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Noritake A, Ninomiya T, Isoda M(2018) Social reward monitoring and valuation in the macaque brain. Nature Neuroscience 21(10):1452-1462. doi: 10.1038/s41593-018-0229-7. Epub 2018 Sep 17.PMID: 30224807

Iritani S, Torii Y, Habuchi C, Sekiguchi H, Fujishiro H, Yoshida M, Go Y, Iriki A, Isoda M, Ozaki N (2018) The neuropathological investigation of the brain in a monkey model of autism spectrum disorder with ABCA13 deletion. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 71: 130-139.

磯田昌岐(2018)社会的認知機能の生理学的理解に向けて. 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌. (in press)

Ninomiya T, Noritake A, Ullsperger, Isoda M (2018) Performance monitoring in the medial frontal cortex and related neural networks: From monitoring self actions to understanding others' actions. Neuroscience Research 137:1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2018.04.004.

磯田昌岐(2018)社会的認知機能のシステム的理解. ブレインサイエンスレビュー. (in press)

Isoda M, Noritake A, Ninomiya T (2018) Development a social systems neuroscience using macaques. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, Physical and Biological Sciences. 94: 305-323.

Nakagawa H, Ninomiya T, Yamashita T, Takada M. (2018) Treatment With the Neutralizing Antibody Against Repulsive Guidance Molecule-a Promotes Recovery From Impaired Manual Dexterity in a Primate Model of Spinal Cord Injury.
Cereb. Cortex,
2018; 1–12. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhx338 [Epub ahead of print]

Tian X., Yoshida M., Hafed ZM. (2018)Dynamics of fixational eye position and microsaccades during spatial cueing: the case of express microsaccades. J Neurophysiol 2018 Feb 21. doi: 10.1152/jn.00752.2017.

Hikosaka O,  Kim H,  Amita H,  Yasuda M,  Isoda M,  Tachibana Y, Yoshida A (2018) Direct and indirect pathways for choosing objects and actions. European Journal of Neuroscience
2018 Feb 23. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13876. [Epub ahead of print]


磯田昌岐&宮崎美智子 (2017) マカクザルの自己認知と自他区別.
69: 24-28

Higuchi T, Ishizaki Y, Noritake A, Yanagimoto Y, Kobayashi H, Nakamura K, Kaneko K.(2017) Spatiotemporal characteristics of gaze of children with autism spectrum disorders while looking at classroom scenes. PLoS One. 2017 May 4;12(5):e0175912. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175912. eCollection 2017.

Ueda Y, Yamanaka K, Noritake A, Enomoto K, Matsumoto N, Yamada H, Samejima K, Inokawa H, Hori Y, Nakamura K, Kimura M. (2017) Distinct Functions of the Primate Putamen Direct and Indirect Pathways in Adaptive Outcome-Based Action Selection. Front Neuroanat. 2017 Aug 3;11:66. doi:10.3389/fnana.2017.00066.eCollection 2017.PMID: 28824386

Dougherty K, Cox MA, Ninomiya T, Leopold DA, Maier A. (2017)Ongoing Alpha Activity in V1 Regulates Visually Driven Spiking Responses. Cereb. Cortex 27, 1113–1124. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhv304.

Yoshida M, Hafed ZM, Isa T (2017) Informative cues facilitate saccadic localization in blindsight monkeys. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 11:5.

Isoda M (2017) Self-other differentiation and monitoring others' actions in the medial prefrontal cortex of the monkey.
In Prefrontal Cortex as an Executive, Emotional, and Social Brain (ed.by Watanabe M.)  Springer pp141-167


Veale R, Hafed ZM Yoshida M (in press) How is visual saliency computed in the brain? Insights from behaviour, neurobiology, and modeling. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences.

Yoshida K, Go Y, Kushima I, Toyoda A, Fujiyama A, Imai H, Saito N, Iriki A, Ozaki N & Isoda M (2016) Single-neuron and genetic correlates of autistic behavior in macaque.  Science Advances 2: e1600558.

Isoda M (2016) Understanding intentional actions from observers’ viewpoints: a social neuroscience perspective. Neuroscience Research 112: 1-9.

