
日 時 2012年09月14日 12:00~13:00
場 所 基生研1階 第1セミナー室
演 者 Assistant Professor Joan Y. Chiao, Ph.D.(Department of Psychology, Northwestern University)
演 題 Cultural neuroscience: Progress and promise
要 旨

What is the cultural and biological basis of human diversity? Cultural neuroscience is an emerging field that examines how cultural and genetic diversity shape mind, brain and behavior. In this talk, I will describe neuroimaging evidence that culture affects neural response during emotion and social cognition across macro- and micro-timescales.
I will also discuss a culture-gene coevolutionary theory of emotion and social cognition. Implications for future research as well as challenges and opportunities for development of research-teaching infrastructure in cultural neuroscience will be discussed.  

連絡先 定藤規弘(心理生理学研究部門 内線7840)