
日 時 2013年12月13日 16:00~17:30
場 所 生理研(明大寺) 1階 セミナー室
演 者 Professor Eitan Reuveny(Department of Biological Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
演 題 Regulation of calcium homeostasis by SARAF
要 旨

Store operated calcium entry (SOCE) is a principal cellular process by which cells regulate basal calcium, refill intracellular Ca2+ stores and execute a wide range of specialized activities. STIM and Orai proteins have been identified as the essential components enabling the reconstitution of Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels that mediate SOCE. In addition to these important molecule needed for functional SOCE, other proteins exist that shape this response. In this talk I will describe in detail the molecular identification of SARAF, a negative regulator of SOCE. I will show that SARAF plays a key role in shaping cytosolic Ca2+ signals and determining the content of the major intracellular Ca2+ stores, In addition, I will provide some evidence for the molecular mechanism controlling its activity. Finally, I will show that SARAF is an important component in protecting cells from Ca2+ overfilling.

(1) Palty R, Raveh A, Kaminsky I, Meller R, Reuveny E. SARAF inactivates the store operated calcium entry machinery to prevent excess calcium refilling. Cell 149: 425-438 (2012)
(2) Raveh A, Cooper A, Guy-David L, Reuveny E. Nonenzymatic rapid control of GIRK channel function by a G protein-coupled receptor kinase. Cell 143:750-760 (2010)

連絡先 神経機能素子研究部門 久保義弘 ykubo@nips.ac.jp