4 統合生理研究系

4.1 感覚運動調節研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Honda Y, Nakato E, Otsuka Y, Kanazawa S, Kojima S, Yamaguchi MK, Kakigi R (2010) How do infants perceive scrambled face? : A near-infrared spectroscopic study. Brain Res 1308:137-146.
  2. Sakamoto K, Nakata H, Inui K, Perrucci MG, Del Gratta C, Kakigi R, Romani GL (2010) A difference exists in somatosensory processing between the anterior and posterior parts of the tongue. Neurosci Res 66:173-179.
  3. Nakagawa K, Fushimi T, Hashizume A, Kakigi R, Kurisu K, Yuge L (2010) A magnetoencephalography study of sensorimotor activity differences during unilateral and bilateral forearm movements. Int J Rehabil Res 33:254-260.
  4. Miyazaki T, Wang X, Inui K, Domino EF, Kakigi R (2010) The effect of smoking on pain-related evoked potentials. Brain Res 1313:185-191.
  5. Otsuru N, Inui K, Yamashiro K, Miyazaki T, Takeshima Y, Kakigi R (2010) Assessing A-delta fiber function with lidocaine using intra-epidermal electrical stimulaion. J Pain 11:621-627.
  6. Urakawa T, Inui K, Yamashiro K, Kakigi R (2010) Cortical dynamics of the visual change detection process. Psychophysiology 47:905-912.
  7. Urakawa T, Inui K, Yamashiro K, Tanaka E, Kakigi R (2010) Cortical dynamics of visual change detection based on sensory memory. Neuroimage 52:302-308.
  8. Nakata H, Sakamoto K, Kakigi R (2010) Characteristics of No-go P300 component during somatosensory Go/No-go paradigms. Neurosci Lett 478:124-127.
  9. Inui K, Urakawa T, Yamashiro K, Otsuru N, Nishihara M, Takeshima Y, Keceli S, Kakigi R (2010) Non-linear laws of echoic memory and auditory change detection in humans. BMC Neurosci 11:80.
  10. Matsuyoshi D, Ikeda T, Sawamoto N, Kakigi R, Fukuyama H, Osaka N (2010) Task-irrelevant memory load induces inattentional blindness without temporo-parietal suppression. Neuropsychologia 48:3094-3101.
  11. Ichikawa H, Kanazawa S, Yamaguchi MK, Kakigi R (2010) Infant brain activity while viewing facial movement of point-light displays as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Neurosci Lett 482:90-94.
  12. Inui K, Urakawa T, Yamashiro K, Otsuru N, Takeshima Y, Nishihara M, Motomura E, Kida T, Kakigi R (2010) Echoic memory of a single pure tone indexed by change-related brain activity. BMC Neurosci 11:135.
  13. Nakata H, Sakamoto K, Kakigi R (2010) Effects of inter-stimulus interval on somatosensory Go/No-go ERPs. Neuroreport 21:1040-1044.
  14. Sakamoto K, Nakata H, Yumoto M, Kakigi R (2010) Effect of mastication on human brain activity. Anti-Aging Med 17:153-160.
  15. Sakamoto K, Nakata H, Yumoto M, Kakigi R (2010) Somatosensory processing of the tongue in humans. Front Integr Physiol 1:136.
  16. Yamashiro K, Inui K, Otsuru N, Kakigi R (2010) Change-related responses in the human auditory cortex: An MEG study. Psychophysiology (in press).
  17. Nakato E, Otsuka Y, Kanazawa S, Yamaguchi MK, Kakigi R (2010) Distinct differences in the pattern of hemodynamic response to happy and angry facial expressions in infants --A near-Infrared Spectroscopic study--. Neuroimage (in press).
  18. Miki K, Watanabe S, Teruya M, Takeshima Y, Urakawa T, Hirai M, Honda Y, Kakigi R (2010) The development of the perception of facial emotional change examined using ERPs. Clin Neurophysiol (in press).
  19. Noguchi Y, Shimojo S, Kakigi R, Hoshiyama M (2010) An integration of color and motion information in visual scene analyses. Psychol Sci (in press).
  20. Nakato E, Otsuka Y, Kanazawa S, Yamaguchi MK, Honda Y, Kakigi R (2010) I know this face: Neural activity during the mother' face perception in 7- to 8-month-old infants as investigated by near-infrared spectroscopy. Early Hum Dev (in press).
  21. Akiyama LF, Yamashiro K, Inui K, Kakigi R (2010) Automatic cortical responses to sound movement: a magnetoencephalography study. Neurosci Lett (in press).
  22. Kida T, Tanaka E, Takeshima Y, Kakigi R (2010) Neural representation of feature synergy. Neuroimage (in press).
  23. Kida T, Inui K, Tanaka E, Kakigi R (2010) Dynamics of within-, inter- and cross-modal attentional modulation. J Neurophysiol (in press).
  24. Urakawa T, Inui K, Kakigi R (2010) Effects of stimulus field size and coherence of visual motion on cortical responses in humans: an MEG study. Neurosci Lett (in press).
  25. Urakawa T, Kaneoke Y, Kakigi R (2010) Optimum sitimulus size for the human brain to respond to motion: A magnetoencephalographic study. Clin Neurophysiol (in press).
  26. Okamoto H, Teismann H, Kakigi R, Pantev C (2011) Broadened population-level frequency tuning in human auditory cortex of portable music player users. PLoS ONE (in press).
  27. Miki K, Takeshima Y, Watanabe S, Honda Y, Kakigi R (2010) Effects of inverting contour and features on processing for static and dynamic face perception: an MEG study. Brain Res (in press).

