生理学研究所年報 第28巻
 研究会報告 年報目次へ戻る生理研ホームページへ



TRP channels - overview
Molecular basis for calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CAMKII)-mediated regulation of vascular receptor-operated Ca2+ entry channel TRPC6
Role of TRPC1 in Angiotensin II-induced vascular hypertrophy
高橋陽一郎,渡邊博之,大場貴喜 , 伊藤 宏
(秋田大学医学部内科学講座 循環器内科学分野・呼吸器内科学分野)
Diacylglycerol-mediated Ca2+ influx through TRPC3/C6 is essential for angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy
小野原 直哉,西田 基弘,黒瀬 等
井上 隆司(福岡大学医学部生理学)
森 泰生(京都大学大学院工学研究科分子生物化学)
Requirement of Ca2+ influx in the thrombin-induced morphological changes of human astrocytoma cells
加藤賢太,森 泰生(京都大学大学院工学研究科分子生物化学)
Regulation and Localization of the TRPV2 Channel in Macrophage
長澤雅裕,小島 至(群馬大学生体調節研究所)
Involvement of TRPV1 or TRPV2 on nociceptive behavior in rat model of cancer pain
尾崎紀之,篠田雅路,Akiko Ogino,杉浦康夫
Hypo-osmotically induced hearing impairment in TRPV4 knock-out mice
沈静,久保伸夫,Kohei Kawamoto,山下敏夫(関西医科大学耳鼻咽喉科学教室)
Physiological role of the oxidative stress-sensitive TRPM2 Ca2+ channel in immunocytes
TRPV channels in thermosensation and mechanotransduction
網塚憲生,李 敏啓(新潟大学超域研究機構)
Effects of skin surface temperature on epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis
ヒト臍帯内皮細胞 (HUVEC) における伸展刺激依存Ca2+上昇に対するTRPV2の役割:ストレッチセンサー感度を左右する伸展刺激速度と細胞膜直下細胞骨格の構造
沼賀 拓郎(総合研究大学院大学生命科学研究科生理科学)
森 泰生(京都大学大学院工学研究科合成生物化学)
Regulatory role of neuron-restrictive silencing factor (NRSF) in expression of TRPC1
大場貴喜,高橋陽一郎,渡邊博之,伊藤 宏

Mandadi Sravan(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),Toychier(生理研),池田 知佳子(名古屋市立大・薬),石井 正和(昭和大学),石井 裕(生理研),伊藤 悦子(京都大院・薬),稲田 仁(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),井上 隆司(福岡大・医),岩田 裕子(国循セ),岩浪 真(名古屋市立大・薬),上原 明(福岡大・医),大河内 義史(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),大野 晃稔(名古屋市立大院・薬),岡田 泰伸(生理研),荻原 和信(名古屋市立大・薬),尾崎 紀之(名古屋大院・医),小野原 直哉(九州大学),垣花 優子(昭和大学),片野 正展(京都大院・工),片野坂 友紀(岡山大学),加藤 賢太(京都大院・工),門脇 辰彦(名古屋大・生命農学研),金子 周司(京都大院・薬),神崎 展(東北大・先進医工学研),木村 拓哉(名古屋市立大・薬),清中 茂樹(京都大院・工),久保 伸夫(関西医大),小島 至(群馬大・生体調節研),佐藤 かお理(生理研),佐藤 一洋(秋田大・医),佐野 頼方(アステラス製薬),柴崎 貢志(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),新見 大輔(京都大院・工),末盛 智彦(岡山大学),杉下 亜維子(京都大院・薬),曽我部 隆彰(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),対洪涛(生理研),高橋 重成(京都大院・工),高橋 陽一郎(秋田大・医),田中 芙実(名古屋市立大・薬),張藍帆(基礎生物学研),沈 静(関西医大),辻田 隆一(旭化成ファーマ),傳田 光洋(資生堂),冨樫 和也(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),富永 真琴(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),富永 知子(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),鳥橋 茂子(名古屋大・医),中尾 賢治(京都大院・薬),中川 祐子(群馬大・生体調節研),長友 克広(生理研),中村 明子(昭和大学),中村 友紀(福岡大・医),長澤 雅裕(群馬大・生体調節研),成瀬 恵治(岡山大学),海琳(福岡大・医),長谷川 裕一(生理研),沼賀 拓郎(京都大院・工)沼田 朋大(生理研),東 智広(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),福地 圭介(三共・創薬基盤研),藤田 郁尚(マンダム中央研),船橋 賢司(名古屋市立大・薬),古山 富士弥(名古屋市立大・医),水谷 浩也(名古屋市立大・薬),水野 敦子(自治医大・医),水野 雄介(京都大院・工),宮野 拓也(京都大院・薬),宗久 佳子(秋田大・医),村上 学(秋田大・医),村田 秀道(名古屋市立大・薬),村山 奈美枝(統合バイオサイエンスセンター),森 泰生(京都大院・工),山岡 とも子(京都大院・薬),山崎 大樹(名古屋市大・薬),山村 寿男(名古屋市立大・薬),山本 伸一郎(京都大院・工),輪島 輝明(京都大院・工),渡邊 博之(秋田大・医)

