
日 時 2014年11月25日 15:00~16:00
場 所 生理学研究所(明大寺)1F 大会議室
演 者 Shai Silberberg Program Director(Extramural Research Program, NIH/NINDS)
演 題 Enhancing the Value of Research Findings: Ongoing Activities at NIH and Beyond
要 旨

The quality of research depends on the rigor with which researchers conduct studies and control for potential biases. Recent publications and meetings have focused on the observation that published research results are often not reproducible. Although there are many possible causes for this problem, poor experimental design and inadequate reporting of research methodologies appear to be significant contributing factors. Evidence for this deduction will be presented, as well as actions taken by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and by publishers to address the issues.

連絡先 定藤規弘(心理生理学研究部門)