Research Results


大脳皮質の最も深い場所にある神経細胞が 経験に応じて変化することが明らかに

Neurons in the deepest part of the neocortex alter their functions with sensory experience

The functional roles of the surviving subplate neurons remain largely unknown. We performed two-photon Ca2+ imaging from L6b neurons with post hoc 3D immunohistochemistry of a sublate neuron marker. L6b/ surviving subplate neurons in V1 showed clear responses to visual stimuli. Chronic two-photon imaging showed that L6b neurons exhibited ocular dominance plasticity. These results indicate that surviving subplate neurons exhibit sensory responses and experience-dependent plasticity.

February 21, 2023


How can our brain still perceive familiar objects even when they become indistinct?

We can perceive familiar objects even when they become indistinct (A). After repeatedly encountering the objects, a subset of neurons in the primary visual cortex exhibits strong responses to low-contrast visual stimuli. These low contrast–preferring neurons substantially contribute to low-contrast visual information representation, ensuring a consistent perception of familiar objects with contrast variation (B).

November 27, 2021


Development of synchronous activity in the primary visual cortex

We find that synchronous firing occurs selectively in adjacent neurons sharing similar visual response preferences in layers 2-4 (upper layer) of rat visual cortex. This feature-selective synchrony is rudimentary when the eyes opened and becomes prominent after eye opening only in the presence of pattern vision. Synchronous firing in layers 5-6 (lower layer) is weakly dependent on visual preference, which is strengthened during development after eye opening independently of visual experience as a whole.

September 5, 2018


Establishment of high reciprocal connectivity between clonal cortical neurons is regulated by the Dnmt3b DNA methyltransferase and clustered protocadherins

The specificity of synaptic connections is fundamental for proper neural circuit function. Specific neuronal connections that underlie information processing in the sensory cortex are initially established without sensory experiences to a considerable extent, and then the connections are individually refined through sensory experiences.

December 2, 2016


Experience-dependent emergence of fine-scale networks in visual cortex

These results indicate that patterned vision is required for the emergence of the fine-scale network, whereas diffuse light stimulation is sufficient for the maturation of individual synapses.

September 10, 2014