 TRP蛋白質 (transient receptor potential protein) は,種々の物理化学刺激によって活性化される広範なCa2+流入チャネル群(TRPチャネル遺伝子スーパーファミリー)である。その広範な生体内発現とユニークな性質のため,近年,産学両界の研究者の注目を集めている。特に過去5ヵ年における研究の進展は目覚しく,遺伝性疾患や遺伝子改変動物などの解析の結果,幾つかの生理機能の発現や疾病の発症進行機転において,この蛋白質ファミリーが極めて重要な役割を果たしていることが明らかとなってきた。また,生活習慣病(高血圧症,動脈硬化症),アレルギー性疾患(気管支喘息,過敏性腸症候群),QOLに関わる病態(骨粗鬆症,パーキンソン病,アルツハイマー病)においても,この蛋白質の関与を強く示唆する証拠が次々と得られつつある。第2回目となった本研究会では,6月12日から2日間にわたり,本邦の最前線で活躍する80人近くのTRP蛋白質(チャネル)の研究者が一同に会し,2題の基調講演と若手研究者を中心とした4つのシンポジウムセッションにおける15題の発表を行った。まず基調講演で,多彩な情報の急速な集積の為に混沌としつつあるTRPチャネル研究の分野が適切に総括され,今後の研究に対する重要な方向付けがなされた。次にシンポジウムでは,分子・細胞レベルにおける活性化・制御機構に関する最新の知見の発表に加え,斬新な実験手法やアイディアに基づいた学際的な研究成果の発表が数多くなされ,若手を中心とした多くの研究者の興味が刺激されて,活発な討議と情報交換が行われた。例えば,新規に作成されたノックアウトマウス (TRPV4,TRPM2) の解析から得られた興味深い知見,癌性疼痛モデルを用いた個体行動の解析,TIRFMを用いた細胞内traffickingの画像解析,ケミカルバイオロジー,microsurgery,ストレッチチェンバーなどの新しい手法を取り入れた実験の成果など,今後の研究展開への示唆に富む研究発表が数多く行われた。本研究会は,第1回にも増して,TRP蛋白質を巡る研究が指数関数的な加速度で展開していることを再確認する場となっただけでなく,この蛋白質が関わる生理機能や病態が予想以上に複雑且つ広範に亘っていることを改めて印象付けることとなった。そして前回と同様,この分野の今後の発展には,このような会を通した定期的な情報交換が必要不可欠であることを全会一致で確認して散会した。


(1) TRP channels – overview



(2) Molecular basis for calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CAMKII)-mediated regulation of vascular receptor-operated Ca2+ entry channel TRPC6


 The transient receptor potential (TRP) protein homologue TRPC6 is thought to be an integrative receptor-activated and mechanosensitive Ca2+ entry channel that regulates vascular tone and remodeling. Recently, studies from our and other laboratories have shown that CaMKII-mediated phosphorylation is likely to be an indispensable step in priming TRPC6 channels for opening in response to receptor stimulation. In this study, to explore the molecular basis for this phosphorylation-mediated regulation, we performed a mutation analysis of CAMKII consensus motifs on wild-type TRPC6 and its chimera with N-terminal (NT) and transmembrane (TM) domains of TRPC7 (T776).

