3 生体情報研究系

3.1 感覚認知情報研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Matsumora T, Koida K & Komatsu H (2008) Relationship between color discrimination and neural responses in the inferior temporal cortex of the monkey. J Neurophysiol 100:3361-3374.
  2. Shibata K, Yamagishi N, Goda N, Yoshioka T, Yamashita O, Sato M & Kawato M (2008) The effects of feature attention on prestimulus cortical activity in the human visual system. Cereb Cortex 18:1664-1675.
  3. Ogawa T & Komatsu H(2008) Condition-dependent and condition-independent target selection in the macaque posterior parietal cortex. J Neurophysiol (in press).

C. 英文総説(査読有り)

  1. Komatsu H (2008) Lightness perception and Filling-in. In “The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Vol 2 - Vision II” (ed by Albright TD, Masland R). Academic Press, San Diego pp.45-52.
  2. Komatsu H (2008) Representation of hue and saturation of color in the visual cortex of the monkey. Vision 20:82-84.
  3. Koida K & Komatsu H (2008) Neuronal bases of color categorization in monkey inferior temporal cortex. Vision 20:85-88.


  1. 小松英彦 (2008) 色覚系における色情報表現. 生体の科学 59:426-427.

3.2 神経シグナル研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Miyata M & Imoto K (2008) Contrary roles of kinate receptors in transmitter release at corticothalamic synapses onto thalamic relay and reticular neurons. J Physiol (in press).

D. 研究関係著作

  1. Wakamori M & Imoto K (2008) Volgated-gated calcium channels. “Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, 3rd ed” (Eds Lajtha A et al.) Springer,New York, (in press).

3.3 神経分化研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Hossain MI, Iwasaki H, Okochi Y, Chahine M, Higashijima S, Nagayama K & Okamura Y (2008) Enzyme domain affects the movement of the voltage sensor in ascidian and zebrafish voltage-sensing phosphatases. J Biol Chem 283:18248-18259.
  2. Musset B, Cherny VV, Morgan D, Okamura Y, Ramsey IS, Clapham DE & DeCoursey TE (2008) Detailed comparison of expressed and native voltage-gated proton channel currents. J Physiol 586:2477-2486.
  3. Iwasaki H, Murata Y, Kim Y, Hossain MI, Worby CA, Dixon JE, McCormack T, Sasaki T & Okamura Y (2008) A voltage-sensing phosphatase, Ci-VSP, which shares sequence identity with PTEN, dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:7970-7975.
  4. Koch HP, Kurokawa T, Okochi Y, Sasaki M, Okamura Y & Larsson HP (2008) Multimeric nature of voltage-gated proton channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:9111-9116.
  5. Tsutsui H, Karasawa S, Okamura Y & Miyawaki A (2008) Improving membrane voltage measurements using FRET with new fluorescent proteins. Nat Methods 5:683-685.
  6. Kimura Y, Satou C & Higashijima S (2008) V2a and V2b neurons are generated by the final divisions of pair-producing progenitors in the zebrafish spinal cord. Development 135:3001-3005.
  7. Miyake A, Higashijima S, Kobayashi D, Narita T, Jindo T, Setiamarga DH, Ohisa S, Orihara N, Hibiya K, Konno S, Sakaguchi S, Horie K, Imai Y, Naruse K, Kudo A & Takeda H (2008) Mutation in the abcb7 gene causes abnormal iron and fatty acid metabolism in developing medaka fish. Dev Growth Differ 50:703-716.

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Fetcho JR, Higashijima S & McLean DL (2008) Zebrafish and motor control over the last decade. Brain Res Rev 57:86-93.

D. 研究関係著作

  1. Higashijima S (2008) Transgenic zebrafish expressing fluorescent proteins in central nervous system neurons. Dev Growth Differ 50:407-413.