6 発達生理学研究系

6.1 認知行動発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著
  1. Nishimura Y, Morichika Y, Isa T (2009) A subcortical oscillatory network contributes to recovery of hand dexterity after spinal cord injury. Brain 132:709-721.
  2. Okada K-I, Toyama K, Inoue Y, Isa T, Kobayashi Y (2009) Different pedunculopontine tegmental neurons signal predicted and actual task rewards. J Neurosci 29:4858-4870.
  3. Tanaka H, Tanaka K, Ma J, Isa T, Tanda K, Miyakawa T, Suzuki A, Ishibashi T, Baba H, Shigemoto R, Ono K, Ikenaka K (2009) Mice with altered myelin proteolipid protein gene expression show schizophrenia-related behavior accompanied by abnormal neuron-glial interaction and conduction velocity. J Neurosci 29:8363-8371.
  4. Higo N, Nishimura Y, Murata Y, Oishi T, Saito K, Takahashi M, Tsuboi F, Isa T (2009) Increased expression of the growth-associated protein-43 gene in the sensorimotor cortex of the macaque monkey after lesioning of the lateral corticospinal tract. J Comp Neurol 516:493-506.
  5. Seki K, Perlmutter SI, Fetz EE (2009) Task-dependent modulation of primary afferent depolarization in cervical spinal cord of monkeys performing an instructed delay task. J Neurophysiol 102:85-99.
  6. Takahashi M, Vattanajun A, Umeda T, Isa K, Isa T (2009) Large-scale reorganization of corticofugal fibers after neonatal hemidecortication for functional restoration of forelimb movements. Eur J Neurosci 30:1878-1887.
C. 英文総説(査読あり)
  1. Nishimura Y, Isa T (2009) Compensatory changes at the cerebral cortical level after spinal cord injury. The Neuroscientist 15:436-444.
  2. Isa T, Hall WC (2009) Exploring the superior colliculus in vitro. J Neurophysiol 102:2581-2593.
  3. Isa T, Yoshida M (2009) Saccade control after V1 lesion revisited. Curr Opin Neurobiol (in press).
D. 研究関係著作
  1. Isa T, Yamane I, Hamai M, Inagaki H (2009) Japanese macaques as laboratory animals. Exp Anim 58:451-457.
  2. Yamazaki Y, Akashi R, Banno Y, et al. (2009) NBRP databases: databases of biological resources in Japan. Nucleic Acids Res 38:D26-32
  3. 伊佐正 (2009) Somatotopy再考-脊髄損傷後の脳内補償機構から. Brain & Nerve 61:1405-1411.
  4. 伊佐正 (2009) 損傷から立ち直るための脳の仕組み. “自然科学研究機構シンポジウム収録集 ⑤ 「解き明かされる脳の不思議-脳科学の未来」”, クバプロ, 東京, pp 109-126.
  5. 伊佐正 (2009) 霊長類を用いた脳機能の生理学的研究. “研究をささえるモデル生物” (吉川寛, 堀寛 編), 化学同人, pp 27-29.
  6. 伊佐正 (2009) 脊髄損傷後の機能代償機構. 脳21 12:283-292.
  7. 西村幸男, 伊佐正 (2009) 脊髄損傷後の手指の巧緻運動の機能回復にかかわる中枢神経機構. “老年医学update 2009-2010” pp 162-170.
  8. 伊佐正 (2009) 脳を知る-損傷脳の生存戦略-. “脳を知る・創る・守る・育む” (NPO法人脳の世紀推進会議 編), pp 37-64.
  9. 伊佐正 (2009) 脊髄固有路. Clinical Neuroscience 27:757-760.
  10. 山根到, 稲垣晴久, 伊佐正 (2009) ニホンザル-日本の脳科学を支える日本固有の動物種. “バイオリソース&データベ-ス活用術” (ナショナルイバイオリソースプロジェクト情報運営委員会 監修), pp 171-173.
E. その他
  1. Isa T, Fetz EE, Müller KR (2009) Recent advances in Brain Machine Interfaces (Preface for Special Issue). Neural Networks 22:1201-1202.
  2. Isa T, Schwartz A (2008) Motor systems. Introduction. Curr Opin Neurobiol 18:541-543.
  3. 伊佐正, 大隅典子 (2009) 脊髄損傷に迫るvol.2. ニュースレター Brain and Mind Vol.9 pp2-4.

