO J (2006) 25: 5864-5872


21. クライオ電子顕微鏡法による生体分子イメージング

村田和義 (Baylor College of Medicine, USA)



22. 電子顕微鏡による生体高分子の立体構造解析

平井照久(理化学研究所 播磨研究所 放射光科学総合研究センター
構造生理学研究グループ 三次元顕微鏡法研究チーム)



23. 極性輸送の細胞,組織,個体における役割






24. Theta oscillations provide temporal windows for local circuit computation in the entorhinal-hippocampal loop



 Theta oscillations provide temporal windows for local circuit computation in the entorhinal-hippocampal loop

 The engagement of the entorhinal (EC)-hippocampal circuitry is critical for the formation and retrieval of episodic memories. Theta oscillations are believed to play an important role in the coordination of neuronal firing in the EC-hippocampal system but the underlying mechanisms are not known. We simultaneously recorded from neurons in multiple regions of the EC-hippocampal loop and examined their temporal relationships. Theta coordinated synchronous spiking of EC neuronal populations predicted the timing of current sinks in target layers in the hippocampus. However, the temporal delays between population activities in successive anatomical stages were longer (typically by a half theta cycle) than expected from axon conduction velocities and passive synaptic integration of feed-forward excitatory inputs. We hypothesize that the temporal windows set by the theta cycles allow for local circuit interactions and thus a considerable degree of computational independence in subdivisions of the EC-hippocampal loop.


25. Retinotopic Mapping and Binocular Matching: Functional Studies of Visual System Development in Mice

Jianhua Cang (Departmentof Neurobiology and Physiology; Northwestern University)


 Neurons in the visual system respond to specific features of the visual scene in their receptive fields. The receptive field, characterized by its position, size, orientation/direction selectivity, spatial/temporal preference and ocular dominance, arises from selective and precise wiring between neurons. In this talk, I will present two discoveries that we have made in the functional study of receptive field development. First, we have studied the roles of the molecular guidance cues ephrins and structured activity in the development of retinocollicular maps. By studying the overall structure of the retinotopic maps with intrinsic signal imaging, comparing the experimental data with a computational model, and determining receptive field structures in several lines of mutant mice, we have revealed the contributions of ephrin-As and activity- dependent mechanisms in retinocollicular map formation. Second, we have demonstrated that activity- dependent changes induced by normal visual experience during the well-studied critical period serve to match eye-spec ificinputs in the visual cortex, thus revealing a physiological role for critical period plasticity during normal development.


26. Reactivation of Hippocampal Cell Assemblies Following Spatial Learning

Jozsef Csicsvari (MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit, Oxford)


 David Dupret, Joe O'Neill, Barty Pleydell-Bouverie, and Jozsef Csicsvari

 The hippocampus is a key brain region for spatial memory. This has been related to the fact that hippocampal principal cells fire in relation to space and these "place cells" collectively provide a map-like representation of the environment, which can be used for solving spatial problems. In order to examine how place cell representations might enable solving spatial memory tasks, we recorded place cell activity in behaving rats during a matching-to-multiple-places task that requires frequent updating of memories for goal locations. The task took place on a cheeseboard maze where rats had to find a set of rewarded wells whose locations changed from day-to-day but stayed fixed within successive learning trials on each day. On each day, rats covered longer distances before finding the rewards during the first trial than in subsequent trials suggesting that rats search for the baited wells on the first trial, while they rapidly encode and remember locations for the remaining trials. The place-related firing patterns in CA1 region reorganised to over-represent the learnt goal locations whereas such reorganisation did not take place in CA3. Moreover the learning-related CA1 population firing patterns representing learnt locations predict memory performances in subsequent memory retention tests. During learning, place cells that encoded goal locations exhibited a higher sharp-wave/ripple associated firing response compared to those place cells that did not encode goal locations. During the post-learning sleep period, the firing patterns of goal-centric cells exhibited stronger reactivation than other place cells and their reactivation predicted subsequent memory performances. Altogether, these results suggest that reorganisation and reactivation of goal-related population firing patterns sustain spatial learning and memory retention abilities.


