
Publication List

  1. Tomioka R, Shigematsu N, Miyashita T, Takahashi Y, Yamamoto M, Yoshimura Y, Kobayashi K, Yanagawa Y, Tamamaki N, Fukuda T, Song WJ. (2024) The External Globus Pallidus as the Hub of the Auditory Cortico-Basal Ganglia Loop, eNeuro 2024 Nov 26;11(11): ENEURO.0161-24.2024. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0161-24.2024.
    Pub Med
  2. Sugimura T, Miyashita T, Yamamoto M, Kobayashi K, Yoshimura Y, Saito Y. (2024) An Indirect Pathway from the Rat Interstitial Nucleus of Cajal to the Vestibulocerebellum Involved in Vertical Gaze Holding, eNeuro 2024 Nov 6;11(11): ENEURO.0294-24.2024. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0294-24.2024.
    Pub Med
  3. Yoneda T, Kameyama K, Gotou T, Terata K, Takagi M, Yoshimura Y, Sakimura K, Kano M, Hata Y. (2024) Layer specific regulation of critical period timing and maturation of mouse visual cortex by endocannabinoids. iScience doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110145
    Pub Med
  4. Kawamura N, Osuka T, Kaneko R, Kishi E, Higuchi R, Yoshimura Y, Takahiro Hirabayashi T, Yagi T, Tarusawa E. (2023) Reciprocal Connections between Parvalbumin-Expressing Cells and Adjacent Pyramidal Cells Are Regulated by Clustered Protocadherin γ. eNeuro 27 October 2023, 10 (10) ENEURO.0250-23.2023 doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0250-23.2023
    Pub Med
  5. Young TR, Yamamoto M, Kikuchi SS, Yoshida AC, Abe T, Inoue K, Johansen JP, Benucci A, Yoshimura Y, Shimogori T. (2023) Thalamocortical control of cell-type specificity drives circuits for processing whisker-related information in mouse barrel cortex. Nat. Commun.14. Article number: 6077. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41749-x
    Pub Med
  6. Yoneda T, Hayashi K, and Yoshimura Y (2023) Experience-dependent functional plasticity and visual response selectivity of surviving subplate neurons in the mouse visual cortex. PNAS. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2217011120
    Pub Med
  7. Takeda H, Yoshimura Y, Takagi M, Sato A, Kihara N, Choudhury ME, Yano H, Tanaka J. (2022) Bromovalerylurea modulates GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory neurotransmission while inducing sleep. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 638:176-183. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.11.062
    Pub Med
  8. Hirayama T, Kadooka Y, Tarusawa E, Saitoh S, Nakayama H, Hoshino N, Nakama S, Fukuishi T, Kawanishi Y, Umeshima H, Tomita K, Yoshimura Y, Galjart N, Hashimoto K, Ohno N, Yagi T. (2022) CTCF loss induces giant lamellar bodies in Purkinje cell dendrite. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 10:172. doi: 10.1186/s40478-022-01478-6
    Pub Med
  9. Osanai Y, Battulga B, Yamazaki R, Kouki T, Yatabe M, Mizukami H, Kobayashi K, Shinohara Y, Yoshimura Y, Ohno N. (2022) Dark Rearing in the Visual Critical Period Causes Structural Changes in Myelinated Axons in the Adult Mouse Visual Pathway. Neurochem Res 47:2815–2825. doi: 10.1007/s11064-022-03689-8
    Pub Med
  10. Kimura R & Yoshimura Y (2021) The contribution of low contrast–preferring neurons to information representation in the primary visual cortex after learning. Science Advances. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj9976
    Pub Med
  11. Nishio N, Hayashi K, Ishikawa AW, and Yoshimura Y (2021) The role of early visual experience in the development of spatial-frequency preference in the primary visual cortex. The Journal of Physiology, 2021 Sep;599(17):4131-4152. doi: 10.1113/JP281463. Epub 2021 Aug 13.
