
竹林 浩秀 助教


京都大学医学部卒業、同大学院医学研究科博士課程終了。日本学術振興会特別研究員 (PD) 等を経て、2002年より、生理学研究所・分子神経生理部門 助手。2004年より2006年まで、米国 UCSFへ留学 (Developmental Stem Cell Biology Program; Arturo Alvarez-Buylla教授)。専門は、神経発生学、分子生物学。




PubMed リスト

Selected Publications

  • Olig2 positive progenitors in the embryonic spinal cord give rise to not only to motoneurons and oligodendrocytes, but also to a subset of astrocytes and ependymal cells. Masahira N., Takebayashi H.*, Ono K., Watanabe K., Ding L., Furusho M., Ogawa Y., Nabeshima Y., Alvarez-Buylla A., Shimizu K. and Ikenaka K. Develomental Biology 2006; 293: 358-369.
  • Involvement of the Olig2 transcriptional factor in the cholinergic neuron development of the basal forebrain. Furusho M., Ono K., Takebayashi H., Masahira M., Kagawa T., Ikeda K. and Ikenaka K. Developmental Biology 2006; 293: 348-357.
  • bFGF endows dorsal telencephalic neural progenitors with ability to differentiate into oligodendrocytes but not GABAergic neurons. Abematsu M., Kagawa T., Fukuda S., Inoue T., Takebayashi H., Komiya S. and Taga T. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2006; 83(5): 731-743.
  • Short-term lineage analysis of the dorsally derived Olig3 cells in the developing spinal cord. Ding L., Takebayashi H.*, Watanabe K. Otsuki T., Tanaka K.F., Nabeshima Y., Chisaka O., Ikenaka K. and Ono K.* Developmental Dynamics 2005; 234 (3): 622-632.
  • Negative regulatory effect of an oligodendrocytic bHLH factor OLIG2 on the astrocyte differentiation pathway. Fukuda S., Kondo T., Takebayashi H. and Taga T. Cell Death and Differentiation 2004; 11 (2): 196-202.
  • Converse control of oligodendrocyte and astrocyte lineage development by Sonic hedgehog in the chick spinal cord. Agius E., Soukkarich C., Danesin C., Kan P., Takebayashi H., Soula C. and Cochard P. Developmental Biology 2004; 270(2): 308-321.
  • Evidence for a second wave of oligodendrogenesis in the postnatal cerebral cortex of the mouse. Ivanova A., Nakahira E., Kagawa T., Oba A., Wada T., Takebayashi H., Spassky N., Levine J., Zalc B. and Ikenaka K. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2003; 73(5): 581-592.
  • Oligodendrogliomas result from the expression of an activated mutant epidermal growth factor receptor in a RAS transgenic mouse astrocytoma model. Ding H., Shannon P., Lau N., Wu X., Roncari L., Baldwin R.L., Takebayashi H., Nagy A., Gutmann D.H. and Guha A. Cancer Research 2003; 63 (5): 1106-1113.
  • The basic helix-loop-helix factor Olig2 is essential for development of motoneuron and oligodendrocyte lineages. Takebayashi H.*, Nabeshima Y., Yoshida S., Chisaka O., Ikenaka K. and Nabeshima Y. Current Biology 2002; 12(13): 1157-1163.
  • Non-overlapping expression of Olig3 and Olig2 in the embryonic neural tube. Takebayashi H.*, Ohtsuki T., Uchida T., Kawamoto S., Okubo K., Ikenaka K., Takeichi M., Chisaka O. and Nabeshima Y. Mechanisms of Development 2002; 113(2): 169-174.
  • Dual origin of spinal oligodendrocyte progenitors and evidence for the cooperative role of Olig2 and Nkx2.2 in the control of oligodendrocyte differentiation. Fu H., Qi Y., Tan M., Cai J., Takebayashi H., Nakafuku M., Richardson W. and Qiu M. Development 2002; 129(3): 681-693.
  • Combinatorial roles of Olig2 and Neurogenin2 in the coordinated induction of pan-neuronal and subtype-specific properties of motoneurons. Mizuguchi R., Sugimori M., Takebayashi H., Kosako H., Nagao M., Yoshida S., Nabeshima Y., Shimamura K. and Nakafuku M. Neuron 2001; 31(5): 759-773.
  • Dynamic expression of basic helix-loop-helix Olig family members: implication of Olig2 in neuron and oligodendrocyte differentiation and identification of a new member, Olig3. Takebayashi H.*, Yoshida S., Sugimori M., Kosako H., Kominami R., Nakafuku M. and Nabeshima Y. Mechanisms of Development 2000; 99(1-2): 143-148.


Hirohide Takebayashi, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor


1995-1999 : Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. Advisor: Dr. Shuh Narumiya

Degree: M.D. Ph.D.

Date degree received: May, 1999

Thesis " Hormone-induced apoptosis by Fas-nuclear receptor fusion proteins: novel biological tools for controlling apoptosis in vivo."

Postgraduate Training

  • 1999-2001 : Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. Advisor: Dr. Yo-ichi Nabeshima
  • 2001-2002 : Division of Molecular Neurobiology and Bioinformatics, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan. Advisor: Dr. Kazuhiro Ikenaka
  • 2004- 2006 : Developmental Stem Cell Biology Program, University of California at San Francisco. Advisor: Dr. Arturo Alvarez-Buylla

Academic Appointments

  • 1999-2001 : Research Fellow, The Organization for Pharmaceutical Safety and Research
  • 2001-2002 : Research Fellow (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 2002- : Assistant Professor, Division of Molecular Neurobiology and Bioinformatics, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan

Research Interest

Developmental Neurobiology: Neuron and Glial development from Neural Stem Cells