6 発達生理学研究系

6.1 認知行動発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Takei T & Seki K (2008) Spinomuscular coherence in monkeys performing a precision grip task. J Neurophysiol 99:2012-2020.
  2. Kaneda K, Phongphanphanee P, Katoh T, Isa K, Yanagawa Y, Obata K & Isa T (2008) Regulation of burst activity through pre- and postsynaptic GABAB receptors in mouse superior colliculus. J Neurosci 28:816-827.
  3. Endo T, Tarusawa E, Notomi T, Kaneda K, Hirabayashi M, Shigemoto R & Isa T (2008) Dendritic Ih ensures high-fidelity spike responses of motion sensitive neurons in rat superior colliculus. J Neurophysiol 99:2066-2076.
  4. Phongphanphanee P, Kaneda K & Isa T (2008) Spatio-temporal profiles of field potentials in mouse superior colliculus analyzed by multichannel recording. J Neurosci 28:9309-9318.
  5. Sooksawate T, Isa K & Isa T (2008) Cholinergic responses in crossed tecto-reticular neurons of rat superior colliculus. J Neurophysiol 100:2702-2711.
  6. Yoshida M, Takaura K, Kato R, Ikeda T & Isa T (2008) Striate cortical lesions affect deliberate decision and control of saccade: implication for blindsight. J Neurosci 28:10541-10548.
  7. Kaneda K, Isa K, Yanagawa Y & Isa T (2008) Nigral inhibition of GABAergic neurons in mouse superior colliculus. J Neurosci 28:11071-11078.
  8. Nishimura Y, Morichika Y & Isa T (2008) A subcortical oscillatory network contributes to recovery of hand dexterity after spinal cord injury. Brain (in press).

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Sakatani T & Isa T (2008) Superior colliculus and saccade generation in mice. “Eyes, Retina and Visual System of the Mouse” (Eds. Calupa LM & Willliams R), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp 233-244.
  2. Nishimura Y & Isa T (2008) Compensatory changes at the cerebral cortical level after spinal cord injury. Neuroscientist (in press).


  1. 伊佐正 (2008) 運動制御回路の構造・機能と損傷後機能代償. “ブレイン・サイエンス・レビュー 2008” (伊藤正男, 河合述史 編), ブレインサイエンス振興財団, pp 73-90.
  2. 伊佐正 (2008) ブレイン・マシン・インターフェイス研究の現状と展望. 脳21 11:9-14.
  3. 西村幸男, 伊佐正 (2008) 脊髄損傷後の手指の巧緻運動の機能回復に関わる中枢神経機構. 日本老年医学会雑誌 45:462-469.
  4. 西村幸男, 伊佐正 (2008) 脊髄損傷後の運動機能回復の脳内機構. 総合リハビリテーション 36:1069-1077.
  5. 加藤利佳子, 伊佐正 (2008) 眼球のサッケード運動と認知機能―サルを用いた研究パラダイム―. 実験医学増刊号「神経回路の制御と脳機能発現のメカニズム」(真鍋俊也, 岡本仁 編), 26:146-156.

6.2 生体恒常機能発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Iohara K, Zheng L, Wake H, Ito M, Nabekura J, Wakita H, Nakamura H, Into T, Matsushita K & Nakashima M (2008) A Novel Stem Cell Source for Vasculogenesis in Ischemia: Subfraction of Side Population Cells from Dental Pulp. Stem Cell 26:2408-2418.
  2. Kitamura A, Ishibashi H, Watanabe M, Takatsuru Y, Brodwick M & Nabekura J (2008) Sustained depolarizing shift of the GABA reversal potential by glutamate stimulation in hippocampal neurons. Neurosci Res 62:270-277.
  3. Ishibashi H, Hirao K, Yamaguchi J & Nabekura J (2008) Inhibition of chloride outward transport by gadolinium in cultured rat spinal cord neurons. Neurotoxicol (in press).

6.3 生殖・内分泌系発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Kohno D, Sone H, Minokoshi Y & Yada T (2008) Ghrelin raises [Ca2+]i via AMPK in hypothalamic arcuate nucleus NPY neurons. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 366:388-392.
  2. Imai J, Katagiri H, Yamada T, Ishigaki Y, Suzuki T, Kudo H, Uno K, Hasegawa Y, Gao J, Kaneko K, Ishihara I, Niijima A, Nakazato M, Asano T, Minokoshi Y & Oka Y (2008) Regulation of pancreatic β cell mass by neuronal signals from the liver. Science 322:1250-1254.

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Minokoshi Y, Shiuchi T, Lee Suni, Suzuki A & Okamoto S (2008) Role of hypothalamic AMP-kinase in food intake. Nutrition 24:786-790.


  1. 岡本士毅, 箕越靖彦(2008) AMPKと摂食調節. 最新医学 63:2021-2028.
  2. 箕越靖彦(2008) アディポネクチンのシグナル伝達ーAMPキナーゼ. “アディポネクチンとその受容体 抗生活習慣病ホルモンの全貌”(門脇孝 他 編), フジメディカル出版, 大阪, pp 76-87.