生理学研究所年報 第28巻
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14.Recent adcances in cortical and hippocampal neural microcircuit studies


Spontaneous activity and ongoing plasticity of CA3 recurrent networks
Network dynamics during the development and maintenance of seizures in pilocarpine and picrotoxin treated rats
Yitzhak Schiller(Technion, Israel)
Asymmetrical organization of glutamate receptors in left and right hippocampal synapses
Novel long range GABAergic projections in the hippocampal formation and beyond
Single spike triggered event sequences in networks of the human cerebral cortex in vitro
Gábor Tamás(Univ. of Seged, Hungary)
Cholinergic control of cortical network and thalamocortical transmission
Functional roles of T-type Ca2+ channels in visual cortical plasticity
GABA circuit control of critical period plasticity in visual cortex
Cortico-striatal, cortico-raphe and fast-spiking cell activity in the rat frontal cortex during cortical oscillations in vivo: modulation by serotonin
Victoria M Puig(生理学研究所・大脳神経回路論研究部門)
Functional and Anatomical Architecture of the Inferior Temporal Cortex
Unraveling cell type and fine-scale specificity of cortical connections
Edward Callaway(Salk Inst, USA)
A new form of inhibitory synaptic actions between nearby pyramidal neurons in visual cortex
Layer V pyramidal cell diversity and their synaptic connections
Cortical projection neurons: phenotypes and input maps
Kathleen Rockland(理化学研究所・脳科学総合研究センター)
Dendritic network of cortical interneurons linked by gap junctions
Synaptic integration and plasticity within non-linear dendritic subunits
Jackie Schiller(Technion, Israel)
Dendritic dimensions of cortical GABAergic nonpyramidal cells
Physiological genomics of cortical circuits in health and disease
Sacha B Nelson(Brandeis Univ., USA)

Edward M Callaway,山口賀章,森琢磨(The Salk Institute for Biological Studies),Gábor Tamás (University of Szeged), Sacha B Nelson(Brandeis University),Jackie Schiller,Yitzhak Schiller (Technion, Israel),Ethan M. Goldberg (New York Univ. School of Medicine),及川賢輔(St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre),福田孝一,神野尚三(九州大学),藤田一郎,木村文隆,八木哲也,小竹康代,舘俊太,池添貢司,小山内実,石川理子,七五三木聡,丸山敦子,田村弘,森理也(大阪大学),金子武嗣,藤山文乃,中村公一,雲財知,大平耕司,柴崎貢,日置寛之,水野秀信,亀田浩司,古田貴寛,中村悠,田中康裕,田中康代,奥宮太郎,田中琢真,青木高明,青柳富誌生,野村真樹,田川義晃,薗村貴弘(京都大学),松田和郎(滋賀医大),小松由紀夫,吉村由美子,タハミナ・ベグム,ファルク・レジャ,高田直樹,稲垣壮,稲葉美枝(名古屋大学・環研),池谷裕二(東京大学),石井俊行(東邦大学),Katheleen Rockland,Takao K Hensch,一戸紀孝,Marie Wintzer,宮下俊雄,冨岡良平,細谷俊彦,杉山陽子,森田賢治,黒谷亨,久保田一政,丸岡久人,Charles Rockland,俣賀宣子,我妻明湖(理化学研究所),坪川宏(東北大学),重本隆一,岡村康司,小松英彦,川口泰雄,窪田芳之,Victoria M Puig, Allan Gulledge,大塚岳,森島美絵子,関川明生,平井康治,北村明彦,牛丸弥香,井上華,牧陽子,加勢大輔,児玉貴史,中川直,内山仁志,井上剛,高鶴裕介,稲田浩之,小川正,前島隆司,冨田江一,佐々木幸恵,足澤悦子,郷田直一,P. Penphimon,富永真琴,東島眞一,柴崎貢志,篠原良章(生理研),山森哲雄,渡我部昭哉,廣川純也,高司雅史,佐々木哲也,米原圭祐,野中茂紀(基生研)



