
日 時 2013年03月18日 16:00~17:00
場 所 山手3号館2階大会議室
演 者 Prof. Rachelle Gaudet(Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology Harvard University)
演 題 Structural Determinants of TRPV Channel Activation and Desensitization
要 旨

My lab is broadly interested in the mechanisms of signaling and transport across cellular membranes. Much of our research centers on TRP channels and their role in sensory perception. We focus on temperature-sensitive ion channels, particularly TRPV1 and TRPA1. TRP channels are challenging structural biology targets because they are large multidomain eukaryotic membrane proteins and are not naturally abundant. We take complementary approaches to obtain structural and functional information on TRP channels. One strategy is to divide and conquer: determine crystal structures of isolated domains of TRP channels. The results can then combined with genetic, biochemical and physiological data to advance our understanding of TRP channel function. It also provides valuable insights as we tackle the structure determination of whole TRP channels.

連絡先 富永真琴(細胞生理研究部門 内線5286)