  1. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Fukunaga M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N*, Nihimura Y* (2019.1.9) VTA-M1 pathway controbutes to human motivated motor output. 脳と心のメカニズム第19回冬のワークショップ(虻田郡,北海道). *corresponding authors
  2. 山本哲也,三浦健一郎,福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2019.1.31)追跡眼球運動に関わるヒト脳領域と高髄鞘化領域の個人・集団レベルでの相同性.日本視覚学会2019年冬季大会(横浜).
  3. 定藤規弘(2019.2.2)対面による社会的相互作用に伴う脳を超えたネットワークの形成:二個体同時計測fMRI研究.第35回日本脳電磁図トポグラフィ研究会(札幌市,北海道).
  4. Yamamoto T, Miura K, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.2.15) Homology of functional cortical areas related to pursuit eye movements and heavily myelinated regions at individual and group levels in humans. The 11th NAGOYA Global Retreat (Aichi, Japan).
  5. 福永雅喜(2019.3.9)高磁場MRIの現状と課題 ~7T MRIの使用経験から~.日本磁気共鳴医学会 第23回安全性講演会「MRI安全性の考え方」(東京).
  6. 福永雅喜、定藤規弘(2019.3.16)MRI による意図共有に関わる神経機構の探索.第21回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会シンポジウム4「ヒト脳研究における MRI の意義:社会脳・種間比較・コホート」(東京).
  7. Maruyama S, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.4.2) Visualization of subdivision of globus pallidus segments using 7T MRI: Comparison with 3T. ISMRM Workshop on Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance (Croatia).
  8. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Yoshimoto T, and Sadato N (2019.4.24) The motor engramas a dynamic change of the cortical network during early sequence learning: an fMRI study. Society for the Neural Control of Movement(富山).
  9. Le Bihan D,  Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M,  Okada T,  Sadato N (2019.5.14) A model free, sparse acquisition approach Sindex to investigate brain tissue microstructure from diffusion MRI data in the human brain. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (Montreal, Canada).
  10. 福永雅喜(2019.5.24)7テスラMRIが切り拓く脳可視化研究最前線.第60回日本神経学会学術大会(大阪,大阪).
  11. 福永雅喜(2019.6.1)FreeSurfer解析における前処理の違いにおける結果の相違.第13回COCORO合同会議(東京).
  12. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Hamano YH, Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Sadato N*, Nihimura Y* (2019.4.24) VTA is involved in both preparation and execution in motivated motor output. NCM2019 (Toyama, Japan). *corresponding authors
  13. Nakayama Y, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Hamano YH, Sadato N, Nishimura Y (2019.6.13) Involvement of the Dorsal Premotor Cortex in Goal-directed Motor Behavior. 25TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING (Rome, Italy).
  14. Sugawara SK, Nakayama Y, Fukunaga M, Yamamoto T, Sadato N, Nishimura Y (2019.6.13) VTA-M1 pathway contributes to human motivated motor outputs. 25TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING (Rome, Italy).
  15. 福永雅喜(2019.7.4)高磁場 MRI を用いたマーモセット・マカク・ヒトの 種間比較に関する研究開発.2019年度 AMED脳と心の研究課 戦略的国際脳科学研究推進プログラム 研究進捗報告会(東京).
  16. Chikazoe J (2019.7.8) Object representations in the orbitofrontal cortex are sensitive to metabolic states. International Symposium on "Sensing food/nutrient/environment toward integrative metabolic regulation" (Okazaki, Japan).
  17. Miyata K, Koike T, Nakagawa E,  Harada T, Sumiya M, Yamamoto T and Sadato N (2019.7.11) Two brains resonate with each other for sharing action in imitative interaction: A hyper-scanning fMRI study. Joint Action Meeting VIII (Genoa, Italy).
  18. 近添淳一(2019.7.16) 脳局所の活動パターンに基づく全脳活動パターンの推定.生理研研究会「脳神経ダイナミクスの可視化と制御」(岡崎).
  19. Nishimaki Y, Goda N, Kamachi MG (2014.7.19) Visual and Tactile Perception of the Wind in the Virtual Reality environment. The 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (Osaka, Japan).
  20. Fukunaga M (2019.7.27) Brain microstructure and function using ultra high field MRI. Neuro2019 (Niigata, Japan).
  21. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.1) fMRI時系列の基底分解によるWhole Brain Decomposition. 脳の自由エネルギー原理チュートリアル・ワークショップ(岡崎,愛知).
