Congress Outline

Congress Outline

Congress Name
The 9th Federation of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress (FAOPS2019) in conjunction with the 96th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
March 28th to 31st, 2019
Kobe Convention Center
Philosophy of Life: Function and Mechanisms
Host Society
The Physiological Society of Japan (General Incorporated Association)
Held under the auspices of 
The Japanese Association of Anatomists
The Japanese Pharmacological Society
The Japan Neuroscience Society
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
Japanese Society of Pathophysiology
Japan Society for the Study of Obesity
Japan Neuroendocrine Society
The Biophysical Society of Japan
The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research
and others.

President of FAOPS2019 
Junichi Nabekura MD, PhD (National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
President of 96th PSJ Meeting 
Makoto Tominaga MD, PhD (National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
Secretary General 
Noriyuki Koibuchi MD, PhD (Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine)
Congress Secretariat 
Congress Secretariat of FAOPS2019
Japan Convention Services, Inc.
Daido Seimei Kasumigaseki Bldg. 14F,
1-4-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013, Japan
TEL: 81-3-3508-1214  FAX: 81-3-3508-1302
*Registration desk :
*General abstract submission desk::