5 大脳皮質機能研究系

5.1 脳形態解析研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Sano H, Nagai Y, Miyakawa T, Shigemoto R & Yokoi M (2008) Increased social interaction in mice deficient of the striatal medium spiny neuron-specific phosphodiesterase 10A2. J Neurochem 105:546-556.
  2. Kawakami R, Dobi A, Shigemoto R & Ito I (2008) Right isomerism of the brain in inversus viscerum mutant mice. PLoS ONE 3:e1945.
  3. Varga V, Hangya B, Kránitz K, Ludányi A, Zemankovics R, Katona I, Shigemoto R, Freund TF & Borhegyi Z (2008) The presence of pacemaker HCN channels identifies theta rhythmic GABAergic neurons in the medial septum. J Physiol 586:3893-3915.
  4. Li X, Kamasawa N, Ciolofan C, Olson CO, Lu S, Davidson KGV, Yasumura T, Shigemoto R, Rash JE & Nagy JI(2008) Neuronal gap junctions in rodent retina containing connexin45 also contain connexin36 in both apposing hemiplaques, forming bi-homotypic gap junctions, with scaffolding by zonula occludens-1. J Neurosci 28:9769-89.
  5. Antal M, Fukazawa Y, Eördögh M, Muszil D, Molnár E, Itakura M, Takahashi M & Shigemoto R (2008) Numbers, densities and co-localization of AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptors at individual synapses in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rats. J Neurosci 28:9692-701.
  6. Shinohara Y, Hirase H, Watanabe M, Itakura M, Takahashi M & Shigemoto R (2008) Left-right asymmetry of the hippocampal synapses with differential subunit allocation of glutamate receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:19498-503.
  7. Guetg N, Seddik R, Vigot R, Vigot J, Turecek R, Gassmann M, Vogt K, Brauner-Osborne H, Shigemoto R, Kretz O, Frotscher M, Kulik A & Bettler B (2008) The GABA-B1a isoform mediates heterosynaptic depression at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. J Neurosci (in press).
  8. Momiyama T (2008) Coupled increase in the inhibition of glutamate release mediated by D1-like dopamine receptors and P/Q-type calcium channels at the basal forebrain synapse of developing rats. Eur J Neurosci (in press).

C. 英文総説 (査読有り)

  1. Fukazawa Y & Shigemoto R (2008) Glutamate receptor organization: Ultrastractural insights. “Encyclopedia of Neuroscience” (Eds. Adelman G & Smith BH), Elsevier Netherlands (in press).

D. 研究関係著作

  1. Fukazawa Y, Masugi-Tokita M, Tarusawa E, Hagiwara A &Shigemoto R (2008) SDS-digested Freeze-fracture replica labeling (SDS-FRL). “Handbook of Cryo-Preparation Methods for Electron Microscopy” (Eds. Cavalier A, Spehner D & Humbel BM), CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 567-586.
  2. 深澤有吾, 足澤悦子, 松井広, 重本 隆一 (2008) グルタミン酸受容体のシナプス内分布とその生理的意義. 蛋白質核酸酵素 53:436-441.

5.2 大脳神経回路研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Uematsu M, Hirai Y, Karube F, Ebihara S, Kato M, Abe K, Obata K, Yoshida S, Hirabayashi M, Yanagawa Y & Kawaguchi Y (2008) Quantitative chemical composition of cortical GABAergic neurons revealed in transgenic Venus-expressing rats. Cereb Cortex 18:315-330.
  2. Puig MV, Ushimaru M & Kawaguchi Y (2008) Two distinct activity patterns of fast-spiking interneurons during neocortical UP-states. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:8428-8433.
  3. Otsuka T & Kawaguchi Y (2008) Firing-pattern dependent specificity of cortical excitatory feed-forward subnetworks. J Neurosci 28:11186-11195.

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Kawaguchi Y & Karube F (2008) Structures and Circuits: Cerebral Cortex, Inhibitory cells. “The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience” (Ed. Squire L), Elsevier, Amsterdam.

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 窪田芳之 (2008) 皮質局所神経回路の興奮性抑制性入力特性. “ブレインサイエンス・レビュー2008” (伊藤正男, 川合述史 編), クバプロ, 東京, pp 45-72.

