Last Update 07-Feb-2006

BK21-NIPS Research Collaboration

Scientific Programs --- Symposium

JSPS Korea-Japan Basic Scientific Cooperation Program
Korea-Japan Joint Seminar

Date: February 9 (Thu)- 10 (Fri), 2006

Place: Okazaki New Grand Hotel, Okazaki, Japan
Organizer: Dr. Kazuhiro Ikenaka

Download program: Final Version 07-Feb-2006 (pdf file)

Scientific Programs --- Research Grants

Research Grants are awarded for novel collaborations between teams of scientists working in Korea University and NIPS. The research team is expected to develop new lines of research through the collaboration. Up to 3,000,000 yen per grant may be applied for. Two to four proposals will be selected.

Period of the project: 1 year from November 1, 2005
Application form: A MS-WORD file can be downloaded here.
Deadline for application : October 20, 2005

Please send the application form the contact addresses shown below (both Korean and Japanese sides)

Contact addresses

Proposals for Research Collaboration

Head of Divisions Proposal for Research Collaboration
Prof. Nagayama Morpho-phylogenic studies of DNA organization inside cells
Prof. Shigemoto 1. Localization and function of glutamate/GABA receptors in the brain
2. Mechanisms of learning in the brain
3. Localization of HCN channels in the brain
Prof. Okamura 1. Operation of voltage sensor
2. Novel voltage-sensing proteins
3. Physiology using zebrafish
4. Regulation of intracellular pH in blood cells
Prof. Ikenaka 1. Development of glial cells
2. Migration of neural progenitor cells and neural network formation
3. Biology of embryonic and adult neural stem cells
4. Function of N-linked sugar chains involved in brain development
Prof. Okada 1. Molecular mechanisms of cell volume regulation
2. Molecular mechanisms of apoptotic, necrotic and ischemic cell death induction
Prof. Tominaga Regulation of nociception or thermosensation through TRP channel modulation
Prof. Nabekura 1. Pharmacological and physiological evaluation of transmitter release
2. Pharm. and physiol. evaluation of ion channels and second messenger systems
3. Focal brain ischemia-reperfusion model
4. Lenti virus to introduce various cDNA/ proteins (in vivo/in vitro)
Prof. Imoto Functinal and morphological studies of calcium channel mutant mice
Prof. Isa 1. Studies of functional recovery after spinal cord injuries (using monkeys)
2. Control mechanism of saccade eye movement after injury of the primary visual cortex (using monkeys)
Prof. Nambu 1. Normal functions of the basal ganglia studied with behaving monkeys
2. Pathophysiology of the movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, hemiballism and dystonia studied with model monkeys and mice
Prof. Komatsu Neural mechanisms of color vision, shape recognition and attention in monkey visual cortex
Prof. Kakigi Human pain perception investigated by MEG and EEG

Research Methods

Head of Divisions Research Methods
Prof. Nagayama in vivo Nano-Structural-Morphology revealed with novel phase contrast TEM systems
Prof. Kubo 1. Structure-function study of ion channels and receptors using in vitro expression system
2. FRET analysis of structural rearrengements of ion channels and receptors
Prof. Shigemoto 1. Preembedding and postembedding immunoelectron microscopy
2. Freeze-fracture replica immunolabeling
3. Confocal and two-photon laser scanning microscopy
4. Brain slice electrophysiology
5. Horizontal optokinetic response measurement
Prof. Ikenaka 1. Histochemical analysis using in situ hybridization
2. Studies on neural stem cells using neurosphere assay and microarray analysis
3. Introduction of DNA into embryonic brains using in vivo (utero) electroporation.
4. Analysis of N-linked sugar chains.
Prof. Okamura 1. analysis of phosphoinositides using GFP-based sensor and ion channels
2. Heterologous expression and electrophysiological studies using Xenopus oocyte and mammalian cell lines
3. Analysis of ion channels using comparative genomics from sea urchin to mammals
4. Neurophysiology and biology using transgenic zebrafish and ascidian tadpole
Prof. Tominaga 1. Electrophysiology (patch-clamp and Ca-imaging)
2. General molecular biology
3. General biochemistry
Prof. Kawaguchi 1. Whole cell recording
2. Intracellular staining
3. Immunihistochemistry
4. Electronmicroscopy
Prof. Imoto Electrophysiology using brain slice preparations
Prof. Kakigi 1. Electroencephalography (EEG)
2. Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
3. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
Prof. Isa 1. Electrophysiological recordings in vivo under anesthesia
2. Electrophysiological recordings using brain slice preparations
Prof. Komatsu Single-cell recording from monkey visual cortex

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