McCairn KW, Nagai Y, Hori Y, Kikuchi E, Ninomiya T, Suhara T, Lee JY, Iriki A, Minamimoto T, Takada M, Isoda M & Matsumoto M (2016) A primary role for nucleus accumbens and related limbic network in vocal tics. Neuron 89: 300-307.

58: 7-13.

Tian X, Yoshida MHafed ZM. (2016) A Microsaccadic Account of Attentional Capture and Inhibition of Return in Posner Cueing. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2016 Mar 7;10:23. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2016.00023


McCairn KW, Iriki A & Isoda M (2015) Common therapeutic mechanisms of pallidal deep brain stimulation for hypo- and hyperkinetic movement disorders. Journal of Neurophysiology 114: 2090-2104.

Yoshida M & Isa T (2015) Signal detection analysis of blindsight in monkeys. Scientific reports 5:10755.

Veale R. and Isa T & Yoshida M (2015) Technical Implementation of a Visual Attention Neuro-Prosthesis. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 1403-1408.

Veale R. and Isa T & Yoshida M (2015) Applying Differential Evolution MCMC to Parameterize Large-scale Spiking Neural Simulations. Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. 1620-1627.

Sasaki KS, Kimura R, Ninomiya T, Tabuchi Y, Tanaka H, Fukui M, Asada YC, Arai T, Inagaki M, Nakazono T, Baba M, Kato D, Nishimoto S, Sanada TM, Tani T, Imamura K, Tanaka S & Ohzawa I (2015) Supranormal orientation selectivity of visual neurons in orientation-restricted animals. Scientific Reports 5: 16712.

Nakagawa H, Ninomiya T, Yamashita T & Takada M (2015) Reorganization of corticospinal tract fibers after spinal cord injury in adult macaques. Scientific Reports 5: 11986.

Ninomiya T, Dougherty K, Godlove DC, Schall JD & Maier A (2015) Microcircuitry of agranular frontal cortex: contrasting laminar connectivity between occipital and frontal areas. Journal of Neurophysiology 113: 3242-3255.

磯田昌岐(2015)自己の動作と他者の動作を区別する神経回路. Clinical Neuroscience 33: 147-150.

磯田昌岐(2015)社会的認知機能の生理学的理解:サルを用いた研究から. 神経心理学 31: 17-25.

則武厚 & 磯田昌岐(2015)社会的階層と集団サイズ. 生体の科学 66: 72-75.

磯田昌岐 & 吉田今日子 (2015) 補足眼野. 脳科学辞典.

吉田今日子 & 磯田昌岐(2015)帯状皮質運動野. 脳科学辞典.

 Chang SWC & Isoda M (2014) Toward a better understanding of social learning, social deciding, and other-regarding preferences. Frontiers in Neuroscience 8: 362.

吉田正俊 (2014) 視覚顕著性(視覚サリエンシー)の神経ネットワーク. 神経心理学 30: 268-276.

吉田正俊 (2014) 意識の神経相関. Clinical Neuroscience 32: 856-860.

吉田正俊 (2014) サリエンシー・マップの視覚探索解析への応用. 日本神経回路学会誌 21: 3-12

吉田正俊 (2014) 盲視の神経現象学を目指して. MORALIA 20-21: 171-188.

 McCairn KW, Iriki A & Isoda M (2013) Deep brain stimulation reduces tic-related neural activity via temporal locking with stimulus pulses. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 6581-6593.

McCairn KW, Iriki A & Isoda M (2013) Global dysrhythmia of cerebro-basal ganglia-cerebellar networks underlies motor tics following striatal disinhibition. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 697-708.

McCairn KW & Isoda M (2013) Pharmacological animal models of tic disorders. International Review of Neurobiology 112: 179-209.

McCairn KW, Imamura Y & Isoda M (2013) Animal models of tics. In Tourette Syndrome (eds. by Martino D & Leckman JF). Pp.329–358, Oxford University Press.

Isoda M & Noritake A (2013) What makes the dorsomedial frontal cortex active during reading the mental states of others? Frontiers in Neuroscience 7: 232.

Yoshida M & Veale RT (2013) Saliency-guided neural prosthesis for visual attention: design and simulation. Neuroscience Research 78: 90-94.

Hirata Y, Miyachi S, Inoue KI, Ninomiya T, Takahara D, Hoshi E & Takada M (2013) Dorsal area 46 is a major target of disynaptic projections from the medial temporal lobe. Cerebral Cortex 23: 2965-2975.

