
日 時 2013年06月27日 16:00~17:00
場 所 生理研1F セミナー室
演 者 Professor V.Reggie Edgerton(University of California, Los Angeles, CA)
演 題 Neuromodulatory Interventions to Improve Upper Limb and Lower Limb Motor Functions and Possible Mechanisms
要 旨

Experiments with mice, rats, cats, monkeys and humans have shown that locomotor function as well as upper limb fine motor control can be improved by modulating the physiological state of the spinal cord. These modulatory techniques include epidural stimulation, transcutaneous stimulation of the lumbosacral and cervical spinal cord and pharmacological neuromodulation. Also, when these techniques are combined plus applied consistently with motor training, further functional improvement in motor function can be realized. Experimental evidence of these neuromodulatory effects will be shown in rats and humans after complete paralysis.

連絡先 伊佐正(認知行動発達 内線7761)