    Pub Med
  12. Hagihara KM, Ishikawa AW, Yoshimura Y, Tagawa Y, Ohki K (2020) Long-Range Interhemispheric Projection Neurons Show Biased Response Properties and Fine-Scale Local Subnetworks in Mouse Visual Cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2020 Oct 16;bhaa297. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa297.
    Pub Med
  13. Nakazawa S, Yoshimura Y, Takagi M, Mizuno H, Iwasato T (2020) Developmental Phase Transitions in Spatial Organization of Spontaneous Activity in Postnatal Barrel Cortex Layer 4. J Neurosci. 2020 Sep 4;JN-RM-1116-20. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1116-20.2020.
    Pub Med
  14. Fu O, Iwai Y, Narukawa M, Ishikawa AW, Ishii KK, Murata K, Yoshimura Y, Touhara K, Misaka T, Minokoshi Y, Nakajima KI (2019) Hypothalamic neuronal circuits regulating hunger-induced taste modification. Nat Commun. 2019 Oct 8;10(1):4560. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12478-x.
    Pub Med
  15. Kozuka T, Omori Y, Watanabe S, Tarusawa E, Yamamoto H, Chaya T, Furuhashi M, Morita M, Sato T, Hirose S, Ohkawa Y, Yoshimura Y, Hikida T, Furukawa T (2019) miR-124 dosage regulates prefrontal cortex function by dopaminergic modulation. Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 5;9(1):3445. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-38910-2.
    Pub Med
  16. Murabe N, Mori T, Fukuda S, Isoo N, Ohno T, Mizukami H, Ozawa K, Yoshimura Y, Sakurai M. Higher primate-like direct corticomotoneuronal connections are transiently formed in a juvenile subprimate mammal. Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 8;8(1):16536.
    Pub Med
  17. Osanai Y, Shimizu T, Mori T, Hatanaka N, Kimori Y, Kobayashi K, Koyama S, Yoshimura Y, Nambu A, Ikenaka K (2018) Length of myelin internodes of individual oligodendrocytes is controlled by microenvironment influenced by normal and input-deprived axonal activities in sensory deprived mouse models. Glia. 2018 Sep 21.
    Pub Med
  18. Ishikawa AW, Komatsu Y, Yoshimura Y (2018) Experience-Dependent Development of Feature-Selective Synchronization in the Primary Visual Cortex. J Neurosci. 2018 Sep 5;38(36):7852-7869.
    Pub Med
  19. Coutinho EA, Okamoto S, Ishikawa AW, Yokota S, Wada N, Hirabayashi T, Saito K, Sato T, Takagi K, Wang CC, Kobayashi K, Ogawa Y, Shioda S, Yoshimura Y, Minokoshi Y. Activation of SF1 Neurons in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus by DREADD Technology Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Peripheral Tissues. Diabetes, Diabetes 2017 Sep;66(9):2372-2386.
    Pub Med
  20. Hasegawa S, Kobayashi H, Kumagai M, Nishimaru H, Tarusawa E, Kanda H, Sanbo M, Yoshimura Y, Hirabayashi M, Hirabayashi T, Yagi T (2017) Clustered Protocadherins Are Required for Building Functional Neural Circuits. Front Mol Neurosci. 10:114. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2017.00114
    Pub Med
  21. Sugimura T, Yamamoto M, Yamada K, Komatsu Y, Yoshimura Y (2017) Visual experience regulates the development of long-term synaptic modifications induced by low-frequency stimulation in mouse visual cortex. Neurosci Res. 120:36-44. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2017.02.006
    Pub Med
  22. Kimura R, Saiki A, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Sakai Y, Isomura Y. (2017) Large-scale analysis reveals populational contributions of cortical spike rate and synchrony to behavioural functions. J Physiol, 595 (1), 385-413.
