Lab Seminar

Date 09.09.2014 16:00~17:00
Location Seminar Room , 1st floor, Myodaiji NIPS
Orator ANGELO ALL, MD, MBA(Assistant Professor, SINAPSE Institute, National University of Singapore)
Title Acute and Chronic Therapeutic strategies in Spinal Cord Injury

Focus of my research is on contusive spinal cord injury, repair and regeneration. My translational research projects involves acute hypothermia treatment as well as chronic cell replacement therapy using oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) derived from human embryonic stem cells, iPS cells and Directly Converted cells from human mature fibroblasts in rodent model of spinal cord injury. My laboratory has pioneered the monitoring and quantitative analysis of multi-channel somatosensory and motor evoked potentials in order to assess the electrical integrity at various stages- both pre and post peripheral and spinal cord injury. Our team also uses different Imaging techniques to monitor anatomical changes in the injured spinal cord architectures at various time points. These images allow us to identify spared fibers and track the extent of secondary injury and determine the therapeutic benefit of the therapy. In addition, my lab is studying the adult central nervous system capabilities of adaptive changes enabling spared neuro-pathways for reorganization following neuro-trauma.

Info Tadasi Isa(7761)
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