5.3 心理生理学研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Uchiyama Y, Toyoda H, Honda M, Yoshida H, Kochiyama T, Ebe K & Sadato N (2008) Functional segregation of the inferior frontal gyrus for syntactic processes: a functional magnetic-resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res 61:309-318.
  2. Toyoda H, Kashikura K, Okada T, Nakashita S, Honda M, Yonekura Y, Kawaguchi H, Maki A & Sadato N (2008) Source of nonlinearity of the BOLD response revealed by simultaneous fMRI and NIRS. Neuroimage 39:997-1013.
  3. Nakashita S, Saito DN, Kochiyama T, Honda M, Tanabe HC & Sadato N (2008) Tactile-visual integration in the posterior parietal cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain Res Bull 75:513-525.
  4. Murase M, Saito DN, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Tanaka S, Harada T, Aramaki Y, Honda M & Sadato N (2008) Cross-modal integration during vowel identification in audiovisual speech: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Lett 434:71-76.
  5. Morita T, Itakura S, Saito DN, Nakashita S, Harada T, Kochiyama T & Sadato N (2008) The role of the right prefrontal cortex in self-evaluation of the face: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Cogn Neurosci 20:342-355.
  6. Mizuno K, Tanaka M, Ishii A, Tanabe HC, Onoe H, Sadato N & Watanabe Y (2008) The neural basis of academic achievement motivation. Neuroimage 42:369-378.
  7. Miyawaki Y, Uchida H, Yamashita O, Sato MA, Morito Y, Tanabe HC, Sadato N & Kamitani Y (2008) Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders. Neuron 60:915-929.
  8. Mano Y, Harada T, Sugiura M, Saito DN & Sadato N (2008) Perspective-taking as part of narrative comprehension: a functional MRI study. Neuropsychologia (in press).
  9. Maki Y, Wong KF, Sugiura M, Ozaki T & Sadato N (2008) Asymmetric control mechanisms of bimanual coordination: an application of directed connectivity analysis to kinematic and functional MRI data. Neuroimage 42:1295-1304.
  10. Izuma K, Saito DN & Sadato N (2008) Processing of social and monetary rewards in the human striatum. Neuron 58:284-294.
  11. Hayashi MJ, Saito DN, Aramaki Y, Asai T, Fujibayashi Y & Sadato N (2008) Hemispheric Asymmetry of Frequency-Dependent Suppression in the Ipsilateral Primary Motor Cortex During Finger Movement: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Cereb Cortex 18:2932-2940.
  12. Harada T, Itakura S, Xu F, Lee K, Nakashita S, Saito DN & Sadato N (2008) Neural correlates of the judgment of lying: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res (in press).
  13. Hagura N, Oouchida Y, Aramaki Y, Okada T, Matsumura M, Sadato N & Naito E (2009) Visuokinesthetic perception of hand movement is mediated by cerebro-cerebellar interaction between the left cerebellum and right parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex 19:176-186.
  14. Chiao JY, Harada T, Komeda H, Li Z, Mano Y, Saito DN, Parrish TB, Sadato N & Iidaka T (2008) Neural basis of individualistic and collectivistic views of self. Hum Brain Mapp (in press).
  15. Chiao JY, Harada T, Komeda H, Li Z, Mano Y, Saito DN, Parrish TB, Sadato N & Iidaka T (2008) Dynamic cultural influences on neural representations of the self. J Cogn Neurosci (in press).
  16. Chiao JY, Iidaka T, Gordon HL, Nogawa J, Bar M, Aminoff E, Sadato N & Ambady N (2008) Cultural specificity in amygdala response to fear faces. J Cogn Neurosci 20:2167-2174.
  17. Bengtsson SL, Ullen F, Henrik Ehrsson H, Hashimoto T, Kito T, Naito E, Forssberg H & Sadato N (2008) Listening to rhythms activates motor and premotor cortices. Cortex (in press).

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Sadato N, Morita T & Itakura S (2008) The role of Neuroimaging in Developmental Social Psychology. Brain Imaging Behav (in press).