    Pub Med
  23. Oishi K, Nakagawa N, Tachikawa K, Sasaki S, Aramaki M, Hirano S, Yamamoto N, Yoshimura Y, Nakajima K.(2016) Identity of neocortical layer 4 neurons is specified through correct positioning into the cortex. Elife. 2016 Feb 12;5. pii: e10907.
    Pub Med
  24. Tarusawa E, Sanbo M, Okayama A, Miyashita T, Kitsukawa T, Hirayama T, Hirabayashi, T, Hasegawa S, Kaneko R, Toyoda S, Kobayashi T, Kato-Itoh M, Nakauchi H, Hirabayashi M, Yagi T, Yoshimura Y. (2016) Establishment of high reciprocal connectivity between clonal cortical neurons is regulated by the Dnmt3b DNA methyltransferase and clustered protocadherins. BMC Biol. 2016 Dec 2;14(1):103.
    Pub Med
  25. Osanai, Y., Shimizu, T., Mori, T., Yoshimura, Y., Hatanaka, N., Nambu, A., Kimori, Y., Koyama, S., Kobayashi, K. & Ikenaka, K. Rabies virus-mediated oligodendrocyte labeling reveals a single oligodendrocyte myelinates axons from distinct brain regions. Glia, 65(1):93-105, 2017
    Pub Med
  26. Miyamoto, A., Wake, H., Ishikawa, A.W., Shibata, K., Murakoshi, H., Koizumi, S., Moorhouse, A.J., Yoshimura, Y. & Nabekura, J. (2016) Microglia contact induces synapse formation in developing somatosensory cortex. Nature Communications, 7:12540.
    Pub Med
  27. Sunaga Y, Yamaura H, Haruta M, Yamaguchi T, Motoyama M, Ohta Y, Takehara H, Noda T, Sasagawa K, Tokuda T, Yoshimura Y, Ohta J. (2016). Implantable imaging device for brain functional imaging system using flavoprotein fluorescence. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55, 03DF02.
  28. Sugimura T, Yoshimura Y, Komatsu Y. (2015) TNFα is required for the production of T-type Ca(2+) channel-dependent long-term potentiation in visual cortex. Neurosci Res. 96, 37-44.
    Pub Med
  29. Ishikawa, A.W., Komatsu, Y., Yoshimura, Y. (2014)Experience-dependent emergence of fine-scale networks in visual cortex. J Neurosci. 34(37):12576-86.
    Pub Med
  30. Horibe, S., Tarusawa, E., Komatsu, Y. & Yoshimura, Y. (2014) Ni2+-sensitive T-type Ca2+ channel currents are regulated in parallel with synaptic and visual response plasticity in visual cortex. Neurosci Res., 87, 33-39.
    Pub Med
  31. Mori T, Morimoto K. (2014) Rabies virus glycoprotein variants display different patterns in rabies monosynaptic tracing. Front Neuroanat. 7:47..
    Pub Med
  32. Toyoda, S., Kawaguchi, M., Kobayashi, T., Tarusawa, E., Toyama, T., Okano, M., Oda, M., Nakauchi, H., Yoshimura, Y., Sanbo, M., Hirabayashi, M., Hirayama, T., Hirabayashi, T. & Yagi, T. (2014) Developmental epigenetic modification regulates stochastic expression of clustered Protocadherin genes, generating single neuron diversity. Neuron, 82(1), 94-108
    Pub Med
  33. Mizuno, H., Luo, W., Tarusawa, E., Saito, Y.M., Sato, T., Yoshimura, Y., Itohara, S. & Iwasato, T. (2014) NMDAR-regulated dynamics of layer 4 neuronal dendrites during thalamocortical reorganization in neonates. Neuron, 82(2), 365-79.
    Pub Med
  34. Funahashi, R., Maruyama, T., Yoshimura, Y. & Komatsu, Y. (2013)Silent synapses persist into adulthood in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons of visual cortex in dark-reared mice. J Neurophysiol. 109 (8), 2064-2076.
    Pub Med
  35. Hirayama, T., Tarusawa, E., Yoshimura, Y., Galjart, N. & Yagi, T. (2012) CTCF is required for neural development and stochastic expression of clustered Pcdh genes in neurons. Cell Rep. 2 (2), 345-357.
    Pub Med

