1 分子生理研究系

1.1 神経機能素子研究部門

A. 英文原著
  1. Fujiwara Y, Keceli B, Nakajo K, Kubo Y (2009) Voltage- and [ATP]- dependent gating of the P2X2 ATP receptor channel. J Gen Physiol 133:93-109.
  2. Mio K, Ogura T, Yamamoto T, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Kubo Y, Sato C (2009) Reconstruction of the P2X2 receptor revealed a vase-shaped structure with lateral tunnels above the membrane. Structure 17:266-275.
  3. Ishihara K, Yamamoto T, Kubo Y (2009) Heteromeric assembly of inward rectifier channel subunit Kir2.1 with Kir3.1 and with Kir3.4. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 380:832-837.
  4. Gleitsman KR, Tateyama M, Kubo Y (2009) Structural rearrangements of the motor protein prestin revealed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 297:C290-298.
  5. Kurogi M, Nagatomo K Kubo Y, Saitoh O (2009) Effects of spinophilin on the function of RGS8 regulating signals from M2 and M3-mAChRs. Neuroreport 20:1134-1139.
  6. Keceli B, Kubo Y (2009) Functional and structural identification of amino acid residues of the P2X2 receptor channel critical for the voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating. J Physiol 587:5801-5818.
C. 英文総説(査読あり)
  1. Kubo Y, Fujiwara Y, Keceli B, Nakajo K (2009) Dynamic aspects of functional regulation of the ATP receptor channel P2X2. J Physiol 587:5317-5324.
D. 研究関係著作
  1. Kubo Y, Tateyama M (2009) Structural rearrangement and functional regulation of the metqabotropic glutamate receptor. “Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology” (Ed. Mikoshiba K), Springer, pp 333-344.
  2. 藤原祐一郎, Batu Keceli, 中條浩一, 山本友美, 久保義弘 (2009) ATP受容体チャネルP2X2の膜上発現密度依存性と膜電位依存性 生体の科学. 60:502-503.
  3. 久保義弘 (2009) 神経はどうやって興奮するか. 化学 64:18-19.
E. その他
  1. Kubo Y, Isacoff EY (2009) Dynamic aspects of functioning membrane proteins. J Physiol 587:5315-5316.

1.2 分子神経生理研究部門

A. 英文原著
  1. Toda T, Nakamura M, Yamada M, Nishine T, Torii T, Ikenaka K, Hashimoto R, Mori M (2009) Glycoproteomic analysis of abnormal N-glycosylation on the kappa chain of cryocrystalglobulin in a patient of multiple myeloma. J Electrophoresis 53:1-6.
  2. Tanaka H, Ma J, Tanaka K.F, Koike T, Komada K, Suzuki A, Ishibashi T, Baba H, Isa T, Shigemoto R, Ono K, Miyakawa T, Ikenaka K (2009) Mice with altered myelin proteolipid protein gene expression display cognitive deficits accompanied by abnormal neuron-glia interactions and decreased conduction velocities. J Neurosci 29:8363-8371.
  3. Murakami S, Ohki-Hamazaki H, Watanabe K, Ikenaka K, Ono K (2009) Netrin 1 provides a chemoattractive cue for the ventral migration of GnRH neurons in the chick forebrain. J Comparative Neurol -08-0484.R3.
  4. Shimono C, Manabe R, Yamada T, Fukuda S, Kawai J, Furutani Y, Tsutsui K, Ikenaka K, Hayashizaki Y, Sekiguchi K (2009) Identification and Characterization of nCLP2, a Novel Clq Family Protein Expressed in the Central Nervous System. J Biochem (in press).
  5. Tanaka KF, Ahmari SE, Leonardo ED, Richardson-Jones JW, Budreck EC, Scheiffele P, Sugio S, Inamura N, Ikenaka K, Hen R (2009) FAST (Flexible Accelerated STOP TetO-knockin): a versatile and efficient new gene modulating system. Biol Psychiatry (in press).
  6. Piao H, Minohara M, Kawamura N, Li W, Mizunoe Y, Umehara F, Goto Y, Kusunoki S, Matsushita T, Ikenaka K, Maejima T, Nabekura J, Yamasaki R, Kira J (2010) Induction of paranodal myelin detachment and sodium channel loss in vivo by Campylobacter jejuni DNA-binding protein from starved cells (C-Dps) in myelinated nerve fibers. J Neurol Sci 288:54-62.
C. 英文総説(査読あり)
  1. Ono K, Takebayashi H, Ikenaka K (2009) Olig2 transcription factor in the developing and injured forebrain; Cell lineage and glial development. Mol Cells 27:397-401
D. 研究関係著作
  1. 池中一裕, 清水崇弘, 田中謙二 (2009) 多発性硬化症、慢性脱髄巣におけるオリゴデンドロサイトの分化制御. Neuroimmunol 17:173-176.