6.2 生体恒常機能発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著
  1. Ishibashi H, Hirao K, Yamaguchi J, Nabekura J (2009) Inhibition of chloride outward transport by gadolinium in cultured rat spinal cord neurons. Neurotoxicology 30:155-159.
  2. Ishibashi H, Nakahata Y, Eto K, Nabekura J (2009) Excitation of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons by thyrotropin-releasing hormone. J Physiol 587:5709-5722.
  3. Watanabe M, Wake H, Moorhouse A, Nabekura J (2009) Clustering of neuronal K+-Cl- cotransporters in lipid rafts by tyrosine phosphorylation. J Biol Chem 284:27980-27988.
  4. Takatsuru Y, Yoshitomo M, Nemoto T, Eto K, Nabekura J (2009) Maternal separation decreases the stability of mushroom spines in adult mice somatosensory cortex. Brain Res 1294:45-51.
  5. Takatsuru Y, Fukumoto D, Yoshitomo M, Nemoto T, Tsukada H, Nabekura J (2009) Neuronal circuit remodeling in the contralateral cortical hemisphere during functional recovery from cerebral infarction. J Neurosci 29:10081-10086.
  6. Wake H, Moorhouse AJ, Jinno S, Kohasaka S, Nabekura J (2009) Resting microglia directly monitor the funciolnal state of synapses in vivo and determine the fate of ischemic terminals. J Neurosci 29:3974-3980.
  7. Watanabe M, Sakuma Y, Kato M (2009) GABAA receptors mediate excitation in adult rat GnRH neurons. Biol Reprod 81:327-332.
  8. Fujii M, Kanematsu T, Ishibashi H, Fukami K, Takenawa T, Nakayama KI, Moss SJ, Nabekura J, Hirata M (2009) Phospholipase C-related but catalytically inactive protein is required for insulin-induced cell surface expression of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors. J Biol Chem (in press).
  9. Piao H, Minohara M, Kawamura N, Li W, Mizunoe Y, Umehara F, Goto Y, Kusunoki S, Matsushita T, Ikenaka K, Maejima T, Nabekura JI, Yamasaki R, Kira JI (2009) Induction of paranodal myelin detachment and sodium channel loss in vivo by Campylobacter jejuni DNA-binding protein from starved cells (C-Dps) in myelinated nerve fibers. J Neurol Sci (in press).
  10. Ebisuno Y, Katagiri K, Katakai T, Ueda Y, Nemoto T, Inada H, Nabekura J, Okada T, Kannagi R, Tanaka T, Miyasaka M, Hogg N, Kinashi T (2009) Rap1 controls lymphocyte adhesion cascades and interstitial migration within lymph nodes in RAPL-dependent and -independent manners. Blood (in press).
  11. Inada H, Nakahata Y, Yamaguchi J, Nabekura J, Ishibashi H (2009) Endocannabinoids contribute to metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated inhibition of GABA release onto hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons in an isolated neuron/bouton preparation. Neuroscience (in press).
D. 研究関係著作
  1. 鍋倉淳一 (2009) 生きた動物の脳の中をのぞく! 科学技術振興機構 JST News 2009年6月号:12-13.
  2. 鍋倉淳一 (2009) 脳梗塞などで失われた脳の機能を、反対側の脳が肩代わり!. 科学技術振興機構 JST News 2009年12月号:4.
  3. 鍋倉淳一 (2009) 脳機能の発達と回復―神経回路の再編成:解き明かされる脳の不思議. 自然科学研究機構シンポジウム収録集5,クバプロ, pp 93-108.
  4. 鍋倉淳一, 江藤圭 (2009) 多光子励起法を用いた生体イメージング. “光科学研究の最前線2”, 国際文献印刷社, p. 226.

6.3 生殖・内分泌系発達機構研究部門

A. 英文原著
  1. Toda C, Shiuchi T, Lee S, Yamato-Esaki M, Fujino Y, Suzuki A, Okamoto S, Minokoshi Y (2009) Distinct effects of leptin and a melanocortin receptor agonist injected into medial hypothalamic nuclei on glucose uptake in peripheral tissues. Diabetes 58:2757-2765.
  2. Shiuchi T, Haque MS, Okamoto S, Inoue T, Kageyama H, Lee S, Toda C, Suzuki A, Bachman ES, Kim YB, Sakurai T, Yanagisawa M, Shioda S, Imoto K, Minokoshi Y (2009) Hypothalamic orexin stimulates feeding-associated glucose utilization in skeletal muscle via sympathetic nervous system. Cell Metab 10:466-480.
D. 研究関係著作
  1. 箕越靖彦 (2009) 摂食調節シグナルとしての視床下部AMPK/mTORと細胞内代謝. 実験医学 増刊号 273:1099-1104.
  2. 箕越靖彦 (2009) 視床下部における摂食・代謝調節作用とAMPキナーゼ. 肥満研究 15:20-28.
  3. 志内哲也, 箕越靖彦 (2009) 視床下部による血糖レベルの調節. 肥満研究 59:457-464.
  4. 岡本士毅, 箕越靖彦 (2009) 視床下部における食欲制御. 細胞工学 28:812-816.
  5. 鈴木敦, 箕越靖彦 (2009) AMPキナーゼと糖・エネルギー代謝調節. アディポサイエンス 6:33-39.