Report List


  1. 米田泰輔,林健二,吉村由美子 (2024.11.29-30) マウス一次視覚野6b層ニューロンの経験依存的可塑性の動態. 第71回中部生理学会, (岡崎)
  2. Taisuke Yoneda (2024.11.21-22) Experience-dependent plasticity of layer 6b neurons in the mouse primary visual cortex. YU-KU-NIPS joint symposium (Seoul, Korea)
  3. Taisuke Yoneda(2024.10.23)Experience-dependent functional plasticity and visual response selectivity of layer 6b neuron subtypes in the mouse primary visual cortex. The 54th International symposium of NIPS(岡崎)
  4. 小野寺 孝興(2024.9.21)Inter-areal cortical circuits underlying the extraction of complex acoustic features. 第 14 回 名古屋大学医学系研究科・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム(名古屋)
  5. 吉村由美子(2024.5.30)生後マウス大脳皮質視覚野サブプレートニューロンの視覚反応特性とその可塑性. 第66回日本小児神経学会学術集会(名古屋)
  6. 米田泰輔(2024.2.17)大脳皮質一次視覚野6b層サブプレートニューロンの視覚応答選択性と経験依存的な可塑性. 生理研研究会:胎児脳発達研究会2024(岡崎)
  7. Taisuke Yoneda (2024.2.5) Experience-dependent plasticity and visual response selectivity of layer 6b neuron subtypes in the mouse primary visual cortex. Symposium: Shedding Light on the Brain with Advanced Biophotonics (Bordeaux, France)
  8. Yumiko Yoshimura(2024.2.1)Experience-dependent functional plasticity and visual response selectivity of layer 6b neuron subtypes in the mouse primary visual cortex. 第13回 生理研-脳研-ヒト進化研究センター合同シンポジウム (新潟)


  1. 山本真理子 (2023.9.30) マウス一次視覚野における fast spiking 抑制性細胞-錐体細胞間結合の発達. 第13回名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科・生理学研究所 合同シンポジウム (岡崎)
  2. 米田泰輔, 林 健二, 吉村由美子 (2023.8.2) マウス一次視覚野 6b 層に残存するサブプレートニューロンの視覚応答選択性と経験依存的な可塑性、第46回日本神経科学大会 (仙台)
  3. 米田泰輔、林健二、吉村由美子 (2023.3.16) マウス一次視覚野6b層に残存するサブプレートニューロンの視覚応答選択性と経験依存的な可塑性、日本生理学会第100回記念大会 (京都)
  4. 吉村由美子 (2023.2.19) 皮質視覚野におけるシナプス可塑性. 第8回視覚生理学基礎セミナー (WEB開催)


  1. 米田泰輔, 林 健二, 吉村由美子 (2022.9.10) 生後マウス一次視覚野に残るサブプレートニューロンの経験依存的な可塑性. 第12回名古屋大学医学系研究科・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム (WEB開催)
  2. 吉村由美子 (2022.8.12) 一次視覚野神経活動の環境に依存した動的変化. リエゾンラボ炎症シンポジウム(札幌)
  3. 山本真理子, 岩里琢治, 吉村由美子(2022.7.2) マウス一次視覚野におけるfast-spiking抑制性細胞-錐体細胞間結合の発達. 第45回日本神経科学大会(沖縄)
  4. 吉村由美子(2022.6.30)マウス視覚野サブプレートニューロンの視覚反応選択性. 第45回日本神経科学大会(沖縄)
  5. 米田泰輔, 林 健二, 吉村由美子 (2022.6.30) 発達期マウス一次視覚野6b層における視覚応答選択性. 第45回日本神経科学大会(沖縄)


  1. Yumiko Yoshimura (2021.11.30) Roles of visual experience in maturation of neural responses in rat visual cortex. Development of consciousness symposium (WEB開催)
  2. 米田泰輔, 亀山克朗, 後藤隆浩, 寺田慧子, 高木正浩, 吉村由美子, 崎村建司, 狩野方伸, 畠義郎 (2021.9.25) 内因性カンナビノイドによる大脳皮質視覚野の層特異的な臨界期時期制御. 第11回 名古屋大学医学系研究科・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム(WEB開催)
  3. Jiahao Wu, Taisuke Yoneda, Yumiko Yoshimura (2021.7.30) Effect of Anesthesia on Spatial Frequency Tuning in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex. 第44回日本神経科学大会(神戸)
  4. 木村梨絵, 吉村由美子 (2021.3.30) 方位弁別学習後のラット一次視覚野に見られる低コントラスト優位な神経活動. 第126回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 / 第98回日本生理学会大会 合同大会(WEB開催)
  5. 木村梨絵 (2021.3.16) Exploration of neuronal circuits contributing to orientation discrimination. 新学術領域研究 脳情報動態を規定する多領野連関と並列処理. 第6回領域会議(WEB開催)
  6. 木村梨絵, 吉村由美子 (2021.3.16) Top-down modulation possibly contributing to orientation discrimination. 新学術領域研究 脳情報動態を規定する多領野連関と並列処理. 第6回領域会議(WEB開催)


