
日 時 2012年07月26日 16:00~18:00
場 所 山手3号館2階西 共通セミナー室
演 者 Prof. Gary Housley(Chair & Head of Physiology Director, Translational Neuroscience Facility School of Medical Sciences The University of New South Wales UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA)
演 題 Characterisation and physiological significance of TRPC3 ion channels
要 旨

Background statement for talk:

TRPC ion channels have broad physiological roles. The channels have significant Ca2+ permeability, and in the case of TRPC3, can be activated by G protein-coupled receptors and Trk signalling, via PLC and DAG; while negative feedback through cytosolic Ca2+, also regulates the channel activity. This seminar will describe the variation in channel properties of TRPC3 isoforms arising from alternative splicing and discuss physiological roles for these channels in a range of neural systems, including the cochlea and cerebellum.

Brief Biography:

Prof. Gary Housley holds the Chair in Physiology at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. Prof. Housley is the Head of the Department of Physiology and Director of the Translational Neuroscience Facility at UNSW, is a member of the Brain Sciences UNSW executive, a node director for the National Imaging Facility in Australia, and has editorial roles with several Journals. Prof Housley s research has contributed significantly to the fields of hearing, vision, control of breathing and sensori-motor integration. His studies of neural development, aging and repair, has resulted in novel translational pathways for gene therapy and drug treatments for hearing loss and brain injury.

連絡先 生体恒常機能発達機構研究部門 鍋倉淳一 nabekura@nips.ac.jp