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 柿木隆介, 三木研作, 本多結城子, 田中絵実 (2010) 脳波と脳磁図を用いた顔認知の研究 Investigation of face perception in humans using electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography. 日本顔学会誌 10(1):5-11.
  2. 柿木隆介 (2010) 大脳機能局在はここまで分かった 側頭葉 側頭葉底部 (顔認知). Clinical Neuroscience 28(10):1144-1146.
  3. 柿木隆介 (2010) ヒトの痛みと痒みの脳内認知機能 腎・透析ガイド —学術セミナーレポート— (第21回東海透析技術交流会定例総会 スプリングセミナー). 医薬の門50 (4):62-65.
  4. 望月秀紀, 柿木隆介 (2010) 痒みの認知機構 特集 痒みのメカニズム アップデート. アレルギー免疫 17(9):16-21.
  5. 金桶吉起 (2010) 視覚性運動検出機構に関する諸問題. 臨床神経生理学 38(2):89-94.
  6. 乾幸二, 柿木隆介 (2010) 「痛覚失念」,「二点識別覚」などの体性感覚性高次脳機能障害について知りたいのですが. 高次脳機能障害 Q&A. Modern Physician 30(1):117-120.
  7. 柿木隆介, 望月秀紀 (2010) 痛みと痒みの脳内認知機構. 慢性疼痛 29(1):7-12.
  8. 柿木隆介, 三木研作, 本多結城子, 田中絵実, 仲渡江美 (2010) 脳波と脳磁図を用いた顔認知の研究. “ノンバーバルコミュニケーションと脳—自己と他者をつなぐもの” (岩田誠・河村満 編), 医学書院, 東京, pp 23-35.
  9. 柿木隆介 (2010) 顔の脳科学. “ノンバーバルコミュニケーションと脳—自己と他者をつなぐもの” (岩田誠, 河村満 編), 医学書院, 東京, pp 19-22.
  10. 柿木隆介 (2010) 顔認知のメカニズムと学習効果. “脳科学と学習・教育” (小泉英明 編), 明石書店, 東京, pp 133-148.
  11. Kakigi R, Forss N (2010) MEG an introduction to methods. “Somatosensory and Motor Function” (Eds. Hansen PC, Kringelbach ML, Salmelin R) , Oxford University Press, UK, pp 300-345.


  1. 柿木隆介 (2010) かゆみを抑える裏技. “雑学読本NHKためしてガッテン 14” (NHK科学・環境番組部編), NHK出版, p.61. 
  2. 柿木隆介 (2010) 脳科学的に脳が活性化する! 勉強やスポーツの前にガムをかむと効率アップ. ボンメルシィ!スクール (Benesse Corporation) 11月号 p.19. 

4.2 生体システム研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Hashimoto M, Takahara D, Hirata Y, Inoue KI, Miyachi S, Nambu A, Tanji J, Takada M, Hoshi E (2010) Motor and non-motor projections from the cerebellum to rostrocaudally distinct sectors of the dorsal premotor cortex in macaques. Eur J Neurosci 31:1402-1413.
  2. Saga Y, Hirata Y, Takahara D, Inoue K, Miyachi S, Nambu A, Tanji J, Takada M, Hoshi E (2010) Origins of multisynaptic projections from the basal ganglia to rostrocaudally distinct sectors of the dorsal premotor area in macaques. Eur J Neurosci (in press).

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 知見聡美, 南部篤 (2010) モデルマウスの神経活動からジストニアの病態を考察する. 実験医学 28(5):661-666.

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