  1. 吉村由美子(2020.8.1)大脳皮質視覚野の経験依存的発達メカニズム. 第43回日本神経科学大会(WEB開催)
  2. 呉 嘉豪, 米田 泰輔, 吉村 由美子(2020.7.30)同一神経細胞の麻酔、覚醒下における空間周波数応答特性の変化. 第43回日本神経科学大会(WEB開催)
  3. 木村梨絵 (2020.6.4)学習に伴う視覚情報処理システム動態の解明. 新学術領域研究 脳情報動態を規定する多領野連関と並列処理 第5回領域会議,(Zoom開催)
  4. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2020.2.4) Activity of low contrast-preferring neurons in rat primary visual cortex during an orientation discrimination task. UK-Japan Neuroscience Symposium 2020 (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
  5. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2020.1.29-31) Low-contrast preference of activity in rat primary visual cortex during an orientation discrimination task. The Eighth International Neural Microcircuit Conference -Synaptic Specificity to Circuit Dynamics- (Yamanouchi, Nagano)


  1. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2019.12.17) Cortical circuit activity contributing to orientation discrimination. 新学術領域研究 脳情報動態を規定する多領野連関と並列処理 第4回領域会議 (東京)
  2. Yamamoto M, Iwasato T, Yoshimura Y (2019.11.15-16) Development of the connectivity between fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex. The 9th Okazaki / Tuebingen / Beijing Joint Symposium,(Okazaki)
  3. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2019.11.15) Involvement of low contrast-preferring neurons in an orientation discrimination task in rat primary visual cortex. The 9th Okazaki-Tuebingen-Beijing Joint Symposium, (Okazaki)
  4. Tarusawa E. Sanbo M, Hirabayashi T, Yagi Y, Yoshimura Y (2019.10.22) Establishment of clustered protocadherin-regulated high reciprocal connectivity between clonal cortical neurons requires sensory experience in mouse barrel cortex. Neuro2019 (Chicago, USA)
  5. 米田泰輔, 吉村由美子 (2019.9.2) 大脳皮質一次視覚野における細胞タイプ特異的な神経回路形成計測法の確立. 第9回名古屋大学医学系研究科・生理学研究所合同シンポジウム,(生理学研究所)
  6. Yamamoto M, Iwasato T, Yoshimura Y (2019.8.18-19) Development of the connectivity between fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex. 新学術領域研究 スクラップ&ビルドによる脳機能の動的制御 第4回領域会議,(静岡県浜松市)
  7. Yamamoto M, Iwasato T, Yoshimura Y (2019.7.25-28) Development of synaptic connections between fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex. NEURO2019 (The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society),(Niigata)
  8. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2019.7.25) The mechanism for generating low contrast-preferring neurons during orientation discrimination in rat primary visual cortex. NEURO2019 (The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society),(Niigata)
  9. Yamamoto M, Iwasato T, Yoshimura Y (2019.7.3-5) Development of the connectivity between fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex. 2019 Korea-Yonsei-NIPS International Joint Symposium,(Seoul, Korea)
  10. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2019.7.1) Dynamics of neural responses during orientation discrimination in rat primary visual cortex. 新学術領域研究 脳情報動態を規定する多領野連関と並列処理 第3回領域会議,(静岡県御殿場市)
  11. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2019.3.30) Involvement of V1 neurons preferring low-contrast stimuli in difficult orientation discrimination. 9th FAOPS (the 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress), (Kobe)
  12. Yamamoto M, Iwasato T, Yoshimura Y (2019.3.7-8) Development of the connectivity between fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex. 第8回 生理研-霊長研-新潟脳研合同シンポジウム,(新潟)
  13. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2019.2.9-11) Involvement of neurons preferring low-contrast visual stimuli in an orientation discrimination task in rat primary visual cortex. Japan-UK Neuroscience Symposium 2019,(千葉県木更津市)