 Search for the CAMKII consensus motif RXX(S/T) identified 7 and 6 candidate sequences on the NT or TM regions of TRPC6 and T776, respectively, but not on the C-terminus. Alanine substitution in these sequences revealed that only the mutations T487A in wild type TRPC6 and T433A in T776 strongly attenuated Ba2+ influx evoked by carbachol (100mM) without affecting their cell-membrane localized expression. The critical importance of T487A for TRPC6 activation was also confirmed by patch clamp experiments, where carbachol-induced current was reduced from 9.4±2.3 to 1.2±0.4 (pA/pF, n=5) by alanine substitution. Furthermore, substitution of T487 with negatively charged amino acid residues such as glutamate or aspartate greatly enhanced whereas their neutralized forms (i.e. glutamine or asparagine) almost abolished receptor-mediated activation of currents. Considering the results of a recent structural analysis of TRPC1, T487 in TRPC6 and T433 in T776 are likely located on a long intracellular stretch between the second and third TM domains (II-III loop). These results suggest, combined with the requisiteness of a putative calmodulin binding site (CIRB) for channel activation, that close spatial arrangement of CIRB and the II-III loop might allow effective phosphorylation of T487 by CAMKII thereby priming the TRPC6 channel for activation by receptor stimulation.


(3) Role of TRPC1 in Angiotensin II-induced vascular hypertrophy

高橋陽一郎,渡邊博之,大場貴喜 , 伊藤 宏
(秋田大学医学部内科学講座 循環器内科学分野・呼吸器内科学分野)

 Angiotensin II (AngII) activates vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth as one of the major events leading to atherosclerosis and restenosis after vascular injury. Increased Ca2+ entry is an important stimulus for VSMC growth, but the association with AngII remains unknown. Transient receptor potential (TRP) channel genes encode Ca2+ entry channels that are responsible for store-operated Ca2+entry (SOCE) during the differentiation and proliferation in various cells. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the potential involvement of TRP channels in AngII-induced VSMC growth. Human coronary artery smooth muscle cells (hCASMC) were studied. Cells were serum-starved (1% FBS) for 48 hrs prior to experiments. AngII (100 nM) evoked hCASMC hypertrophy in which both [3H]-leucine incorporation and cell size were increased. SOCE elicited by thapsigargin was also greater in hypertrophied hCASMC than in untreated cells. Although comparative RT-PCR and Western blotting analysis demonstrated constitutive expression of TRPC1, C3, C4, C5 and C6, only TRPC1 expression was increased in AngII-treated hCASMC. Gene silencing using small interfering RNA against TRPC1 decreased SOCE and [3H]-leucine incorporation. We found NF-kappaB binding sites in 5'-regulatory region of hTRPC1. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay demonstrated that AngII increased hTRPC1 promoter’s NF-kappaB binding activity. Transfection of NF-kappaB decoy oligonucleotide inhibited the AngII-induced hypertrophic responses including TRPC1 expression and SOCE increase. In conclusion, our data suggest that AngII and subsequent NF-kappaB activation facilitates hypertrophy in hCASMC through enhancement of TRPC1 expression and SOCE.


(4) Diacylglycerol-mediated Ca2+ influx through TRPC3/C6 is essential
for angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy

小野原直哉,西田基弘,黒瀬 等(九州大学大学院薬学研究院薬物中毒学)
森 泰生(京都大学大学院工学研究科分子生物化学)

 アンジオテンシンII(Ang II) は心肥大を誘発する生理活性物質として知られている。Ang II刺激による細胞内Ca2+濃度上昇は,心肥大形成において重要な役割を果たす。Ang受容体刺激は,ホスホリパーゼ C(PLC) の活性化を介したイノシトール-1,4,5-三リン酸(IP3) を産生し,細胞内小胞体からのCa2+遊離を惹起することでCa2+シグナリング経路を活性化すると考えられていた。しかしながら,我々は,IP3ではなく,ジアシルグリセロール (DAG) を介した細胞内Ca2+濃度上昇が,Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells (NFAT) の核内移行を促進することでAng IIによる心肥大を引き起こすことを明らかにした。具体的には,Ang II刺激によるDAGを介した心肥大応答には,DAG感受性のTransient receptor potential (TRP) チャネルTRPC3とTRPC6が関与すること,TRPC3/C6の活性化により生じる脱分極を介したL-型Ca2+チャネルからのCa2+流入が,NFATシグナル経路を活性化すること見出した。


(5) Requirement of Ca2+ influx in the thrombin-induced morphological changes of human astrocytoma cells

中尾賢治,Aiko Sugishita, 金子周司(京都大学大学院薬学研究科,生体機能解析学分野)

