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  2. 豊田浩士,定藤規弘 (2007.3) 機能的磁気共鳴画像と近赤外分光法の同時計測を用いたBOLD信号変化の生理学的構成成分の推定。 第9回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会 (秋田)。 

  3. 林正道、齋藤大輔、浅井竜哉、荒牧勇、藤林靖久、定藤規弘 (2007.3) 手指運動中の同側運動野における運動頻度依存的非対称性の拡大:機能的MRIによる検討。 第9回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会 (秋田)。 若手奨励賞受賞

  4. Ichikawa, N. (2007.4) Eyeblink as an index of cognitive and emotional processing. The 4th Meeting of Pupil Colloquium. (Pittsburgh, USA). 

  5. 内山祐司,豊田浩士,江部和俊,定藤規弘 (2007.5) 運転と音声言語課題の脳内干渉: 機能的MRIによる計測。自動車技術会春季大会(横浜)。

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  7. Ikuta N, Yokoyama S, Jeong H, Sugiura M, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R (2007.6) Brain activation associated with reanalysis in sentence comprehension: An fMRI study. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA).
  8. Miura N, Sugiura M, Takahashi M, Sassa Y, Moridaira T, Miyamoto A, Kuroki Y, Sato S, Horie K, Nakamura K, Ryuta Kawashima (2007.6) Cortical networks sensitive to the difference in motion and appearance of humanoid robot and human: an fMRI study. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA). 
  9. Oshima R, Ikuta N, Sugiura M, Yokoyama S, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R (2007.6) The difference of the brain activation in the left prefrontal regions in language proficiency. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA). 
  10. Oshima R, Ikuta N, Sugiura M, Yokoyama S, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R (2007.6) The difference of the brain activation in the left prefrontal regions in language proficiency. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA). 
  11. Sekiguchi A, Sugiura M, Yokoyama S, Kanbara T, Ikuta N, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R (2007.6) Activity in the right temporal pole is associated with the self-prospective direction in stress coping patterns. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA). 
  12. Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Wakusawa K, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R (2007.6) Domain-specific person-representations in posterior cortices: an fMRI study on famous-name recognition. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA). 
  13. Tanabe HC and Sadato N (2007.6) Dissociable contributions of ventro- and dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex to arbitrary paired-association learning through their roles in working memory: A functional MRI study. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA).
  14. Tanaka S, Sadato N, Cohen LG and Honda M (2007.6) Random training schedule of sequential movements enhances the activity in the medial Brodmann area 6. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA).
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  16. Fukushima A, Miura N, Uchida S, Sugiura M, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R (2007.6) Cortical mechanism of ideal self: an fMRI study. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Chicago, USA). 

  17. Fukushima A, Sugiura M, Miura N, Uchida S, Sekiguchi A, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R (2007.9) Cortical mechanism of positive self-concept : an fMRI study. The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Yokohama, Japan).