学会発表(国際会議) - 招待講演

Yamanaka A 「Optogenetics reveals regulatory mechanism of sleep/wakefulness」 『8th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (JGFoS)』 Tokyo, Japan October 2011

○Yamanaka A, Tsunematsu T, Tabuchi S 「Orexin/hypocretin neurons specific control of gene expression reveals its physiological role in vivo」 『The 6th World Congress of the World Sleep Federation』 Kyoto, Japan October 2011

Tsunematsu T 「Optogenetic manipulation of the activity of orexin neurons controls sleep/wakefulness state in mice」 『The 6th World Congress of the World Sleep Federation』 Kyoto, Japan October 2011

○Tabuchi S, Tsunematsu T, Sugio S, Tanaka K, Tominaga M, Yamanaka A「Physiological significance of serotonergic inhibitory inputs to orexin neurons」 『The 6th World Congress of the World Sleep Federation』 Kyoto, Japan October 2011

Yamanaka A 「Sleep/wakefulness control using optogenetics in mice」 『23rd Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology』 Seoul, Korea October 2011

Yamanaka A 「Sleep/wakefulness control using optogenetics in mice」 『RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology seminar』 Kobe, Japan July 2011

Yamanaka A 「An artificial control of sleep/wakefulness state using optogenetics in mice」 『 2nd International Symposium on Photonic Bioimaging』 Niseko, Japan February 2011