27. Intracortical circuitry mechanism underlying self-initiation of voluntary movements



 It is known that motor cortex neurons are activated at a variety of timing during self-initiated voluntary movement. However, how excitatory and inhibitory neurons in distinct cortical layers of motor cortex participate in organizing the voluntary movement has been poorly understood. Here, we performed juxtacellular and multiunit recordings from motor cortex of actively behaving rats to demonstrate temporally and functionally distinct activations of excitatory pyramidal cells and inhibitory fast-spiking (FS) interneurons. Across cortical layers, pyramidal cells were activated diversely for sequential motor phases (e.g., preparation, initiation, execution). In contrast, FS interneurons, including parvalbumin-positive basket cells, were recruited predominantly for motor execution with pyramidal cells producing a command-like activity. Thus, FS interneurons may underlie command- shaping by balanced inhibition or recurrent inhibition, rather than command-gating by temporally alternating excitation and inhibition. Furthermore, our cross-correlation analysis of multiunit activity suggested that initiation-associated pyramidal cells discharged synchronously with similar and different functional classes of neurons through direct (or indirect) synaptic connections. It implies that these cells do not just initiate voluntary movement but also coordinate sequential motor information.


28. Single-particle reconstruction of a membrane protein in a membrane:
cryo-EM structure of the BK potassium channel

Frederick Sigworth (Yale University)





29. Waking Up the Brain

Donald W. Pfaff (The Rockefeller University)


 The most powerful and essential force in the central nervous system is 'generalized CNS arousal' (Harvard University Press, 2006). The first part of the talk will give its precise definition and evidence for its existence. Also, a quantitative behavioral assay for mice will be shown, a computer-controlled assay. Then we will look at how generalized CNS arousal mechanisms impact the hypothalamic neurons that are responsible for regulating the first-worked-out mammalian behavior, a female sex behavior (older work reviewed in Drive, MIT Press, 1999). We are currently working on 4 chemical systems that manage the effect of generalized arousal on sexual arousal: histamine (through H1 receptors), norepinephrine (through alpha 1b receptors), opioid peptides (through mu receptors ) and prostaglandin D. Finally, we will consider raising CNS arousal after brain damage, and the possible usefulness of using non-linear dynamics (BioEssays, 2007) to design pulse trains for deep brain stimulation. All of these studies deal with what we consider to be the most fundamental property of vertebrate nervous systems.


30. (1)Second Harmonic Generationイメージングを用いた神経細胞細部での定量的膜電位計測



 多光子顕微鏡はその応用により,生物学,特に脳科学にこれまでにない多くの知見をもたらして来ました。しかし2光子励起顕微鏡に比べ,その他の多光子顕微鏡技術の生物学への応用はまだまだ遅れをとっています。Second Harmonic Generation(SHG,光第二次高調波発生)もそのような光学現象の一つと言えます。私達はこれまでにこのSHGイメージングが細胞膜電位の定量的な可視化に利用できる事を示してきました。これを応用すれば,これまで電極を用いた電気生理学的手法での解析が困難であった微細構造における電位の定量的な視化が可能となると期待されます。そこで本セミナーにおいては,このSHGイメージングの神経細胞膜電位計測への応用とその結果についてお話しします。


1. W. Tomosugi et al. Nature Methods 6 (2009) 351.
2. M Iwano et al. Plant Physiol. 150 (2009) 1322.
3. T. Matsuda, A. Miyawaki and T. Nagai. Nature Methods 5 (2008) 339.
4. K. Saito K et al.. Cell Struct Funct. 33 (2008) 133.
5. I. Kotera and T. Nagai. J. Biotechnol. 13 (2008) 1.
6. K. Takemoto et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104 (2007) 13367.
7. K. Okamoto et al.. Nature Neurosci 7 (2004) 1104
8. T. Nagai et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101 (2004) 10554.
9. T. Nagai et al. Nature Biotechnol. 20 (2002) 87.
10. T. Nagai et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98 (2001) 3197.