(1) Spontaneous activity and ongoing plasticity of CA3 recurrent networks


 海馬CA3野は連合/交連線維シナプスによる再帰型回路を含んでいる。培養海馬スライス標本にカルシウム蛍光指示薬を負荷し,約100個のCA3野ニューロンから一斉にスパイク活動を光学測定した。生理的なイオン組成の細胞外液を適用すると,ニューロンは自発発火を始めた。この自発活動に潜む空間パターンのマクロ特性を精査するために主成分解析を行ったところ,回路活動は幾多の状態(network state)に分離可能であり,各stateはそれ自体で安定であることが明らかになった。すなわち,回路活動は数十秒ほど一つのstateに留まるが,しだいに新しいstateを生み出し,内発的に新stateへと移行していった。この遷移は突然生じ,非可逆であった。CA3野錐体細胞からホールセルパッチクランプ記録したところ,この自発活動はUP状態とDOWN状態の交替(slow oscillation)によってもたらされていることが明らかとなった。自発活動によりシナプスの重みが徐々に変動した。この自発的な可塑性はslow oscillationの周波数によって規定されていたが,その方向と大きさはシナプス種によって異なっていた。この可塑性が生じると自発活動のパターンも変化した。以上のことから,CA3野回路は自発活動を通じて自己書換を行っていると考えられた。


(2) Network dynamics during the development and maintenance of seizures
in pilocarpine and picrotoxin treated rats

Yitzhak Schiller(Technion, Israel)
Jackie Schiller(Technion, Israel)

 RATIONALE: Seizures are associated with hyper -synchronous electrical activity in the EEG recordings. However, the network dynamics at the single neuron level during the development and maintenance of seizures remains largely unknown. In this study we studied the firing behavior of single neurons, and monitored synchronization between the different recorded neurons during developing and ongoing seizures evoked by pilocarpine and picrotoxin.

 METHODS: Multi-electrode extra-cellular recordings of single units and local field potentials were performed from the hippocampus of anesthsized (urethane) and awake rats under control conditions and after administration of pilocarpine and picrotoxin. The two convulsants were administered either by systemic (I.P.) or local (intra-hippocampal) injection. In addition simultaneous intracellular whole-cell recordings were performed.

 RESULTS: Immediately after administration of pilocarpine and picrotoxin, prior to initiation of clinical or electrographic seizures, the frequency of spikes decreased, and synchronization between neurons, as measured by the cross-correlogram, markedly diminished or disappeared all together. In contrast after clinical and electrographic seizures initiated the frequency of spikes gradually increased, neurons tended to fire in bursts and the inter-neuron synchronization markedly increased. The cross-correlograms during the clinical seizure revealed higher values and wider time-windows as compared to control conditions. Similar results were obtained in anesthetized and awake rats; in systemic (I.P.) and local intrahippocampal administration of the convulsants, and with pilocarpine and picrotoxin. Simultaneous intracellular whole-cell recording from anesthetized rats demonstrated the intracellular correlate of developing seizures.

 CONCLUSION: In this study we showed that during the development of pharmacologically induced seizures synchronization of firing between different neurons in the hippocampus decreased dramatically, while only later during clinical seizures inter-neuronal synchronization gradually increased. These findings may promote our understanding of the network dynamics responsible for seizure initiation and maintenance. Moreover, in future it may serve as the basis for detection of impending seizures in human patients


(3) Asymmetrical organization of glutamate receptors in left and right hippocampal synapses (左右の海馬シナプスにおけるグルタミン酸受容体の非対称性配置)


