Welcome FAOPS2019

The application for Symposia has been closed. Thank you for your submission!

Calls for Symposia

  • The organizing committee of FAOPS2019 calls for symposia in the following two categories
    (1) general track
    (2) early-middle career investigator track
    The main chair (the organizer) must belong to FAOPS member or associate member society*. The strict deadline of submission is the end of April 2018. The most important criteria for selection of symposia by the organizing committee is the quality of the symposium and the speakers. We also think much of internationality and balance of gender. We do not accept a proposal which too much resembles any of the pre-planned symposia by the organizing committee **. The result of selection will be notified no later than August 2018.

    * see the following website for FAOPS members and associate members.

    ** see the following website for detailed information of the pre-planned symposia by the organizing committee.

(1)general track

  • We call for symposia from any researcher who belongs to FAOPS member or associate member society. We plan to take about 20 symposiums.
  • Detailed information
    1. Organizers: it consists of one main chair and one co-chair
    One main chair; The main chair needs to belong to society of physiology which is the member of FAOPS. He/she is supposed to be responsible for corresponding with the speaker candidates and the organizing committee of FAOPS2019 in proposing the symposium.

    One co-chair; The co-chair is supposed to collaborate intimately with the main chair in correspondence and chairing the session.
    2. Time of session:
    Most of sessions are 120 mins, but some sessions of 90 mins will be available. Within the symposium, each speaker will have equal time.
    3. Speakers:
    Speakers can be maximum five (more than three speakers) for 120 min case and maximum four for 90 min case. It is highly recommended that speakers from multiple countries (in particular, countries of FAOPS members or associate members*) are included. It is also important to pay attention to the diversity in gender in selecting speakers. In submission, the organizers should personally obtain consent from all of the presenter candidates listed in the submission form. One researcher can present only once either in all types of sessions, including special lectures, symposia, regular oral /poster presentations except for company-organizing sessions (lunchon seminar and company-organizing symposiums). Speaker already listed in pre-planned symposiums (see website**) should be excluded from the list.
    4. Topics
    Please propose symposium or workshop under the topic of physiological sciences which you think is commonly important in multiple Asian-Oceania countries. Proposals of immature but emerging fields which will hint future directions of physiology are very welcome.
    5. Travel support:
    We will announce travel grant for foreign speakers around 2018 March. Oversea travel expense for coming to Japan will partially be supported if applicant is awarded.

    (March 20, 2018):
    We decided our travel support policy as follows. We will provide all accepted symposia of both tracks (general and early-middle career investigator) with a financial support of 100,000 JPY/symposium. This support can be freely divided among the speaker(s) and the chair(s). Accordingly, the chairs and speakers of accepted symposia are not allowed to apply to the Young Scientist Travel Awards, which we set only for participants with a regular abstract.
    6. How to submit proposal and submission deadline (strict):
    Please submit filled forms (described in the section below) by May 7, 2018 to the email address;
    You will have acknowledge email if it is received.
    7. Selection
    Organizing committee will select less than 20 symposiums. The main chair will be directly notified about decision by email no later than August 2018.
    8. The forms to submit:
    Form 1B: Summary
    - Title of symposium (less than 130 characters)
    - Category (120 mins or 90 mins)
    - Information of chair and co-chair
    - List of speakers and their (tentative) talk titles
    - The synopsis of symposium (within 300 words)
    This would include statement of aim and significance of the symposium and, possibly, reason(s) for the listed speakers.

    Form 2B: Bio-sketch of main chair, co-chair, speakers
    - Name, nationality, academic title, affiliation, contacting office address,
    - History of educational career (after undergraduate)
    - History of profession career
    - Academic societies
    - List of main publications by peer review within recent 5 years

(2) early-middle career investigator track

  • We call for symposia organized by an early-middle career investigator who belongs to FAOPS member or associate member society*. The main chair has to be early-middle career investigator who acquired PhD degree after January 1st 2000. Speakers list should include either the main chair himself/herself or a young investigator or student in the same laboratory. We plan to take about 10 to 15 symposia through this track. The result of selection will be notified no later than August 2018.
  • Detailed information
    1. Organizers: it consists of one main chair and one co-chair
    One main chair; The main chair needs to belong to society of physiology which is the member of FAOPS. He/she is supposed to be responsible for corresponding with the speaker candidates and the organizing committee of FAOPS2019 in proposing the symposium. The main chair has to be an early-middle career investigator who acquired PhD degree after January 1st 2000.

    One co-chair; The co-chair is supposed to collaborate intimately with the main chair in correspondence and chairing the session.
    2. Time of session:
    Most of sessions are 120 mins, but some sessions of 90 mins will be available. Within the symposium, each speaker will have equal time.
    3. Speakers:
    Speakers should include either the main chair himself/herself or a young investigator or student in the same laboratory. Speakers can be maximum five (more than three speakers) for 120 min case and maximum four for 90 min case. It is recommended that speakers from multiple countries (in particular, countries of FAOPS members or associate members*) are included. It is also recommended to pay attentions to the diversity in gender in selecting speakers. In submission, the organizers should personally obtain consent from all of the presenter candidates listed in the submission form. One researcher can present only once either in all types of sessions, including special lectures, symposia, regular oral talk/poster presentations except for company-organizing sessions (luncheon seminar and company-organizing symposia). Speaker already listed in the pre-planned symposia should be excluded from the list.
    4. Topics
    Proposals of immature but emerging fields which will hint future directions of physiology are very welcome. We do not accept a proposal which too much resembles any of the pre-planned symposia by the organizing committee**.
    5. Travel support:
    We will announce travel grant for foreign speakers around 2018 March. Oversea travel expense for coming to Japan will partially be supported if applicant is awarded.

    (March 20, 2018):
    We decided our travel support policy as follows. We will provide all accepted symposia of both tracks (general and early-middle career investigator) with a financial support of 100,000 JPY/symposium. This support can be freely divided among the speaker(s) and the chair(s). Accordingly, the chairs and speakers of accepted symposia are not allowed to apply to the Young Scientist Travel Awards, which we set only for participants with a regular abstract.
    6. How to submit proposal and submission deadline (strict):
    Please submit filled forms (described in the section below) by May 7, 2018 to the email address;
    7. Selection:
    Organizing committee will select less than 15 symposia. The main chair will be directly notified about decision by email no later than August 2018.
    8. How to fill in the form:
    Form 1C: Summary
    - Title of symposium (less than 130 characters)
    - Category (120 mins or 90 mins)
    - Information of chair and co-chair
    - List of speakers and their (tentative) talk titles
    - The synopsis of symposium (within 300 words)
    This would include statement of aim and significance of the symposium and, possibly, reason(s) for the listed speakers.

    Form 2C: Bio-sketch of main chair, co-chair, speakers
    - Name, nationality, academic title, year of acquiring PhD degree, country of PhD degree, affiliation, contacting office address,
    - academic societies
    - List of main publications by peer review within recent 5 years