31. Switching gears: new perspectives on movement control from the zebrafish

David McLean (Northwestern University)


 We understand relatively little about how interneurons regulate motoneuron activity during different movements. Here, I will present evidence that interneurons are organized differently from motoneurons, using the spinal control of swimming in young zebrafish as a model. Spinal motoneurons follow the size principle, with more and more cells added to the active pool as zebrafish swim faster. This pattern is not only related to the size of motoneurons, but also to their input resistance and their position in the spinal cord. For spinal excitatory interneurons, cells are also recruited topographically according to input resistance, but not to size. In addition, unlike motoneurons there are switches in the pools of active interneurons during increases in speed. More ventral excitatory interneurons are inhibited as more dorsal cells are engaged. This inhibition occurs not only between classes of excitatory interneuron, but also within a single class. Thus, increases in movement intensity are achieved by activating more motoneurons, but different interneurons. I will discuss the relevance of this pattern to other vertebrates.

・ McLean et al, (2008). Continuous shifts in the active set of spinal interneurons during changes in locomotor speed. Nature Neuroscience 11, 1419-29.
・ McLean et al, (2007). Atopographic map of recruitment in spinal cord. Nature 446, 71-5.


32. 本能機能を司る視床下部ペプチド神経の研究





33. 「魅力的に科学を伝えるためのABC」"イケてる研究者"になりませんか?"



 10月6日 13:30-14:30



 講師:日本科学未来館科学コミュニケーション推進室 科学コミュニケーター



34. 自閉症スペクトラム障害における自己認知機能



 近年,社会性の障害を主症状とする自閉症スペクトラム障害者の脳機能が注目を集めている。その多くは,他者理解という視点から自閉症の病態解明および脳機能について検討したものである。その一方で自己の側面に注目した脳機能研究は非常に少ない。しかしながら,行動学的研究によると,自閉症者の自己に対する関心の低さが指摘されており,それに関わる脳機能障害が予想される。そこで,機能的磁気共鳴画像法 (fMRI) を用いて高機能自閉症者の「自己」に関連する神経基盤の機能を調べた。本セミナーではその研究結果を報告するとともに,自閉症者における「自己感」について考える。


35. Cholinesterase contributions to body- to-brain signaling in health and disease

Hermona Soreq (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Department of Biological Chemistry)


 Body to brain signalling underlies the neuro-immune pathway, but the proteins involved are incompletely characterized. Research in our lab focuses on the contribution to such signalling of human cholinesterases. In the brain, the acetylcholinesterase ACHE gene yields several protein products with different N- and C-termini. While all variants hydrolyze acetylcholine, they show different sub-cellular localizations, protein-protein interactions and physiological roles (1). Inherited and acquired changes in the expression of AChE variants and the homologous butyrylcholinesterase BChE gene induce diverse effects on the progression of Alzheimer's disease (2, 3). Moreover, antisense suppression of AChE improves myasthenia gravis symptoms (4) and facilitates the suppression of inflammation by acetylcholine. Recently, we discovered that inflammatory stimuli induce over-expression of the AChE-targeting micro-RNA-132, which is a functional regulator of the brain-to-body resolution of inflammation (5). RNA-based drugs targeting specific cholinesterases, which may have yet unknown glycosylation differences can hence open new avenues for study and therapeutic manipulations of brain-to-body communication processes.


