3 生体情報研究系

3.1 感覚認知情報研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Yasuda M, Banno T, Komatsu H (2010) Color selectivity of neurons in the posterior inferior temporal cortex of the macaque monkey. Cereb Cortex 20:1630-1646.
  2. Yokoi I, Komatsu H (2010) Cortico-geniculate feedback linking the visual fields surrounding the blind spot in the cat. Exp Brain Res 202:247-251.
  3. Ogawa T, Komatsu H (2010) Differential temporal storage capacity in the baseline activity of neurons in macaque frontal eye field and area V4. J Neurophysiol 103:2433-2445.
  4. Yokoi I, Komatsu H (2010) Putative pyramidal neurons and interneurons in the monkey parietal cortex make different contributions to the performance of a visual grouping task. J Neurophysiol 104:1603-1611.
  5. Banno T, Ichinohe N, Rockland K, Komatsu H (2010) Reciprocal connectivity of identified color-processing modules in the monkey inferior temporal cortex. Cereb Cortex doi:10.1093/cercor/bhq211.
  6. Ito M, Goda N (2010) Mechanisms underlying the representation of angles embedded within contour stimuli in area V2 of macaque monkeys. Eur J Neurosci (in press).

C. 英文総説(査読あり)

  1. Conway BR, Chatterjee S, Field GD, Horwitz GD, Johnson EN, Koida K, Mancuso K (2010) Advances in color science: from retina to behavior. J. Neurosci 30:14955-14963.

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 鯉田孝和, 小松英彦 (2010) サル下側頭皮質(TE野)の色選択性ニューロンの応答特性と認知コントロールによる影響. 日本神経回路学会誌 17(3):93-100.

3.2 神経シグナル研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Yanagisawa Y, Furue H, Kawamata T, Uta D, Yamamoto J, Furuse S, Katafuchi T, Imoto K, Iwamoto Y, Yoshimura M (2010) Bone cancer induces a unique central sensitization through synaptic changes in a wide area of the spinal cord. Mol Pain 6:38.
  2. Uta D, Furue H, Pickering A.E, Rashid M.H,Mizuguchi-Takase H, Katafuchi T, Imoto K, Yoshimura M (2010) TRPA1-expressing primary afferents synapse with a morphologically identified subclass of substantia gelatinosa neurons in the adult rat spinal cord. Eur J Neurosci 31:1960-1973.
  3. Georgiev KS, Furue H, Baba H, Kohno T (2010) Xenon inhibits excitatory but not inhibitory transmission in rat spinal cord dorsal horn neurons. Mol Pain 6:25.
  4. Hachisuka J, Furue H, Furue M, Yoshimura M (2010) Responsiveness of C neurons in rat dorsal root ganglion to 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced pruritic stimuli in vivo. J Neurophysiol 104:271-279.
  5. Grossman AW, Aldridge GM, Lee KJ, Zeman MK, Jun CS, Azam HS, Arii T, Imoto K, Greenough WT, Rhyu IJ (2010) Developmental characteristics of dendritic spines in the dentate gyrus of Fmr1 knockout mice. Brain Res 1355:221-227.
  6. Satake S, Song S-Y, Konishi S, Imoto K (2010) Glutamate transporter EAAT4 in Purkinje cells controls intersynaptic diffusion of climbing fiber transmitter mediating inhibition of GABA release from interneurons. Eur J Neurosci 32:1843-1853.
  7. Nagumo Y, Takeuchi Y, Imoto K, Miyata M (2010) Synapse- and subtype-speciifc modulaton of synaptic transmission by nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in the ventrobasal thalamus. Neurosci Res (in press).

D. 研究関係著作

  1. 古江秀昌, 杉山大介 (2010) 生理学の立場から光学異性体の末梢神経(後根神経節細胞)への作用の違い.“レボブピバカインの基礎と臨床” (浅田章, 西川精宣編), 克誠堂出版, 東京, pp 51-64.
  2. 古江秀昌, 歌大介 (2010) 局所麻酔薬光学異性体の痛覚伝達選択的な遮断効果 —基礎生理学的な検討—. 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 30:535-544.

3.3 神経分化研究部門

A. 英文原著

  1. Wada H, Ghysen A, Satou C, Higashijima S, Kawakami K, Hamaguchi S, Sakaizumi M (2010) Dermal morphogenesis controls lateral line patterning during postembryonic development of teleost fish. Devel Biol 340:583-594.
  2. Kani S, Bae Y-K, Shimizu T, Tanabe K, Satou C, Parsons M, Scott E, Baier H, Higashijima S, Hibi M (2010) Proneural gene-linked neurogenesis in zebrafish cerebellum. Devel Biol 343:1-17.
  3. Tsutsui H, Higashijima S, Miyawaki A, Okamura Y (2010) Visualizing voltage dynamics in zebrafish heart. J Physiol 588:2017-2021.
  4. Nakamura S, Kobayashi K, Nishimura T, Higashijima S, Tanaka M (2010) Identification of germline stem cells in the ovary of the teleost medaka. Science 328:1561-1563.
  5. Agetsuma M, Aizawa H, Aoki T, Nakayama R, Takahoko M, Goto M, Sassa T, Amo R, Shiraki T, Kawakami K, Hosoya T, Higashijima S, Okamoto H (2010) The habenula is crucial for experience-dependent modification of fear responses in zebrafish. Nat Neurosci 13:1354-1356.
  6. Kinkhabwara A, Riley M, Koyama M, Monen J, Satou C, Kimura Y, Higashijima S, Fetcho JR (2010) A structural and functional ground plan for neurons in the hindbrain of zebrafish. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (in press).
  7. Koyama M, Kinkhabwala A, Satou C, Higashijima S, Fetcho JR (2010) Mapping a sensory-motor network onto a structural and functional ground plan in the hindbrain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (in press).

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