 シナプスにおけるグルタミン酸受容体の数はシナプス伝達の基本的要素のひとつである。我々は最近,マウスの海馬CA1領域において左右のNMDA型グルタミン酸受容体サブユニットNR2B の量が非対称であることを発見した。反対側海馬からの交連線維を切断した後では,NR2B の選択的阻害薬Ro 2569-81の効果が右よりも左のstratum radiatumで大きく左よりも右の, stratum oriensで大きかった。そのような動物からシナプス後肥厚部タンパクを精製しNR2Bの量を免疫ブロット法で定量したところ右より左のCA1 radiatumで 1.5 倍のNR2B免疫反応性を検出した。しかしながら従来のpostembedding免疫電子顕微鏡法ではこの差異を検出できなかった。これはおそらく立体障害によって1チャネルに2つのNR2B を検出できないためと考えられる。

 今回はこの問題を乗り越えるためにレプリカ免疫電子顕微鏡法(SDS freeze-fracture immunolabeling method)を用いた。この方法では細胞の表面を直接免疫反応できるため効率よくシナプスの受容体を可視化でき,左のCA1 stratum radiatumで右の1.5倍のNR2Bを検出した。この結果は免疫ブロット法とよくあっている。われわれはこの非対称性がシナプスの構造や機能にどのような影響を及ぼすかについて議論した。


(4) Novel long range GABAergic projections in the hippocampal formation and beyond

神野尚三,Thomas Klausberger ,Laszlo F. Marton, Yannis Dalezios,
Pablo Fuentealba, Wai Yee Suen, Eric A. Bushong, Peter Somogyi
Darrell Henze, György Buzsáki (The State University of New Jersey,USA)

 大脳皮質の多くの領域は投射性のグルタミン酸作動性ニューロンによって結合されている。一方で,GABA作動性ニューロンは主として局所回路で作用すると考えられ,介在ニューロンと呼ばれることも多い。しかしながら,GABA作動性ニューロンの一部には遠隔の皮質領域に軸索を投射しているものがあり,それらは領域間の活動性の同期や協調に重要な役割を果たしていることが示されている。海馬のGABA作動性ニューロンについては,内側中隔への投射が知られており,海馬のリズム活動に関与している。近年になり,皮質の投射型GABA作動性ニューロンは少しずつ注目を集めるようになったが,その詳細については未だに不明な点が多い。今回我々は,海馬から内側中隔や海馬台へのGABA作動性の投射について,in vivo single cell recordingとtracer labellingを組み合わせた集学的な研究を行った。これにより,海馬のCA1領域に分布しているGABA作動性ニューロンについて,内側中隔と海馬台の両方に投射しているニューロンや,海馬台のみ,もしくは内側中隔のみに投射しているニューロンなど,4種類の投射型ニューロンを同定した。これらの海馬の投射型GABA作動性ニューロンは,大脳辺縁系における広域的な活動性の調整に関与していると考えられる。


(5) Single spike triggered event sequences in networks of the human cerebral cortex in vitro

Gábor Tamás, János Szabadics, Szabolcs Oláh, Gergely Komlósi  Gábor Molnár  
(Department of Comparative Physiology, University of Szeged)
Pál Barzó(Department of Neurosurgery, University of Szeged)

 The performance of the human cerebral cortex is unparalleled by the nervous system of other species and this is presumably supported by refined, but largely unknown features of the human microcircuit.

 We performed simultaneous whole cell patch clamp recordings from up to four neurons in acute slices derived from association cortices. Our recordings showed that single action potentials in identified human pyramidal cells could trigger reliable and stereotyped series of multiple postsynaptic potentials in simultaneously recorded target cells. Moreover, such series of postsynaptic potentials were composed of both excitatory and inhibitory responses. The latency of identified postsynaptic potentials showed a range of 3 to 30 ms. The timing of the onset was correlated with the standard deviation of the latency, but the probability of transmission was not correlated with latency parameters.

 In conclusion, groups of human neurons are functionally coupled by spike-to-spike transmission suggesting that feed-forward connections are exceptionally powerful and abundant in the human neocortex.