36. A behavioral neurophysiologist's attempt at creating a laterally-inhibitory accumulating reticular model

Brian Coe(カナダ・クイーンズ大学)



37. A molecular correlate of ocular dominance (OD) columns in the developing mammalian visual cortex:
a discovery of a molecule specific for ipsilateral OD columns

冨田江一(生理学研究所 行動・代謝分子解析センター)


 視覚系の発達した哺乳類において,同側眼・反対側眼からの視覚情報は別々に分かれて,大脳皮質第一次視覚野上の同側・反対側眼優位カラムに入力する。眼優位カラム形成は,大脳皮質発生・発達研究のよいモデル系であり,長い間視覚刺激あるいは自発性神経活動に依存したactivity-dependent mechanismによるとされてきた。しかしながら,最近,通常の視覚刺激がない開眼前よりすでに眼優位カラム様の構造物が認められる,あるいは網膜の自発性神経活動をブロックしても眼優位カラム形成は阻害されないなど,この説を否定する報告が増えてきている。これより,同側・反対側眼優位カラムの初期分離は何らかの分子メカニズムによるのではと考えられ始めたが,現在までこの分子の実体は全く分かっていない。私は,ある分子シャペロンが眼優位カラム形成初期より第一次視覚野上でパッチ状に発現していること,このパッチ状の発現が同側眼優位カラムに一致していることを発見したのでここに示す。さらに,分子シャペロンのパッチ状発現は開眼前の出生直後よりすでに認められることも明らかにした。これらの結果をまとめると,発生初期の同側・反対側眼優位カラム分離形成は,それぞれに発現する分子の差異によるものと強く示唆される。


38. 視覚グルーピングと頭頂間溝皮質ニューロンの活動

横井 功(生理学研究所 生体情報研究系 感覚認知情報部門)


 視覚グルーピングとは視野上に存在する離散的要素をつなぎ合わせ,単一の視覚対象としてとらえることである。例えば,同じ色を持つ複数の点が等間隔で一直線に並んでいると,複数の点はつなぎ合わされて一本の線として認識することが出来る。このつなぎ合わせは離散的要素間の連続性や類似性などによって生じる。またグルーピングには事前の知識や経験によるトップダウンのメカニズムも働くことも知られている。しかしながら,トップダウン的なグルーピングがどのような神経メカニズムによって生じているのかは分かっていない。グルーピングを必要とする課題をサルにトレーニングし,細胞外電気生理記録法を用いて頭頂間溝皮質 (L-IPS) から単一ニューロン活動を記録した。L-IPSニューロンは離散的な複数のドットによって構築される視覚特徴に選択的な反応を示し,その選択性は注意を向けることによって強められた。また,その活動はサルの行動パフォーマンスとよく相関していた。これらの結果から,L-IPSのニューロン群が視覚グルーピングに重要な役割を果たしていることが示唆された(Yokoi and Komatsu, J Neurosci 29: 13210-13221, 2009)。さらにL-IPSのニューロンデータを活動電位の持続時間に基づいて錐体細胞または介在細胞と推測されるクラスに分類し,ニューロンクラス間で反応特性の比較を行った。本セミナーでは,論文に掲載された視覚グルーピングに関与する頭頂間溝皮質ニューロンの活動と,最近解析したニューロンクラス間での反応特性の違いについて紹介します。


39. 非線形光学現象を用いたバイオフォトニクス:超短パルスレーザを用いた応用と研究展望





40. In vivo imaginag and reverse genetic analysis of oligodendrocyte development in zebrafish

高田智夫/Norio Takada (University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center)


