則武 厚


生理学研究所 システム脳科学研究領域
認知行動発達機構研究部門 助教



1999年3月 関西学院大学文学部卒
2005年3月 関西学院大学文学研究科心理学専攻博士課程前期課程・後期課程修了、心理学博士
2005年4月 玉川大学脳科学研究所嘱託教員
2009年5月 関西医科大学生理学第二講座助教


Selected publications

Noritake A, Ninomiya T, Isoda M. (2018). Social reward monitoring and valuation in the macaque brain. Nat Neurosci. 21(10):1452-1462.

Noritake A, Nakamura K. (2019). Encoding prediction signals during appetitive and aversive Pavlovian conditioning in the primate lateral hypothalamus. J Neurophysiol. 121(2):396-417.

Isoda M, Noritake A, Ninomiya T. (2018). Development of social systems neuroscience using macaques. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. 94(7):305-323.

Ninomiya T, Noritake A, Ullsperger M, Isoda M. (2018). Performance monitoring in the medial frontal cortex and related neural networks: From monitoring self actions to understanding others' actions. Neurosci Res. 27. pii: S0168-0102(18)30080-4.

Isoda M, Noritake A. (2013). What makes the dorsomedial frontal cortex active during reading the mental states of others? Front Neurosci. 2013 7:232.

Higuchi, T., Ishizaki, Y., Noritake, A. Yanagimoto, Y., Kobayashi, H., Nakamura, K., Kaneko, K. (2017). Spatiotemporal characteristics of gaze of children with autism spectrum disorders while looking at classroom scenes.  PLoS One 2017 May 4; 12(5):e0175912

則武 厚, 磯田 昌岐 (2015). 社会的階層と集団サイズ, 生体の科学, 66 (1):72-75.

Isoda, M., Noritake, A. (2013). What makes the dorsomedial frontal cortex active during reading the mental states of others? Front. Neurosci. 2013 Dec 5;7:232

Noritake, A., Uttl, B., Terao, M., Nagai, M., Watanabe, J., Yagi, A. (2009). Saccadic compression of rectangle and Kanizsa figures: now you see it, now you don't. PLoS One. 2009 Jul 27; 4(7): e6383

Noritake, A., Kazai, K., Terao, M., & Yagi, A. (2005). A continuously lit stimulus is perceived to be shorter than a flickering stimulus during a saccade. Spatial Vision, 18, 297-316.

Noritake, A., Watanabe, J., Ando, H., Terao, M., & Yagi, A. (2005). Spatial dependency of saccade-induced image. Psychologia, 48, 146-153.

Watanabe, J., Noritake, A., Maeda, T., Tachi, S., & Nishida, S. (2005). Perisaccadic perception of continuous flickers. Vision Research, 45, 413-30.

Yagi, A., Fujimoto, K., Takahashi, T., Noritake, A., Iwai, M., & Suzuki, N. (2005). Development of a system to measure visual functions of the brain for assessment of entertainment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3711, 99-105, Springer.

Yagi, A., Kazai, K., Fujimoto, K., Noritake, A., Takahashi, T., Iwai, M., & Mogami, M. (2005). A new system to analyze the temporal changes of the event related potential associated with offset of saccades. In Tsuji, S., et al. (eds.), Unveiling the Mystery of the Brain: Neurophysiological Investigation of the Brain Function. 437-440. Elsevier.

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