(6) Cholinergic control of cortical network and thalamocortical transmission




(7) Functional roles of T-type Ca2+ channels in visual cortical plasticity


 視覚野神経細胞の反応選択性は感受性期の視覚体験に依存して可塑的に調節される。今回,我々はT型Ca2+ チャネル依存性長期増強が視覚反応可塑性に関与するかを検討した。ラット視覚野切片標本を用いて解析した結果,この長期増強は感受性期の視覚野で顕著にみられ,開眼前及び成熟期には全く誘発されなかった。一方,出生直後からの暗室飼育により視覚体験を遮断された視覚野では,成熟後も長期増強誘発機構が維持された。また,視覚野錐体細胞からT型Ca2+チャネル電流を測定した結果,その電流は感受性期に顕著で,成熟するに従って減弱した。この減弱は暗室飼育によって阻害された。これらの年齢依存性,経験依存性は実際の視覚反応可塑性の特性とよく一致している。そこで,このチャネルの視覚反応可塑性への関与を直接検討するために,麻酔下のラット視覚野から視覚誘発電位を記録し,眼優位可塑性を調べた。感受性期に動物の片眼を数日間遮蔽すると,非遮蔽眼への刺激による視覚反応は増大し,遮蔽眼刺激に対する反応は減弱することが知られている。片眼遮蔽中にT型Ca2+チャネル阻害剤を一次視覚野に慢性的に投与すると,非遮蔽眼刺激の視覚反応の増大が阻害された。以上の結果は,T型Ca2+チャネル依存性長期増強が視覚体験に依存した反応増強機構に関与することを支持する。


(8) GABA circuit control of critical period plasticity in visual cortex


 Competitive plasticity of binocular inputs following monocular deprivation (MD) is prominent in the primary visual cortex (V1) during an early critical period. In humans or animals raised with an occlusion of one eye, the consequent loss of cortical spiking response to the deprived eye (ocular dominance plasticity) leads to lifelong amblyopia (loss of visual acuity). Genetic or pharmacological manipulation of specific GABAergic circuits directly controls the timing of this critical period and its eventual anatomical consolidation (Hensch, 2005). Consequently, non-permissive molecular 'brakes' in the extracellular milieu may delimit the dramatic cortical plasticity and are targets for therapeutic strategies. Recently, MD has been reported to conversely enhance open eye responses in adult mice dependent upon the integrity of visual cortex. We address to what extent these forms of plasticity induced by the same MD share common mechanisms with development. Our observations support the view that adult perceptual learning and classical ocular dominance plasticity are independent processes.


(9) Cortico-striatal, cortico-raphe and fast-spiking cell activity in the rat frontal cortex during cortical oscillations in vivo: modulation by serotonin

MV Puig, M Ushimaru, Y Kubota, Y Kawaguchi(Div Cerebral Circuitry, NIPS)
A Watakabe, T Yamamori( Div Brain Biol, NIBB)
Y Yanagawa(Gunma Univ Sch of Med, Japan)

 The frontal cortex and striatum form“loops” that are known to participate in high cognitive processes. Moreover, there is a strong reciprocal connection between the frontal cortex and the dorsal raphe (DR), main origin of the cortical serotonergic innervation. We studied how cortico-striatal (CS), cortico-raphe (CR) and fast-spiking (FS) cells are modulated by slow-wave-sleep (SWS) oscillations and serotonin (5-HT) in the frontal cortex of anesthetized rats. We recorded single units and local field potentials in transgenic rats that express a GFP in GABAergic interneurons. FS cells were juxtacellularly stained with neurobiotin and its identity confirmed by the expression of parvalbumin. The DR was electrically stimulated to assess the effects of 5-HT on the recorded cells and pharmacological experiments were conducted to unveil the 5-HT receptors that mediate the responses. FS cells display a high-success short-delay excitation to striatal and DR stimulation, suggesting a convergent activation of FS by CS and CR neurons. In the process of awakening, 2 different firing patterns were detected: units that increase (i) and decrease (d) their firing rates during desynchronized periods. Interestingly, most of the CS and CR neurons display pattern i, but FS cells are equally distributed. Thus, pyramidals and interneurons are differently modulated by SWS. Furthermore, FS-i cells and CR neurons fire after the peak of the slow oscillation (up-state) but FS-d cells fire consistently before the peak, suggesting a different time course of activation during SWS. The stimulation of the DR promoted longer up-states and increased the frequency of the oscillation in periods of deep anesthesia. Moreover, 60% of CS, 33% of CR and 50% of FS cells were inhibited by 5-HT through 5-HT1AR and 20% of CS, 55% of CR and 40% of FS were excited through 5-HT2AR. The expression of 5-HTR was confirmed by in situ hybridization.