 脊椎動物の中枢神経系の発生において,多様な神経細胞やグリア細胞は,活発に細胞分裂を行うmultipotent neural precursorから分化し,神経系の構築に寄与する。成体期においては,ゆっくりと細胞分裂を行う少数の幹細胞によって,神経細胞やグリア細胞がつくられる。Precursorや幹細胞から生じた細胞は,どのようにして神経系に組み込まれていくのだろうか? 私は,発生中の中枢神経系において,細胞の振る舞いを制御するメカニズムについて研究を行っている。現在,主に,中枢神経系におけるミエリン形成細胞であるオリゴデンドロサイトの発生に関する研究に取り組んでいる。ミエリン鞘の役割や解剖学的特徴はよく理解されているが,生体内におけるオリゴデンドロサイトの分化メカニズムは,まだ十分に理解されているとは言えない。私は,ゼブラフィッシュをモデルに,オリゴデンドロサイトがどのように中枢神経系内を移動し,どのように標的となる神経軸索を認識し,そして,どのうようにミエリンへと分化するか,の3点について主に研究を行っている。ゼブラフィッシュ胚やその幼生は透明であるため,蛍光タンパク質で細胞を標識することによって,中枢神経系内におけるイヴェントを生体の状態で観察することができる。この利点を活かし,オリゴデンドロサイトを特異的に標識するトランスジェニックラインを作成し,共焦点顕微鏡を用いてオリゴデンロサイトの動態の解析を行ってきた。一方,オリゴデンドロサイトの分化の分子メカニズムを理解するために,ゼブラフィッシュのオリゴデンロサイトに特異的に発現する新規遺伝子のスクリーニングを行った。現在,loss-of-functionとgain-of-function,および生体イメージングの技術を組み合わせて,得られた遺伝子のオリゴデンドロサイトの発生における機能を調べている。これまでの解析によって,その内の一つは,spinal cordのprecursor domainにおいて細胞分化に関わるとともに,オリゴデンドロサイトの分化を正に制御している因子であるとことが示唆れた。今後,オリゴデンドロサイトの発生制御のメカニズムに関する研究をさらに深めるとともに,そのメカニズムの不具合が,どのように中枢神経系全体の構築や機能に影響するか,という問題にアプローチしていきたいと考えている。


41. 1分子観察でみえてきた細胞膜ラフトが働くしくみ

鈴木健一(京都大学 物質−細胞統合システム拠点)




42. バゾプレッシン産生ニューロンにおける電気生理学的検討

大淵豊明(産業医科大学 医学部 第1生理学)


 バゾプレッシンを産生する大細胞性神経分泌ニューロンの細胞体は視床下部室傍核および視索上核に局在し,下垂体後葉へ投射した軸索終末から循環血中に分泌される。その分泌は,浸透圧などの細胞外環境および多数のシナプス入力によって修飾・調節される。我々はバゾプレッシン遺伝子に緑色蛍光タンパク遺伝子を挿入した融合遺伝子を用いてトランスジェニックラットを作出し,バゾプレッシンニューロンを緑色蛍光により生細胞の状態で同定することに成功した。これを契機に,単離後およそ24時間培養したバゾプレッシンニューロンを蛍光顕微鏡下に同定した上での電気生理学的アプローチが可能となった。その後の解析により,(1) バゾプレッシンニューロンのGABA応答はBrain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) により減弱する,(2) バゾプレッシンニューロンにAcid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) が発現しており,乳酸によりその活動性が変化する,(3) 単離したバゾプレッシンニューロンはおよそ12時間培養後までシナプス後電流の性質を保持している,などの新たな知見を見出した。


43. Frontiers of Science by Dr Barbara Jasny, Science magazine/AAAS

Barbara R. Jasny (Commentary, Scence/AAAS)


 Science magazine, the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has been at the forefront of communicating and interpreting advances in all areas of science to multidisciplinary researchers, the news media, teachers, decision-makers and the general public. Because we serve a general audience, the manuscripts that we publish must meet certain standards that are higher than those for specialty journals. I will describe the inner workings of Science magazine so that the audience can understand what it is that we consider to be the best scientific research and how to write for Science magazine. The research landscape is changing rapidly - with new tools and new questions opening up - and I will describe some of the revolutionary advances and frontiers. The way science is being conducted is changing, with larger collaborations and increasing amounts of data—which pose unprecedented challenges for researchers.

 The landscape for publishing is also changing and I will discuss some of the challenges that journals are facing and how we are evolving.