  1. 石川理子 (2018.12.14) 視覚野における多細胞ネットワークの生後発達とその機能的役割. 新学術領域研究 「スクラップビルド」「脳構築の時計と場」「マルチスケール脳」 合同若手シンポジウム,(東京)
  2. Yamamoto M, Iwasato T, Yoshimura Y (2018.11.20-21) Development of the connectivity between fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex. 新学術領域研究 スクラップ&ビルドによる脳機能の動的制御 第3回領域会議,(大阪府吹田市、箕面市)
  3. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2018.11.20-21) Low-contrast preferred spiking activity in rat primary visual cortex during an orientation discrimination task. 新学術領域研究 スクラップ&ビルドによる脳機能の動的制御 第3回領域会議,(大阪府吹田市、箕面市)
  4. Tarusawa E, Sanbo M, Hirabayashi M, Yagi T, Yoshimura Y (2018.11.6) Clustered protocadherin-regulated high reciprocal connectivity between clonal cortical neurons are selectively modified by short sensory deprivation in mouse barrel cortex. Society of Neuroscience 2018, (San Diego, USA)
  5. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2018.9.29) Low-contrast preferred spiking activity in rat primary visual cortex during an orientation discrimination task. 第8回 生理学研究所・名古屋大学医学系研究科合同シンポジウム,(名古屋)
  6. Yoshimura Y. (2018.9.27) The roles of visual experience in the maturation of neural onses in the visual cortex. The 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference, (Awaji)
  7. 木村梨絵, 吉村由美子 (2018.9.6) 方位弁別課題遂行時のラット一次視覚野における低コントラスト優位な神経活動. 視覚科学フォーラム2018 第22回研究会,(大阪府茨木市)
  8. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2018.7.26) Involvement of neurons preferring low-contrast visual stimuli in an orientation discrimination task in rat primary visual cortex. The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Kobe)
  9. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2018.7.5) Learning changes dependence of neuronal responses on the contrast of visual stimuli in rat primary visual cortex. Joint symposium of 10th Optogenetics Research Conference and Second International Symposium on Brain Information Dynamics 2018, (Tokyo)
  10. Yoshimura Y (2018.3.28) The roles of visual experience in the maturation of secondary visual cortex. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society Meeting, (Takamatsu)


  1. 木村梨絵, 吉村由美子 (2017.12.22) 方位弁別学習後のラット一次視覚野細胞に見られる新規なコントラスト依存性. 次世代脳プロジェクト 冬のシンポジウム 新学術領域 [スクラップビルド] [脳構築の時計と場] 合同若手シンポジウム (東京)
  2. Yoshimura Y (2017.9. 26) The roles of visual experience in the maturation of neural circuits and functions in the visual cortex. McGill University-NIPS Symposium (Montreal, Canada)
  3. 宮下俊雄, 三宝誠,平林真澄,八木健,吉村由美子 (2017.9.9) Dnmt3b によるゲノムメチル化を介した⼀次視覚野神経細胞の機能発達. 第7回生理学研究所・名古屋大学医学系研究科合同シンポジウム, (岡崎)
  4. 石川理子,吉村由美子 (2017.9.2) ラット一次視覚野-二次視覚野間結合の視覚経験依存的な発達. 視覚科学フォーラム 2017 豊橋 第 21 回研究会, (豊橋)
  5. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2017.7.22) Novel dependence of neural responses on the contrast of visual stimuli used for an orientation discrimination task in rat primary visual cortex. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Chiba)
  6. Sugimura T, Kim R, Bito H, Yoshimura Y, Komatsu Y (2017.7.22) Monocular deprivation-induced changes in excitatory synaptic transmission in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons of rat visual cortex. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Chiba)
  7. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2017.4.21) Cortical spiking activity in rats performing a visual discrimination task. 2017 Yonsei-Korea-NIPS Symposium (Seoul, Korea)
  8. Tarusawa E (2017.3.11) Influence of the postnatal experience on the cortical neural connections predetermined by the gene-regulation during embryonic development. The 10th Annual Meeting for Japanese Developmental Neuroscientists, (Sendai)
  9. Ishikawa AW (2017.1.6) Experience-dependent development of fine-scale networks and synchronous firing in rat primary visual cortex. 3rd CU-NIPS Symposium, (Bangkok, Thailand)