(10) Functional and Anatomical Architecture of the Inferior Temporal Cortex






(11) Unraveling cell type and fine-scale specificity of cortical connections

Edward Callaway, Takuma Mori, Xiangmin Xu, Ian Wickersham, and David Lyon
(Salk Inst, USA)

 We used laser scanning photostimulation to map local input to inhibitory neurons in layer 1 of rat visual cortex and layer 2/3 of mouse barrel cortex. Mouse studies used transgenic animals with GFP expressed in subsets of inhibitory neurons. In layer 1, axon-descending cells receive excitatory input predominantly from layer 2/3 while neurogliaform cells receive stronger input from deeper layers. Layer 2/3 neurons also receive inputs that vary systematically by cell type. Two subtypes of Martinotti cells, distinguished by calretinin (CR) expression, also differ in morphology and intrinsic physiology. CR+ Martinotti cells receive excitatory input predominantly from layer 2/3, while the CR- Martinotti cells also receive strong excitation from layer 4. Irregular-spiking basket cells also receive strong excitatory input from layers 2/3 and 4, but they often have a gap at the top of layer 4, with little or no input. Fast-spiking basket cells and pyramidal cells in mouse barrel cortex receive input indistinguishable from cells in rat visual cortex, with strong input from layers 2/3 and 4, and only weak input from deeper layers. These observations, along with other studies showing that even neighboring neurons of the same type can receive input from different sources, imply that better methods are required for relating circuitry to function and for examining circuitry with single cell resolution in vivo. We have developed a method that allows the neurons directly presynaptic to a single neuron to be labeled genetically. This method is compatible with functional characterization of the postsynaptic neuron and future development should also allow functional characterization of the presynaptic cells by expression of genetically encoded activity sensors.


(12) A new form of inhibitory synaptic actions between nearby pyramidal neurons in visual cortex




(13) Layer V pyramidal cell diversity and their synaptic connections

川口泰雄, 森島美絵子, 大塚岳



(14) Cortical projection neurons: phenotypes and input maps

Kathleen Rockland(理化学研究所・脳科学総合研究センター)

 A major obstacle in microcircuitry research has been the difficulty in achieving clear identification in Golgi-like detail of cells of origin of particular long-distance pathways. This is important to provide morphological criteria and corroboration of cellular subtypes; that is, many projections originate from neurons in two or more distinct layers, but these are not necessarily homogeneous between or even within layers. Visualization of detailed morphology is also essential for elucidation of cell-type specific input maps. Injection of EGFP-adenovirus in vivo is one way of producing reliable Golgi-like visualization of neurons projecting to the injection site (Tomioka and Rockland, 2006). This significantly expedites morphological characterization of projection neurons (as presented here, in two posters by R. Tomioka, and M. Wintzer). In addition, virus infection can be combined with immuno-processing or tracer injections, and material analyzed by confocal microscopy. One set of preliminary data will be presented from rat perirhinal cortex, where we scored the distribution of putative parvalbumin contacts on dendrites of two populations of pyramidal neurons, at the border of layers 1 and 2. As predicted from light microscopic studies (Ichinohe et al., 2003), contacts were more abundant on dendrites belonging to layer 2 pyramidal neurons than on those from layer 5. Separate data will be presented concerning putative contacts from BDA-labeled cortical projections on specific dendritic domains of EGFP-labeled neurons. Material is from monkey perirhinal cortex, and, among other questions, addresses whether there is a closed connectional loop, where BDA-labeled temporal cortical projections directly contact EGFP-labeled neurons in perirhinal cortex, that project back to the injection site.