1.3 ナノ形態生理研究部門

A. 英文原著
  1. Radostin D, Glaeser RM, Nagayama K (2009) Practical factors affecting the performance of a thin-film phase plate for transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy 109:312-325.
  2. Kuvichkin V, Danev RS, Shigematsu H, Nagayama K (2009) DNA-induced aggregation and fusion of phosphatidylcholine liposomes in the presence of multivalent cations observed by the cryo-TEM technique. J Membrane Biol 227:95-103.
  3. Atsuzawa K, Usuda N, Danev R, Nagayama K, Kaneko Y (2009) High contrast imaging of plastic embedded tissues by phase contrast electron microscopy. J Electron Microscopy 58:35-45.
  4. Nitta K, Danev R, Nagayama K, Kaneko Y(2009) Visualization of BrdU-labeled DNA in cyanobacterial cells by Hilbert differential contrast transmission electron microscopy. J Microscopy 234:118-123.
  5. Akita H, Kubo A, Minoura A, Yamaguchi M, Khalil IA, Moriguchi R, Masuda T, Danev R, Nagayama K, Kogure K, Harashima H (2009) Multi-layered nanoparticles for penetrating the endosome and nuclear membrane via a step-wise membrane fusion process. Biomaterials 30:2940-2949.
  6. Masuda T, Akita H, Niikura K, Nishio T, Ukawa M, Endo K, Danev R, Nagayama K, Ijiro K, Harashima H (2009) Envelope-type lipid nanoparticles incorporating a short PEG-lipid conjugate for improved control of intracellular trafficking and transgene transcription. Biomaterials 30:4806-4814.
  7. Fukuda Y, Fukazawa Y, Danev R, Shigemoto R, Nagayama K (2009) Tuning of the Zernike Phase Plate for Visualization of Detailed Ultrastructure in Complex Biological Specimens. J Structural Biology 168:476-484.
  8. Shigematsu H, Sokabe T, Danev R, Tominaga M, Nagayama K (2009) A 2.5 nm Structure of rat TRPV4 Cation Channel Reveals a Hanging Gondola Shape with a Large Cavity in the Transmembrane Region. J Biol Chem (on-line publication).
  9. Murakami M, Wei M, Ding W, Zhang Q (2009) Effects of Chinese herbs on salivary fluid secretion by the isolated and perfused rat submandibular gland. World J Gastroentenol 15:3908-3915.
  10. Ekstrom J, Murakami M, Inzitari R, Khosravani N, Fanali C, Cabras T, Fujita-Yoshigaki J, Sugiya H, Messana I, Castagnola M (2009) RP-HPLC-ESI-MS characterization of novel peptide fragments related to rat parotid secretory protein in parasympathetic induced saliva. J Sep Sci 32:2944-2952.
  11. Takahashi S, Iwamoto N, Sasaki H, Ohashi M, Oda Y, Tsukita S, Furuse M (2009) The E3 ubiquitin ligase LNX1p80 downregulates claudins from tight junctions in MDCK cells. J Cell Sci 122:985-994.
  12. Hirano T, Kuroda K, Kataoka M, Hayakawa Y (2009) Peptide-nucleic acids (PNAs) with pyrimido[4,5-d]-pyrimidine-2,4,5,7-(1H,3H,6H,8H)-tetraone as a universal base: their synthesis and binding affinity for oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Org Biomol Chem 7: 2905-2911.
B. 和文原著
  1. 清水秀年, 宮村広樹, 松島秀, 村上政隆, 恵良聖一, 内山良一, 紀ノ定保臣 (2009) Equivalent cross-relaxation rate imaging を用いた耳下腺機能評価. 生体医工学 47:215-221.
C. 英文総説 (査読有り)
  1. Nagayama K, Danev R (2009) Phase-plate electron microscopy: a novel imaging tool to reveal close-to-life nano-structures. Biophys Rev 1:37-42.
D. 研究関係著作
  1. 村上政隆 (2009) 実験MRSのための周辺技術: 臓器潅流法と生理学モニター.“磁気共鳴スペクトルの医学応用-基礎から臨床まで-” (成瀬昭二 編), インナービジョン, 東京, 第2章5節, (in press).
E. その他
  1. 永山國昭, 曽我部正博, 片岡幹雄 (2009) “第6回アジア生物物理学連合シンポジウム”報告. 生物物理 49:100-101.
  2. 永山國昭 (2009) 日本学術会議とは何か? 生物物理 49:147-150.
  3. 村上政隆 (2009) 生理学研究所点検連携資料室について.“大学共同利用機関の歴史とアーカイブス2008” (松岡啓介 編), 葉山高等研究センター研究プロジェクト「人間と科学」研究課題「大学共同利用期間の成立に関する歴史資料の蒐集と我が国における巨大科学の成立史に関する研究」2008年度報告, pp 19-30.