  22. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.2) fMRI時系列の基底分解によるWhole Brain Decomposition. 認知神経科学の先端(岡崎,愛知).
  23. Hayashi T, Koike S, Okada T, Fukunaga M, Togo H, Miyazaki A, Ose T, Uematsu A, Saotome K, Matsuda T, Sadato N, Okamoto Y, Tanaka SC, Hanakawa T, Kasai K, Kawato M (2019.9.6) Harmonized Brain MRI Protocols/Preprocessing for Brain/MINDS-beyond. The 3rd Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging (Machida,Japan).
  24. Hamano Y, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.9.6) M1 integrates the distinct motor engrams for motor sequence learning. The 3rd Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging (Machida,Japan).
  25. 松本純弥,福永雅喜,根本清貴,越山大輔,三浦健一郎,岡田直大,森田健太郎,山森英長,宇野洋太,安田由華,藤本美智子,工藤紀子,畦地裕統,渡邉嘉之,笠井清登,橋本亮太(2019.9.6)DTI による大脳白質の髄鞘化/成熟性の評価と社会機能の指標としての労働時間との関連.第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京).
  26. 森田健太郎,三浦健一郎,藤本美智子,山森英⻑,安田由華,工藤紀子,畦地裕統,岡田直大,越山太輔,福永雅喜,渡邉嘉之,笠井清登,池田学,橋本亮太(2019.9.6)統合失調症でみられる眼球運動特徴の神経基盤の検討.第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京).
  27. 山下典生,佐々木真理,武田航太,松田豪,上野育子,森太志,朴啓彰,福永雅喜,定藤規弘,帆秋伸彦(2019.9.6)3D ファントムを用いた頭部 MR 画像の幾何歪み・信号むらの同時補正法の開発.第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田市,東京).
  28. 小池進介,植松明子,岡田知久,福永雅喜,早乙女康作,東口大樹,宮崎淳,合瀬恭幸,定藤規弘,松田哲也,田中沙織,川人光男,岡本泰昌,花川隆,笠井清登,林拓也,国際脳WG(2019.9.6)AMED「国際脳」調和プロトコル策定とトラベリングサブジェクトプロジェクト計画.第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京).
  29. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.6) Semi-model free analysis of the whole brain activity captures temporal changes of cognitive processes. The 3rd Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging (Machida,Japan). ※若手奨励賞候補
  30. 近添淳一(2019.9.7)Whole-brain activity patterns decoded by regional fine-grained activity patterns. ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京).
  31. Pham TQ, Chikazoe J, Yoshimoto T, Niwa H, Sadato N (2019.9.7) Novel insight into the neural basis of vision-value conversion in human brain. ヒト脳イメージング研究会(町田,東京).
  32. 菅原翔(2019.9.11)報酬が運動能に及びす効果と神経基盤.シンポジウム22: 動機づけが認知や運動に与える影響とその脳内機構.第83回日本心理学会年次大会(茨木,大阪).
  33. 福永雅喜(2019.9.21)超高磁場MRIによる脳機能画像研究 Advanced functional neuroimaging with ultra high field MRI. 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(熊本,熊本).
  34. 梅田雅宏,福永雅喜,定藤規弘,渡辺康晴,河合裕子,村瀬智一,樋口敏宏(2019.9.21)7T-MR装置を用いたCSIによる脳の代謝物計測.第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(熊本,熊本).
  35. 丸山修紀,福永雅喜,定藤規弘(2019.9.21)7T MRIを用いたヒト淡蒼球内部構造の描出: 3T MRIとの比較.第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(熊本,熊本).
  36. 浦山慎一,吉原雄二郎,福永雅喜,村井俊哉(2019.9.22)MRSを用いた健常者におけるグルタチオン濃度の日内変動.第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(熊本,熊本).
  37. Sadato N (2019.09.24) Understanding the neural basis of psychiatric disease and implications for stigma:Neuroethical issues of Brain/MINDS project of Japan. IBRO Neuroethics Luncheon "No longer Unthinkable: Why the 21st Century Neuroscientists needs Neuroethics" IBRO Congress (Daegu, South Korea).
  38. Fukunaga M, Duyn J (2019.9.26)  Origins of phase contrast in white matter. 5th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MRI PHASE CONTRAST & QUANTITATIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPPING (Seoul, Korea).
  39. Koyama K, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.9.26) Whole Brain Decomposition captures transient changes of cognitive processes. 視覚・認知脳機能研究の先端(岡崎市,愛知県).
