

Universite Victor Segalen-Bordeaux 2(France)

Position Post doctoral fellowship
Start date second semester 2010

24 months

Approximate net salary 24,000€/year
Funding ANR grant ¡ÈProgramme Blanc¡É (MEMOPIATE)
P.I. Catherine LE MOINE (DR2 CNRS) and Thomas BORAUD (DR2 CNRS)
Research project ¡ÈAffective memories associated with opiate withdrawal: neural substrates and potential role in addiction¡É

The general objective of the project is to understand how withdrawal early affective memories are encoded and retrieved (or reactivated) in opiate addiction, and how these memories may affect the behaviour of the individuals. These processes will be analyzed by combining behavioural, cellular and in vivo electrophysiological analyses in behaving animals. A special attention is paid to interconnected limbic structures (amygdala, accumbens, prefrontal cortex), which we hypothesize from our previous works as being crucial in these processes (Frenois et al., 2005, J. Neuroscience).
In this context, the post-doc will be in charge of in vivo recordings, especially during operant behaviour to analyse the role of opiate withdrawal memory (extra-cellular multi-electrodes and multi-sites recordings).

Requirements: The candidate must have a PhD in Neuroscience with an advanced expertise in electrophysiological recordings in behaving animals and less than 5 years of post-doctoral experience. Compulsory basic knowledge: multiple electrode recording and analysis, programming in CC++, Python, Delphi, Matlab or similar.

Contact: Please send CV and letters of recommendation to
Catherine Le Moine (catherine.lemoine@u-bordeaux2.fr) or
Thomas Boraud (thomas.boraud@u-bordeaux2.fr).