 Barbara R. Jasny, Ph.D.
 Deputy Editor for Commentary


44. 視床下部と大脳皮質による睡眠覚醒調節

Thomas S Kilduff(SRIインターナショナル,スタンフォード大学)


 1998年,二つの研究グループがほぼ同時に視床下部に発現する新しい神経ペプチド「ハイポクレチン/オレキシン」を同定した。オレキシン神経系は脳の広範囲に興奮性の投射をし,睡眠覚醒調節,代謝,内分泌,依存,ストレスによる鎮痛 (SIA) などに関与している。オレキシン神経系の破綻によって,ナルコレプシーという睡眠障害を呈する。そのため,オレキシン神経系の入出力神経系を明らかにすることによって,睡眠覚醒調節機構が明らかになると考えられる。我々は,オレキシン神経特異的にEGFPを発現する遺伝子改変マウスを用いて,コルチコトロピン遊離ファクター (CRF) がオレキシン神経を活性化すること,ノシセプチン/オーファニンFQが抑制することを見いだした。



45. アデノ随伴ウイルス (AAV) ベクター:基礎から応用まで



 アデノ随伴ウイルス (AAV) ベクターに関する基礎知識からパーキンソン病臨床研究による経験などについてご講演いただきます。


46. How Schwann cells assemble nodes of Ranvier

Elior Peles (Hanna Hertz Professorial Chair for Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroscience,
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science)


 Saltatory conduction requires high-density accumulation of Na+ channels at nodes of Ranvier. Nodal Na+ channel clustering in the peripheral nervous system is regulated by myelinating Schwann cells through unknown mechanisms. We have recently found that channel clustering at heminodes bordering each myelin segment requires gliomedin, NrCAM and neurofascin 186, three cell adhesion molecules that mediate the interaction between Schwann cells and the axon. Furthermore, in the absence of heminodal clustering, Na+ channels still accumulate in mature nodes, a process that depends on axoglial contact at the adjacent paranodal junctions. Genetic removal of both nodal and paranodal axoglial contacts abolishes Na+ channel accumulation. Thus, Schwann cells serve a dual role in the assembly of the nodes of Ranvier by capturing Na+ channels at the edges of the forming myelin unit and by constraining their distribution between two myelin segments. Together, these two cooperating mechanisms ensure fast conduction in myelinated nerves.


47. Human neural stem cell-based gene therapy in neurological diseases

Seung U. Kim (Department of Neurology, UBC Hospital,
University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada)


 Cell replacement therapy and gene transfer to the diseased or injured brain have provided the basis for the development of potentially powerful new therapeutic strategies for a broad spectrum of human neurological diseases. In recent years, neurons and glial cells have successfully been generated from stem cells such as embryonic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells and neural stem cells, and extensive efforts by investigators to develop stem cell-based brain transplantation therapies have been carried out. Recently we have generated continuously dividing immortalized cell lines of human NSCs by introduction of v-myc oncogenes and these immortalized NSC lines have advantageous characteristics for basic studies on neural development and cell replacement therapy or gene therapy studies. Immortalized human NSCs were genetically manipulated in vitro, survive, integrate into host tissues and differentiate into both neurons and glial cells after transplantation to the intact or damaged animal brain. Both in vivo and in vitro human NSCs were able to differentiate into neurons and glial cells and populate the developing or degenerating CNS. Cell replacement and gene transfer to the diseased or injured CNS using NSCs have provided the basis for the development of potentially powerful new therapeutic strategies for a broad spectrum of human neurological diseases including Parkinson disease (PD), Huntington disease (HD), Alzheimer disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, spinal cord injury and brain tumors. Steady and solid progress in stem cell research in both basic and pre-clinical settings should support the hope for development of stem cell-based therapies for neurodegenerative diseases.


48. 代謝型グルタミン酸受容体の多様なシグナル伝達およびその制御様式



 要旨:代謝型グルタミン酸受容体1型 (mGluR1) は,神経のシグナル伝達を担う膜上機能分子であり,遺伝子欠損マウスを用いた研究などから記憶や学習に関係する「神経回路の可塑性」,すなわち,小脳における神経シナプス伝達効率の長期抑圧や海馬における長期増強に重要な役割を果たしていることが知られている。

 mGluR1はG蛋白質共役型受容体であるが,細胞外にリガンド結合部位を有する大きな構造を持ち,二量体として機能するという特徴を持つfamily Cに分類される。また,この受容体は,発現環境に依存して複数のG蛋白質と共役することが知られている。我々は,これまで,リガンドの差異,C末端領域の関与および結合蛋白質などにより,これらの多様なシグナル伝達経路が制御されることを報告してきた。これに加え,最近,mGluR1の二量体構造に由来する新たな制御機構を見出したので,この機構について報告する。




