
日 時 2014年07月18日 16:00~17:00
場 所 山手地区2号館西2階セミナー室
演 者 Prof. Hannah Monyer(Department of Clinical Neurobiology Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ))
演 題 GABAergic neurones control the activity of spatial coding and synchronous network activity in the hippocampal-entorhinal formation thereby affecting spatial learning
要 旨

皮質抑制性ニューロンの分子生物学・生理学的解析で著名な、ハイデルベルク大学のHannah Monyer教授にセミナーをお願いしました。多数のご参集をお待ちしています。

GABAergic interneurons are crucially involved in the generation and maintenance of rhythmic synchronous activity in many forebrain regions, including the hippocampal-entorhinal formation. Genetic manipulations affecting the recruitment of GABAergic interneurons or abolishing the electrical coupling between GABAergic interneurons highlighted the functional role of GABAergic interneurons for spatial and/or temporal coding in the hippocampus. The genetic manipulations were always associated with distinct spatial memory deficits. To manipulate activity of selective neurons "online", we use optogenetics combined with in vivo recordings in freely moving mice. This allows the study of distinct interneurons, their connectivity with neighboring excitatory cells, as well as whether and how interneuron recruitment accounts for distinctive firing properties of spatially tuned cells. I will also present data demonstrating the presence of long-range GABAergic cells that connect the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex bi-directionally. By virtue of their connectivity - the target cells are most often local interneurons - this class of cells is ideally suited to synchronize brain regions over long distance. I will show that long-range GABAergic cells connect many more brain regions, and will discuss in more detail the septum-entorhinal cortex connectivity.
Finally I will present recent data focusing on the anatomical and functional characterization of distinct cell types in the medial entorhinal cortex, their local and long-range connectivity, and will discuss whether these empirical findings match theoretical considerations that were forwarded to explain grid cell firing.

連絡先 川口泰雄 (大脳神経回路論研究部門、yasuo@nips.ac.jp)