1. Dong Y, Fukuyama H, Honda M, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Nakamura K, Nagahama Y, Nagamine T, Konishi J, Shibasaki H (2000) Essential role of the right superior parietal cortex in Japanese kana mirror reading: An fMRI study. Brain 123:790-799.
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  2. Horwitz B, Deiber M, Ibanez V, Sadato N and Hallett M (2000) Correlations between Reaction Time and Cerebral Blood Flow during Motor Preparation. Neuroimage 12: 434-441.
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  3. Iidaka T, Sadato N, Yamada H and Yonekura Y (2000) Functional asymmetry of human prefrontal cortex in verbal and non- verbal episodic memory as revealed by fMRI. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 9: 73-83.
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  4. Morita T, Kochiyama T, Yamada H, Konishi Y, Yonekura Y, Matsumura M and Sadato N (2000) Difference in the metabolic response to photic stimulation of the lateral geniculate nucleus and the primary visual cortex of infants: a fMRI study. Neurosci Res 38: 63-70.
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  5. Murata T, Omata N, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y and Yonekura Y (2000) Posthypoxic reoxygenation-induced neurotoxicity prevented by free radical scavenger and NMDA/non-NMDA antagonist in tandem as revealed by dynamic changes in glucose metabolism with positron autoradiography. Exp Neurol 164: 269-279.
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  7. Nakamura K, Honda M, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Toma K, Fukuyama H, Konishi J, Shibasaki H (2000) Participation of the left posterior inferior temporal cortex in writing and mental recall of kanji orthography: A functional MRI study. Brain 123:954-967.
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  8. Nakamura K, Honda M, Okada T, Hankawa T, Fukuyama H, Konishi J, Shibasaki H (2000) Attentional modulation of parieto-occipital cortical responses: implications for hemispatial neglect. J Neurol Sci 176:136-143.
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  9. Narumoto J, Yamada H, Iidaka T, Sadato N, Fukui K, Itoh H and Yonekura Y (2000) Brain regions involved in verbal or non-verbal aspects of facial emotion recognition . Neuroreport 11: 2571-2576.
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  10. Okada T, Tanaka S, Nakai T, Nishizawa S, Inui T, Sadato N, Yonekura Y and Konishi J (2000) Naming of animals and tools: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of categorical differences in the human brain areas commonly used for naming visually presented objects. Neurosci Lett 296: 33-36.
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  11. Omata N, Murata T, Fujibayashi Y, Waki A, Sadato N, Yoshimoto M, Wada Y and Yonekura Y (2000) Hypoxic but not ischemic neurotoxicity of free radicals revealed by dynamic changes in glucose metabolism of fresh rat brain slices on positron autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 20: 350-358.
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  12. Omori M, Murata T, Wada Y, Yamada H, Tanaka M, Sadato N, Iidaka T and Yonekura Y (2000) Altered brain activation in schizophrenia during visually guided motor selection revealed by fMRI. Schizo Res, 45: 261-265.
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  13. Oohashi T, Nishina E, Honda M, Yonekura Y, Fuwamoto Y, Kawai N, Maekawa T, Nakamura S, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H (2000) Inaudible high-frequency sounds affect brain activity: hypersonic effect. J Neurophysiol 83:3548-3558.
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  14. Sadato N, Ibanez V, Deiber M-P and Hallett M (2000) Gender difference in premotor activity during active tactile discrimination. Neuroimage 5: 532-540.
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  15. Sawamoto N, Honda M, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Kanda M, Fukuyama H, Konishi J, Shibasaki H (2000) Expectation of pain enhances responses to nonpainful somatosensory stimulation in the anterior cingulate cortex and parietal operculum/posterior insula: An event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging Study. J Neurosci 20:7438-7445.
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  16. Shiozaki T, Sadato N, Senda M, Ishii K, Tsuchida T, Yonekura Y, Fukuda H and Konishi J (2000) Noninvasive estimation of FDG input function for quantification of cerebral metabolic rate of glucose: optimization and multicenter evaluation . J Nucl Med 41: 1612-1618.
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  17. Takahashi N, Fujibayashi Y, Yonekura Y, Welch MJ, Waki A, Tsuchida T, Sadato N, Sugimoto K and Itoh H (2000) Evaluation of 62Cu labeled diacetyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) as a hypoxic tissue tracer in patients with lung cancer . Ann Nucl Med 14: 323-328.
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  18. Toma K, Nagamine T, Yazawa S, Terada K, Ikeda A, Honda M, Oga T, Shibasaki H (2000) Desynchronization and synchronization of central 20-Hz rhythms associated with voluntary muscle relaxation: a magnetoencephalographic study. Exp Brain Res 134:417-425.
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  19. Tsuchida C, Kimura H, Sadato N, Tsuchida T, Tokuriki Y and Yonekura Y (2000) Evaluation of brain metabolism in steno-occlusive carotid artery disease by proton MR spectroscopy: a correlative study with oxygen metabolism by PET. J Nucl Med 41: 1357-1362.
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  20. Uematsu H, Maeda M, Sadato N, Matsuda T, Ishimori Y, Koshimoto Y, Yamada H, Kimura H, Kawamura Y, Hayashi N, Yonekura Y and Ishii Y (2000) Vascular permeability: quantitative measurement with double-echo dynamic MR imaging--theory and clinical application. Radiology 214: 912-917.
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  21. Wharton CM, Grafman J, Flitman SS, Hansen EK, Brauner J, Marks A, Honda M (2000) Toward neuroanatomical models of analogy: a positron emission tomography study of analogical mapping. Cognit Psychol 40:173-197.
  22. Yamada H, Sadato N, Konishi Y, Muramoto S, Kimura K, Tanaka M, Yonekura Y, Ishii Y and Itoh H (2000) A milestone for normal development of the infantile brain detected by functional MRI. Neurology 55: 218-223.
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