磯田昌岐 (2013) 眼球運動を手がかりとして認知機能の脳内機構を探る. 神経眼科 30: 9-16.

磯田昌岐 (2013) マカクザルを用いた社会脳研究の最近の進歩. Brain and Nerve 65: 679-686.

磯田昌岐 (2013) 研究という名の芸術世界. 日本生理学雑誌 75: 9-10.

吉田正俊 (2013) 盲視の神経機構. BRAIN and NERVE 65: 671-677.

Yoshida K, Saito N, Iriki A & Isoda M (2012) Social error monitoring in macaque frontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience 15: 1307-1312.

McCairn KW, Iriki A & Isoda M (2012) High-frequency pallidal stimulation eliminates tic-related neuronal activity in a nonhuman primate model of Tourette syndrome. Neuroreport 23: 206-210.

Yoshida M*, Itti L*, Berg DJ, Ikeda T, Kato R, Takaura K, White BJ, Munoz DP & Isa T (2012) Residual attention guidance in blindsight monkeys watching complex natural scenes. Current Biology 22: 1429–1434. (*These authors equally contributed to this work)

Yoshida M. (2012) Toward an animal model of spatial hemineglect: preliminary investigation. In Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III). pp. 711-715. Springer.

Ninomiya T, Sawamura H, Inoue K & Takada M (2012) Multisynaptic inputs from the medial temporal lobe to V4 in macaques. PLoS One 7: e52115.

Ninomiya T, Sawamura H, Inoue K & Takada M (2012) Segregated pathways carrying frontally-derived top-down signals to visual areas MT and V4 in macaques. Journal of Neuroscience 32: 6851-6858.

Ninomiya T, Sanada TM & Ohzawa I (2012) Contributions of excitation and suppression in shaping spatial frequency selectivity of V1 neurons as revealed by binocular measurements. Journal of Neurophysiology 107: 2220-2231.

Hiraoka M, Inoue K, Ninomiya T & Takada M (2012) Ischaemia in the Zinn-Haller circle and glaucomatous optic neuropathy in macaque monkeys. The British Journal of Ophthalmology 96: 597-603.

吉田正俊 (2012) 盲視の神経科学. Clinical Neuroscience 30: 955-957.

Yoshida K, Saito N, Iriki A & Isoda M (2011) Representation of others’ action by neurons in monkey medial frontal cortex. Current Biology 21: 249-253.

Isoda M & Hikosaka O (2011) Cortico-basal ganglia mechanisms for overcoming innate, habitual, and motivational behaviors. European Journal of Neuroscience 33: 2058-2069.

Kato R, Ikeda T, Takaura K, Yoshida M & Isa T (2011) Contribution of the retino-tectal pathway to visually guided saccades after lesion of the primary visual cortex in monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience 33: 1952-1960.

Takaura K, Yoshida M & Isa T (2011) Neural substrate of spatial memory in the superior colliculus after damage to the primary visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 31: 4233-4241.

Ikeda T, Yoshida M & Isa T (2011) Lesion of primary visual cortex in monkey impairs the inhibitory but not the facilitatory cueing effect on saccade. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23: 1160-1169.

Ninomiya T, Sawamura H, Inoue K & Takada M (2011) Differential architecture of multisynaptic geniculo-cortical pathways to V4 and MT. Cerebral Cortex 21: 2797-2808.

Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Imanishi M, Ninomiya T, Tsukada M, Yanagawa Y, Fukai T & Takada M (2011) Prototypic seizure activity driven by mature hippocampal fast-spiking interneurons. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 13679-13689.

磯田昌岐 & 吉田今日子 (2011) 前頭葉における自己と他者の動作表現. Clinical Neuroscience 29: 900-904.

吉田正俊 (2011) 大脳皮質長期記憶. Clinical Neuroscience 29: 192-195.

Hikosaka O & Isoda M (2010) Switching from automatic to controlled behavior: cortico-basal ganglia mechanisms. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14: 154-161.

Isa T & Yoshida M (2009) Saccade control after V1 lesion revisited. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 19: 608-614.

吉田正俊 (2009) 見えないのにわかる-「盲視」の脳内メカニズム. 視覚の科学. 30: 109-114.