  1. Tarusawa E, Sanbo M, Okayama A, Miyashita T, Kitsukawa T, Hirayama T, Hirabayashi T, Hasegawa S, Hirabayashi M, Yagi T, Yoshimura Y (2016.11.16) High reciprocal connectivity between clonal cortical neurons is established under the guidance of epigenetic regulation. Society of Neuroscience 2016, (San Diego, USA)
  2. 唐木智充,金亮,尾藤晴彦, 吉村由美子 (2016.11.4)最適方位が類似した視覚野錐体細胞における選択的な神経結合. 第63回中部生理学会, (岡崎)
  3. Yoshimura Y (2016.8.8) Experience-dependent development of fine-scale networks and feature-selective synchronization in the visual cortex. International Symposium 2016 ‘Circuit Construction in the Mammalian Brain’, (Osaka)
  4. Kimura R, Yoshimura Y (2016.7.22) Development of a visuomotor task useful for the analysis of interactions between neuronal activities in the visual and motor cortices of behaving rats. The 39 th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Yokohama)
  5. Nishio N, Ishikawa AW, Yoshimura Y (2016.7.22) Experience dependent maturation of spatial frequency tunings in excitatory and inhibitory neurons in mouse primary visual cortex. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Yokohama) 
  6. Yoshimura Y (2016.7.21) Experience-dependent maturation of neural circuits and functions in the secondary visual cortex of rats The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Yokohama) 
  7. Karaki T, Kim R, Bito H, Yoshimura Y (2016.7.20) Synaptic connections are preferentially formed between cortical pyramidal neurons with similar orientation preference in both layers 2/3 and 5. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Yokohama) 
  8. Ishikawa AW, Komatsu Y, Yoshimura Y (2016.7.20) Visual experience-dependent and independent development of visually-evoked synchronized firing in rat visual cortex. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Yokohama) 
  9. Yamamoto M, Yoshimura Y (2016.2.12) Cell-type specific neural connectivity of visual cortex revealed through trans-synaptic tracing. The 8th NAGOYA Global Retreat, (Nagoya)


  1. Yoshimura Y (2015.11.14) Experience-dependent maturation of fine-scale networks and feature-selective synchronization in visual cortex. East Asia Joint Symposium 2015, (Okinawa)
  2. Ishikawa AW (2015.10.17) Experience-dependent and independent development of feature-selective synchronization in rat visual cortex. Neuroscience 2015, (Chicago, USA)
  3. Ishikawa AW (2015.7.27) Experience-dependent development of fine-scale networks and synchronous firing in rat primary visual cortex. A Satellite Symposium to Neuroscience 2015, “Neural Circuits, Development and Plasticity of the Early Visual System”, (Kobe)


  1. Mori T, Yoshimura Y (2014.9. 13) Distinct patterns of synaptic inputs onto pyramidal cell and interneuron subtypes in mouse hippocampal CA1. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Yokohama)
  2. Yoshimura Y (2014.9.12) The effect of visual deprivation on the maturation of secondary visual cortex. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Yokohama)


  1. Ishikawa A, Komatsu Y, Yoshimura Y (2013.11.12) Experience-dependent emergence of fine-scale networks in visual cortex. Neuroscience2013, (San Diego, USA)
  2. Mori T, Yoshimura Y (2013.11.11) Glycoprotein from an attenuated rabies strain increases an affinity toword non-neuronal cells and long-range projection neurons. Neuroscience2013, (San Diego, USA)
  3. Yoshimura Y (2013.6.22) Experience-dependent maturation of visual cortical circuits and function. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Kyoto)
  4. Tarusawa E, Toyoda S, Kobayashi T, Sanbo M, Hirabayashi M, Yagi T, Yoshimura Y (2013.6.21) Dnmt3b epigenetically regulates specificity of synaptic connections in mouse barrel cortex. The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, (Kyoto)


  1. Ishikawa AW (2012.11.16) The reduction in the visual responsiveness of cortical neurons resulting from visual deprivation is more prominent in the secondary than the primary visual cortex. Global COE Symposium on Neuro-Tumor Biology and Medicine, (Nagoya)



  1. Tarusawa E, Akashi K, Sakimura K, Molnar E, Fukazawa Y, Yoshimura Y, Shigemoto R (2010.9) Immunohistochemical localization of kainate receptors, GluK2/3 (GluR6/7) and GluK5 (KA2), in the mouse hippocampus. Neuro2010.


  1. Yoshimura Y (2009.9) Activity-dependent development of microcircuits in visual cortex.