49. in vivo 2光子イメージングとパッチクランプ法

喜多村和郎(東京大学医学研究科 科学技術振興機構


 最近の2光子顕微鏡を利用したin vivo patchの成果に加えて,神経科学研究とともに,独自に構築した光学顕微鏡システムの構築に関してお話していただきます。


50. A three-dimensional spatio-temporal model of MT neurons that predicts responses to natural movies Decoding visual experiences from brain activity evoked by natural movies

西本伸志(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校Jack Gallan研究室)


 Area MT is an important site of motion processing, and many studies have used simple parametric stimuli to investigate mechanisms of motion processing in MT. How do area MT neurons encode information under natural viewing conditions? To address this issue we recorded from single MT neurons during stimulation with complex movies that simulate natural visual stimulation. We used these data to estimate spatio-temporal receptive field profiles for each neuron. Spectral profiles of individual neurons tend to lie on a single plane in the three-dimensional frequency domain, but the coverage of the plane differs across neurons. Most neurons form a partial ring in the plane, avoiding the region near zero temporal frequency. This suggests that MT neurons are optimized to represent velocity information in natural movies while simultaneously minimizing false alarms from static textures oriented parallel to the direction of motion.

 Decoding perceptual experiences from brain activity is a challenging goal in applied neuroscience. Several recent studies have shown that it is possible to decode static monochromatic images from BOLD signals measured using fMRI. However, BOLD signals are extremely slow, so a decoder that can reconstruct continuous perceptual experiences from BOLD signals has been assumed beyond reach. Here we present a Bayesian decoder that combines voxel-based motion-energy encoding models with an implicit natural movie prior in order to reconstruct perceptual experiences from BOLD signals evoked by continuous natural movies. To construct this decoder we first evaluated several motion-energy encoding models. Each model was fit to BOLD signals of single voxels in posterior and ventral occipito-temporal visual cortex of fixating human subjects who viewed natural movies. We found that an encoding model that includes local directional motion information provides the most accurate predictions of BOLD signals. We then combined this motion encoding model with an implicit natural movie prior in order to reconstruct movies from BOLD signals. Our Bayesian decoder provides reconstructions of the spatio-temporal structure of natural movies. Further applications of the encoding and decoding framework will be discussed.


51. The Enteric Nervous System and enteric disorders induced by inflammation and ischemia

John B Furness (Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Centre for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Australia)


 The enteric nervous system is a specialised part of the autonomic nervous system that contains full reflex circuits (intrinsic sensory neurons, interneurons and motor neurons that integrate information about the state of the intestine and provide suitable outputs). It can thus operate independently of the CNS, but under normal circumstances the ENS and CNS act co-operatively in digestive system control. The ENS contains a very large number of neurons, around 400 million in human, belonging to around 17 functional types. The circuits for enteric reflex control have been largely worked out, and all the neuron types have been accounted for. This work will be summarised.

 Knowledge of the circuitry and neuron types provides a sound basis for investigation of animal models of enteric neuropathies and for identifying possible neuronal target molecules for therapies. In this presentation, I will discuss the enteric neuron changes that follow inflammation in animal models. These parallel changes observed in human (post-inflammatory irritable bowel syndrome, IBS). The remarkable change seen in models of IBS is the profound hyperexcitability of intrinsic sensory neurons (known as intrinsic primary afferent neurons, or IPANs). This hyperexcitability substantially outlasts the period of inflammatory damage - it is a neuropathy. I will discuss another type of damage that is under investigation, the damage that accompanies ischemia/reperfusion injury to the intestine.