  40. Shin HG, Oh SH, Fukunaga M, Nam Y, Lee J (2019.9.27) A Sequence for High Quality Gradient Echo Myelin Water Imaging (GRE-MWI) at 3T and 7T. 5th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MRI PHASE CONTRAST & QUANTITATIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPPING (Seoul, Korea).
  41. Shin HG, Lee J, Fukunaga M,   Nam Y, Oh SH, Lee J (2019.9.27) Separating positive and negative susceptibility sources in QSM. 5th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MRI PHASE CONTRAST & QUANTITATIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPPING (Seoul, Korea).
  42. Sadato N (2019.09.27) To what extent can human attributes be modelled? Global Neuroethics Summit 2019 (Daegu, South-Korea). 
  43. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.1010) Semi-model free analysis of whole brain activity captures dynamics of cognitive processes. NTBS Workshop 2019 (Tokyo, Japan).
  44. Fukunaga M (2019.10.11) International neuroimaging big data collaborations: ENIGMA and COCORO (Discussant). 6th Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Fukuoka, Japan).
  45. Hashimoto R, Uno Y, Matsumoto J, Sumiyosshi C, Morita K, Koshiyama D, Okada N, Fujino H, Ohi K, Fujimoto M, Yasuda Y, Yamamori H, Sumiyoshi T, Nemoto K, Fukunaga M, Miura K (2019.10.12) Overview of biotype in psychiatry. 6th Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Fukuoka, Japan).
  46. Matsumoto J, Fukunaga M, Nemoto K, Koshiyama D, Miura K, Uno Y, Okada N, Morita K, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Fujimoto M, Kudo N, Azechi H, Kasai K, Watanabe Y, Hashimoto R (2019.10.13) aturity of cerebral white matter is associated with individual working hours indicating social function. 6th Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Fukuoka, Japan).
  47. Sadato N (2019.10.18) To what extent can human attributes be modelled? The 2019 International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting (Chicago, USA).
  48. Sadato N (2019.10.18) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyperscanning fMRI: eye-contact, joint attention, and its memory. Society for Social Neuroscience 2019 Annual Meeting (Chicago, USA).
  49. Harada T, Sugawara T, Fukunaga M, Sadato N, Kaureys S, Sakai H (2019.10.20) Morphological misalignment of vestibular organs predicts motion sickness susceptibility. Neuroscience 2019 (IL, U.S.A).
  50. Hamano YH, Sugawara SK, Fukunaga M, Sadato N (2019.10.21) The integrative role of the M1 for the motor sequence learning.  Neuroscience 2019 (IL, U.S.A).
  51. Ebisu T, Fukunaga M, Murase T, Umeda M (2019.10.22) Functional connectivity measured with resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging as a biomarker of spatial neglect during recovery rehabilitation period of stroke. Neuroscience 2019 (IL, U.S.A).
  52. Sadato N (2019.11.07) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyperscanning fMRI: eye-contact, joint attention, and its memory. McGill University- NIPS Joint Symposium (Montreal, Canada).
  53. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.11.14) Paradigm free decomposition for whole brain dynamics. Brain Storming on Primate Connectome(HCP) (Kobe, Japan).
  54. Yamamoto T (2019.11.14) Toward better registration of 7T diffusion data to 3T structural data in HCP. Brain Storming on Primate Connectome 2019 (Kobe, Japan).
  55. Sadato N (2019.11.15) Across-brain networks emerged from face-to-face social interactions probed by hyperscanning fMRI: eye-contact, joint attention, and its memory. Tubingen University- Beijin-University-NIPS Joint Symposium (岡崎).
  56. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.11.21) Paradigm free decomposition for whole brain dynamics. 2019年度生理研研究会第9回社会神経科学研究会(岡崎,愛知).
  57. Chikazoe J (2019.11.28) From object to value: Multivoxel pattern analysis reveals neural representations of the external environment in multiple domains. CiNet Seminar (Osaka, Japan).
  58. Maruyama S (2019.12.9) Ultra high field 7T MRI of microstructure, function and neurochemistry in human brain. 令和元年度生理研大学院生中間発表会(岡崎,愛知).生理研大学院生ポスター優秀賞  受賞
  59. Koyama Y, Chikazoe J, Jimura K, Sadato N (2019.12.19)Semi-model free analysis of whole brain activity captures dynamics of cognitive processes. 次世代脳プロジェクト冬のシンポジウム2019(東京). 若手優秀発表賞受賞