
「mini-symposium of HFO and oscillology: 11/9(水)16-18時@京都大学芝蘭会館別館」



フランスでてんかんの電気生理・数理学的解析をされている、Prof. Michel Le Van Quyen 先生を囲んでの会で、てんかん性高周波律動をはじめとする脳律動に関して議論予定です。

1) 16:00-16:10
introduction of mini-symposium
Akio IKEDA, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Epilepsy, Movement Disorders and Physiology
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
2) 16:10-16:30
Masako Daifu, M.D.
How to delineate and analyze epileptic slow activity in human epilepsy
Department of Neurology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
3) 16:30-17:00
Non-stationary and endogenous dynamics of synchronous oscillatory spike
activities in the Cat lateral geniculate nucleus
Hiroyuki Ito, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyoto Sangyo University
17:00-17:10 break
4) 17:10-18:00
High-Frequency Oscillations as a New Biomarker in Epilepsy
(abstract on the next page)
M. Le Van Quyen, Ph.D.
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM) , INSERM UMRS 975 - CNRS
UMR 7225- UPMC , Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, FRANCE

詳細はフライヤーをごらんください minisymposium_Nov9_2016.pdf