 Numbers of TRPC channel genes are widely expressed in the brain, not only in neurons but also in glial cells including astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes. The phosphoinositide-linked TRPC activity may play important roles in glial cell functions by controlling receptor-coupled Ca2+ entry into the non-excitable cells. To elucidate the physiological and pathological roles of TRPC channels expressed in astroglial cells that are activated after cerebral hemorrhage, we have investigated the effects of thrombin on the morphology of astroglial cells. In astrocytoma 1321N1 cells, at least 3 types of TRPC proteins (C1, C3 and C5) were detected by western blotting and/or immunostaining. Stimulation of protease-activated receptors (PARs) with thrombin triggered retraction of bipolar processes (cell rounding) within 1 h in a reversible manner thereafter. The thrombin-induced morphological changes were significantly inhibited by PAR1 antagonist peptide, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). Thrombin evoked a transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration followed by sustaining oscillatory responses, and the Ca2+ oscillation was inhibited by 2-APB, CPA and under Ca2+-free condition. These results suggest that thrombin induces Ca2+ influx possibly through TRPC channels, which are required to cause the morphological changes leading to activation of astrocytes. This work is partly supported by 21th Century COE Program Knowledge Information Infrastructure for Genome Science.


(6) TRPチャネル拮抗剤による新規修飾方法の開発

加藤賢太,森 泰生(京都大学大学院工学研究科分子生物化学)



(7) Regulation and Localization of the TRPV2 Channel in Macrophage


 The TRPV2 channel is expressed in various tissues including neurons, neuroendocrine cells, epithelial cells in the kidney and liver and blood cells such as macrophages. In the present study, we examined the regulation and localization of the TRPV2 channel in macrophages. When macrophages were cultured in a serum-free condition, immunoreactivity of TRPV2 was detected largely in cytoplasm. Addition of serum induced translocation of some of the TRPV2 to the plasma membrane. A chemotactic peptide fMLP further induced translocation of the TRPV2. In accordance with this, fMLP increased the Cs+ current in macrophage, which was inhibited by ruthenium red and the transfection of the dominant-negative mutant of TRPV2. fMLP-induced translocation of the TRPV2 was blocked by PI 3-kinase inhibitors and pretreatment with pertussis toxin. When cytoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]c) was monitored by using fura-2, fMLP induced a rapid and sustained elevation of [Ca2+]c, the latter of which was abolished by removal of extracellular calcium. Addition of ruthenium red or transfection of the dominant-negative mutant of TRPV2 did not affect the initial rise in [Ca2+]c but blocked the sustained phase of fMLP-induced [Ca2+]c response. In stimulated macrophages, TRPV2 localized in the podosome, a microdomain involved in adhesion and migration, and colocalized with Rho family small G proteins. Transfection of the dominant-negative Rac, but not Rho or CDC42, inhibited translocation of TRPV2. Finally, addition of ruthenium red or transfection of dominant-negative mutant of TRPV2 inhibited chemotaxis of macrophages induced by fMLP. These results indicate that fMLP induces translocation of TRPV2 by a PI 3-kinase dependent mechanism and this translocation is important for sustained elevation of [Ca2+]c in macrophage.


(8) Involvement of TRPV1 or TRPV2 on nociceptive behavior in rat model of cancer pain

尾崎紀之,篠田雅路,Akiko Ogino,杉浦康夫

 The roles of TRPV1 and TRPV2 were examined in the rat model of cancer pain. Inoculation of squamous cell carcinoma into the planta induced marked mechanical allodynia, heat hyperalgesia and sign of spontaneous pain behavior in the hind paw. Intraplantar administration of TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine or TRPV1 and TRPV2 antagonist ruthenium red did not inhibited spontaneous pain behavior. However, capsazepine completely inhibited mechanical allodynia. Administration of capsazepine partially, and ruthenium red completely inhibited heat hyperalgesia. Immunohistochemically, the number of TRPV1 and TRPV2-positive large-sized neurons increased. Our results suggest that TRPV1 and TRPV2 play important roles in the development and maintenance of cancer pain.


(9) Hypo-osmotically induced hearing impairment in TRPV4 knock-out mice

沈静,久保伸夫,Kohei Kawamoto,山下敏夫(関西医科大学耳鼻咽喉科学教室)
鈴木 誠(自治医科大学薬理学教室)