 If damage to neurons is irreversible, is it possible to replace the enteric neurons, using neural stem cells? I will describe experiments in which we have prepared neurospheres from the intestine and have transplanted them into normal and enteric neuron deficient colon. The transplanted neuron precursors proliferate, migrate, differentiate and innervate targets.


52. 脳の複雑ネットワークとクラスター型プロトカドヘリン

八木 健(大阪大学 大学院生命機能研究科)


 脳は複雑なシステムであり,個々に個性をもった神経細胞が複雑ネットワークを形成している。これまでの理論的研究では,神経細胞が緊密な関係をもちながら,全ての神経細胞が短距離で繋がり合う複雑ネットワーク(スモールワールド)の形成には,神経細胞間の規則的な繋がりと確率的(ランダム)な繋がり両方の性質を兼ね備えたネットワーク形成が必要となる。私たちが研究しているCNR/プロトカドヘリン (cPcdh) ファミリーは,脳神経系で発現するカドヘリン様の細胞膜分子群であり,約60種の遺伝子がゲノム上で遺伝子クラスターとぁてコードされている。このcPcdhタンパク質は,細胞接着活性を示すとともに,興味深いことに,個々のメンバーが,神経細胞ごとに異なった発現をし,確率的(ランダム)な発現をしていることが明らかになっている (Esumi et al, 2005; Esumi et al, 2006; Kaneko et al, 2006)。このCNR/cPcdhファミリーが脳の複雑ネットワーク形成に関わる遺伝的プログラムに関与しているのではないかと考え,1) CNR/cPcdhファミリーの脳システム形成における役割 (Hasegawa et al 2008; Katori et al 2009),2) CNR/cPcdhファミリーの確率的な遺伝子制御機構を明らかにすることにより,脳の複雑ネットワークを形成する遺伝的プログラムを明らかにしたいと考えている。


53. Propagating waves of local field potentials in motor cortex and their relations to unit spiking activities and motor behavior



 High-frequency oscillations in the beta range (10-45 Hz) are most ative in motor cortex during motor preparation and are postulated to reflect the steady postural state or global attentive state of the animal. By simultaneously recorded multiple local field potential (LFP) signals across the primary motor cortex of monkeys (Macaca mulatta) trained to perform an instructed-delay reaching task and a random pursuit target (RTP) task, we found that these oscillations propagated as waves across the surface of the motor cortex along dominant spatial axes characteristic of the local circuitry of the motor cortex under both tasks.

 Moreover, during the RPT task we preliminary found that the spiking activity of a class of neurons, classified based on the widths of spike wave form, in motor corticalensembles also exhibit a tendency to propagate as planar waves with statistical properties similar to that of the LFP waves. An evoked LFP for each channel was obtained by averaging LFP signals around each target hit that triggered the next target appearance over all successful target hits. An evoked spike response for each unit was also obtained by binning spike counts into 1 ms bins ranging over the same time window as that for the evoked LFPs. We found that both evoked LFPs and evoked spike rates in the beta frequency range propagate transiently as waves across both cortical areas for ~100-150 ms after the target hit. Furthermore, the distribution of propagation directions of the LFP and spike waves were found to be similar to each other. These results suggest that both aggregate synaptic inputs and spiking outputs share common spatiotemporal structure in motor cortex.

 Furthermore, we found that at each stable LFP wave occurrence the speed of an LFP wave and the hand speed were correlated with a certain lag range. This may indicate that a cortical LFP wave speed may be a measure of the speed of the recruitment of neurons for an upcoming movement speed.

 In conclusion, we showed for the first time in cortex that copropagation of evoked planar waves of LFP and spike rates of a certain class of neurons. Furthermore,a relation between individual stable LFP wave speed and hand speed was found to be weakly linear. This speed relation was found only over a certain range of lag. Taken together, the spatiotemporal dynamics in motor cortex integrates the relation among LFP, spiking activities of a class of neurons, and behavioral output.


54. 前頭皮質V層錐体細胞の投射先に依存した局所回路





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