National Institute for Physiological Science CONTENTSHOME


In April, 2000, the Research Center for Computational Science (RCCS) was established as a common facility for the Okazaki National Research Institute based on the Computer Center of Institute for Molecular Science. Then the center was reorganized into a common facility for the National Institutes of Natural Science in April, 2004.

The purpose of reorganization is to expand its frontier to boundary area between molecular and bio sciences. Since then RCCS has continued to provide the computational resources not only for the researchers inside the institutes but also for molecular and bio scientists around the world, expanding its own resources to solve the hard problems which might be impossible in their own universities or other institutes. Now 200 research groups and over 700 users use RCCS.

Development of artificial bioorganic compounds based on the structure and function of natural biopolymers.

Research topics are design and synthesis of artificial nucleobases by computational and synthetic chemistry focused on a structure of base-pair in nucleic acids. The Universal nucleobase forms base-pair with all nucleobases by the dynamic transformation of the structure. The base is applied to universal oligonucleotide which forms stable multi-helices with single-stranded DNA. Triple-ring heterocycles for artificial nucleobases form a very strong base-pair with natural nucleobase. The bases are applied to nucleobase markers for electron microscope.

Super computers and their program libraries in the Research Center for Computational Science are used in this research.


Figure. The structure of thymine - thymine marker complex.


kataoka-masanori Assistant Professor (concurrent, NIPS):
KATAOKA, Masanori

1993 Graduated from Kochi University. 1999 Completed the doctoral course in Philosophy, Nagoya University. 1999 Postdoctral Fellow, Nagoya University. 2000 Assistant Professor, Nagoya University. 2003 Research Associate, Research Center for Computational Science.
Speciality: Sunthetic Chemistry, Materials Science

Copyright(C) 2007 NIPS (National Institute for Physiological Sciences)