8 脳機能計測・支援センター

8.1 形態情報解析室

A. 英文原著
  1. Lee KE, Kim JH, Jung MK, Arii T, Ryu JS, Han SS (2009) Three-dimentional structure of the cytoskeleton in Trichomonas vaginalis revealed new features. J Electron Microsc 58:305-313.
  2. Sakamoto H, Arii T, Kawata M (2009) High-voltage electron microscopy reveals direct synaptic inputs from a spinal gastrin-releasing peptide system to neurons of the spinal nucleus of bulbocavernosus. Endocrinology doi:10.1210/en.2009-0485.
D. 研究関係著作
  1. 片桐展子, 重松康秀, 有井達夫, 片桐康雄 (2009) イソアワモチの多重光受容系:(2)連続切片の電子顕微鏡画像の三次元構造解析. 比較生理生化学 26:58-68.

8.2 生体機能情報解析室

A 英文原著
  1. Tsujimoto T, Mima T, Shimazu H, Isomura Y (2009) Directional organization of sensorimotor oscillatory activity related to the electromyogram in the monkey. Clin Neurophysiol 120:1168-1173.
  2. Tsujimoto T, Shimazu H, Isomura Y, Sasaki K (2009) Theta oscillations in primate prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices in forewarned reaction time tasks. J Neurophysiol (in press).

8.3 多光子顕微鏡室

A. 英文原著
  1. Tomosugi W, Matsuda T, Tani T, Kotera I, Saito K, Horikagwa K, Nemoto T, Nagai T (2009) An ultramarine fluorescent protein with high photostability and pH insensitivity. Nat Methods 6:351-353.
  2. Ohta E, Itoh T, Nemoto T, Kumagai J, Ko SBH, Ishibashi K, Ohno M, Uchida K, Ohta A, Sohara E, Uchida S, Sasaki S, Rai T (2009) Pancreas-specific aquaporin 12 null mice showed increased susceptibility to caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 297:C1368-1378.
  3. Ebisuno Y, Katagiri K, Katakai T, Ueda Y, Nemoto T, Inada H, Nabekura J, Okada T, Kannagi R, Tanaka T, Miyasaka M, Hogg N, Kinashi T (2009) Rap1 controls lymphocyte adhesion cascade and interstitial migration within lymph nodes in a RAPL-dependent and -independent manner. Blood (in press).
D. 研究関連著作
  1. 根本知己 (2009) 光の回折限界を超える蛍光イメージング技術. ぶんせき 日本分析化学会 409:8-13.
  2. Nemoto T (2009) Two Photon Microscopy for in vivo Analysis of Neural and Secretory Activities. “Nanomedicine Science and Engineering“ (Ed. Schulz MJ), Artech House Inc (in press).
  3. 根本知己 (2009) 光の回折限界を超える細胞機能イメージングの試み. 物性研究 (in press).