 We have recently showed the functional expression of TRPV4 in inner hair cells (IHCs), outer hair cells (OHCs) and spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) of the mouse cochlea. We also showed the role of TRPV4 in hypotonicity-induced Ca2+ response in OHCs. Because changes of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations are known to affect somatic motility of OHCs that is though to contribute to the enhancement of cochlear frequency selectivity by generating negative damping, we therefore assume that the changes of osmolarity in inner ear fluids may cause the hearing impairment which is involved in TRPV4. Here, we firstly developed an animal model of hypotonic inner ear fluids in mice by implanting a mini-osmotic pump into the inner ear of mouse, by which the hypotonic solution was transported into the inner ear. The security of this technique was evaluated by hearing functions, vestibular function and structure tests. We further investigated whether perilymphatic application of hypotonic solution may impair hearing on wild type and TRPV4 knock-out mice in vivo. Results showed that direct delivery of hypotonic solution into mouse inner ear by mini-osmotic pump caused increase in the ABR threshold after 3 days, but it recovered within 7days in the wild type mice. In contrast, a significant ABR threshold shift was still observed 7 days after delivery of hypotonic solution into the inner ear of TRPV4 knock-out mice. Hypotonic artificial perilymph-induced OHCs missing are higher in TRPV4 knock-out mice than that in wild mice after 7 days. Our present results suggested that it is feasible to produce hypotonic inner ear fluids model by implanting mini-osmotic pump into mice inner ear, and TRPV4 is involved in the hypotonic stimulation-induced hearing impairment.


(10) Physiological role of the oxidative stress-sensitive TRPM2 Ca2+ channel in immunocytes

山本伸一郎,輪島輝明, 森泰生(京都大学大学院工学研究科分子生物化学)

 TRPM2 is a Ca2+ permeable channel activated by redox statue changes such as oxidative stress. Although it has been suggested that Ca2+ influx via TRPM2 mediate cell death, its physiological significance is still elusive. TRPM2 is expressed in immunocytes such as monocytes and lymphocytes. In monocytic cell line U937, it is known that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induces chemotactic cytokine interleukin-8 (IL-8) production via Erk / NF-kB pathway and that IL-8 is produced via intracellular Ca2+ increases. Here, we reveal that oxidative stress-sensitive TRPM2 Ca2+ channels are crucial for H2O2-induced IL-8 production in U937. We also report physiological significance of the TRPM2 in vivo with regard to the above biological response by utilizing TRPM2 knockout mice.


(11) TRPV channels in thermosensation and mechanotransduction



(12) TRPV4の軟骨形成における役割

網塚憲生,李 敏啓(新潟大学超域研究機構)

 TRPV4は,神経系や皮膚などで発現し,熱,酸,浸透圧,等の物理刺激で活性化されることが知られているCa2+ 透過性チャネルである。一方,骨の発達における軟骨内骨化では,軟骨細胞の肥大化と細胞死,その後の基質石灰化とダイナミックな改変が起こるが,この分化過程にはメカニカルストレスが影響すると考えられている。今回,我々はTRPV4欠損マウス(TRPV4-/-) が軟骨内骨化異常を示すことを見出したので報告する。



(13) 体温維持が海馬神経活動に与える影響:TRPV4による膜電位の制御


 TRPV4は体温程度の温度,低浸透圧刺激,4aPDDにより活性化され,皮膚の角化細胞の他,視床下部や脈絡層での強い発現が報告されている。しかし,脳内での詳細な発現分布やその役割については未だ解析されていない。そこで,我々は脳におけるTRPV4の発現と機能に着目した。成体マウス脳内のTRPV4 mRNA発現分布を調べた結果,既に発現が報告されている脈絡叢や上衣細胞の他に,海馬に強い発現が認められた。TRPV4は海馬神経細胞の機能調節を行う因子ではないかと考えられた。TRPV4蛋白質は細胞体・樹状突起に局在し,さらに海馬神経細胞に機能的に発現していることが確認された。TRPV4は体温で活性化され,カチオンの流入により膜電位を脱分極側にシフトさせている可能性が考えられた。これらの仮説を検証するために,野生型マウスとTRPV4欠損マウスより,海馬初代神経細胞を調整し,静止膜電位を定量的に比較した。その結果,野生型マウスより調整した海馬初代神経細胞では,TRPV4欠損マウスの細胞と比較し約5mV程度静止膜電位が浅くなっていることが確認された。また,電流注入実験を行った結果,TRPV4欠損マウスより調整した海馬初代神経細胞では野生型の細胞よりも発火が起こりにくいことが確認された。以上の結果より,温度受容体TRPV4は我々の体温で活性化しており,神経細胞が興奮しやすい土台の環境を産み出す重要な役割を担っていることが明らかとなった。TRPV4は海馬神経細胞の膜興奮性の制御を担う重要な因子であると考察される。


(14) Effects of skin surface temperature on epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis


