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2020年度 生理研研究会のお知らせ


Synapse and System Plasticity of Learning and Memory


代表者:王 丹(京都大学・物質-細胞統合システム拠点)
担当者:鳴島 円(生理学研究所)

The NIPS Research Meeting 2020 ‘Synapse and System Plasticity of Learning and Memory’ will take place as follows:

Date : September 17th and 18th, 2020

Organizer : Dan Ohtan Wang (Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University)
NIPS representative : Madoka Narushima (Div. Homeostatic Development, NIPS)





Due to the COVID-19 situation, this NIPS research meeting will be held online by ZOOM.
Details will be announced as soon as they are determined.
Please check Program for the speakers.

Registration: - September 6, 2020


  • コロナ流行のため、今回の生理研記憶研究会はZoomでのオンラインで開催します。領域内の活発な議論や共同研究を促進するため、従来通り、クローズドの会議として開催いたします。会議で得た情報は秘密情報として扱い、事前の書面による同意なくして、会議以外の場所で開示・提供・漏洩しないようにしてください。この会議に入室した時点で、この秘密情報の取り扱いにご同意いただいたものといたします。但しオンライン開催の性質上、一定の情報漏洩のリスクは避けられません。このリスクには各自で十分にご注意いただき、発表をしていただけますようにお願い申し上げます。

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual meeting of “the learning and memory” is held online. To promote discussions and collaborations within this research community, we have decided to hold this meeting closed to speakers and their invitees. All the participants shall maintain any information obtained herein in strict confidence, and shall not disclose, provide, or leak any confidential information anywhere else without prior written consent. All the participants are considered to agree on this confidential policy upon the entrance to this meeting. Nonetheless, an unintended risk of leakage may be unavoidable for any information displayed online. The organizing committee of this meeting shall ask all the participants to understand this risk upon their presentations.