Isoda M & Hikosaka O (2008) A neural correlate of motivational conflict in the superior colliculus of the macaque. Journal of Neurophysiology 100: 1332-1342.

Hikosaka O & Isoda M (2008) Brain mechanisms for switching from automatic to controlled eye movements. Progress in Brain Research 171: 375-382.

Isoda M & Hikosaka O (2008) Role for subthalamic nucleus neurons in switching from automatic to controlled eye movement. Journal of Neuroscience 28: 7209-7218.

Yoshida M, Takaura K, Kato R, Ikeda T & Isa T (2008) Striate cortical lesions affect deliberate decision and control of saccade: implication for blindsight. Journal of Neuroscience 28: 10517-10530.

Shima K, Isoda M, Mushiake H & Tanji J (2007) Categorization of behavioral sequences in the prefrontal cortex. Nature 445: 315-318.

Isoda M & Hikosaka O (2007) Switching from automatic to controlled action by monkey medial frontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience 10: 240-248.

Isoda M (2005) Context-dependent stimulation effects on saccade initiation in the               presupplementary motor area of the monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 93: 3016-3022.

Wang Y, Isoda M, Matsuzaka Y, Shima K & Tanji J (2005) Prefrontal cortical cells projecting to the supplementary eye field and presupplementary motor area in the monkey. Neuroscience Research 53: 1-7.

Isoda M, Tsutsui K, Katsuyama N, Naganuma T, Saito N, Furusawa Y, Mushiake H, Taira M & Tanji J (2005) Design of a head fixation device for experiments in behaving monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 141: 277-282.

Isoda M & Tanji J (2004) Participation of the primate presupplementary motor area in sequencing multiple saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology 92: 653-659.

Isoda M & Tanji J (2003) Contrasting neuronal activity in the supplementary and frontal eye fields during temporal organization of multiple saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology 90: 3054-3065.

Yoshida M*, Naya Y* & Miyashita Y (2003) Anatomical organization of forward fiber projections from area TE to perirhinal neurons representing visual long-term memory in monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 100: 4257-4262. (*These authors equally contributed to this work)

Naya Y, Yoshida M & Miyashita Y (2003) Forward processing of long-term associative memory in monkey inferotemporal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 23: 2861-2871.

Naya Y, Yoshida M, Takeda M, Fujimichi R & Miyashita Y (2003) Delay-period activities in two subdivisions of monkey inferotemporal cortex during pair association memory task. European Journal of Neuroscience 18: 2915-2918.

Isoda M & Tanji J (2002) Cellular activity in the supplementary eye field during sequential performance of multiple saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology 88: 3541-3545.

Wang Y, Shima K, Isoda M, Sawamura H & Tanji J (2002) Spatial distribution and density of prefrontal cortical cells projecting to three sectors of the premotor cortex. Neuroreport 13: 1341-1344.

Naya Y*, Yoshida M* & Miyashita Y (2001) Backward spreading of memory-retrieval signal in the primate temporal cortex. Science. 291: 661-664. (*These authors equally contributed to this work)

吉田 正俊. (2000) 視覚性記憶. 脳科学大事典. 朝倉書店.

Miyashita Y, Morita M, Naya Y, Yoshida M & Tomita H (1998) Backward signal from medial temporal lobe in neural circuit reorganization of primate inferotemporal cortex. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences 321: 185-192.

Ikegaya Y, Yoshida M, Saito H & Nishiyama N (1997) Epileptic activity prevents synapse formation of hippocampal mossy fibers via L-type calcium channel activation in vitro. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 280: 471-476.

Yoshida M, Matsuki N, Saito H & Katsuki H (1996) Effects of coculture with the septum on the expression of long-term potentiation in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Neuroscience Research 26: 377-385.

Miyashita Y, Ohbayashi M, Kameyama M, Naya Y & Yoshida M (1996) Origin of visual imagery : role of temporal cortex and top-down signal. In Integrative and molecular approach to brain function. Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium 1996 (eds. by Ito M and Miyashita Y). pp.133-145. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.

Yoshida M, Saito H & Katsuki H (1995) Neurotrophic effects of conditioned media of astrocytes isolated from different brain regions on hippocampal and cortical neurons. Experientia 51: 133-136.