 Receptors belonging to the TRP family were recently identified as temperature sensors, and some of them, TRPV1, V3 and V4, are expressed in epidermal keratinocytes. To evaluate the influence of these receptors on epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis, we kept both hairless mouse skin and human skin at various temperatures immediately after tape stripping. At temperatures from 36°C to 40°C, the barrier recovery was accelerated in both cases compare to the control. At 34°C or 42°C, the barrier recovery was delayed compare to the control. 4a-Phorbol 12,13-didecanone, an activator of TRPV4, accelerated the barrier recovery, while ruthenium red, a blocker of TRPV4, delayed the barrier recovery. On the other hand, capsaicin, an activator of TRPV1, delayed the barrier recovery, while capsazepin, an antagonist of TRPV1, blocked this delay. 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl borate and camphor, which are TRPV3 activators, did not affect the barrier recovery rate. Since TRPV4 is activated at about 35°C and above, while TRPV1 is activated at about 42°C and above, these results suggest that TRPV1 and TRPV4 are involved in skin barrier function.


(15) ヒト臍帯内皮細胞(HUVEC) における伸展刺激依存Ca2+上昇に対するTRPV2の役割:


 我々は以前より,ヒト臍帯内皮細胞 (HUVEC) を用いて,一軸方向の周期的伸展刺激に対して,その伸展率依存的に細胞内のCa2+が上昇することを報告しているが,現在までにその分子メカニズムの解明には至っていない。一方近年の研究において,いくつかのTRPチャネルは物理的刺激により活性化される可能性があることが明らかになってきた。我々は現在,これらのTRPチャネルのうち,HUVECに発現している複数のTRP分子について,その伸展刺激依存性を調べている。今回は,TRPV2強制発現細胞を用いた実験により得られた知見を中心に,(1) 細胞形態により伸展刺激の感受性が変わること,(2) 一定の伸展率であっても伸展速度により感受性が変わること,(3) 細胞特異的な細胞膜直下の細胞骨格構造が細胞の伸展刺激感受性を反映している可能性があること,を報告する。これらのことは,HUVECにおける伸展刺激依存的なCa2+上昇にTRPV2が関与している可能性が考えられると同時に,細胞の伸展刺激受容には単に伸展刺激センサータンパク質が発現していることが必要なだけではなく,そのセンサーが高感度で作動するために細胞膜直下の細胞骨格の適切な構造が存在することを示唆する。


(16) BCR刺激に誘導されるMAPK活性化経路におけるジアシルグリセロールに活性化されるTRPC3チャネルの重要性

沼賀 拓郎(総合研究大学院大学生命科学研究科生理科学)
森 泰生(京都大学大学院工学研究科合成生物化学)



(17) Regulatory role of neuron-restrictive silencing factor (NRSF) in expression of TRPC1

大場貴喜,高橋陽一郎,渡邊博之,伊藤 宏
(秋田大学医学部内科学講座 循環器内科学分野・呼吸器内科学分野)

 The neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF) represses transcription of genes by binding to a DNA sequence element called the neuron-restrictive silencer element (NRSE). The dominant-negative form of NRSF (dnNRSF) has a hypertrophic effect on cardiogenesis through an as-yet-unidentified mechanism. In this study, we examined the potential involvement of transient receptor potential (TRP) channel proteins and their associated scaffolding proteins (Homers 1b and 2) in the development of cardiac hypertrophy, using transgenic mice overexpressing dnNRSF (dnNRSF mice).

 An NRSE-like sequence was found in the fourth intron of TRPC1 genomic DNA. We confirmed its interaction with NRSF using electrophoretic mobility-shift assays. RT-PCR and Western analyses revealed significant up-regulation of TRPC1 in the heart of dnNRSF mice. Transient overexpression of TRPC1 in HEK 293T cells increased the activity of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) promoter and stimulated store-operated Ca2+ channel (SOC)-mediated Ca2+ entry, suggesting that the TRPC1 is involved in SOC formation and NFAT activation. Immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that the TRPC1 protein interacts with itself and with TRPC3, TRPC5, TRPC6, and TRPM4, which are also expressed in the myocardium. We also demonstrated that Homer1b interacts with TRP molecules C1-C6 and M4. These results suggest that TRPC1 forms both homomeric and heteromeric channel assemblies; in the latter assemblies, the TRPC1 interacts with Homer proteins and/or with other TRPs. Our findings indicate that TRP and Homer proteins are involved in Ca2+ handling and subsequent NFAT activation during the hypertrophic response.


Copyright(C) 2007 National Institute for Physiological Sciences