  1. Komeda H, Sadato N (2009.3) The emotional embodiment during experiencing protagonists’ physical activities in narrative comprehension. The 16th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society (San Francisco, USA). 

  2. Sadato N (2009.3) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making. ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference Series for Young Researchers Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Maratea, Italy). 

  3. Sadato N (2009.4) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making.The 9th NIBB-EMBL Symposium "Functional Imaging from Atoms to Organisms" (Okazaki,Japan). 

  4. 定藤規弘 (2009.4) 向社会行動の神経基盤と発達過程の解明へ向けて.JST/RISTEX すくすくコホートシンポジウム (東京). 

  5. 定藤規弘 (2009.5) 社会能力の発達過程ー脳機能画像法によるアプローチ.第51回日本小児神経学会総会(鳥取). 

  6. 松本敦 (2009.5) fMRIを用いた閾下、閾上提示単語に対する注意の影響の検討.第27回日本生理心理学会大会(京都). 

  7. 村瀬未花、田辺宏樹、林正道、河内山隆紀、定藤規弘 (2009.5) 聴覚-視覚の時間弁別に関与する神経基盤:機能的MRI研究.第11回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会(新潟). 

  8. Sasaki A, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe H.C & Sadato N (2009.6) Functional segregation of mirror neuron system regarding imitation: an fMRI study. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (San Francisco, USA). 

  9. 定藤規弘 (2009.7) 「社会性」に関する脳機能イメージングー社会能力の発達理解にむけてー.第七回熊本脳機能画像研究会 (熊本). 

  10. 定藤規弘 (2009.7) 社会的報酬の脳科学ー社会能力の発達理解にむけてー.「社会脳」を考えるー社会性の脳科学と社会 (東京). 

  11. 定藤規弘 (2009.7) 褒めて育てるを解き明かす.札幌神経科学セミナー (北海道). 

  12. 松本敦 (2009.8) 心理学領域におけるfMRI研究の最前線.日本心理学会第73回大会ワークショップ (京都). 

  13. Hayashi MJ, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.9) The neural substrate of audio-tactile frequency discrimination in human: a functional MRI study. The NIPS International Workshop for Scientific Study of Consciousness (Aichi, Japan). 

  14. Kitada R, Johnsrude IS, Kochiyama T, Lederman SJ. (2009.9) Brain networks involved in haptic and visual identification of facial expressions of emotion: an fMRI study. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan).

  15. Matsumoto A, Sadato N (2009.9) The attentional modulation to subliminaol and supraliminal processing of word. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan).

  16. Murase M, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T, Sadato N (2009.9) Neural substrates of the audio-visual temporal simultaneity perception: An fMRI study. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan). 

  17. Sasaki A, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe H.C & Sadato N (2009.9) Visuo-motor integration in anterior intraeparietal sulcus regarding imitation. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan). 

  18. Tanabe HC, Sakai T, Morito Y, Sadato N (2009.9) Importance of V4 to V1 backward connection when perceiving subjective colors with Benham's top: a functional MRI study. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, Japan). 

  19. 岡本悠子、北田亮、佐々木章宏、守田知代、板倉昭二、河内山隆紀、田邊宏樹、定藤規弘 (2009.9) 相互模倣における自己の動作と他者の動作の同一性の認識に関わる神経基盤.第32回日本神経科学大会(名古屋). 

  20. Hayashi MJ, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.10) The neural correlates of audio-tactile frequency discrimination. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 

  21. Murase M, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.10) Detection of neural substrate related to lip-reading effect during vowel identification of audiovisual speech: An functional MRI study.The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 

  22. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Sasaki A, Morita T, Itakura S, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.10) “Like me” : The role of extrastriate body area for reciprocal imitation. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 

  23. Yoshida Y, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T & Sadato N (2009.10) The warning effect as orienting attention in the temporal domain : an event-related fMRI study. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, Ill., USA). 

  24. 田邊宏樹、森戸勇介、酒井朋子、定藤規弘 (2009.10) 機能的MRIを用いたベンハムコマによる主観色生起の神経基盤の解明.第47回日本生物物理学会年会 (徳島). 

  25. 定藤規弘(2009.10)「社会性」に関する脳機能イメージング―社会能力の発達理解にむけて―.第4回日本情動研究会(富山).

  26. Murase M, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.11) Detection of neural substrate related to lip-reading effect during vowel identification of audiovisual speech: An functional MRI study. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).

  27. Okamoto Y, Kitada R, Sasaki A, Morita T, Itakura S, Kochiyama T, Tanabe HC, Sadato N (2009.11) “Like me” : The role of extrastriate body area for reciprocal imitation. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).

  28. Sadato N (2009.11) The Neural Basis of Social Reward and Decision-Making. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).

  29. Sasaki A, Kochiyama T, Sugiura M, Tanabe H.C & Sadato N (2009.11) Posterior parietal cortex commonly codes visual and motoric action. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).

  30. Yoshida Y, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T & Sadato N (2009.11) The warning effect as orienting attention in the temporal domain: an event-related fMRI study. International Symposium: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (Sendai, Japan).

  31. Sadato N (2009.12) Introduction of Japan-U.S.Brain Research Cooperative Program (BRCP). SOKENDAI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Constructing Sokendai Academic Networks (Hayama,Japan)