National Institute for Physiological Science CONTENTSHOME


Our research subjects include two major projects as follows.

First, we have focused on the reproductive biotechnology to understand gamete interactions during fertilization and the development of novel methodology to produce transgenic animals. Among them, we have a special interest in the increasing demand for production of gene-targeted (KO: knock-out) rats because use of rats rather than mice is advantageous in aspects of microsurgery and mapping of brain functions. Embryonic stem cell line and nuclear transfer (cloning) protocol have not yet been established in rats, attributing to slow progress of brain research. At present, we devote all our skills (e.g. in vitro fertilization, animal cloning, microinsemination) to look for the possibility of producing KO rats, and also provide collaborative services to produce conventional knock out mice, and transgenic mice and rats by pronuclear DNA microinjection or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)-mediated DNA transfer.

Second, by using techniques of rodent transgenesis, we have analyzed the molecular and cellular mechanisms to form functional ocular dominance (OD) columns in the primary visual cortex. OD columns are known to be fundamental units of processing visual information to sense depth, and are anatomically well documented as models in the research area of neuronal plasticity. Coarse OD columns are set up around birth, which are subsequently remodeled to the functional structure by visual activity after eye open. Our final goal is to understand the comprehensive story underlying formation of functional OD columns, which can be achieved by taking advantage of molecular markers specific for developing OD columns that we have originally isolated.

Advanced Reproductive Technology in Rats
Fig.1 Nuclear transplantation in rats
Production of cloned rat embryos by serial nuclear transplantation (NT); Somatic cell nuclei are injected into enucleated oocytes (1st NT), and the couplets are activated with a chemical treatment. The karyoplast containing pseudo-pronucleus of the 1st NT embryos and enucleated zygotes are fused by a DC pulse (2nd NT).
Fig.2 Intracytoplasmic sperm injection in rats
Production of fertilized rat oocytes by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI); A single fishhook-shaped sperm head is microinjected into ovulated and denuded oocytes with the aid of Piezo-micromanipulators.
Ocular Dominance (OD) Column
Fig.3 Process of OD column formation
Coarse OD columns are set up around birth, and are subsequently instructed by incoming visual inputs to become functional structure after eye open.


Associate Professor:

1981 Graduated from Faculty of Hygiene, Fujita Health University. 1981 Research Fellow, Laboratory Animal Center, Fujita Health University. 1983 Researcher, Research Institute of Life Science, Snow Brand Milk Products, Co. Ltd. 1992 Group Leader, YS New Technology Institute, Inc. 2001 Adjunct Associate Professor, 2002 Associate Professor, NIPS.
Speciality: Laboratory Animal Science
Assistant Professor:
TOMITA, Koichi, MD, PhD

1994 Graduated from Mie University, School of Medicine. 1998 Graduated from Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine.1998 Postdoctoral Fellow, Kyoto University. 1999 Assistant Professor, Kyoto University. 2000 Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck Institute of Neurobiology. 2006 Assistant Professor, NIPS.
Speciality: Neuroscience
Postdoctoral Fellow:
KATO, Megumi, PhD

2000 Graduated from Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University. 2002 Completed the master course in Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University. 2004 Research Fellow, NIPS. 2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, NIPS.
Speciality: Reproductive Engineering

The section of behavior patterns has been established on 1 April, 2007. We are preparing for the selection of the visiting professor. Dr. T. Kimura (the associate professor of Center for Experimental Animals) serves concurrently as the associate professor of this section. In the current year, we are getting ready for various behavior examinations using mice and rats.


Associate Professor (concurrent NIPS):

1983 Graduated from Tokyo University of Technology and Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture. 1985 Completed the master course in Agriculture, Tokyo University of Technology and Agriculture. 1986 Nihon Nosan Kogyo CO., LTD. 2002 Saitama Daiichi Pharmaceutical CO., LTD. 2005 Associate Professor, NIPS.
Speciality: Laboratory Animal Science, Veterinary Dermatology

Copyright(C) 2007 NIPS (National Institute for Physiological Sciences)