(15) Dendritic network of cortical interneurons linked by gap junctions




(16) Synaptic integration and plasticity within non-linear dendritic subunits

Jackie Schiller(Technion, israel)

 In my talk I will describe the integrative and plasticity properties of thin basal dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons. These dendrites receive the majority of the cells' synaptic inputs, so determining their integrative and plasticity properties is of prime importance. Previous studies have most often reported global linear or sublinear summation in these dendrites. Using confocal imaging and dual-site focal synaptic stimulation of identified thin dendrites in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons we show that thin dendrites provide a layer of independent computational "subunits" that sigmoidally modulate their inputs prior to global summation. Next I will describe the plasticity rules used by these fine basal dendrites putting a special emphasis on the role of NMDA-spike in local synaptic plasticity processes.


(17) Dendritic dimensions of cortical GABAergic nonpyramidal cells

窪田芳之, 苅部冬紀, 川口泰雄(生理学研究所・大脳神経回路論研究部門)

 ラット大脳皮質の非錐体細胞の樹状突起のシナプス入力特性と太さに関して発表した。神経細胞3次元描画像解析装置(NeuroLucida)を用いて樹状突起や軸索を3次元再構築した数百に及ぶ,神経細胞標本の中から,FS basket細胞,Martinotti細胞,double bouquet細胞,large basket細胞それぞれに関して,樹状突起がほぼ完全にスライス標本中に残っているものを1つずつ選出し,連続超薄切切片を作成し電子顕微鏡観察した。樹状突起上のシナプス入力,樹状突起の太さ,樹状突起分岐部分の親樹状突起と娘樹状突起の太さを測定し,それぞれ細胞体からの距離との相関等の形態的なデータを解析した。結果,シナプス入力は,細胞体近傍の50mmあたりまでは密度が低かったが,それより遠位部は一定の密度である事がわかった。樹状突起の太さは,細胞体からの距離には相関せず,むしろその部分から遠位部の樹状突起の総延長に相関して太さが決まる事がわかった。また,分岐点では,Rall model(親樹状突起のインピーダンスは2つの娘樹状突起のインピーダンスの和に等しいという法則)が当てはまる事を証明する事ができた。また,分岐点では,親樹状突起の断面積は2つの娘樹状突起の断面積の和に等しい事がわかった。以上の結果は,神経細胞の基本的特徴を解析したこれまでに類い稀な貴重な結果であると考える。


(18) Physiological Genomics of Cortical Circuits in Health and Disease

Sacha B. Nelson(Brandeis University)

 The mammalian forebrain is comprised of tens to hundreds of areas each containing a comparable number of distinct cell types. Identification and classification of these many cell types has long been recognized as a prerequisite to understanding brain function. For example, an enduring question in the study of the neocortex is the degree to which a single canonical circuit comprised of a set of canonical cell types can be recognized across cortical areas. A major impediment to answering such questions has been the difficulty of objectively defining cell types. I will describe our recent approach to this problem using global gene expression profiles measured with DNA microarrays. Based on thousands of genes differentially expressed across subsets of GABAergic interneurons and glutamatergic projection neurons, we have begun to construct an objective neuronal taxonomy of forebrain cell types. I will also describe our recent studies of cell-type specific changes in the physiology and gene expression of cortical neurons in a mouse model of the developmental disorder Rett Syndrome. Human patients suffering from this disease lose or fail to develop many higher cortical functions including language, some forms of cognition and purposive hand use. In most cases a single gene, MECP2 is responsible and mice lacking the gene recapitulate many features of the disease. We have found that these mice have an altered balance between cortical excitation and inhibition and also exhibit cell type specific changes in cortical gene expression.


Copyright(C) 2007 National Institute for Physiological Sciences