
日 時 2014年05月26日 14:00~
場 所 生理研明大寺地区、一階大会議室
演 者 澤 幸祐 先生(専修大学学習心理学教室)
演 題 The effect of temporal information among events on Bayesian causal inference in rats
要 旨


A temporal relationship between events of potential cause and effect is critical to generate a causal relationship because the cause has to be followed by the effect. The present study investigated the role of temporal relationships in predictive inference based on Bayesian networks in rats via Pavlovian pairings. Subjects in Group Successive received training trials whereby Event 1 was followed by Events 2 and 3, whereas those in Group Simultaneous received simultaneous pairings of Events 1 and 2, and Events 1 and 3. During testing, a lever was inserted into the experimental chamber, where subjects were allowed to press the lever followed by Event 2. By measuring nose-poke responses during the presentation of Event 2, subjects in Group Successive showed a relatively lower response rate than did those in Group Simultaneous. These results suggest that rats have the ability to use temporal information between events, even after integration of the temporal map and temporal relationship acquired in training, which is critical to Bayesian causal inference.


連絡先 小川 正晃 (認知行動発達機構, tel: 7764)