学会発表(国際会議) - ポスター発表

○Tsunematsu T, Tominaga M, Yamanaka A 「Optical control of orexin neurons using transgenic mice in which orexin neurons express a light-activated protein, halorhodopsin」 『Neuroscience 2009』 Chicago, IL, U.S.A October 2009

Yamanaka A, ○Tsunematsu T, Tominaga M 「Optical control of orexin/hypocretin neuronal activity」 『The 36th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences』Kyoto, Japan August 2009

○Tsunematsu T, Tominaga M, Yamanaka A 「Optical control of orexin neurons using transgenic mice in which orexin neurons express a light-activated protein, halorhodopsin」 『The 11th Meeting of Hirosaki International Forum of Medical Science』Hirosaki, Japan March 2009