

Social action information

The ventral premotor cortex (PMv) and the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) are considered to be the nodes of mirror and mentalizing systems, respectively. However, little is known about the functional coordination between these two systems and their possible relationship with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) phenotypes. In the present study, we designed a task in which two face-to-face monkeys select their own action by observing the action of the other (Fig. 1), and measured the neural activity in the PMv and MPFC simultaneously. We found that the prevalence of agent-related neurons (i.e., mirror-type neurons, partner-type neurons, self-type neurons) and the preference for biological others were different between the two regions (Figs. 2A, B). Delta-band coherence increased during action execution and action observation, and the information flow in the PMv-to-MPFC direction increased as the other became more social (Fig. 2C). Furthermore, the blockage of information flow from the PMv to the MPFC (Fig. 3A) impaired action selection on the basis of other-action information; the degree of this impairment was greater as the others became more social (Fig. 3B). Our findings suggest that functional coordination between the PMv and MPFC plays a critical role in social action monitoring.


ヒトやサルなどの社会的動物は、自己の報酬に加え、他者が得る報酬に対しても関心を示す。しかし、他者の報酬情報が脳内のどの領域でどのように処理されるのかについては未解明の部分が多い。本研究では対面する2頭のニホンザルを用いて社会的コンテキストでの古典的条件づけを考案し、行動解析と電気生理学的解析を行った。社会的古典的条件づけでは,個々の条件刺激に対し自己と他者で異なる報酬確率を関連づけた。リッキング運動を指標としてサルの報酬期待を検討した結果、自己の報酬確率が同一でも他者の報酬確率が増加すると減少したことから、主観的価値を反映するものと考えられた。黒質緻密部と腹側被蓋野(ドーパミンDA作動性中脳核)、視床下部外側野(LH)、内側前頭前野(MPFC)から単一神経細胞活動を記録した。DA細胞は条件刺激提示後一過性に自己報酬の主観的価値を表現した。LH細胞は、条件刺激提示直後には自己報酬の主観的価値を表現し、その約500ms後には自己の報酬確率か他者の報酬確率かを細胞ごとに選択的に表現した。MPFC細胞は、持続的に自己の報酬確率か他者の報酬確率かを選択的に表現した。さらに3領域から同時計測した局所場電位にGranger causality解析を適用し、顕著なトップダウン信号を同定した(MPFC→DAとMPFC→LH)。大脳皮質での自他選択的な報酬情報が皮質下にて主観的価値情報に統合される可能性が考えられた。

Social reward information

Social animals including humans and monkeys show an interest in the reward they obtain, as well as in the reward others obtain. However, the regions of the brain in which other-reward information is processed remain unknown. In this study, we devised a Pavlovian conditioning procedure in social contexts using two monkeys sitting face-to-face and performed behavioral and electrophysiological analyses. In this social Pavlovian procedure, different reward probabilities for self and other were associated with different conditioned stimuli. We evaluated a subjective value of one’s own reward using licking and choice behaviors, which increased as the self-reward probability increased but decreased as the other-reward probability increased. The activity of single neurons was recorded in the substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral tegmental area (collectively called the dopaminergic midbrain nuclei), the lateral hypothalamus (LH), and the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). Dopamine neurons transiently encoded the subjective reward value after onset of the conditioned stimuli. The LH neurons initially encoded the subjective reward value and then selectively encoded the self-reward probability or other-reward probability. The MPFC neurons consistently encoded the self-reward probability or other-reward probability. The Granger causality analysis revealed a significant level of information flow from the MPFC to the dopaminergic midbrain nuclei and to the LH. Our findings indicate that subjective value coding in the subcortical areas may be generated on the basis of agent-specific reward information in the MPFC.



Interpersonal motion synchronization

Body movements are influenced by external factors including visual and auditory stimuli and physical constraints. In particular, rhythmic movements are characterized by the actor’s coordination with the rhythm in the environmental field or the synchronization between co-acting individuals, which we refer to as “synchronization orientation.” Although synchronization orientation is considered to play a role in the formation of a group and even a society, its neural underpinnings remain unclear. Which brain regions and neural networks detect differences in the rhythms between self and other? What neural mechanisms might underlie synchronization orientation? To address these issues, we devise behavioral tasks and carry out behavioral and electrophysiological experiments.



Context-dependent valuation of other rewards

In the real world, a reward to others can become a source of pleasure, while it can also become an object of envy. Other rewards can be seen as pleasant stimuli in the former and unpleasant stimuli in the latter. Why do completely opposite value judgements and emotional reactions arise from the same other rewards? In order to understand how the brain evaluates other rewards in a context-dependent manner, we devise a behavioral task using two face-to-face monkeys and record neural activity in subcortical regions.


我々の周囲は実物の顔やそれを模した人工顔(漫画の人物絵など)で溢れている。我々は実物の顔からも人口顔からも視線や表情などの社会的情報を読み取ることができる。本研究では、脳が顔の本物らしさ―face animacyとする―に対してどのように活動を変化させるかを検討するため、神経活動の解析を進めている。

Face animacy processing

We are surrounded by real faces and artificial facial images imitating real faces (e.g., human figures in Manga). We are capable of reading social information from both real and artificial faces using several pieces of face-derived information. To investigate how the degree to which a face looks real, i.e., face animacy, affects brain activity, we carry out behavioral and electrophysiological experiments in monkeys.

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