ホーム 人材公募

「Human Frontier Science Program(HFSP)国際共同研究助成金のご案内」

Funding opportunities for international, interdisciplinary research projects in the basic life sciences

The Human Frontier Science Program is an international funding program, supported by Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, U.K., U.S.A. and the European Union. HFSP promotes international collaboration through a prestigious program of grants which support interdisciplinary research in the basic life sciences. The program is intended to bring teams of scientists from various fields such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science and engineering together with biologists to open up new approaches to understanding complex biological systems.

Teams applying for research grants must first submit a letter of intent online. The next register is March 30th 2006 and potential applicants must pre-register by March 20th 2006 (see the HFSP web site at www.hfsp.org. for further details).