Date : 08.03.2009

The 40th NIPS International Symposium : PAT-CVR 2009


"International Joint Symposium:
Physiology of Anion Transport and Cell Volume Regulation (PAT- CVR 2009)"

Date: August 3 - 6, 2009
Venue: Okazaki Conference Center, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
(Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi, JAPAN)
Chairman: Yasunobu OKADA (NINS, NIPS, Director-General)
Chief Executive: Junichi NABEKURA (NINS, NIPS, Professor)

Shinichi UCHIDA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Associate Professor)
Hideki SAKAI (University of Toyama, Professor)
Atsuo FUKUDA (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Professor)
Yoshiro SOHMA (Keio University, Associate Professor)
Makoto TOMINAGA (NINS, OIIB, Professor)

Advisory Board: 
Takahiro KUBOTA (Osaka Medical College, Professor)
Yoshinori MARUNAKA (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Professor)
Susumu TERAKAWA (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Professor)
Hiroshi ISHIGURO (Nagoya University・Associate Professor)
Michael GRAY (Newcastle University, Professor)
Tsung-Yu CHEN (University of California, Professor)

 “International Symposium for Cell Volume Regulation (CVR)” and “International Symposium for Physiology of Anion Transport (PAT)” have been separately held several times in major cities of the world. In August 2009, the 36th Congress of International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009) will be held in the Kyoto, Japan. It is a great opportunity to have the joint meeting of CVR Symposium and PAT Symposium just after the IUPS2009. All the world-leading researchers from both fields can gather in Japan, and this joint meeting would help to promote both of the CVR and PAT fields’ researches. For CVR researchers, they can learn the current trend of “Rapid development of anion channel and transporter research”. For PAT researchers, it can assist to widen their view of “Roles of anion transport in essential events which determine life and death” through learning the mechanisms of cell volume regulation and cell death induction.